Business Report Assignment Overview This assignment 100 points and is designed to provide you with an opportunity analyze, visualize, and report data in the form of a typical business report

Business Report Assignment Overview This assignment 100 points and is designed to provide you with an opportunity analyze, visualize, and report data in the form of a typical business report. Instructions You have already completed two writing assignments and received written feedback; however, it’s important that we review my expectations once again: ? Students will […]

Business Processes and Systems

Business Processes and Systems Further information about general assessment criteria, ARNA regulations, referencing and plagiarism can be found on the module’s site on the e-Learning Portal. Students are advised to read and follow this information. Instructions on Assessment: Pars Food ltd Four questions set Candidates should answer only TWO questions. • Each question represents 25% […]

Advancing Development Paper – Adolescence

Advancing Development Paper – Adolescence Order Description Week 5 | Advancing Development Paper – Adolescence Research and detail how you will optimize your assigned area of development (cognitive, physical, emotional/spiritual, spiritual moral) for Adolescence. You will: 1. Based on your research, identify 2-4 vital issues related to this developmental stage (Adolescence) as it relates to […]


HR Order Description Guidance Notes This is an individual assignment. You need to undertake a small research project in the area of international and comparative human resource management. Note the following guidelines 1. Critical Examination of Literature: Present a literature review on the selected topic or theme by referring to the updated academic literature. You […]

present their final group presentation using PowerPoint

present their final group presentation using PowerPoint Order Description relation between becoming a critical thinker ” ” Johnson, Steven. The Ghost Map: The Story of London’s Most Terrifying Epidemic–And How It Changed Science, Cities, and the Modern World. New York: Riverhead Books, 2007″ # please don’t .another source . # should you find relation between […]


Simulation Behavior of Gases: Finding the Molar Mass of a Fictitious Gas Using Temperature and Average Velocity OBJECTIVES • Determine the molar mass of a fictitious gas in a simulation • Learn the relationship between temperature and kinetic energy INTRODUCTION The molecules of matter at ordinary temperatures can be considered to be in ceaseless, random […]

Annotated bibliography for Langston Hughes

Annotated bibliography for Langston Hughes Order Description Write a brief annotated bibliography, using ten sources (either peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly book chapters). For each source, write the MLA style citation for it. Underneath the citation, write 1-2 sentences summarizing the author’s argument. Next, write 1-2 sentences saying how the author’s argument interacts with your […]

The Future of My Branch of Aviation Industry Now that you have reached a stage of selection of your career and learnt to make resume as well as tips for interview, let’s have a look at the future of the industry or branch of industry that you have selected. For example, pilots will have a look at the future of airlines in the region, Aviation engineers will study the future of technical improvements in the aircraft etc. It’s certain that all of you will not be able to take up the pilot jobs. Others will have to take engineering, management, operations, navigation, meteorology, airport radar services, regulatory bodies of aviation, training etc. There could be a host of such branches from which you could select one for yourself. Let’s do that now. Having selected the branch you want to serve, look at the future of that activity, improvement in its equipment and procedures and your role in it. Now you should be armed to write an essay of 1500 words on the future of the aviation branch that you have selected to serve as your career. This is an assessed exercise 20 MARKS and must be done individually. The date of submission for the assignment is 16 November 2015. You are free to consult me for any help in your selection of the aviation branch and how to assess its future. Best of Luck!

The Future of My Branch of Aviation Industry Now that you have reached a stage of selection of your career and learnt to make resume as well as tips for interview, let’s have a look at the future of the industry or branch of industry that you have selected. For example, pilots will have a […]

