SOCIOLOGY ESSAY For this project, you have a choice of several options to gain a better understanding of how dating and family violence is viewed within our community, and how the officials of our community deal with issues of violence. Part 1: Please select one option from Category A and two options from Category B. […]

• Disaster Preparedness/Response and Reflection WEEK 14: Disaster Preparedness/Response and Reflection PLEASE NOTE WHICH GROUP YOU ARE IN Please view the two videos pertaining to the earthquake in Haiti (they are very good and moving). In addition, review the short powerpoint of my trip with a medical team to Jeremie, Haiti in March last year. Reflect on the quote on the next to final slide. Write a reflection on this "disaster" then and now. How do we as nurses continue to be an integral part of the rebuilding. How do we deliver culturally competent care? I am looking for a thoughtful response, your viewpoint only. There is no need for references or APA. Please be very thorough and begin with the quote mentioned above. PLEASE HAVE PARAGRAPH BREAKS for ease of reading. Reply to at least 5classmates. Posts are due by November 19, 2015and responses by November 22, 2015 • • Haiti, Earthquake 2010 Inside this folder you will find: VIDEO Haiti: Surviving the Earthquake: PART I by Brent and Craig Renaud (January 2011) VIDEO Haiti: Surviving the Earthquake: Children PART II by Brent and Craig Renaud (January 2011) POWERPOINT Helping Haiti 2013 • Disaster Preparedness/Response and Reflection WEEK 14: Disaster Preparedness/Response and Reflection PLEASE NOTE WHICH GROUP YOU ARE IN Please view the two videos pertaining to the earthquake in Haiti (they are very good and moving). In addition, review the short powerpoint of my trip with a medical team to Jeremie, Haiti in March last year. Reflect on the quote on the next to final slide. Write a reflection on this "disaster" then and now. How do we as nurses continue to be an integral part of the rebuilding. How do we deliver culturally competent care? I am looking for a thoughtful response, your viewpoint only. There is no need for references or APA. Please be very thorough and begin with the quote mentioned above. PLEASE HAVE PARAGRAPH BREAKS for ease of reading. Reply to at least 5classmates. Posts are due by November 19, 2015and responses by November 22, 2015 • • Haiti, Earthquake 2010 Inside this folder you will find: VIDEO Haiti: Surviving the Earthquake: PART I by Brent and Craig Renaud (January 2011) VIDEO Haiti: Surviving the Earthquake: Children PART II by Brent and Craig Renaud (January 2011) POWERPOINT Helping Haiti 2013

• Disaster Preparedness/Response and Reflection WEEK 14: Disaster Preparedness/Response and Reflection PLEASE NOTE WHICH GROUP YOU ARE IN Please view the two videos pertaining to the earthquake in Haiti (they are very good and moving). In addition, review the short powerpoint of my trip with a medical team to Jeremie, Haiti in March last year. […]

American Government – Global Policy – 3 short essays

American Government – Global Policy – 3 short essays These are meant to be 3 short essays. I do not need a cover page, or references. Only do the essays. I have numbered each one. It’s important to make sure you cover each aspect of each question 1. Compare the efficiency and fundamental fairness of […]

Evaluating Research Reports and Literature

Evaluating Research Reports and Literature Order Description The required text is: Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc. Read chapters: 1,2,3,5,6, & and 7 and then 1.Identify 2 relevant and current (published within the past 10 years) literature articles on your topic My […]

Financial Structure

Financial Structure Order Description Go to and search the for the company, Facebook. Once you find it, click on Financials on the left. Then, click on Balance Sheet and choose Annual. Answer the following questions: If you were an analyst, what in their balance sheet is alarming? What would you do to “fix their […]

