Portfolio Exercise 2: The social, cultural and policy context for advanced nursing

Portfolio Exercise 2: The social, cultural and policy context for advanced nursing Read the paper by Ketefian et al (2001): Ketefian S., Redman R., Hanucharurnkul S., Masterson A. and Neves E. (2001) The development of advanced practice roles: implications in the international nursing community. International Nursing Review 48: 152-163. Reflect on the development of advanced […]

Critique on Ronald Coase's article 'the problem of social cost' (1960)

Critique on Ronald Coase’s article ‘the problem of social cost’ (1960) You have to make a critique on the article by bringing a critique on the central idea, or offering a more annexed reasoning; offer a glimpse of what came after the text in economic theory and/ or contrary developed views, or introducing your point […]

Artifical Insemination

Artifical Insemination Argumentative/Persuasive essay written in third person. Against artifical insemination is the side that is being taken and written about

what impact does charismatic leadership

what impact does charismatic leadership To what degree do you believe that employees and individuals desire or seek out charismatic leaders? After having read this week’s textbook section and journal article, what impact does charismatic leadership have in improving performance of individuals as well as the accomplishment of organisational goals? Samnani, A. & Singh, P. […]


Transformative Art Education Curriculum TRANSFORMATIVE Each concept DOES align in general terms with what we have read thus far. Students should easily recognize the former, and the latter is taken in part from Dewey?s work focusing on experience and its impact on learning. The impact should be understood as expanding beyond the individual. TRANSFORMATIVE In […]

Grammar and the construction of meaning 2015 Final Assessment 2 PART 1 In this Part you need to analyse each ranking clause for transitivity. Ranking clauses are indicated by double parallel bars ||. Then analyse each ranking clause on a separate line. You do not need to analyse the transitivity structure of embedded clauses. You must label Process as to type. This is the level of delicacy you need to specify: Process: material Process: mental Process: verbal Process: behavioural Process: attributive Process: identifying Process: existential Remember that only certain Participants occur in each Process type. The Participant labels you must use are: Process: material Actor, Goal, Recipient, Client, Range Process: mental Senser, Phenomenon Process: verbal Sayer, Receiver, Verbiage Process: behavioural Behaver, Behaviour* Process: attributive Carrier; Attribute Process: identifying Token, Value Process: existential Existent Note: Do not use the general label Beneficiary; you need to specify whether the Participant is a Recipient or Client. You do not need to label Circumstances as to their type – you can simply label them Circumstance. *(Behavioural processes may borrow Participant labels from mental and verbal process under certain conditions as seen in the learning guide.) Sample analysis. I forgot || that sometimes he could be quiet and kind, || and I hated him. I forgot Senser Process: mental that sometimes he could be quiet and kind Carrier Process: attributive Attribute and I hated him Senser Process: mental Phenomenon Analyse the following ranking clauses for transitivity 1. He ran into the kitchen. 2. Mr Green was thrown into the Cabramatta creek. 3. Many burglars enter through a back or side door. 4. She sighed with relief. 5. And it is a loathsome term, I detest it. 6. There's no greater choice for the patients there. 7. She must have said something. 8. Lily covered her face with her hands and began to sob. 9. Clarke is a purposeful batsman. 10. You interest me. 11. He was pleased by the outcome. 12. Dustin's parents were thrilled by the reception and the money the film was making. 13. Triangulation has many important uses. 14. You talk like Marlene Dietrich. 15. And you dance like Zizi Jeanmair. 16. Your clothes are all made by Balmain. 17. And there's diamonds and pearls in your hair. 18. Neither of the girls was impressed by Venice. 19. Snails belong to a group of animal called molluscs. 20. Snails move with a fleshy foot. 21. She was shivering uncontrollably, but not because she was cold. 22. This normally happens only in the summer and lasts for an average of one to five days. 23. National Anthem was played a lot at one time. 24. Pass me my handbag, dear! 25. Asia is the largest and most populous continent in the world. 26. ‘I'm not going to say that,’ said Camille. 27. The future seemed so bright. 28. What a delicious lunch this is! 29. It takes twenty eight days for the moon to orbit the earth. 30. Pope John Paul II stated that hostility towards Jews was at odds with the Christian faith. 31. Nicolo Rizzuto, the last of the real godfathers and head of the most important mafia group in Montreal, has been shot dead at his home. 32. LAPTOP computers may be damaging male fertility because they overheat men's scrotums, new research suggests. 33. On April 5 Giulio Andreotti was asked to form a new government. 34. The hawksbill turtle was the original source of tortoiseshell and is protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. 35. Their first project, the design of a wetland to treat household sewage from a hotel a few miles from Drumnadrochit and Loch Ness, exemplifies this belief. Part 2B TEXT extract for THEME/RHEME analysis Analyse the following text for Theme. You should set you analysis out as a table. Follow the example below for how to set out your analysis. Each ranking clause will occupy one line. Analyse each clause for theme. Please number clauses. Sample text: What is a didjeridu? Didjeridus are traditional Australian aboriginal musical instruments, and are handcrafted from the branches of small trees. Often the didjeridu is an accompaniment to ceremonial song and dance. How do you play a didjeridu? To produce the various sounds and notes, you must learn to manipulate the tongue, lips and breath while blowing into the instrument. Playing sounds in the continuous manner characteristic of this music requires the use of a process called “circular breathing”. THEME RHEME Textual Inter-personal Topical 1 What is a didjeridu 2 Didjeridus are traditional Australian aboriginal musical instruments 3 and […] are handcrafted from the branches of small trees 4 Often the didjeridu is an accompaniment to ceremonial song and dance 5 How do you play a didjeridu 6 To produce the various sounds and notes 7 you must learn to manipulate the tongue, lips and breath 8 while blowing into the instrument 9 Playing sounds in the continuous manner characteristic of this music requires the use of a process [[called “circular breathing”]] Analyse the following text extract for Theme. The text has been broken up into ranking clauses for you. 1. Languages are made up of meaningful sounds, called phonemes. 2. These sounds are important 3. because they are the basic units that make up words 4. and indicate a difference in meaning. 5. For example, in English, /r/ and /l/ are different phonemes 6. because words like “rock” and “lock” have different meanings 7. and refer to different objects. 8. However, different languages use different phonemic distinctions: 9. for example, in Japanese there is no meaningful difference between /r/ and /l/. 10. At birth, infants can distinguish between more phonemic differences than adults. 11. Interestingly, they can hear differences in their native language as well as in unfamiliar languages. 12. Japanese babies are able to hear the English distinction between /r/ and /l/ 13. even though there is no meaningful difference between the two sounds in Japanese. 14. However, after their first year of life babies lose their ability to distinguish phonemes in unfamiliar languages 15. and can only discriminate between phonemes that indicate a difference in meaning in their native language (Werker & Lalonde, 1988).