Searle is right/wrong to claim that digital computers are not capable of genuine understanding. . Requirements 1. Structure ?The paper must have the following four parts, and each part must comply with a specific word limit: ? • Introduction. No more than 50 words. ? • Exposition. Around 550 words. Summarize philosopher S’s argument for the claim that P (the target argument). Use textual evidence when appropriate (but see below regarding the use of quo- tation). You may include materials relevant to the target argument (for example, the consequence of accepting or rejecting it), as long as these materials help your reader better understand the target argument and are confined to that role—the focus should always be on the target argument itself. ? • Argument and reply/replies. Around 1100 words. In this part you should, first, present ONE argument of your own which either (1) shows that the target argument is unsound or not cogent, or (2) reinforces the target argument. Then, anticipate ONE or TWO objections to the argument you just presented, and reply to each objection with further argument(s). ?In no event should you simply repeat the target argument. That does not qualify as “reinforcing” the target argument. All of the followings are good ways to reinforce the target argument: ? – presenting a novel argument for a controversial premise in the target argument; ? – pointing out a weakness in the target argument (e.g., that it is invalid in a subtle way), and ?presenting a modified version which fixes the problem; ? – addressing an objection to the target argument which the original author (philosopher S) does not address, or does not address adequately. ?A reply to an objection should be developed as an argument in its own right, with clearly stated, well-defended premises. As a rule of thumb, if a reply is shorter than 200 words, then either it has not been developed properly as it should, or you have chosen too easy an objection to reply to. ? • Conclusion. No more than 100 words. 2. Other requirements • For each of the four parts you should clearly mark its beginning and include a word count. ? • The entire paper should not exceed 1900 words. 1800 is about right. Anything below 1600 is likely to be unacceptable. ?The word limit on each part will be strictly enforced, in this way: I will ignore the portion that goes beyond the limit, and grade the paper as if it didn’t exist. (Thus, if the introduction is more than 50 words, I will read the first 50 and move on to the next part.) ? • Footnotes are allowed and are not included in the word count. But you should only use them (if at all) for providing citations and quotations. The main text should be readable without reading any footnote. ?3. No quotation ?Except for one case (specified in the next paragraph), direct quotation is prohibited in the body of the text. Whenever you are stating someone else’s view, you must paraphrase. You can put quotations in the footnotes when appropriate (e.g., if you think the accuracy of your paraphrase may be in doubt, and you want to use the original text to back it up) but the main text should be quotation-free. ?The only situation where direct quotation is permitted (and often necessary) is when you want to discuss a crucial term or phrase used by a philosopher. For example, you may write ?It is not clear what Cohen means by “caused in the appropriate way” . . . [You then go on to discuss several possibilities, and each of them affects Cohen’t argument.] ?But in cases like this you should not be quoting more than a few words. ?Due date, format, draft ?The paper is due at 11:59 PM, December 10 (Thursday).?Send it to [email protected] as an attachment in .doc, .docx, or .rtf. No .pdf or sharing through ?Google Doc. It’s best to avoid .pages, too.?You can send drafts to me for comments. I will usually respond the same day or at least the next day. ?Better do it early, to allow me time for a thoughtful response and to allow yourself time for revision. ? 2 Late policy Late papers are penalized by one sub-grade per day. An A- paper becomes B+ if it’s late by one day; becomes B if late by two days, and so on, until it fails. “No access to the Internet” is not an acceptable excuse. Do it early when you have access. If a paper is late because of an email system failure, I regard it as excusable, rare as it may be. But in order not to be penalized you must provide me with the delivery failure notice generated by your email system. Extensions are normally not granted, but an exception may be made for an emergency.

Searle is right/wrong to claim that digital computers are not capable of genuine understanding. . Requirements 1. Structure ?The paper must have the following four parts, and each part must comply with a specific word limit: ? • Introduction. No more than 50 words. ? • Exposition. Around 550 words. Summarize philosopher S’s argument for […]

Juliano Abnormal Psychology

Juliano Abnormal Psychology Order Description Write a two page article critique on the attached document Experimental Evidence for a Causal Relationship Between Smoking Lapse and Relapse Laura M. Juliano American University Eric C. Donny, Elisabeth J. Houtsmuller, and Maxine L. Stitzer Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine In this study, the authors prospectively evaluated the […]


Marketing Paper details: part one( the biggest one): Answer the following questions and submit your responses to the accompanying SafeAssignment link: 1. Since 1970, Mother Earth News has been the magazine of choice for environmental-minded consumers. The bimonthly lifestyle rag, which boasts national circulation of 470,000 readers, covers topics ranging from organic gardening and natural […]

Sherry Turkle: Connected, But Alone? Paper details: The TED Talk can be found on YouTube and other sites. An analytical essay with the following specifications; The paper must break down the content including the topic, the argument, the purpose of the speech, the effectiveness of the argument, the impact on your understanding, etc. You should also be mindful of the delivery, reflecting on what worked, what didn’t work, what you may have done differently, etc.