SGA1238 Marketing Essentials Workbook 138 © Study Group Australia Pty Limited, SGA1238-L6/10/13-V1 Assessment Task 2 This assessment consists of 4 parts all of which must be answered. The instructions to complete this assessment are included on the following page. Follow the instructions with each question. When you are confident that you have met all requirements for this assessment task, upload your file using Study Smart for marking. Make sure your work follows the style guide and naming conventions presented in the Style Guide document available in the Learning and Study Support section of Study Smart. Workbook SGA1238 Marketing Essentials © Study Group Australia Pty Limited, SGA1238-L6/10/13-V1 139 Assessment Task 2: Adjusted Marketing Mix Report (Paired Assessment) Scenario or background information You are a marketing analyst employed by a large retail organisation of your choice. Company-wide sales in various markets have recently declined and senior management needs to assess the marketing strategy for one of their underperforming products. As part of your role, your manager has asked you to investigate and evaluate potential changes to the marketing mix of one of your underperforming products to increase sales and regain market share. (Note: No sales data is available for this assessment). Note: It is important that you choose an organisation that: • has multiple product lines from which you can choose and one that you can identify as having low sales • is a place you can visit in person • has an online website so that organisational and product research can be conducted • is different to the organisation and products used in Assessment Task 1 Requirements Resources: You will need: • A digital camera to take still photographs of the product that you choose; also include a photograph of the store/building location. This will form part of your evidence submission. Please note: You cannot take photographs in store without permission of store management. (You could obtain brochures of the product). • The product that will be used during the administration of the survey • Support documentation (i.e. surveys, writing paper, pens) SGA1238 Marketing Essentials Workbook 140 © Study Group Australia Pty Limited, SGA1238-L6/10/13-V1 1. Online research • Choose the organisation • Conduct online research on your employer summarising: o strategic goals/objectives o vision statement (if provided) o marketing goals/objectives from the literature provided in the web page o their range of product offerings 2. Applied research Conjointly with another student you are required to undertake the following: • In relation to your organisation, locate the nearest store to you and select a product that is available but underperforming (check the number of items, location of the item in relation to others, and other variables which may indicate low sales. Ask one of the store managers to help you with your research). • Identify and describe the marketing mix of the underperforming product including the price of the product, the promotions of the product, place (how the product is distributed to the store) and number of stores in your region, and the key characteristics/features of the product. • You will need to purchase the product and keep the receipt. Note: For the purpose of this assessment task keep the product cost low and the product size relatively small. • Conduct a survey on at least 20 customers and investigate an alternative marketing mix for your chosen product by analysing the survey. Remember you are trying to increase sales of the underperforming product. Workbook SGA1238 Marketing Essentials © Study Group Australia Pty Limited, SGA1238-L6/10/13-V1 141 • When you are ready administer the survey: See below for further instructions. 3. Undertaking consumer market research If you have not undertaken market research before then you will need to do the following: Prior to the survey: • Be organised with you partner. Discuss dates, timeframe to undertake the survey, store management contact, facilitator contact where possible and ensure you have the necessary documents (surveys), the product (most importantly extra samples) and stationery to complete the surveys and other writing paper. Remind yourself of the purpose of the research, which is to identify the target market of the product, demographic data, generate responses and thoughts/feelings towards the product and whether changes to one or more elements of the marketing mix will affect their desire/need for the product and purchase decision. At the store: • Choose a suitable day and time. Liaise with store management and set up in an area where you can discuss the survey with customers. Do not choose the entrance. Do not stand in front of signs of other retailers. Administering the survey: Number of customers/respondents for survey: 10 per student = 20 customers/respondents. More if required. You can also send the survey and photo of the product via email to customers who would buy such a product. • Introduce yourselves and your partner to a potential customer/respondent and explain the purpose of the research and survey. SGA1238 Marketing Essentials Workbook 142 © Study Group Australia Pty Limited, SGA1238-L6/10/13-V1 • Explain that the survey will only take a few minutes of their time. If the customer/respondent chooses to undertake the survey ask the questions and record their responses. If the customer/respondent chooses not to undertake the survey do not pressure the person into staying or doing the survey and respect their decision. • Do not engage in any conflict whatsoever with the customer or respondent. Be wary of respondent/customer actions whilst undertaking the survey. Keep to the survey questions and ensure that you obtain information about the product and the changing of the marketing mix. • You will need identification to demonstrate that the survey is ‘real’ for education purposes and that the information will remain confidential and private only for yourself and the facilitator. • At the conclusion of the survey, thank the customer/respondent for their time. Analysing the data: You will need to break down and examine the demographic data of the respondents, break down and examine the responses of each respondent and group them accordingly. Identify trends from the sample. Note: Due to the small sample size there will be some limitations in the reliability of the findings. 4. Report Your manager has requested a written report of approximately 1200 words summarising the organisation, including the goals/objectives and products sold, as well as the current marketing mix current for a product range, the adjusted marketing mix, and your market research findings with recommendations for the underperforming product. • Introduction/summary of organisation including strategic goals/objectives, mission or vision statement/values statement and marketing objectives Workbook SGA1238 Marketing Essentials © Study Group Australia Pty Limited, SGA1238-L6/10/13-V1 143 • Undertake an analysis of the product in terms of its current marketing mix. • Analysis of the consumer responses relating to this purchase behaviour and frequency of purchase of this product or similar product, changing one or more of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix and product quality. • Estimate the cost of making a proposed change to one area of the marketing mix, such as the cost of altering the promotion of the item. • Summarise your findings of the survey to assess if your proposed changes to the marketing mix of each product will affect consumer behaviour. • Select the adjusted marketing mix for the product which you believe will increase sales and market share using your qualitative survey results as evidence. You are to prepare an adjusted marketing mix report on the following: • Introduction/summary of the organisation • The product marketing mix o Current marketing mix of the underperforming product o Proposed changes to the marketing mix o Implications of altering the marketing mix o Estimated cost to alter one element of the marketing mi x. o Customer response to the adjusted marketing mix • Conclusion • Recommendations o Selection of preferred marketing mix in response to findings. • Appendix – Scan at least 5 surveys (to show evidence of completion) and upload the file/s. SGA1238 Marketing Essentials Workbook 144 © Study Group Australia Pty Limited, SGA1238-L6/10/13-V1 Criteria 1. Items 1–4 are fully described according to the requirements. 2. An underperforming product is identified for analysis. 3. The marketing mix for the product is described. 4. One or more adjusted marketing mixes are tested for consumer response. 5. Recommendations are made to highlight the most effective adjusted marketing mix to encourage an increase in sales and market share. 6. Documentary evidence of research to be provided in the form of URLs of the organisation website, receipts (if practicable), photographs of products and actual survey results. 7. The report length was adhered to + or – 10%. Word limit – 1200 words. When completed upload your completed report and research documents to Study Smart. (Refer to the link ‘How to submit an assessment’ in the Study Smart home page). Due Date: Session 20

