PJM quality management.

PJM quality management. please note: write it by own ideas, do not copy from any webs and reference have to from textbook. must read textbook understand chaper 1-3 then write it by following questions: In particular, you will want to address your experience with some tools and techniques used in quality management in general or […]

Module 2- Case

Module 2- Case For this assignment, you will be making recommendations for various situations as to what kind of distribution strategy a company should take. For each of the situations below, consider the pros and cons of each type of distribution strategy. Richardson and Gosnay (2010) and Paley (2007) both have detailed discussion of the […]

Module 1- SLP For the Session Long Project you will be choosing a company whose product you personally use and applying the concepts from the background materials to analyze this company’s marketing strategy. Make sure to choose a company that has a lot of information available, as you will need to analyze many different aspects of this company’s marketing strategy while writing up your Modules 1-4 papers. It is best to choose a large and well known company since these companies will generally have the most information available about it. Do some research on your chosen company and the specific product from this company that you use, and also review the background materials on product classifications, the product life cycle, and new product development. When you are done with your research and have thoroughly reviewed the background materials, write a two to three page paper addressing the following questions: 1. Briefly describe the company and product you have chosen, and why you chose it. Then explain what type of product it is based on the classifications from Richardson and Gosnay (2010). 2. What stage of the product life cycle is this product at right now? What strategies could this company use to extend the life of the product? Use the concepts from Richardson and Gosnay (2010) and Paley (2007) in your answer. 3. What recommendation do you have for a new product from this company that you would personally use if they introduced it?

Module 1- SLP For the Session Long Project you will be choosing a company whose product you personally use and applying the concepts from the background materials to analyze this company’s marketing strategy. Make sure to choose a company that has a lot of information available, as you will need to analyze many different aspects […]

Accident investigation for the root cause

Accident investigation for the root cause Research paper title page and reference page are not included in the required paper length. include an Introduction and Conclusion section in your paper, and label both sections. OUTLINE Accident Investigation for the Root cause Introduction The word accident is usually regarded as the unplanned event that usually interrupts […]

doing business in emerging market india

doing business in emerging market india develop a country/market analysis document for emerging market. Your assignment should address the key aspects of doing business in the selected market. you may wish to include the following aspects in your analysis 1 the cultural and social environment-values and norms,custom etc 2 environment and ecological issues:climate,stewardship of natural […]

Strengths Analysis & Leadership Profile: Mixed Methods Approach –

Strengths Analysis & Leadership Profile: Mixed Methods Approach – Required Book: Northouse, P. G. (2015). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (3rd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage. This assignment is based on the mixed method approach to gather data about you as a leader: quantitative (surveys) and qualitative (interviews). Part One (quantitative): Throughout this course […]

Introduction to Management

Introduction to Management Using the insights you have gained in the management functions (POLC), write an essay to respond to the following statement: The best teams get the jobs.

Edexcel Level 4/5

Edexcel Level 4/5 BTEC Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Hospitality Management Assignment Summary: Assignment front sheet: Qualification Unit number and title Pearson BTEC Level 4/5 HNC/D Diploma in Hospitality Management Unit 28: World Food Student name Assessor name Mihaela Dariescu Date issued Completion date Submitted on Re-assessment Date 28 July 2015 Presentation date: 23 November 2015 […]

THBT the ethical behavior of leaders in their personal lives have no bearing on their ethical behavior as business leaders

THBT the ethical behavior of leaders in their personal lives have no bearing on their ethical behavior as business leaders The individual summative report will be 3000 words in length not including references and appendices. The final report will include the above project management tools as appendices as well as the following substantive content: 1. […]

Edexcel Level 4/5

Edexcel Level 4/5 BTEC Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Hospitality Management Assignment Summary: Assignment front sheet: Qualification Unit number and title Pearson BTEC Level 4/5 HNC/D Diploma in Hospitality Management Unit 28: World Food Student name Assessor name Mihaela Dariescu Date issued Completion date Submitted on Re-assessment Date 28 July 2015 Presentation date: 23 November 2015 […]

Dreams to find the cure for diabetes

Dreams to find the cure for diabetes “Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to […]


Question: How do the concepts of choice and constraint help us explain the different experiences of women and men in terms of labour market participation and career progression?

Using appropriate theory, analyse the business environment of Apple and assess its impact on any one business and any one corporate strategy.

