Coca Cola's performance

Critically examine Coca Cola’s performance in regards to: Creating and Delivering Customer Value & Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning. A very brief profile of Coca Cola, the substantive focus of the report should be on evaluating the organisation’s performance in the selected areas. and making appropriate recommendations for improvements based on the understanding of relevant best […]

Metabolic effects of Ginger

  A Literature Review aims to provide a detailed account of published theoretical and/or scientific investigations which are relevant to the subject or project being undertaken. It should contain an introduction, aims, hypotheses and methods sections. The introduction should identify the limitations of the literature and/or areas of controversy and assess them critically. It should […]

creating a plan to involve citizens in the budgeting and financial management processes of a municipality or small county

Your task is to craft a detailed, professional PowerPoint presentation creating a plan to involve citizens in the budgeting and financial management processes of a municipality or small county. Be as specific as possible and substantiate your plan with at least three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles. Make sure your references are cited using APA format. […]

Job performance

Compose an essay of no less than 500 words unit. Your essay should include a description of at least three jobs that budgetary and financial management professionals may perform in the public sector. Discuss how these types of jobs are similar or different than the prevailing theory within the field of budgetary or financial management. […]

Managing Across Culture-Individual Project

    Assume that you are employed in a multinational company that is setting up a subsidiary in another country. You may choose the national culture of both the home office of the multinational and the subsidiary. You have been asked to write a report, exploring the national culture of the subsidiary and how that […]

A Comparative Analysis of Australian data privacy legal framework in light of the South Korean model

  Task: Students are asked to research and write a 4,000-word essay addressing a question(s) they have devised which has been approved by the Subject Coordinator (see attached). The question must sufficiently relate to the subject and have a relevant Australian legal/regulatory dimension. In addressing the question, students must not conduct research that requires ethics […]

patient lifting device

1- Introduction to patient lifting device ( 1 Page ) 2- History of patient lifting device ( 2 Pages) 3- History of patient problems ( 1 Page ) 4- Importance and purposes of patient lifting device ( 1 Page ) the writing language style should be an Australian style Could you please cite the references […]

Critical Analysis of Leadership

    You will need to complete the following project on leadership that assesses leaders in a work-related environment. This project focuses on critical analysis of leaders’ approaches to their leadership in a work-related environment and provides recommendations on how to sustain or improve leadership effectiveness. Identify three ‘interviews’ or biographical accounts of Australian CEOs, […]

Crisis Communication Case Study

Book is Effective Crisis Communication, ebook at: Login: [email protected] Pass: Ontime99! Go to pagej 65 case study 2. Answer for assignment Questions 3 and 4 only below, not in book. Need ASAP 3. Which crisis communication theory was utilized? Cite textbook. 2 pages 4. How successful was the result? 1 page ANALYZE specific answers, […]

Disputes in a unionized workplace

  Before you start this assignment, be sure that you are familiar with the following: Responsibilities of the National Labor Relations Board ( Grievance Management ( Unfair Labor Practices ( Read the following scenario: Jack and Eric are both hourly employees in the finishing department. They work under Phil, the first-shift finishing foreman. Steve is […]

Participant Design and Correlated Participant Design

  What is the difference between Between-Participant Design and Correlated Participant Design? Post tests and Pretests What is meant by control in experimental designs? Confounds Internal validity—can you give some examples and identify problems with research? External validity Difference between Within-Participant Design and Matched Experimental Design Reducing order effects—counterbalancing t tests What is a two […]

Annotated Bibliography & Literature Review

  Part 1. Annotated Bibliography. Identify at least eight (8) scholarly/academic readings/texts that will form part of the final review of the literature relating to it.For each text, write an 80-100 word paragraph that explains how the reading relates to your work. Questions you might address include: What is the text’s main focus? What argument […]

cardiovascular disorder

Reflect on a patient with a known history of a cardiovascular disorder such as a blood clot or arrhythmia. Describe the patient�s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you did not evaluate a patient with this background during the last four weeks, you may select a related case study […]

External factors affecting the business

Choose one of the organizations from the list below and examine the key external factors affecting the business by applying the PESTEL framework for one of the emerging markets. This should include a detailed situation analysis using theory to underpin your discussion. Examine the key drivers of globalization and how these have impacted upon the […]