SGA1238 Marketing Essentials Workbook 138 © Study Group Australia Pty Limited, SGA1238-L6/10/13-V1 Assessment Task 2 This assessment consists of 4 parts all of which must be answered. The instructions to complete this assessment are included on the following page. Follow the instructions with each question. When you are confident that you have met all requirements […]

The film 'Contempt' and the relationship between Europe and America

The film ‘Contempt’ and the relationship between Europe and America Order Description The essay is about French Director Jean-Luc Godard’s film ‘Contempt’ (1963) and the relationship between Europe and America, as well as the significance of nationality in transnational contexts of film production. The short essay must have a thesis statement at the beginning of […]

Food and Society/Commodity Chain Analysis Assignment

Food and Society/Commodity Chain Analysis Assignment This assignment asks you to do some detective work to investigate the sources of the products you consume. You’ll be asked to choose a specific product and trace it from source to consumption. This type of project is called “commodity chain analysis,” since it starts with a product (a […]

Literary Analysis

Literary Analysis Order Description Essay 4: Literary Analysis Essay 4 is due by noon on Monday, November 30. For Essay 4, you will write a character analysis of the protagonist in a story (see the Guide to Writing on p. 472-486 in our textbook for some help with your writing process on this essay). This […]


REFLECTION PAPER Order Description The REFLECTION is NOT a research paper! Identify something we spoke of in class or you have read. It can be one situation or many. For example, something you may have learned when it comes to identity, your upbringing, life lessons etc as it applies to psychology. This should be at […]

Family Health Assessment Essay.

Family Health Assessment Essay. Order Description Family Health Assessment Essay.Details:Select a family to complete a family health assessment. (The family cannot be your own.) Before interviewing the family, develop three open-ended, family-focused questions for each of the following health patterns: Values, Health PerceptionNutritionSleep/RestEliminationActivity/ExerciseCognitiveSensory-PerceptionSelf-PerceptionRole RelationshipSexualityCopingNOTE: Your list of questions must be submitted with your assignment as […]

CEOs Reflect on Hiring for Culture Fit and More

CEOs Reflect on Hiring for Culture Fit and More By Pamela Babcock PHILADELPHIA—When it comes to hiring top talent to lead organizations through both predictable and unforeseeable challenges in today’s rapidly evolving business world, choosing someone who is a cultural fit and aligned with organizational values is key, CEOs said recently. “An organization can spit […]


  Order Description When you think about promotion (otuside of sales), there are really four major categories to think about. With an integrated marketing plan, there are four main media categories to which companies have access: paid, owned, earned and shared media opportunities. (see page 372 for an example of these topics) For your homework, […]

The Eruption Of Thera

The Eruption Of Thera Order Description The Eruption of Thera On the Greek Island of Santorini, approximately 3500 years ago the volcano known as Thera erupted. Some claim that this eruption had a force that exceeded anything humans had ever seen before. The eruption destroyed part of the island and is thought to be related […]

Capstone Project Milestone #2:

