cultural differences in counselling

cultural differences in counselling do presentation of 10 minutes talking about cultural differences in counselling and the issues that we might face with in the differences between different cultures. please attached a page of the notes so i can present it in class . on the intro about 2 mins on the body 5 mins […]

Project – CEO Brief (Graded)

Project – CEO Brief (Graded) Aims: • Demonstrate an understanding of the key aspects of public relations practice • Develop skills in critical analysis • Develop ability to write concise prose in a professional context Task (700 words): Write a brief for your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) recommending the establishment of a public relations function […]


ETHICS ASSIGNMENT For this assignment, you will consider the consequences of acting ethically or unethically. After carefully reading the supplemental ethics materials (Jennings handout), discuss fully the ethical issues related to this case. (1) Categorize the ethical dilemma(s), (2) examine the matter from other perspectives, (3) describe any possible rationalizations, and finally, (4) use at […]

The Hunterdon Medical Center Case

The Hunterdon Medical Center Case Order Description Write a 5-page essay in which you react to and apply the concepts presented in the readings. You might discuss how you see the concepts at play in your life or work, look at your own organization through the complexity lens or incorporate ideas from the readings into […]

The Ethical Dilemma

The Ethical Dilemma Order Description In a 4-5 page paper (excluding reference list), analyze one key aspect or issue in the case. The approach you take is up to you. Feel free to use as much creative license as you choose to address the issue and use the literature to substantiate your thinking through the […]

Human Performance System( HPS)

Human Performance System( HPS) Order Description The assignment information: Assessment 3: Individual Case Study Worth: 30%. A detailed marking scale will be provided in class. General Instruction for the assignment: Word Count: 1,500 to 2,000 words. The emphasis is on application of the humanperformance system and models to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the […]

American Politics:Constitutional Convention Paper Assignment Order Description Overview: One of the themes we’ve discussed this semester is how the U.S. government works and what its shortcomings are. It should be obvious by now that there are lots of inefficiencies in our political process and many areas that could be improved. The question we will address in our Constitutional Convention activity is: what exact reforms should be made? How would we, as a class, amend the Constitution if we had a chance? Constitutional Convention Paper Requirements POLS 140-02: American Politics Constitutional Convention Paper Assignment Overview One of the themes we’ve discussed this semester is how the U.S. government works and what its shortcomings are. It should be obvious by now that there are lots of inefficiencies in our political process and many areas that could be improved. The question we will address in our Constitutional Convention activity is: what exact reforms should be made? How would we, as a class, amend the Constitution if we had a chance? On Dec. 2nd and 4th we will hold a mini Constitutional Convention. We’ll imagine that 2/3 of the states have petitioned Congress to call for a national convention to amend the Constitution, and that we are the members of that convention. We will discuss possible amendments, debate the pros and cons of them, and vote on whether to formally propose them (at which point they must be ratified by 3/4 of state legislatures before they are added to the Constitution). The full set of rules for the convention is available on Moodle. Paper Requirements To prepare for the convention, you will submit a paper in which you will identify two amendments you think will improve the U.S. government. One of these amendments must be institutional in nature (i.e. propose a change how federalism works or the way the three branches of government and the bureaucracy exercise their powers), and the other must be political in nature (i.e. it may address any other aspect of the political system, such as elections, campaigns, political parties, interest groups, the media, civil rights and liberties, etc.). I encourage you to get creative with your amendments. There is a document on Moodle with some amendments that have been proposed in the past, but those are certainly not the only, or maybe even not the best, ways to change the government. I intend for that document to jump-start your thinking process, not substitute for it. One of your amendments may be chosen for debate during our convention. For each of the two amendments, your paper should do the following: 1. Explain why you think the current way we do things is a problem. 2. Use the website Constitute, which tracks constitutions across the world, to see how other countries handle this. It is organized by topic, so you should easily be able to identify related provisions in other countries’ constitutions. Describe relevant constitutional provisions from at least two other countries and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. 3. Write out the full text of your amendment exactly how it should appear if it were to be added to the Constitution. Your amendment may add language to the Constitution, change a current provision in the Constitution, or clarify a part of the existing Constitution. Be concise in your amendment. 4. Explain your rationale behind your amendment. How will it improve our political process? Why do you think this is the best way to reform the U.S. government? This paper will be worth 10% of your overall course grade. To receive full credit, your paper must satisfy the following requirements: • Be approximately 6 pages long, double-spaced, and written in 11- or 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. • Be written in essay form with full sentences and paragraphs, not bullet points (you may use headings to make your paper readable). • Fully discuss all four of the points outlined above for both of your proposed amendments. • Be well-written, using correct grammar, spelling, word choice, writing style, and sentence and paragraph structure. I encourage you to visit the Writing Center for help with your paper, particularly if you have struggled with writing in the past or with other courses. Cite all sources you have used in writing your paper. This includes the Constitute website and any other sources you consult. My preference is for you to include an in-text citation (such as a parenthetical citation or a footnote) when you use a source, and then include a Works Cited page at the end with a full citation to the source. You may use any citation format you wish, as long as it is complete, consistent, and correct. Once more, the Writing Center can help you with properly citing your sources.

