"Psychology in My Life"

“Psychology in My Life” Order Description 1. Explain major psychological concepts, theories, and perspectives. 2. Describe research methods and tools used by psychologists to problem solve and explain behavior. 3. Describe the ethical principles inherent in research, teaching, and practice in the field of psychology. 4. Apply psychological concepts to personal, social, and organizational problems. […]


Microeconomica Fill in the blanks in the table below by computing the elasticity values. Price Demand Total Revenue Percent change in price Percent change in quantity Elasticity 0 14 – – – 1 12 2 10 3 8 4 6 5 4 6 2 7 0 Exercise 2 1.) Suppose that the monthly demand for […]

Case Study

Case Study Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training programs as this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest […]

Case Study

Case Study Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training programs as this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest […]

The Politics of Oil”

“The Politics of Oil” The goal of this assignment is for the students to learn about OPEC and discuss the power of Persian Gulf. While reading Chapter 7, focus on Global Economics (p. 197-200) and relevant parts from Geographic Diversity (p.202-209). Do additional research if needed and once you are done reading and researching, write […]

American Women in World War 2

American Women in World War 2 Paper details: How American women contribute to war and how this war change their role. And some history background. Some famous women in world war 2(at lest 2). Bibliography require. And please make some grammar mistakes and try to write like a English as second learning language. Please analysis […]

African or Pacific Island artworks: Ritual Contex

African or Pacific Island artworks: Ritual Contex 1. Choose three African or Pacific Island artworks that have been used in a ritual context. Consider how they were made and why they might have been made that way. You might choose one work from another chapter in the textbook, for example: 1.158, 4.16, and 4.39. Have […]

Art of the Americas: Supernatural to ancient Americans

Art of the Americas: Supernatural to ancient Americans 1. Select three artworks from the Americas that deal with supernatural beings or gods. What do you think they tell us about the importance of the supernatural to ancient Americans? You might choose one work from another chapter in the textbook, for example: figures 1.35, 2.139, 4.51**NOTE** […]

Hannibal The Cannibal

Hannibal The Cannibal The character from the movie that you will focus on is Hannibal the cannibal from Silence of the Lambs. This paper will represent the culmination of materials learned throughout the course. The purpose of the final project is to encourage you to think critically as well as to integrate material learned in […]

Discussion: Module 11

Discussion: Module 11 Discussion Topic Task: Reply to this topic DUE: SUN. Nov 15, 2015 10:00 PM This module you get to choose between two topics to write about. 1. As long as man has been known to exist, he has created art. The reasons early man created vary. Choose a work of art from […]

How does molly & ectasy effect the brain function

How does molly & ectasy effect the brain function Paper details: Must have a description of the participants – 40 people 20 men 20 women age of 18-24. Were recruited from friends/family I tried to start it and came up with this: The participants that were recruited were from our own family and friends. We […]

The Norton Anthology american literature, volume C,D,E.

The Norton Anthology american literature, volume C,D,E. Paper details: In this paper,you should work with two authors, and construct an argument that compares ans or contrast their work. Here are the authors we have read Stephen crane: Maggie the street girl, Willa Cather: my Antonia Remember in your paper to use quotes from the text […]


ESSAY Paper details: ESSAY (HEALTH) Introduction and Essay 1. SLEEP • Deprive sleep: ? Insomnia/Sleep apnea ? Consequences ? Mistakes ? Lack of concentration/Slow reaction ? Headaches • Adequate sleep: ? Energetic ? Relaxed ? More alert ? Better mental health ? Ready to do anything 2. DIET • Unhealthy: ? Sugar ? Salt ? […]

Request letter

Request letter Paper details: 1. REQUEST LETTER – (Hamburger paragraph) Minimum of 3 full paragraphs. • Paragraph 1: Outlines the issue, why it’s important. List 3 strategies at resolving the issue. (Open) • Paragraph 2: Step 1 resolving the issue (Body) • Paragraph 3: Step 2 resolving the issue (Body) • Paragraph 4: Step 3 […]

American Women in World War 2

American Women in World War 2 Paper details: How American women contribute to war and how this war change their role. And some history background. Some famous women in world war 2(at lest 2). Bibliography require. And please make some grammar mistakes and try to write like a English as second learning language. Please analysis […]


English Topic: Any 300 page book Paper details: Title, Author, type of book, Number of Pages , 1. Why did you decide to read this book? 2. What was this book about? ( Do NOT copy from any part of the book or other sources!) 3. What did you like best about this book? Give […]

differences between Cincinnati and Boston?

differences between Cincinnati and Boston? Paper details: Many observers believe that, unlike in Cincinnati, police-community relations have significantly improved in Boston in recent years. Go to the Boston police department website. What programs do they claim to have that are concerned with police-community relations? Check other Boston-related websites for pertinent material. Does the mayor’s office […]


LASIK Paper details: •Introduction •Would the intervention cure the patient’s disorder? (LASIK). •Include any additional interesting facts.

