Development Research Project

Title of the Research: A comparative research between Iceland and my country Bhutan; The impact of population growth on economic development. Research Questions: This study seeks to investigate and compare the impact of population growth on economic development between Iceland with my country Bhutan. 1. To investigate the effect of high population growth on the […]

magnetic resonanceimaging mri

Q1: Answer the following questions (Approximately half a page) a. What is a magnetic field gradient? b. How is the magnetic field gradient used to achieve frequency encoding of the echo? Q2: Answer the following questions (Approximately half a page) a. Describe the Nyquist theorem b. Calculate the dwell time for a bandwidth of 180,000Hz […]

Smithfield Farms

Jonathan Safran Foer writers about Smithfield Farms (which is currently selling itself to a Chinese corporation, Shuanghui, for 4.6 billion U.S. dollars, Here is part of what Foer writes about Smithfield’s contribution to polluting our environment through animal waste: “…Smithfield spilled more than twenty million gallons of lagoon waste into the New River in North […]

Current Event – Focus 3

Choose a topic that can be applied to one of the following economic concepts in chapters 22-23. (Possible curves or equations: rate of return, loanable funds supply and demand, interest rate, consumption function, shifts in aggregate consumption function, or any other curve or equation discussed related to this section) a. Rate of return, liquidity, Fisher […]

impact of technology on education today

Write an analysis on the impact of technology on education today. Begin your work on this assessment by completing these three steps: 1.Read the 2012 library article, “The Crisis in Higher Education,” by Nicholas Carr, if you have not yet done so. This article is linked in the Resources for this assessment under the Library […]

business data analysis

Question 3 (Marks distribution: 4+3+4+3+0+0+4+4+3= 25/90) The human resources manager of DataCom, Inc. is curious to find out if employee characteristics and DataCom’s task requirements can help explain the salary structure of its employees. He considers the following regression model. Salaryi=β0+β1 Yearpriori+β2 Yearwithi+β3 Edui+β4 Genderi+β5 Depti+εi, (1) where variables used in this equation are defined […]

portfolio theory

besides the background, introduction, and so on, please add some examples to discuss the benefits and drawbacks under some conditions. and please use some basic mathematics to analyze the example. see the video: read part 2 of this book and read some other books, journals or articles   Do you want your assignment […]

southwest airlines

Write a seven to ten (7-10) page paper body that includes the following: Think of a possible change initiative in your selected organization. This could be the one you identified in Unit 3 and/or in Unit 4. Briefly describe the initiative. Analyze the impact of this change initiative on the people, processes, and products (or […]

Design Project Report ( proffering only)

Please try to paraphrase and proofread the content so that the sentences structor doesn’t look the seam. Try to expand if you can.   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now!   What We Offer:   On-time delivery guarantee   PhD-level writers   Automatic plagiarism check   100% money-back guarantee […]


Read case study and answer the 4 questions Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.

Graphic Design Artist

“Choose a subject from contemporary practices in graphic design. Write a research paper of a modern graphic designer who is not dead. and whose work is completely contemporary. A designer that you admire and are influenced by, a movement a particular medium, new venues for graphic design etc. Choose something that is of interest to […]

significance of professional Therapeutic Communication

Question: What is the significance of professional Therapeutic Communication in Mental Health Nursing and how this tool significantly affects mental health consumers? Assessment Is Required to: Extensively discusses the background of the question providing insightful analyses of the rationale and identifying alternative questions. Provides extensive and detailed synopsis of the literature. Thoroughly critiques articles considering […]

social networking website

This is your assessment: An internet entrepreneur wants to setup a social networking website (examples of social networking websites include Facebook and Myspace) for students to interact in any country in the world. It is currently in the early stages of development in its domestic market. The entrepreneur wants to rapidly expand the growth of […]

case memo

read the case. write a memo in the format the instructor required Please see attached file named Requirement. Please follow all requirement and format in the attached.   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now!   What We Offer:   On-time delivery guarantee   PhD-level writers   Automatic plagiarism check […]

Social control Theory

This is a 15 page essay as follow: the 1st 5 pages are about the book ” Vold’s Theoretical criminology” sixth edition. Authors: Thomas J. Bernard, Jeffrey B. Snipes, and Alexander L. Gerould. Please refer to the end of the chapter’s 5 questions in order to write the 1st 5 pages. the 2nd 5 pages […]

St. Mary's church in Wichita, KS

write one page about St.Mary church in Wichita in Kansas State, this church is the most famous church in Kansas or maybe in U.S. Please don’t use only 1 source   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Order now, for an amazing discount.

