Pacific Garbage Patch

Pacific Garbage Patch The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean. Marine debris is litter that ends up in oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also known as the Pacific trash vortex, spans waters from the West Coast of North […]

How do humans become exposed to this pesticide?

Pesticides and Associated Health Effects Pesticide is defined as any substance used to kill, repel, or control certain forms of plant or animal life that are considered to be pests. Locate and choose a pesticide of interest to you. Write 2 full pages on the effects pesticides have on the environment. Be sure to include […]

What did you learn about the people of the Samoan Islands?

: What did you learn about the people of the Samoan Islands? Topic 1: Gender. • What did you learn from Mead’s book about gender in the Samoan Islands? • What did you learn that expanded your overall perspective on gender? Topic 2: Social Structure • What can we learn from this book about how […]


English Question 1: Describe ‘social engineering’ from an I.S. security perspective. Provide two examples of social engineering and two safeguards to prevent these examples. (~250 Words) • Insert your answer here and remove this comment. • Question 2: Define ‘alien software’. Explain how it differs from viruses, worms and trojan horses. Give 4 examples of […]


INDIVIDUAL PROJECT Select one of the following companies: Couche-Tard Incorporated Bank of Montreal Enbridge Incorporated Tim Hortons Incorporated Tesla Motors Incorporated Incorporated Note that in addition to web-based resources you are also expected to conduct a literature review that will include a search for any academic studies completed that have involved your selected company […]

Drawing on your experience of producing the creative deliverable (creative idea for an alcohol brand) and using relevant theory, discuss the extent to which the development of creative ideas can be viewed as a process.

Drawing on your experience of producing the creative deliverable (creative idea for an alcohol brand) and using relevant theory, discuss the extent to which the development of creative ideas can be viewed as a process. Order Messages (0) Revision Instructions (0) « Back to list Order code: 81545995 f Not available Request order Time remaining: […]

Junk science

Junk science This assignment was locked Nov 2 at 11:59pm. 1. Find an online article about nutrition. Paste the link in the assignment. 2. Using Table 1.1 “Sorting out Nutrition Information” determine if the information makes sense. Provide a word-processed response justifying your position. Reference each table points in your summary. 3. Scoring: 1) Appropriate […]

Why do some countries attract more foreign investment than others?

Why do some countries attract more foreign investment than others?   Individual Essay You are required to write a 1500 word essay on one of the two topics below [the bibliography should not be included in the word count]. The essay counts for 30% of the final mark for the module. 1. Why do governments […]

supportive messages as a type of social support in case of health issues

supportive messages as a type of social support in case of health issues From the interpersonal communication perspective and using the Social support theory to explain the role of the different types of the supportive messages as a type of social support in case of health issues. 1- Body of the paper: 6 pages, double-spaced […]

Why a cheerleading coach should be concerned from a legal point of view

Why a cheerleading coach should be concerned from a legal point of view Legal issues research paper (read attached document). Research internet and discuss reasons why a cheerleading coach should be concerned from a legal point of view. Find and read legal articles surrounding the sport of cheerleading. Answer questions such as: Should a coach […]

Patient care delivery models

Patient care delivery models As the country focuses on the restructuring of the U.S. health care delivery system, nurses will continue to play an important role. It is expected that more and more nursing jobs will become available out in the community, and fewer will be available in acute care hospitals. 1.Write an informal presentation […]

History research paper

History research paper – You are tasked with choosing an event during the 20th century in the United States and write a paper explaining that event, how this event has impacted or helped shaped society (in the past and/or present), as well as what lessons society can take away from this event. For each, you […]

Disproportionate Burden Paper

Disproportionate Burden Paper Paper details: The “Healthy Communities” movement values environmental health as one of the necessities for overall well-being. Despite many of the environmentally responsible policies attributed to the Environmental Justice Movement, many communities of color still experience a disproportionate burden of ill health from environmental or occupational hazards. Many U.S. neighborhoods and communities […]

Business communication

Business communication Paper details: ASSIGNMENT 08 C05 Business Communication Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should […]