Website Development – ITAP 1004

Website Development – ITAP 1004 Assignment Type Individual Assignment Week Issued 5 Total Marks 25 (25%) Submission Deadline Week 12 via Moodle Penalties Penalties for late submission and plagiarism in accordance with VIT guidelines The purpose of the assessment is to test students on their ability to apply HTML, CSS and Java Script in website […]

Week 12 Discussion

Week 12 Discussion Paper details: I need to answer these four questions: (1 paragraph for each) (one reference for each question). 12. Why is there a “gender gap” in U.S. voting? 13. How did the parliaments first come to be? 14. Why have prime ministers become more like presidents? 15. How are European trials different […]

Formal and Visual Analysis

Formal and Visual Analysis Order Description Assignment: Formal and Visual Analysis In this course, we have focused intensively on the technique of formal analysis. Your project is to subject TWO IMAGES to the process of formal analysis. Your images can be chosen from the attached list on the following pages. This list is composed of […]

Tylenol Research, Muddle Order Description PLEASE READ THE ORDER DESCRIPTION THOROUGHLY BECAUSE IF YOU DONT READ THE INSTRUCTION, YOU WONT BE ABLE TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT! Please research the Tylenol cyanide case from 1982 and how Johnson and Johnson handled the crisis. Please also read the following: "Patients versus Profits at Johnson & Johnson: Has the Company Lost its Way?" (https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2943#.T0LVkj3rx38) While researching Tylenol, consider the difference in approach the company may have taken in today's media environment (24/7 news cycle, social media, etc.). With this in mind, complete the Muddle assignment below. Muddle You work in Corporate Communications at a large, publicly-traded pharmaceutical company, Muddle and Company. One of Muddle's most successful drugs, Arthroxix, an arthritic pain medication, is marketed in over 80 countries with worldwide sales totaling $2.5 billion last year alone. Several former Olympic athletes, now in their 60s but still very popular, are the spokespersons for the product and are featured in the advertising and marketing campaign. While researching this particular class of drugs amidst claims of digestive track and other related problems, the FDA unexpectedly found a higher than normal incidence of stroke and heart problems among patients taking Arthroxix, though the incidence of digestive track problems was very low. Researchers at Muddle have also discovered the correlation between the drug and a higher rate of heart attack or stroke in patients. To date, three Arthroxix users have died from heart attacks allegedly brought on by the drug. The families of the victims have begun litigation procedures against Muddle. The drug continues to be touted as safe and effective among many physicians, and has been positively reviewed in the Journal of American Medicine. But now the EMEA (European Medicines Agency, Europe's equivolent to the FDA) is conducting its own research on the drug, which is sold widely throughout Europe. Due to the increased scrutiny by officials in the U.S. as well as Europe, and the discovery by Muddle researchers of higher rates of heart attack and stroke in patients, some members of your crisis team are urging a recall, while others think it is too premature and believe a recall to be too extreme. Choose one course of action and develop a crisis communication plan as if you were the head of the Corporate Communications office at Muddle. If the crisis team decides to keep the drug on the market, what will your statements be to your constituents? Or, if the crisis team decides to recall the drug, what would your message be and how will you communicate it? Describe the communication vehicles and develop potential Q&A. Include a description of the steps you intend to take, and a list of who is on your crisis team and their roles and responsibilities.

Tylenol Research, Muddle Order Description PLEASE READ THE ORDER DESCRIPTION THOROUGHLY BECAUSE IF YOU DONT READ THE INSTRUCTION, YOU WONT BE ABLE TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT! Please research the Tylenol cyanide case from 1982 and how Johnson and Johnson handled the crisis. Please also read the following: “Patients versus Profits at Johnson & Johnson: Has […]

Taking Responsibility Order Description DONT WRITE AN INTRODUCTION FOR THIS PAPER. JUST GO STRAIGHT TO THE POINT! ALSO, CITE A RECENT EXAMPLE OF AN ORGANIZATION THAT DID OR DID NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. WHAT I MEAN BY RECENT IS TO DISCUSS A CASE THAT TOOK PLACE BETWEEN 2012 AND 2015. Now that you are familiar with crisis teams, consider the different positions of communications professionals and lawyers on how best to handle a crisis, and whether or not, or to what extend, to take responsibility. Cite an example of an organization that did or did not take responsibility and discuss why.


Environment Analysis Order Description Write a 2-3 page analysis on the internal and external environment of the company Wal-Mart. Objective: Analyze the internal and external environment of a company with the goal of selecting the most attractive target market. All companies operate in a market. An essential skill of a manager is being able to completely analyze the internal and external market environment in which the company operates. Detailing the attributes of the market environment will allow the manager to target the most attractive market where the most product or service will be sold at the most profitable level.

Environment Analysis Order Description Write a 2-3 page analysis on the internal and external environment of the company Wal-Mart. Objective: Analyze the internal and external environment of a company with the goal of selecting the most attractive target market. All companies operate in a market. An essential skill of a manager is being able to […]

Chapter 5 CT Question Order Description You currently live and learn within a very unusual setting, the USr. Every day you have the opportunity to be around the employees from this and other countries. I would guess that you have consciously or unconsciously develop some impressions regarding US employees. List for your group three general impressions you hold for this group of employees: 1. 2. 3. How did you come to those impressions? Give example of experience or interaction that led to those impressions.

Chapter 5 CT Question Order Description You currently live and learn within a very unusual setting, the USr. Every day you have the opportunity to be around the employees from this and other countries. I would guess that you have consciously or unconsciously develop some impressions regarding US employees. List for your group three general […]

Discuss the epigraph from Player one by Douglas Coupland “You can have information or you can have a life, but you can’t have both”

Discuss the epigraph from Player one by Douglas Coupland “You can have information or you can have a life, but you can’t have both” Order Description Knowledge has supposedly given humans great control over the world not only through scientific inquiry but also through emotional and moral learning. Knowledge is perceived disparately from individual to […]

The State of the State

The State of the State Order Description A critical analysis of the state of California focusing on the states’ economy, political situation, education system and criminal justice system. Also highlight some good and bad thing that are currently going on in the state. Use at least five sources, preferably California and Federal .gov and .org […]

The Ideal Government Through the View of Political Philosophers

The Ideal Government Through the View of Political Philosophers Order Description Use APA style formatting. I need a title page, an abstract, and a works cited page, none of which are included in the 3 page minimum. My paper is on three political philosophers and what they thought the government should be and represent. The […]