Week 13: Alienation

Week 13: Alienation Week 13 (Nov. 11-17): Alienation Two of the world’s greatest short stories illustrate the profoundly disorienting effects of alienation. This week we cover Melville’s “Bartleby, the Scrivener,” and next week we read Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis.” Weekly Readings Melville, “Bartleby, the Scrivener” My lecture on putting the alien in alienation Weekly Activities Complete […]

Managing Corporate Risk and Crime

Managing Corporate Risk and Crime Order Description Please carefully have a look at all the attached documents, my tutor is very strict and If you could mention everything he needs would be appreciated. I have attched all the documents needed. The aim of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate your understanding of how […]


Psoriasis Order Description Jason 19 years old, is an engineering student in the first year of his university course and has moved out of home into a shared house. He has a family history of psoriasis and he unhappily followed his mothers example and developed psoriasis in his late teens. The skin inflammation is evident […]

BE335 coursework, Autumn 2015

BE335 coursework, Autumn 2015 “Long ago, Ben Graham taught me that price is what you pay; value is what you get. Whether you’re talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down.” (Warren Buffett) With reference to the relevant academic literature: a) critically evaluate the view that there is […]

Assignment on Intergroup Dynamics

Assignment on Intergroup Dynamics Instructions: Use 12-point font, 1.5 spacing; left and right margins of 2.54 cm Use the referencing conventions of the American Psychological Association (APA) Questions 1. Some suggest that conflict in organisations is important, as it is required to bring about change. Not everyone agrees with this view (e.g. see De Dreu, […]

Assignment 2: LASA 1—Financial Decisions

Assignment 2: LASA 1—Financial Decisions In both your professional and personal life, you will make a variety of decisions. You should consider the financial and nonfinancial aspects while making decisions. To evaluate scenarios, you will also use some tools such as net present value (NPV) and return on investment (ROI) that you have discussed so […]


1 PARTICIPATION ASSIGNMENT WESTERN CIVILIZATION I, Tyson CHAPTER 1 EARLIEST HUMAN SOCIETIES With what life events did ancient peoples associate with gods? 1. 2. 3. 4. CIVILIZATIONS IN MESOPOTAMIA For what groups did Sumerian scribes keep records? 1. 2. 3. EGYPTIANS What periods marked Egypt’s calendar? 1. 2. 3. What items did Djed-amon-iu-ankh offer Ra? […]

Homework: Hedonic Theory

Homework: Hedonic Theory Assume that there is a baseline risk of death on the job of q0 percent annually. Firms can invest to reduce this risk, so that actual risk at a job is q(i)=q0 – i*ß. Here i is amount invested into reducing the risk a given employee faces. Of course mortality is bounded […]


Accounting In Carroll and Buccholtz (2015, p. 568) you will read the Case Analysis Guidelines, Issue/Problem Identification, Analysis/Evaluation and Recommendations. You will answer the associated questions using a substantive response-meaning you will need to answer the questions, but also expand upon your answers with information from one the (Cases 1-41) that you choose. There are […]

Giving a interview on Pearl Harbor.

Giving a interview on Pearl Harbor. Paper details: Pearl Harbor Your person must have been at least 7 years old when the event took place and must have lived in the United States. Questions to ask the person. 1. How old were you at the time of the event? 2. What was your reaction and […]

Air pollution

Air pollution Paper details: Regarding cost of air pollution to human health versus cost of control technologies, compare and contrast the Pigovian tax, tradable permits, and WTP (willingness-to-pay). . Question 2 Explain the primary source of each of the following: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon monoxide. How can these chemicals be reduced? Your response […]

how informatics and technology competencies are essential to nursing research?

how informatics and technology competencies are essential to nursing research? Paper details: • Identify one way that informatics and technology competencies are essential to nursing research • Articles must be within five years. (use article below) http://nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/Columns/Informatics/Integrating-a-Geographic-Information-System-into-Research.html

Human Rights in Developing Wo

Human Rights in Developing Wo Guide: Student should focus on good writing styles, robust and concise arguments and an ability to understand any decisions by human rights quasi judicial bodies. Referencing: Harvard method Question: Examine key aspect of the concept of the right to popular participation in the African human rights system.