Grammar and the construction of meaning 2015 Final Assessment 2 PART 1 In this Part you need to analyse each ranking clause for transitivity. Ranking clauses are indicated by double parallel bars ||. Then analyse each ranking clause on a separate line. You do not need to analyse the transitivity structure of embedded clauses. You […]

Municipal Liability

Municipal Liability pay attention to where the issue is taking place (The City of Nowhere ).. under (Municipal Liability).. please read sheet attached carefully and provide legal opinion (Please prepare a two-page “legal opinion” on the pending law suit against the municipality using the materials covered. Your opinion must consist of a logical, well presented, […]

This assignment is worth 20% of your final mark. Due date: 24 November 2016 Word count: no more than 3000 words. Text book: The set text required for this course is: Dale, B.G., van der Wiele, T. & van Iwaarden, J. (2007). Managing Quality (5th ed.). United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. Instructions 1. You should be able to complete this assignment in no more than 3000 words. A 10% variance on this word count is acceptable. 2. Where you are directly using ideas from other sources or quoting, you should appropriately acknowledge this with citations and references using APA referencing. Case Study: Krayoz Services Ltd is considering introducing a quality management system into its organisation. The business was started by Ozzie Krayski and has been in existence for about five years, growing from a single home service provider into a large franchise with twenty providers in New Zealand. While still involved in his own service provision organisation, Ozzie is not part of the current franchise management team. However, his son Sergei is on the board, and his granddaughter Natalia has just been appointed as Quality Manager for the overall franchise. They often meet as a family, and Ozzie keeps in touch with the whole organisation. Ozzie loved his work from the earliest days and his first employees also found great fulfilment in providing their home services to people. The main focus of the franchise group is providing quality home-based services, including housework and gardening. Since the concept has been franchised, the organisation now has one hundred owners and employees scattered around the country. Most of the employees are part-time, but there are also full-time service providers and administrators among them. Each of the franchise holders provides home services to their clients. The overall group is very successful with this, and there are also a number of the group members who have good contacts within the service community. For example, Ozzie’s group works with local health providers to ensure quality service provision for recovering surgical patients. The steps in the business process begin with keeping in touch with local clients or customers. The next steps are to contact individual prospects or lodge proposals, locate service employees, make timetables for service, undertake the service and evaluate the provision. At any time, the quality of the interaction between staff and stakeholders is important. In fact, one of the most important areas overall is managing relationships. The local franchise holders keep in touch with others in the service area and rely on good information to obtain customers. Service providers also need to make sure that the clients are satisfied with the work and the interactions involved in providing good home services. Recently, Natalia sent out an email to all the franchise holders about improving the overall management of quality. She highlighted some issues she had identified and also possible improvements and her email reflected her enthusiasm about quality. However, some of the recipients were not so receptive – indeed, one of Ozzie’s old friends (Charlie) has contacted him with some problems. He has a number of questions about what this new system will mean for his business, particularly as some of the employees are not happy – they are concerned that such a process change will increase their workload without any increase in reward. Your task Ozzie has contacted Natalia, and she wants to provide a simple explanation of quality systems to him. She has asked you to assist with this. Using the information available, your brief is to present an analysis that includes the following. 1. 1. Quality management a) Provide a simple definition of quality management as it could relate to Krayoz Services Ltd (10 marks) b) Consider how the introduction of a quality management system might affect the following three groups at Krayoz Services Ltd. (15 arks) • External customers. • Franchise owners. • Part-time employees. 2. 2. Creating or adopting a quality culture a) Discuss the requirements of adopting a quality culture. (10 marks) b) Analyse how adopting quality management can have both costs and benefits. Your analysis should include a discussion of two costs and two benefits that relate to Krayoz Services Ltd. (20 marks) 3. 