Feminist Media and Blog Analysis

The subject area is women study.   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now!   What We Offer:   On-time delivery guarantee   PhD-level writers   Automatic plagiarism check   100% money-back guarantee   100% Privacy and Confidentiality   High Quality custom-written papers


Chose only one of the three articles below and write a memo on it. 1. All Animals Are Equal by Peter Singer 2. The Tragedy of the Commons by Garret Hardin 3.Why I am Not a Nonanthropocentrist: Callicott and the Failure of Monistic Inherentism by Bryan G. Norton   For a custom paper on the […]

Data Collection Project

Please test two hypothesis based on the following variables.The following variables were used: Depression, Self-Esteem, Loneliness, Social Anxiety, Stress, Generalized Anxiety, # of Social Networking Sites used, # of hours spent on social networking sites, # of Facebook friends, # of real friends, # of text messages per week, GPA, Credits, and # of hours […]

rights and responsibilities of the registered nurse

This assignment consists of three tasks. Each task is to have certain number of words and requires neither an introduction nor conclusion. References used for this assignment must not be older than 2009 and must be Australian ones. Task One looks at the specific rights and responsibilities of the registered nurse in a specialty clinical […]


1)Develop a long-term competitive strategy and marketing plan for Allround. with tables and figures included. Provide charts,graphs, 1)Please provide written essay with charts to back up your points 2)PLEASE PROVIDE double spaced 12 pt 2 pages. 3)EXPLAIN YOUR PLANNED MARKETING GOALS FOR YEARS ONE AND BEYOND WITH BAR CHARTS. 4)PLEASE GIVE GRAPHS HIGHLIGHTING SALES VOLUME,PROFIT,CUSTOMER […]

case study of research method

you have to read the case study that i will post it in the attachment and then answer the discussion questions i will post 4 PDF file for , ( 4 chapters) you have to answer the case study questions for the four chapters to help you better these are the numbers of the pages […]

Project Management

This assignment is related to the previous Management Project proposal that was written by you. This time the full project is required. Please check the uploaded files they are very important. There is no word limit but the professor is looking for something between 5000 – 7000 words. There is no specific structure for the […]

moral options of a nurse

A nurse has a moral option of refusing to participate in care when “placed in situations of compromise that exceed acceptable moral limits or involve violations of the moral standards of the profession, whether in direct patient care or in any other forms of nursing practice”. Hint: When or can a nurse refuse patient care? […]

Fluid Dynamics

Two multi-part exercises. First exercise is about streamline velocity fields and has 8 questions about the problem. Second exercise has 4 questions about aerodynamic drag on a car. I can attach a sample problem for the first exercise and reference material   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Order now, […]

performance appraisal article and poster

you have to choose an article that is related to performance appraisal, with the article you chose you have to design a poster describing the article in a brief way. also you have to write a report about the article.   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team […]

case study

The aim of this assignment is to examine the role of the Registered Nurse (RN) role in the case study that has been provided in the assessment folder located on Moodle (the same case study used for assessment 1). Particular emphasis in your report is to be placed on the legal, ethical and professional nursing […]

effect of bronchodilator on asthmatic children

please write a paper with a good reference talking about this parameter IE50 during tidal breathing in obstructive airways(Asthma), and the differnces in this parameter between normal and asthmatic children. and the changes of this parameter after receiving bronchodilator.   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Order now, for an […]

Requirements for the Corporate Computing Function

Describe the needs of communication networks in a business environment. Use technology and information resources to research issues in communication networks. Write clearly and concisely about communication networks using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.