TEAM PROJECT REQUIREMENT Objective You will be assigned to teams with three or four members. The project requires you to conduct a complete analysis and valuation of Lowe’s Home Improvement, Inc. A key feature of the project is that it requires ¬you to identify and obtain the relevant information. Thus, in addition to being evaluated […]

Homework: Hedonic Theory

Homework: Hedonic Theory Assume that there is a baseline risk of death on the job of q0 percent annually. Firms can invest to reduce this risk, so that actual risk at a job is q(i)=q0 – i*ß. Here i is amount invested into reducing the risk a given employee faces. Of course mortality is bounded […]

Individual report about a visitor attraction

Individual report about a visitor attraction Paper details: VISITOR ATTRACTION CHOSEN: Central Park New York Please let a person living in NYC write the report because it needs evidence such as brochures. prepare a report that answers the following points in relation to that site: 1. Identify the core resources, products and stakeholders at the […]


Q. IS NUCLEAR ENERGY A GOOD ANSWER TO THE PROBLEMS POSED BY CLIMATE CHANGE? Climate change has been a provocative topic that placed people in countless debate. The question of whether nuclear energy is a good answer to the problems caused by climate change remains controversial. Many countries depend on nuclear power to generate Electricity; […]

Managing Under Uncertainty/Assignment GSBS6001 GSBS6001 Managing Under Uncertainty/Assignment 3: Personal Case Reflection 1. GSBS6001 Assignment 3: Personal Case Reflection (weighting 40%) Assignment Task In this assignment, you are asked to engage in critical reflection of a personal decision making situation. You are required to select one significant or critical decision that YOU have made (i.e., YOU are the decision maker) recently in the workplace. If you have limited workplace experience, you may use a personal decision making situation in another context. However, if you choose to do so, please consult the lecturer to ensure that you select an appropriate decision for this assignment. You are required to analyze the decision using the relevant theories, models, frameworks we discussed in this course throughout the trimester. You are also asked to critically discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this decision. Finally, the assessment requires the proposal of recommendations on how you might have dealt with these issues, if you had been exposed to the academic theories, models and frameworks covered in this course, at that time. Understanding the task: What do you need to do? 1. Executive Summary summarizes the key points of the analysis, critical discussion and recommendations made. (Up to 1 page; NOT included in the 2,000 words count) 2. Introduction of the decision situation you are going to analyze in the report. In this section, you should explain the context of the decision: (1) what decision was made? (2) what factors influenced the decision? (3) what was the outcome of the decision? (approximately 200 words) 3. Analysis of the decisions in terms of relevant theories, models and frameworks. In completing this task, you should identify AT LEAST TWO critical perspectives to approach the decision you are analyzing (see Assignment 3 List of Theories). You may analyze the decisions from any of the perspectives we discussed in this course throughout the trimester. (approximately words 800 words) 4. Critical discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the decisions. You will need to assess and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses (or advantages and disadvantages) of your decision making using relevant theories and models. (approximately words 400 words) 5. Recommendations of what you could have done to improve your decision making, if you have been exposed to the theories, models and frameworks discussed in this course. In making recommendations, you should refer to key points of your analysis and critical discussion to justify what should be done differently in the future (i.e., how to address the weaknesses and how to continue to improve aspects that are already strong or effective). It is important that you include references to further theories and models to support and justify your recommendations. (approximately words 600 words) Note that you should have at least 8-10 references for this assignment. No table of content is needed in this assignment. GSBS6001 Managing Under Uncertainty Assignment 3: Personal Case Reflection 2 Length of the Report The report should not exceed the maximum 2,000 words. 3: Personal Case Reflection 1. GSBS6001 Assignment 3: Personal Case Reflection (weighting 40%) Assignment Task In this assignment, you are asked to engage in critical reflection of a personal decision making situation. You are required to select one significant or critical decision that YOU have made (i.e., YOU are the decision maker) recently in the workplace. If you have limited workplace experience, you may use a personal decision making situation in another context. However, if you choose to do so, please consult the lecturer to ensure that you select an appropriate decision for this assignment. You are required to analyze the decision using the relevant theories, models, frameworks we discussed in this course throughout the trimester. You are also asked to critically discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this decision. Finally, the assessment requires the proposal of recommendations on how you might have dealt with these issues, if you had been exposed to the academic theories, models and frameworks covered in this course, at that time. Understanding the task: What do you need to do? 1. Executive Summary summarizes the key points of the analysis, critical discussion and recommendations made. (Up to 1 page; NOT included in the 2,000 words count) 2. Introduction of the decision situation you are going to analyze in the report. In this section, you should explain the context of the decision: (1) what decision was made? (2) what factors influenced the decision? (3) what was the outcome of the decision? (approximately 200 words) 3. Analysis of the decisions in terms of relevant theories, models and frameworks. In completing this task, you should identify AT LEAST TWO critical perspectives to approach the decision you are analyzing (see Assignment 3 List of Theories). You may analyze the decisions from any of the perspectives we discussed in this course throughout the trimester. (approximately words 800 words) 4. Critical discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the decisions. You will need to assess and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses (or advantages and disadvantages) of your decision making using relevant theories and models. (approximately words 400 words) 5. Recommendations of what you could have done to improve your decision making, if you have been exposed to the theories, models and frameworks discussed in this course. In making recommendations, you should refer to key points of your analysis and critical discussion to justify what should be done differently in the future (i.e., how to address the weaknesses and how to continue to improve aspects that are already strong or effective). It is important that you include references to further theories and models to support and justify your recommendations. (approximately words 600 words) Note that you should have at least 8-10 references for this assignment. No table of content is needed in this assignment. GSBS6001 Managing Under Uncertainty Assignment 3: Personal Case Reflection 2 Length of the Report The report should not exceed the maximum 2,000 words.