Case Management Plan

      Create an original ‘case study’ and develop a management plan based on the case study The case study you create (approximately 250 words) should involve a child with an emotional or behavioral disorder which is causing significant behavior problems in a real or hypothetical scenario. The case study should be based on […]

Monitoring Our Home Planet

  The Internet is a powerful tool that provides the ability to monitor natural phenomena and disasters that happen all over planet Earth. In this assignment, you will research resources available on the Internet for monitoring natural phenomena including earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, global climate, and weather. Based on your research, do the following: • Identify […]


  • Q1: Answer the following questions (Approximately half a page) a. What is a magnetic field gradient? b. How is the magnetic field gradient used to achieve frequency encoding of the echo? Q2: Answer the following questions (Approximately half a page) a. Describe the Nyquist theorem b. Calculate the dwell time for a bandwidth […]

The scientific and technical concepts related to nuclear medicine

Nuclear medicine is a specialized branch of modern medicine that exploits the process of radioactivity for imaging, diagnosis, and treatment. Many imaging techniques inject small amounts of radioactive material into the body, which are then tracked by a sensing device specific to the type of radiation emitted from that material. Radiation has also been used […]

Impact of colonization on non-European inhabitants on the Americas

  The paper must incorporate at least 1-2 primary and 1-2 secondary sources. Academic resources. Discuss the impact of colonization on non-European inhabitants or migrants/immigrants on the Americas. What were the negative effects on native civilizations? What were the positive effects of contact between Europe and the Americas (in terms of the Colombian Exchange)?   […]

Amazon – Transportation Economics

  The research paper should be completed around information on a company of your choice. The research on the company must: Include a brief summary of the organization. Explain how the processes of transportation economics play a major role in transportation decisions of the organization. Describe how the supply chain of this company contributions to […]

Environmental Feasibility Study on Modular Construction

  • You are required to perform “Environmental Feasibility Study” on “Modular Construction – Using Steel Cabins”. • Provide positive and negative affects, which modular construction technology has on environment. • You are required to analyse environmental benefits. • You are required to provide solution for negative impacts of modular construction on environment. • Modular […]

Causes of the Toyota crisis

  Read the Toyota case. Provide answers to the following questions. 1 page maximum (single space), A4 size, 12-point font size, 1-inch margin around. 1. What do you think were the main and most important causes of the Toyota crisis? Don’t just repeat phrases or paragraphs from the case, but think more deeply about the […]

Reality Therapy Learning Packet

Please produce a 4 page learning packet with an emphasis on Counseling for the following theoretical approach (Chapter 11 Reality Therapy). This Reality Therapy Learning Packet needs to include well organized critical content for ALL items listed below: A – G.  . Please reproduce the format and all of the headers that the example packet […]

  Note: This assignment should be based on audited data, taken primarily from the published Annual Reports of British Airways Plc (‘BA’) and Lufthansa Plc. Full copies of the Annual Reports of both companies are available for download from their respective websites.   You have been hired as a consultant to provide a formal report […]

The role of violence in the British 'settlement' of Australia

Choose one the essays below 1. Assess the role of violence in the British ‘settlement’ of Australia.   2. How did the Macquarie era reflect the influence of Enlightenment values in colonial Australia?   3. What does the nineteenth century acclimatisation movement tell us about the relationship between European settlers and the Australian environment?   […]

Academic Dishonesty

Directions: After reviewing National American University’s academic dishonesty policy write a two-page summary explaining what the policy is and how you will avoid committing an act of academic dishonesty. Make sure to address the following: • Cheating • Plagiarism • Fabrication and Falsification • Multiple Submission • Complicity in Academic Dishonesty Do you want your […]

American Economic History

  Once the revolutionary War ended and the Confederation was created and failed, the U S Constitution was drafted and adopted to provide legal structure for our nation. Some have argued it was in great part an economic document, perhaps more so than a political document. It established a system of courts and a basic […]

Transferring to University of San Francisco

  Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve. You can type directly into the box, or you can paste text from another source. Transferring to University of San Francisco An international student from Hong Kong, have been playing piano for 10 years double major on […]

compliance with import and export controls

  ‘An international business requires compliance with import and export controls which in most cases determine whether the transborder transaction is even financially viable. In addition, parties should educate themselves about international standards that seek to monitor and/or regulate trade in the products they import or export.’ Your Task: Evaluate the accuracy and importance of […]