3. Identification of ways to improve quality a) Explain each step in the overall business process at Krayoz Services Ltd and: – highlight any two areas that you consider to be a value add opportunity – identify two moments of truth (15 marks) b) Briefly discuss how understanding the importance of value add opportunities and moments of truth might contribute to quality improvement (10 marks) 4. 4. Recommendation In the light of the available information, recommend and explain two steps that the management at Krayoz Services Ltd can take to begin their quality journey (10 marks) Marks will also be awarded for presentation • Overall presentation includes introduction, any appendices (as required), appropriate referencing, structure, clarity, and length. • Note that while you may use any appropriate format for your analysis, please use the four identified topic areas as main headings. (10 marks) [Total: 100 marks ] Module 1 We will be spending quite a bit of time in this course looking at Module 1. In fact, the Study Plan puts aside three weeks for the study of this section. A number of topics are covered in Module 1. These include: o What is quality and who determines quality? o The cost of quality, customers and moments of truth o Total Quality Management. You may have head of some of these topics before, or even thought about aspects of them. For example, you probably have some idea about what you think quality is. However, in this study will will go into some more depth about quality itself, and what affects quality management. In the Learning Guide, there are some activities to help you focus your study. For example, the first activity looks at the definition of quality, and then you are asked to think about different perspectives on quality. There are other activities which you might like to try as you work through the Module.

This assignment is worth 20% of your final mark. Due date: 24 November 2016 Word count: no more than 3000 words. Text book: The set text required for this course is: Dale, B.G., van der Wiele, T. & van Iwaarden, J. (2007). Managing Quality (5th ed.). United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. Instructions 1. You should be able […]

Dubai Ethics Authority

Dubai Ethics Authority Task: You are asked by the Dubai Government to write a policy document for a new to be established Dubai Ethics Authority. Instructions: 1. Your essay must be thorough and must reflect your understanding of the subject. See also the guidelines in the syllabus. 2. The essay should have the usual essay […]

Dubai Ethics Authority Task: You are asked by the Dubai Government to write a policy document for a new to be established Dubai Ethics Authority. Instructions: 1. Your essay must be thorough and must reflect your understanding of the subject. See also the guidelines in the syllabus. 2. The essay should have the usual essay format ( Introduction, Body, and Conclusion) 3. Objectives, Mission and vision, Tasks and Duties, and the authority role in general needs to be discussed too. 4. About 2,000 words would be needed.

Dubai Ethics Authority Task: You are asked by the Dubai Government to write a policy document for a new to be established Dubai Ethics Authority. Instructions: 1. Your essay must be thorough and must reflect your understanding of the subject. See also the guidelines in the syllabus. 2. The essay should have the usual essay […]

Building the business case for healthcare quality and safety

Building the business case for healthcare quality and safety Your business case should be grounded in evidence-based, best practice and be prepared using the following headings: 1. Organisational context and understanding of quality and patient safety What does, and should, quality and patient safety mean to your organization? 2. Rationale for resourcing and implementing quality […]

introduction of sociology health and physical activity

introduction of sociology health and physical activity please note that if you add more paper or words contact me I will pay more … and you will answer all 6 question from section A and you can choose any 2 question from section B , so all questions are 8 . I will add files […]

LLM Carriage of Goods by Sea

LLM Carriage of Goods by Sea Preparation of Answers Write no more than 4,500 words (including footnotes and headings). There is no need for a separate bibliography if all books and articles are referenced in footnotes. Assessment Criteria assessed on the basis of: 1. research skills in identifying and accessing appropriate legal sources, where appropriate […]

Problem Set 3

1 Problem Set 3 MSU EC 410 Prof. Ahlin due 11/10/15 1a. Use the H-augmented Solow model to determine the a) instantaneous impact on GDP per capita, b) instantaneous impact on consumption per capita, c) long-run impact on GDP per capita, d) long-run impact on consumption per capita, e) impact on long-run GDP per capita […]