Managing Under Uncertainty/Assignment GSBS6001 GSBS6001 Managing Under Uncertainty/Assignment 3: Personal Case Reflection 1. GSBS6001 Assignment 3: Personal Case Reflection (weighting 40%) Assignment Task In this assignment, you are asked to engage in critical reflection of a personal decision making situation. You are required to select one significant or critical decision that YOU have made (i.e., […]

identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection

identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection 1.formulate the record possible research project outline specifications.(2) Identify the factors that contribute to the of research project seletion.(Undertake a critical review of key refernces.(4) produce a research project specification.(5)provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification.You should use the […]


Psychology Outline an experiment in which you are trying to show that brushing with BEST toothpaste results in fewer cavities. Be sure to describe the participants and how they will be assigned to different conditions or groups. Include your hypothesis and identify the Independent variable, the dependent variable and any possible confounding variables.

Telephone Numbers B Letters or Numbers

Telephone Numbers B Letters or Numbers Lab #1 Telephone Numbers B Letters or Numbers Introduction Although telephones use both numbers and letters on the dialler, we use telephone numbers and not telephone letters. The chapter on memory in your text discusses how meaningful material is more easily remembered than meaningless material. Be sure to read […]

Patient Assesment

Patient Assesment All questions must be answered and referenced as needed. Instructions This assessment consists of four (4) case studies – all must be completed. You are required to 1. Answer any specific questions asked in the case study 2. Provide a probable diagnosis with justification and provide at least 1 other differential diagnosis Case […]

Argumentative (Position) Essay

Argumentative (Position) Essay Assignment: Drawing on the assigned readings— “We Bail out Banks, But Not Desperate Students” by Jesse Jackson (, “Forgive Student Loans?” by Richard Vedder (, and “Higher Education’s Coming Crisis” by Robert Zaller ( —write an essay that presents your informed stance or opinion—your position—on the issue of “student loan crisis.” Do […]

Case Analysis Study Approach (CASA)

Case Analysis Study Approach (CASA) (Read the case a couple of times) Briefly make notes or an outline to describe each of the following – 1. Industry & Market: 2. External Environment: 3. Internal Environment: 4. Financial Analyses: 5. Economic Condition for Industry: 6. Key Trending Factors: 7. SWOT Analysis: 8. Key issues of the […]