American Politics:Constitutional Convention Paper Assignment Order Description Overview: One of the themes we’ve discussed this semester is how the U.S. government works and what its shortcomings are. It should be obvious by now that there are lots of inefficiencies in our political process and many areas that could be improved. The question we will address […]

Constitutional Convention Paper Requirements

Constitutional Convention Paper Requirements Overview One of the themes we’ve discussed this semester is how the U.S. government works and what its shortcomings are. It should be obvious by now that there are lots of inefficiencies in our political process and many areas that could be improved. The question we will address in our Constitutional […]

Same Love

Same Love Order Description this is a full research essay and we had to select a song related to a social political issue. I chose same love by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.I dd turn in an annotated works cited draft sheet which I do not know yet if it is correct. I can send these […]

u05a1] Unit 5 Assignment 1/Alternative Approaches to Accounting Ethics

u05a1] Unit 5 Assignment 1/Alternative Approaches to Accounting Ethics For this unit, you read three articles offering different perspectives on ethics in accounting. For this assignment, you will select one of the perspectives and use all of the research tools available to you to develop cases both for and against the perspective. In other words, […]

Forecasting Data

Forecasting Data Order Description Scenario: You are consultant for the Excellent Consulting Group. Your client wants to be able to forecast sales on a monthly basis and believes that there is a valid relationship between sales and the number of hits on their website during the previous month. To test this theory, the client has […]

Policy paper- Federal Sentencing-Mandatory Minimums for Drug Related Crimes

Policy paper- Federal Sentencing-Mandatory Minimums for Drug Related Crimes The paper must: have a title page an introduction body of paragraphs with subheadings -Overview of current policies -Key issues & conflicts -Recommendation for policy change conclusion a reference page *Of the total works cited, half should be from academic journals or books published by an […]

Economic Principles and Decision Making

Economic Principles and Decision Making Order Description Reflective Analysis reporting and responding to a critical issue or experience; 1. relating this issue or experience to your own knowledge in this field; 2. reasoning about causes and effects of this issue/experience according to relevant theories or literature and/or similarities or differences with other experiences you’ve had; […]

Fashion Marketing & Promotion

Fashion Marketing & Promotion This assessment will be a written report including your research file of news reviews that you have collected each week. Using primary and secondary research apply the marketing theories you have learned to the promotion of a multi-channel retailer and how they communicate to their customer. This work is to be […]

Consuming Kids

Consuming Kids Order Description This is an essay for sociology.. the writer has to watch The Film “Consuming Kids” address the following issues: Do you think that the marketing to children is a social problem? Why? What must be done about it, if anything? Use examples and a detailed argument. SSCI 1000U PAPER ASSIGNMENT The […]

Course Wort

Course Wort Order Description In Craft of Research you read ?Making Good Arguments? 108-118 & ?Making Claims? 120-9. List three points from these readings that you will apply in writing your research paper. Then explain how you will use these to strengthen your thesis (claim) and subpoints and your argument. (100-200 ww.) I Will upload […]

Mortgage standard Deduction in the tax reform act in 2014

Mortgage standard Deduction in the tax reform act in 2014 Order Description By greatly increasing the standard deduction, this reform will reduce the number of people who itemize, so you will want to effect how this change will affect incentives, such as incentives to buy a house and incentives to give charitable contributions. The proposal […]

Corporate Governan

Corporate Governan ABC Company trades in the food industry. Their board includes six members who are all executive members except for one non-executive director. The company has no audit committee and no internal audit department but there is a company’s manager who approves almost all the transactions. The CEO is also the chairman of the […]

Identify and analyze the major issues that divide those in favour of the Britain’s leaving the European Union and those who oppose it. Who do you expect to be the major gainers and losers?

