Strategic HR Approach

Strategic HR Approach Order Description The responsibilities of an HR director for a manufacturing company address all elements of employee well-being, which include compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and include employee benefits and relations. Identify the problem in each of these scenarios. Detail different strategies on how to approach each scenario, decide […]

Project Closure

Project Closure 1).Consider a course that you recently completed. Perform a review of the course (the course represents a project and the course syllabus represents the project plan)? Course: Project Management (Simulation project); Instructor: Prof. Michael Kushner Project Process Review Questionnaire (Items) Comments 1. Were the project objectives and strategic intent of the project clearly […]

Controversy of using Genetically Modified Fish in US Fisheries

Controversy of using Genetically Modified Fish in US Fisheries Order Description Controversy of using Genetically Modified Fish in US Fisheries. Provide an overview of the issue, present 2 or more “sides” of the controversy, then present your suggestions for resolution of the issue. Be SURE to have academic material in your presentation and to cite […]

Affordable Care Act

Affordable Care Act Order Description The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will certainly have an economic influence on American consumers and providers of health care insurance. To what extent might the ACA influence the fiscal stability of health care organizations? Why?

Assignment 2: Comprehensive Classroom Management Plan (Value: 40 points; Due Week 5, 7) (Learning Environments) (NAEYC 1a, 1c Child Development)

Assignment 2: Comprehensive Classroom Management Plan (Value: 40 points; Due Week 5, 7) (Learning Environments) (NAEYC 1a, 1c Child Development) Note to Course Instructor: This course assignment has been designated as an NCATE Assessment for which we are collecting program data on the performance of the candidate. After reviewing this assignment, please link to the […]

research paper

research paper Order Description Annotated Bibliography Koolaee, Elaheh. “The Impact Of Iraq-Iran War On Social Roles Of Iranian Women.” Middle East Critique 23.3 (2014): 277. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File. Web. 18 Oct. 2015. Koolaee’s article addresses the impact the 1980-1988 Iraq-Iran war had one the one from both countries. It analyzes how women […]

Acquiring a Contract with the Navy

Acquiring a Contract with the Navy Due Week 6 and worth 300 points Based on the same scenario as in Assignments 1 and 2, you are ready to begin considering the factors needed for your proposal based on RFP #123456789, dated 07/14/2014. Remember that another local competitor intends to submit a proposal as well. Before […]

Economic Growth

Economic Growth Read a current article about my topic and write a one page summary. It should include a reference page and a cover page. Provide your thoughts on the article. Do you agree or disagree with the author of the article. Why?

The China Syndrome-1979

The China Syndrome-1979 Order Description The China Syndrome-1979 Movie • The required format of the paper is: NOTE: Label each section for clarity. Minimum 6 –full pages minimum, from after Abstract through Conclusion. Use the headings noted below, and include all required information where noted. Although this document is shown in outline form, your paper […]

Evidence Review for Initiating Practice Change

Evidence Review for Initiating Practice Change Order Description Review the “Checklist for Conducting an Evidence Review for Initiating Practice Change,” available in the textbook appendix. You should save this tool and use it throughout the development of the PICOT question, problem description, and literature review. Begin the development of your PICOT question, using the following […]

Hand-in Assignment

Hand-in Assignment Order Description After you have read this week’s required journal article (Samnani and Singh, 2013), complete the following: Describe a charismatic leader that you know personally or with whom you are familiar, and compare that person to the information presented in Samnani and Singh’s (2013) article.

research paper

research paper Order Description Objective: * Below is a list of poets (topics) from different poetic movements and schools. * Each student has to choose only one topic and write a research paper about it. * Students must understand the topic so they can provide a critical opinion regarding its form and content. · Students […]

Edexcel Level 4/5

Edexcel Level 4/5 BTEC Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Hospitality Management Assignment Summary: Assignment front sheet: Qualification Unit number and title Pearson BTEC Level 4/5 HNC/D Diploma in Hospitality Management Unit 37: The Travel and Tourism Sector Student name Assessor name Mihaela Dariescu Date issued Completion date Submitted on 28 July 2015 Presentation date: 24 November […]

Pan-Arabism v. State Nationalism

Pan-Arabism v. State Nationalism Order Description Initiate a debate (arguments vs. counter arguments) between two contending theorists of Arab nationalism; one advocates pan-Arab nationalism, and the other advocates state nationalism. Give a balance between giving space for each contender to offer her/his own ideas on the one hand, and to refute the ideas of the […]