Sherry Turkle: Connected, But Alone? Paper details: The TED Talk can be found on YouTube and other sites. An analytical essay with the following specifications; The paper must break down the content including the topic, the argument, the purpose of the speech, the effectiveness of the argument, the impact on your understanding, etc. You should […]

Resource Development Mini-paper (Gap Paper) – Students choosing this option will identify a gap in resources identified while developing the community resource file and apply case management and community resource development principles (e.g., systems-level advocacy) in a proposal to address the gap and develop the needed resource. A minimum of three references related to case management and/or community resource development should inform your proposal. Your paper should be between 5-7 pages in length.

Resource Development Mini-paper (Gap Paper) – Students choosing this option will identify a gap in resources identified while developing the community resource file and apply case management and community resource development principles (e.g., systems-level advocacy) in a proposal to address the gap and develop the needed resource. A minimum of three references related to case […]


Engineering Paper details: You are asked to provide a response to the following ethics question. The raw material for your answer will come from your reading of: Kidder, Chapter 1 Ford, Chapter 11 Your ethics essay should be 1½ single-spaced pages (or 3 double-spaced pages). Be specific and use examples from the readings or from […]

Total quality Management

Total quality Management Write a journal paper from your review, findings and suggestion from both Assignment 1 and 2. Your paper should at least have 15 pages. Prepare a journal paper for final project based on the topic of your interest. The paper should include – Title of the research (ex: evaluating the challenges in […]

SEARCH a Personal Experience with the Loch Ness Monster

SEARCH a Personal Experience with the Loch Ness Monster Order Description Research question: Is the eyewitness claim about the Loch Ness Monster reasonable and possibly true? double-spaced, in MLA format. Your Works Cited page does not count toward the assignment length. Sources: You need at least two credible secondary sources. Your primary source is How […]

IT 330 Database Design and Management

IT 330 Database Design and Management Critical Read, Review Description, attached documents and Follow Instructions. Thoroughly discuss and answer all Questions and follow steps 1-4. Kindly use follow instructions in attached document steps 1-4 to complete the assignment. Apply Grade rubric. STEP1. 4-1 Lab 4 Now that you have your design elements in place, start […]


UNDERSTANDING THE CONSUMER The assignment is designed as a literature review. This means that you are to explore the topic area through a review of the literature related to the topic (i.e. what is known about the topic). The assignment topic area is: Gender and consumer behaviour Your review of the literature should be a […]


English Order Description Write your own survival kit to a group of high school girl student in your neighborhood to encourage to girl issue

Is there evidence that capital punishment is a deterrent for crime?

Is there evidence that capital punishment is a deterrent for crime? Order Description RESEARCHING THE PAPER. Sources for the paper should include court decisions, Congressional debates (if appropriate), books and scholarly articles in law reviews and political science journals. An important part of your grade will include your use of primary source materials. WRITING THE […]

Small Business Program and Source Selection Plans

Small Business Program and Source Selection Plans Order Description Choose to respond to this scenario from a government or a contractor perspective. If you select government, then you will complete the assignment as if you are a government employee (or military personnel) receiving the proposal from the contractor. If you select contractor, then you will […]

MSc Safety, Health & Environment / Occupational Hygiene

MSc Safety, Health & Environment / Occupational Hygiene Session 2015/16 Term 1 Course Title Management of Physical Agents Level 7 Tutor Jeremy Carter Assignment 2 Aims The aim of this assignment is to develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the practices associated with the management of physical agents in the work environment within the […]