Part one ((half page))

Part one ((half page)) Answer the question: CRITICAL QUESTION – SIMULATION: As the new Superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools (APS), what top two (2) policy reforms would you advocate for and how would they be funded? Note: You have a flat budget going into the school year, meaning no new funds for new initiatives b/c […]

Creating an international marketing analysis for IKEA

Creating an international marketing analysis for IKEA IKEA Regular Assignment – Strategic Marketing Review Creating an International Marketing Analysis for “IKEA” This assessment is the culmination of all the work so far in this module. Students are required to draw up an International Marketing Analysis for IKEA. Students are required to present your answer in […]

Accountancy 325—Fall 2015 Problem

Accountancy 325—Fall 2015 Problem DrNo Completed the spreadsheet for this Job. Candy is an employee of Jimmy, Inc. She receives a salary of $108,000. The company provides medical insurance that would cost Candy $750 per month and matches Candy’s $500 per month contribution to the company’s Section 401(k) plan. Candy ‘s employer pays 3% of […]

How to detect Sepsis?

How to detect Sepsis? Paper details: Reflective writing is one way of citing evidence of practice and learning in practice. Reflective writing involves thinking about and reviewing events to try and make sense of them, using acquired nursing knowledge and understanding. Reflective journaling also provides insight into context and emotions and addresses the matching of […]

why you should further your education

why you should further your education Paper details: must be a motivational speech. approximately 4-6mins/2-3pages -Must motivate audience to take action in solving problem. -the problem is low income jobs, therefore the motivational part will be to further education. 1. thesis/attention getter 2.need-why is action needed/recap problem trying to address. 3. satisfaction-tell people what they […]

Patent Infringement

Patent Infringement Radek is a genetic scientist who works for a bio-engineering firm. Dr. Livingston comes to Radek with the feather of a Dodo bird encased in amber. Dr. Livingston wants to extract the DNA from the feather and patent it. Can Dr. Livingston and Radek patent the Dodo DNA? Write between 750 – 1,250 […]


CASE STUDY Complete the Real Choices at The Filter at http://thefilter.com/ case on page 181 in the 7th edition or Real Choices at State Farm at the end of Chapter 5 in the 8th edition. In MS Word, create a paper of a minimum of 1000 words with a minimum of three references cited in […]

plea bargaining and jury nullification

plea bargaining and jury nullification C-7, Fall 15: Sixth Essay Assignment Posted: Tuesday, November 10 Due: Tuesday, November 17 1 Write an essay in which you argue for or against the use of either (1) plea bargaining or (2) jury nullification. Be sure to refer to either the Guidorizzi or the Butler articles in your […]

book review

book review You need to get the book <Beggar Thy Neighbor: A History of Usury and Debt, Charles R. Geisst. University of Pennslyvania Press. Hardcover, ISBN: 978-0-8122-4462-5.> To finish this order. (i dont have the book) Part one: You are required to find 5 questions from the book and answer it by 250 words minimum […]

Heart Failure

Heart Failure Assessment 3: Case study The purpose of this assessment is to encourage you to integrate theory into practice. It is designed to augment your ability to assess, interpret and critically evaluate the complex issues faced by patients with significant cardiac disease. Choose a patient in your care. It is important to obtain patient […]

Structuring Your Arguments in a Scholarly Article

8.1 Structuring Your Arguments in a Scholarly Article Purpose – To help you create an argument-driven article. Introduction – This activity is designed to help you develop your argument further by logically linking all aspects of your scholarly article to your central argument; in other words, making your argument the centre piece of your academic […]

Media and Stereotypes

Media and Stereotypes 1.Please make sure the work cited page fulfill the requirement of MLA format (In alphabetical order, Date and Name). 2. Also the transition between each paragraph (last sentence of the prior paragraph should lead to the next one). 3. The list of stereotypes is listed on the prompt please take a look. […]

Which of the techniques outlined in this module, and elsewhere in the modules on skills and materials, would you use in order to achieve genuine communication in the classroom?

Which of the techniques outlined in this module, and elsewhere in the modules on skills and materials, would you use in order to achieve genuine communication in the classroom? “Well prepared teachers have a large repertoire of activities for their classes. They can organise preparation and controlled output practice; they can direct students in the […]