Laboratory Report

Laboratory Report For this laboratory you are required to prepare a formal laboratory report consisting of the following sections: abstract, introduction, material and method, results and discussion, conclusions, and references. Your report will be due one week after you have completed your lab. For each metal, construct a plot of emission intensity versus metal concentration. […]

Greif Childhood Bereavement

Greif Childhood Bereavement Midterms must have a cover/title page and use the ‘header’ requirements from your weekly short writing assignments. • 4-5 pages Max. (Your title page and source page does not count within the page Max.) The use of an outline, headers, and/or table of contents is not required but suggested to organize your […]

Using at least 3 additional sources other than the text (supervisory management 11ED, by Charles R. Greer), write a 5 to 7 page research paper on a topic related to supervisory management. Here are a few suggestions.

Using at least 3 additional sources other than the text (supervisory management 11ED, by Charles R. Greer), write a 5 to 7 page research paper on a topic related to supervisory management. Here are a few suggestions. Affirmative action (Take a stand for or against) Sexual Harassment in the workplace Diversity and multiculturalism in the […]


PHILOSOPHY Homework: Look at the following websites and investigate some of the social justice issues you might want to explore for your research paper. Choose an issue that will help you acquire an understanding of the problems facing the Mideast, Asia and Africa nations and cultures. Your paper should include three sources from the internet […]

Resistance – Capacitance Circuit Investigation Name __

Resistance – Capacitance Circuit Investigation Name _________________ Hour _________ Purpose: Use this simulation to observe changes that occur in a circuit as time passes. a. Observe changes in the current during charging and discharging. b. Observe changes in the voltage across a resistor during charging and discharging. c. Observe changes in the voltage across a […]

Astronomy 310 Assignment 1

Astronomy 310 Assignment 1 The following assignment covers Chapters One to Three. Please answer the following questions and submit your work using the assignment link. Show all your work in a clear and concise fashion, and include each step you take to reach the answer. The way in which you obtain your answer is as […]

1.Who makes the decisions in the family holiday-taking decision-making process? Critically evaluate this question by means of a detailed literature review.

1.Who makes the decisions in the family holiday-taking decision-making process? Critically evaluate this question by means of a detailed literature review. this is the reading list for start the essay. Bronner, F., and R. de Hoog. (2008). “Agreement and disagreement in family vacation decision-making”. Tourism Management, 29: 967-979. Decrop, A., and D. Snelders. (2004). “Planning […]

Assignment Question:

Assignment Question: You are required to submit a research proposal. The content of the document produced by each student is required to cover specific areas and to be within specific maximum word lengths (marks allocation and lengths in brackets) as follows:- 1. Title and Introduction: form a clear title for the proposed research. Outline the […]

Proposal: Final

Proposal: Final Prepare your 1,500-word final proposal that focuses on how you will use your education to improve the criminal justice system at the federal, state, county, or city level. This should not be an outline or draft but a completed paper with the required sources and citations Prepare this assignment according to the APA […]

Course Work 2

Course Work 2 Course Work 2 Submit a report which provides answers to Questions 5 and 6. Learning Outcome 4.1 4.1: Recognise a variety of complex waveforms and explain how they are produced from sinusoidal waveforms 1) Construct the circuit shown below in Multisim (or something similar) and connect an oscilloscope across the resistor. Using […]

Writing the discussion section

Writing the discussion section • In the discussion section you need to answer the research question and compare and contrast your findings with the literature • Structure the discussion like this: Paragraph 1: Answer the research question and any hypotheses. Paragraph 2: Interpret these findings in the context of existing theory and/or Paragraph 3-4: Compare […]

Research Paper: Art 371

Research Paper: Art 371 I. Select a topic from medieval art and architecture that interests you. It must relate to the time periods (ca. 300 – 1350 CE) and geographical areas (western Europe or the Byzantine Empire) covered in class. It may be a single work of art or building, a group of objects, or […]

Asian Literature

Asian Literature General Guidelines The purpose of this review is for you to analyze the narrative framework of a text of y our choice. In other words, you will analyze prominent methods use d to communicate the narrative ( or story ) of the work you choose . Any East Asian narrative written text from […]

Operation Management

Operation Management individual paper that uses the Operations tools on an investment company (use the name Kuwait Investment Company in the report) the report should show how the tool is applied in the company and how to improve it if its not efficient First,This applied paper is an individual paper that uses the Operations tools […]

Review of The African Diaspora: Slavery, Modernity, and Globalization

Review of The African Diaspora: Slavery, Modernity, and Globalization Book reviews should cover The African Diaspora by Toyin Falola (Part 3, Chapters 8 to the Post-Script). Reviews should be analytical. You must analyze the book in your own words and critically examine the historical content, style and the overall impression it had on you through […]