Using appropriate theory, analyse the business environment of Apple and assess its impact on any one business and any one corporate strategy. Key Marking criteria will include: Use of academic theory, both full text and journal articles: 30% Use of examples : 20% Application of theory to examples with critical thinking: 30% Academic presentation: 20% […]

You have to talk about America (united state)

You have to talk about America (united state) Country Assignment • You would have been assigned with a country in Seminar 2. Since you are assigned with a country you are becoming a delegate of this country presenting its position during the NU MUN discussion and you are requested to produce a position paper. Guiding […]

Integrated Emergency Management: Pratice and issues

Integrated Emergency Management: Pratice and issues MO24 LON F10 Coursework 1 Following the signing of the contract between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain for the replacement pipeline, Bapco has asked you to conduct an analysis of planned operation. (See https://af.reuters.com/article/idAFL5N11N0RK20150917 and other relevant websites.) You are to provide a Team Brief (as the sole author) responding […]

Policy Memo Assignment

Policy Memo Assignment ICN Fall 2015 Please read through these instructions in their entirety and feel free to be in touch with questions. PLEASE NOTE DUE DATE: Wednesday, 10 November, by email by 11PM. Overview: ? You are a policy advisor to the president of your chosen conflict country. This is your (6- pages, double-spaced) […]

Muesam Paper(VF)

Muesam Paper(VF) Art History Museums Paper Instruction This paper is based on your viewing experience of one work of art from the time period of this class. You may select a piece from the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, the Huntington Library in San Marino or the […]


Discussion Note: no copy, write by own ideas, reference must from the article that i gave to you. Retrieve and read the article “Creating a Culture of Quality” by Ashwin Srinivasan and Bryan Kurey.(i will upload later) The article was published in 2014 by the Harvard Business Review, accession number 95092560. In the article, the […]

Identify and analyze the major issues that divide those in favour of the Britain’s leaving the European Union and those who oppose it. Who do you expect to be the major gainers and losers?

Identify and analyze the major issues that divide those in favour of the Britain’s leaving the European Union and those who oppose it. Who do you expect to be the major gainers and losers? Identify and analyze the major issues that divide those in favour of the Britain’s leaving the European Union and those who […]

Philosophical analysis

Philosophical analysis Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word philosophical analysis of the article, including the following: Identify the philosophical assumptions underlying the research and methodology. Explain the practical significance of the assumptions and their effect on the research’s applicability. Relate the assumptions and research methodology to the readings, including arguments made by Kuhn or other post-positivist […]

Term Paper on Darwin's Infant Article

Term Paper on Darwin’s Infant Article *Term Paper due 11/18/15! *Term Paper will be wrote based off Darwin?s Infant Article? Darwin, C. (1877). Biographical sketch of an infant, Mind, 2, 285 – 294. (A sketch of his own child) *This paper is to be approximately five (5) pages in length, not including the references. The […]

People and Organisations Coursework Brief 2015/2016

People and Organisations Coursework Brief 2015/2016 Introduction The purpose of this coursework is two-fold. Firstly, it is intended to develop your ability to search the academic literature, read and think critically, and write a short discursive piece. This will in turn help you with the academic programme at postgraduate level. Secondly, the coursework requires you […]

Toyota Company

Toyota Company please write about: – identify how Toyota Company has used IS/IT to extend its value chain, virtual value chain, SCM – identify how IS/IT has changed the way it does business and enabled it to compete and survive in its industry sector. ( Toyota Company) please note no need for an introduction and […]

Case Study Pharmacology

Case Study Pharmacology 66 year old Hispanic female with limited English comes in to the emergency room with a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, lumbago, gastroesophageal reflux, and diabetes type II. Patient is currently taking Zestril (lisinopril) 20 mg PO daily, Zocor (simvastatin) 10 mg PO q pm, Vicodin (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) 5/500 1 tablet q 6-8 hrs […]

Essay 4: Christina Rossetti’s “Goblin Market” Argumentative Analysis

Essay 4: Christina Rossetti’s “Goblin Market” Argumentative Analysis Christina Rossetti’s “Goblin Market” predates the previous two novels we read in a larger genre of literature deemed Victorian Gothic Literature. Rossetti’s work comes at the beginning of this movement and is therefore sometimes ascribed to earlier literary movements as well. Nonetheless, it shares many of the […]

Critically analyse how far this statement goes in summing up the necessary skills needed by an event manager in running a large event.

Critically analyse how far this statement goes in summing up the necessary skills needed by an event manager in running a large event. Essay Title: ‘Successful event organisation is, invariably, a case of anticipating potential problems and opportunities, as well as maximising the effectiveness of your resources.’ Critically analyse how far this statement goes in […]

importance given to sports and fitness by college level students

importance given to sports and fitness by college level students APPENDIX 1. Topic for the report “importance given to sports and fitness by college level students.” 2. Your report should be in this format given in RESEARCH REPORT STRUCTURE page. It should have all the works and features given in the format. 3. In questionnaire […]