Capstone Project Milestone #2: Design for ChangeProposal Guidelines PURPOSE You are to create a Design for Changeproposal inclusive of your PICO and evidence appraisal information from your Capstone Project Milestone #1. Your plan is to convince your management team of a nursing problem you have uncovered and you feel is significant enough to change the […]

ECON 3300A – Essay Assignment

ECON 3300A – Essay Assignment Assignment: write an essay proposal (200 words) and a short essay (2,500 words) Essay topic: Students can choose any business and economic policy area such as competition policy, price and entry regulations, international trade policy, environmental policy, policies related to resource development and exploitation, impact of macroeconomic and fiscal policies […]

personal statement 2 M

personal statement 2 M Order Description 2. Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person you are? learned piano and singing. Have piano grade 10 certificate.

apple case apple case

apple case Order Description use the APPLE as the case study. And you only need to write 1-4 Group Paper and Presentation By the third week of the semester, students will be assigned to a group for the purposes of preparing a paper and presentation on CRM issues. You can create groups of 4-5 students […]

Cruelty and Silence, by Kanan Makiya

Book Review: Cruelty and Silence, by Kanan Makiya Order Description The first half of the book review should contain a description, analysis and evaluation of the main arguments in Kanan Makiya’s book, Cruelty and Silence. The second half of the book review should then move on to address the following question: Have the events popular […]

(B)ordering the Body

(B)ordering the Body Paper details: Reading Prerequisite: Anderson Chapter 13 & review Chapter 4 Overview: According to Jon Anderson, place is understood as a space that has been molded and created by culture and by what humans do. Anderson argues that all places are a composition of traces, or an amalgam of “marks, residues or […]

This Past Election

RE: This Past Election Paper details: After a very long and active election, we have re-elected President Obama for another term. The Republican candidate Governor Mitt Romney and President Obama campaigned for months on issues important to their platform, but how different were the two campaigns or the candidates? In the past, critics frequently charged […]

Lab Assignment #4

Lab Assignment #4 You have just received an inheritance of $10,000 and you decide that you should invest the money rather than blow it on frivolous items. You have decided that you will invest the money in one of two types of mutual funds. The first type that you are considering follows a large-value approach […]

Melanie Springer Mock, "The Misguided War on Christmas," ( and Gary Tandy, "The Problem with Certitude." (

Melanie Springer Mock, “The Misguided War on Christmas,” ( and Gary Tandy, “The Problem with Certitude.” ( Paper details: Read: Read Melanie Springer Mock, “The Misguided War on Christmas,” ( and Gary Tandy, “The Problem with Certitude.” ( Reading Response: In 150-250 words, respond to the following prompt: These George Fox University instructors have taken […]

Employee Motivation and Human Resource Management

Employee Motivation and Human Resource Management Order Description Enrichment Report #4 Guidelines: Chapters 10 and 11 relate to Employee Motivation and Human Resource Management, two closely related topics. Please address the questions below. Each question should be answered in four to five sentences or one paragraph. Discussion Questions 1.) Describe what motivation entails as it […]

Tortuga Fishing Equipment Company /Judson W. Russell

Tortuga Fishing Equipment Company /Judson W. Russell Specific Questions 1. Using the Capital Asset Pricing Model, what is the required rate of return on equity, ke (cost of equity) for Tortuga? 2. Analyzing the company’s bond, what is the yield to maturity on the bond issue, kd (cost of debt)? 3. Using the market weight […]

What is the role of science in The Third Policeman? How might the problems or solutions offered by scientific advancements in the novel mirror those occurring in the real world at the time O’Brien wrote the novel?

What is the role of science in The Third Policeman? How might the problems or solutions offered by scientific advancements in the novel mirror those occurring in the real world at the time O’Brien wrote the novel? 1. What is the role of science in The Third Policeman? How might the problems or solutions offered […]

Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006

Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 write: Inadequacies discuss the benefits of having the current law in place of online gambling. Here are some of Inadequacies that you can continue writing: – The law causes large publicly traded companies to be taken off the online gambling market and allows smaller private companies to enter […]


Comics! Now that we’ve been discussing the use of comics in technical communication, it’s time for you to create your own. Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to take your instructions or technical description and adapt it into a comics format. It can either be a direct adaptation from your instructions or description to […]

Key Skills for Palliative Care Nurses

Key Skills for Palliative Care Nurses Critical thinking ability You should have the ability to think critically to help your patients. Clinical decision-making skills You should be able to think on your feet and make quick decisions for your patient. Communication skills: oral and written You need to be a good communicator so that your […]