Identify and analyze the major issues that divide those in favour of the Britain’s leaving the European Union and those who oppose it. Who do you expect to be the major gainers and losers? Order Description Identify and analyze the major issues that divide those in favour of the Britain’s leaving the European Union and […]

Business Law

Business Law Essay question ‘Peace at Home’ Ltd operates a construction company, which specialises in constructing and repairing/maintaining residential homes for elderly people. In 2014, the company entered into two contracts. (a) ‘Peace at Home’ Ltd entered into an agreement with Mr Smith to renovate an old building according to the specification (including health and […]

Current Events – Focus 5

Current Events – Focus 5 Order Description Current Event – Focus 5 Choose a topic that can be applied to one of the following economic concepts in chapters 28-31. (possible curves or equations: pie charts, recessionary/inflationary gaps, multiplier effect, balance sheet for banks, money demand curve and interest rates in short run and long run, […]

Front End Problem: Recruiting Quality Officers (Article Review)

Front End Problem: Recruiting Quality Officers (Article Review) Order Description EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW IS PROVIDE IN THE ARTICLE REVIEWSECTION, PLEASE MAKE SURE TO ADD TWO BIBLICAL SOURCES AND PEER-REVIEWED, SCHOLARLY-QUALITY ARTICLE. AND READ INSTRUCTIONS CLOSELY. ARTICLE REVIEW INSTRUCTIONS The focus of this course is on the management, administration, and/or leadership aspects of […]

Inventory Analysis

Inventory Analysis Resources scoring guide icon Inventory Analysis Scoring Guide. Microsoft Excel icon CP7-2 template. Microsoft Excel icon P7-3 template. Presentation icon MBA6014 Course Alignment Map Activity Context Revisit the MBA6014 Course Alignment Map to review how all activities assist you in achieving the course competencies and overall program outcomes. Activity Instructions In this assignment, […]

Imaging: Era of Branding

Imaging: Era of Branding A review of how the PGA (Professional Golfers Association) was able to market themselves so well since the arrival of Tiger Woods and become a popular sport, even re-entering the Olympics in 2016. How their advertising and partnerships has been able to change people’s view of Golf Number of sources does […]

Management, leadership, motivation. Mercedes and Chanel. Comparing and Contrasting.

Management, leadership, motivation. Mercedes and Chanel. Comparing and Contrasting. write about management, leadership, motivation (choose 3 theories, for example McGregor, Maslov, Taylor, Mayo, goal setting, equity, or Herzberg…and so on…) then write about two companies Mercedes (benz) and Chanel (fashion label) and compere it, use and follow this plan, please!!!! and also use these 2 […]

Effective leadership Assignment Review and research the below case study and write a 3-5 page essay answering the questions provided that relate to the case study. You MUST back up all of your claims with evidence from experts in the field using APA style referencing. You must use a minimum of 3 outside sources for this paper. (For APA information please visit: You will be graded on the content of your answer, the reasoning/argument you make between the theory and the facts of the case study as well as writing (grammar and punctuation).

Effective leadership Assignment Review and research the below case study and write a 3-5 page essay answering the questions provided that relate to the case study. You MUST back up all of your claims with evidence from experts in the field using APA style referencing. You must use a minimum of 3 outside sources for […]

Aggregate Planning at Frito Lay

Aggregate Planning at Frito Lay In Module 8, you will be asked to complete a case study assignment. Directions: Read the introduction paragraph on Frito Lay on Page 518 of the textbook, and also watch the following youtube videos: & (you can copy and past the links in your browser). After watching the above […]

content outline Assignment Format: All course assignments (to which such things apply) must conform to the following format: • MS Word (strongly preferred) or Adobe PDF File • 11 or 12 pt font • 1” margins (top, bottom, left, right) • Double-spaced • Numbered pages • Reference style: APA 6th Ed. Style I will send to u an example so please look at it carefully and do mine perfectly as you usually do Content Outline The content outline should be developed from the objectives you wrote. Content for the program should include how you plan to provide the students/attendees with the information they need to meet the objectives. This document will vary in length depending on your project. If you are developing a single course, it should include a schedule of information that will be covered in each session of the course. Then include the content delivery for one session. If you are developing a program, it should include each course in the program and a content outline for one of the courses. The outline should include Content for the entire course; Timeline, learning activities, materials that may be needed, assignments, and the assessment for one instructional session. Scoring: 75 pts Write a syllabus, schedule, and content outline that covers the content for the entire course – 35 points For one instructional session include timeline, learning activities, materials that may be needed, assignments, and the assessment. 40 points

content outline Assignment Format: All course assignments (to which such things apply) must conform to the following format: • MS Word (strongly preferred) or Adobe PDF File • 11 or 12 pt font • 1” margins (top, bottom, left, right) • Double-spaced • Numbered pages • Reference style: APA 6th Ed. Style I will send […]