SCIENTIFIC MERIT ACTION RESEARCH TEMPLATE (SMART) FORM a.k.a. “Research Plan” School of Public Service Leadership Scientific Merit Process Learners who are doing action research for their dissertation will use this form to go through the process of scientific merit review. The goals of this process are: (1) to facilitate the planning of the details of […]

Biometrics (in terms of ethical and privacy issues)

Biometrics (in terms of ethical and privacy issues) Order Description Biometrics (in terms of ethical and privacy issues) This assignment has two goals: 1) have students increase their understanding of the concept of Protecting Personal Information (PPI) and other ethical issues related to the use of information technology through research, and 2) learn to correctly […]

Visual Argumen

Visual Argument Order Description ENG122 English Composition II Visual Argument We live in a world flooded with images. They pull at us and compete for our attention and push us to do things. But how often do we think about how they work? Can there be argument without words? Yes – yes there can, and […]

“Explain the key challenges that Amey faced in terms of structuring and organising its HR department, and critically evaluate the approach taken to tackling these challenges. What future challenges can you foresee, and what recommendations would you mak

“Explain the key challenges that Amey faced in terms of structuring and organising its HR department, and critically evaluate the approach taken to tackling these challenges. What future challenges can you foresee, and what recommendations would you mak You will be given a case study on Amey plc, a company that won the CIPD People […]

SSCI 2900U: Guidelines for Article Reviews The first thing to keep in mind is that no research is perfect. All research must make some compromises and have limitations. The point then is not to think that all research is futile but to critically think about the ways in which limitations may affect the kinds of conclusions that can be drawn from research. What the reviews are NOT: 1)These reviews are NOT summaries of the articles. The reviews will be graded on the assumption that you have already read the article and understand the key points. Therefore, it is neither necessary nor helpful to summarize the article. 2) These reviews are NOT like film or book reviews. These reviews are not meant to describe whether you liked/disliked the article and what parts you found interesting/boring. What the reviews ARE: 1) These reviews are critical evaluations and assessments of the key limitations of the research and the ways in which these flaws affect the study’s findings and conclusions. Format: The reviews should be 4 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font, size 12, with regular unaltered margins. You should have a title page with your full name, student ID, TA name, my name, date, course title, and section number. Focus of the Reviews: You should begin your reviews by briefly stating what the article is about, noting what the purpose of the research is and what questions the researchers are trying to examine. This should be no longer than two or three lines at the very beginning. The reviews should focus on the article’s “fatal flaws”, i.e. major problems with measures, sampling, data, and interpretations/conclusions drawn that raise fundamental concerns about the article. However, it is not enough to just identify a problem. For example, it is not enough to just say “there is an issue with the author’s measures”. You need to be specific in identifying which measures are problematic, in what ways they are problematic, and you need to discuss HOW it might have affected the study’s findings and conclusions. In other words, after having specifically identified the problem, you need to specifically link that problem to the findings/conclusions. Consider a hypothetical study in which there is a blatant problem with the sample and the kinds of generalizations that can be made. Instead of just saying “there is a problem with the sample”, you may want to consider something along the lines of: “The author wishes to generalize to parolees and makes policy recommendations on how parolees should be managed within the criminal justice system. However, she has studied a sample of arrestees. This is problematic because not all arrests lead to convictions; fewer lead to incarcerations; and even fewer are paroled. Therefore, the types of generalizations she wishes to make go beyond her sample and many of her conclusions and recommendations are not supported by her study, as her findings only specifically apply to arrestees.” This could still be considered general, in the sense that it does not link the problem to specific findings. However, you should be able to understand from this example that it is not enough to just say “there is a problem with the sample” or “there is a problem with generalizability”. The main part of your reviews should focus on fatal flaws. You can then discuss other more minor points with the study. In other words, the space you devote in the reviews should be proportionate to the severity of the problem. The more fatal the flaw, the more space you should use to discuss it. The more minor the issue, the less you should use. Understanding and figuring out which issues are more major and minor will allow you to not only become more critical and analytical in your reading of the articles but also allow you to effectively use the allotted space and keep within the page limits. All the problems you discuss in the article should focus on problems that could have been specifically avoided had the researchers been more thoughtful, careful, and meticulous, NOT on problems that all research inevitably faces. For example, statements such as “this study relies on official crime statistics and we all know that official data sources miss the dark figure of crime, so this study is flawed” are neither useful nor critical. Recall that all research is limited in some way. Strong critiques address what the researchers have specifically done and are not vague, overly general claims. The following are some questions you may want to ask yourself as you identify limitations with an article and think about the ways in which the limitations may affect the findings and conclusions of a study. You will not necessarily find all of these problems in every single article. 1) How do the researchers define and measure their concepts? Focus on key independent and dependent variables. Do they make sense given the concepts they are intended to represent? If not, how does this affect their findings and the conclusions they can draw? 2) How have the researchers selected their sample? Does the sampling procedure limit or bias the conclusions that can be drawn from the study? 3) Some studies compare groups to determine if they are significantly different on some key dependent variable. Are these groups sufficiently similar to begin with to ensure that pre-existing differences are not responsible for the differences they find on the dependent variable? 4) Do the researchers present basic descriptive statistics on their sample and measures? Do they suggest any obvious problems? Are there lots of missing data? 5) Does they way they have presented and analyzed their data, whether in tables, charts, etc., make sense? 6) Have the researchers adequately addressed alternative explanations that might account for the findings in their study? 7) Sometimes researchers will acknowledge a problem with their study but go on to draw conclusions or make claims that ignore the problem. Researchers will also sometimes go on to make claims that are either unsupported by or unrelated to the particular study they undertook. Have the researchers adequately taken into account issues that affect their study? Do they make claims that are supported by their study?

SSCI 2900U: Guidelines for Article Reviews The first thing to keep in mind is that no research is perfect. All research must make some compromises and have limitations. The point then is not to think that all research is futile but to critically think about the ways in which limitations may affect the kinds of […]

“life” and culture

“life” and culture 1.Write an MLA documented essay that explains the distinction between “life” and culture” as presented by Peter Marin. Are there qualities or aspects that make up culture which can easily be defined as American or as Western? 2.According to Peter Marin, America’s claims that it is a “melting pot” are not quite […]

arts media and philosophy (what is digital literacy)??

arts media and philosophy (what is digital literacy)?? 1_ Gullen, K., & Sheldon, T. (2014). SYNERGY SPARKS DIGITAL LITERACY. Journal of Staff Development, 35(2), 36-39. Retrieved from 2_ Pecoskie, T. (2013, Dec 13). Should kids be learning coding in grade school? The Spectator Retrieved from 3_ Rheingold, H. (2012). STEWARDS OF DIGITAL LITERACIES. […]

Corporate Strategy: Strategic Company Analysis Report

Corporate Strategy: Strategic Company Analysis Report For the selected organisation, which is: “Moss Bros” in Fashion/Clothes industry, assume you are an outside consultancy reporting to the Chief Executive. The Strategic Company Analysis Report should- 1. (Research) Identify 3 key strategic issues facing the organisation and explain why they are “strategic” (20%). 2. (Main one) Analyse […]

Assignment 1: An Illustrated Essay

Assignment 1: An Illustrated Essay Type of Assessment: formative and summative • Weighting: 50% • Format: Illustrated essay supported by bibliography Word count:2,000 words. The Illustrated Essay The illustrative materials used in this essay should form an integral part of its overall purpose. One of the aims of the module is to enable students to […]

Religion Depicted in "Friday Night Lights"

Religion Depicted in “Friday Night Lights” Paper details: Research depictions of religion in a television show of your choosing (I chose “Friday Night Lights” the TV series). In your essay make sure you identify the social and historical contexts informing the television show you chose. Based on what you’ve watched and read how do you […]

Character analyze – Willy Loman

Character analyze – Willy Loman Paper details: The essay is a character analysis, so you should be focusing on a lone character’s actions (what he does and how his actions affect the other characters–directly or indirectly), words (what he says to other characters or in monologues and what they in turn say to him), and […]

Teaching Kids to Code

Teaching Kids to Code Paper details: Writing a research paper gives you an opportunity to explore a topic of special interest, research that topic, and organize your research findings in writing for an academic audience. Through your preparation work, you have established an argumentative thesis statement and have planned a clear organization of your main […]

business law

business law Paper details: business and employment law Additional instructions: its to answer the following question (essay question) but should use appropriate case law in order to support the answer the question is it is often argued that contract and tort law are similar in that both are part of the law of obligations; on […]