Reviewing Kotter's (1985) 1. Reviewing Kotter's (1985) suggestions (on page 213) for exercising political influence, what might be examples of more subtle or more forceful methods that he refers to as "Plan B?" In your experience, when have you practiced steps 1 – 3, and if necessary, when have you needed to resort to Step 4? 2. Giant multi-national corporations, like Walmart (see chapter 11) have achieved scale and resources at levels unprecedented in the history of modern organizational dynamics. Such power and control has caused many scholars, pundits, practitioners and citizens to worry that the balance among politics, society and the environment is skewed in favor of multi-national corporations. Others argue that organizations retain their clout by continually adapting to larger social forces and responding to the needs and demands of customers and constituents. What is your position on the issue? Please give solid examples and/or citations to support your argument. 3. Coalitions form within organizations out of need – member of various groups need one another although their interests may overlap partially. Using the example from the text on NASA and the Challenger accident for how organizations are coalitionsexplain how an organization of which you are familiar is a coalition. What are some of the enduring differences in values, beliefs, information interests and perceptions of reality that you observe or are aware of among the various coalition members in your organization? 4. An assumption of the political frame is that most important decisions involve allocating scarce resources – deciding who gets what, which can put conflict at the center of day-to-day dynamics within organizations. Again, looking at how this assumption played out in the NASA – Challenger accident, how does this assumption manifest from an example in your own organization, or one of which you are very familiar? What kinds of negotiations, bargaining and jockeying for position was evident as goals and decisions were made in your example?

Reviewing Kotter’s (1985) 1. Reviewing Kotter’s (1985) suggestions (on page 213) for exercising political influence, what might be examples of more subtle or more forceful methods that he refers to as “Plan B?” In your experience, when have you practiced steps 1 – 3, and if necessary, when have you needed to resort to Step […]

MacroEconomics Variables "Target Stores"

MacroEconomics Variables “Target Stores” Order Description Economic Analysis Paper Three: Macroeconomic Variables 1. Compare changes in the macroeconomic variables to changes in the company data you collected in analysis papers one and two. What observations can you make about the effects of movements in macroeconomic variables on the company’s performance? Company= Target Corporation

nursing case study

nursing case study Length: 2500 – 2750 words Weighting: 40% Details: This academic paper requires students to write ? up the patient presented at their Clinical Case Conference (CCC) to their Nurs3005 PEP facilitator and present it as a detailed report. There must be analysis of the patient?s medical condition(s) demonstrating the ability to apply […]

Module: Project Management in Health Informatics

Module: Project Management in Health Informatics Case study of 3,000 words that presents a structured case study and academic evaluation of a health informatics project. (IMPLEMENTATION OF DIGITAL DICTATION SYSTEM AT A HOSPITAL ) 1-Abstract. 2-Introduction 2.1 Organisational context (Clear description of the project). 3-Mandating the project. 4-Aims 5-Obgectives. 6-Scope. 7-Boundaries. 8-Characteristics including those that […]

Chemical Pesticides- Effect on Our Foods and Our Bodies

Chemical Pesticides- Effect on Our Foods and Our Bodies Order Description In this research assessment, you will work on an important part of any research process—understanding competing perspectives on an issue. These perspectives can broadly oppose your stance on an issue, or they might stand in opposition to specific parts of your own position on […]

nutrition for dialysis patients

nutrition for dialysis patients Order Description Instructions: Imagine that you are a nutrition education assistant who is working at the county health department’s nutrition outreach program. You have received a patient referral from the local dialysis center. While all dialysis centers have nutrition professionals and nutrition education is reimbursed through insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid, this […]

paradoxes of globalization

paradoxes of globalization Order Description Reference: After reading about the paradoxes of globalization from an anthropological perspective this week, please consider the cartoon above and use the following guide questions in formulating your own ideas about what’s wrong or what’s right about globalization: What are some of the arguments for and against the interpretation […]

Homelessness and mental health

Homelessness and mental health Order Description list and describe at least three policies or programs in the United States that address the social problem. For example, if you are talking about the social problem of hunger, you might write: “One way the United States addresses the problem of hunger is through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance […]