Quantitative and Qualitative Research Review

  Choose two scholarly, peer-reviewed articles about research studies. The articles can be found using the GCU Library or any of the sources recommended in the readings. Address the following: 1.One article must be an example of a qualitative research study; the other must be a quantitative example. 2.These articles will be utilized for assignments […]

Video Game Music

  Describe how video game music is slowly emerging as a new style of classical music, how it has come of age, and how can be seen and studied as a scholarly art.   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of experienced writers are […]

The Age of a Penny

Follow the instructions and answer the questions. Have you ever wondered how long coins stay in circulation? Are you a collector? Get a wrapper of pennies (that contains $0.50). Your first task is to form a distribution of their ages. 1. Organize the data by using a stemplot of the ages. Split the stems to […]

Financial Markets Investment Analysis (MBA)

  (a) You will be given a company(AT&T Inc) on the New York Stock Exchange. Access data such as share prices and annual reports on the company from the public domain.Using the Market Model and weekly data over the last year find the beta of the company. (20 marks) (b) Research the concept of the […]

Training listening for gist

  You are going to prepare a listening exercise which will firstly train listening for gist, then move on to develop listening for detail. Because we have already mentioned the importance of using authentic materials, your task is this: 1. Record the news from: (a) the radio OR (b) as a podcast from a website. […]

Queen Mary Hospital Case Study

Answer the following question related to the Queen Mary Hospital case study in report format 1. How important is CQI to the success of QMH? Using CQI what hospital operations have been improved? What benefits have resulted? Please in regards to the introduction have only 3 to 4 sentences and for the conclusion a paragraph […]

MANAGEMEnt support

Discuss the importance of having the support of top management with cross-functional participation when implementing a system of activity-based costing?   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.

Statistics & data analysis

Discussion Question: Throughout the book we see the terms ‘Parametric’ and ‘Non-Parametric.’ What’s the difference? How do these terms relate to Pearson and Spearman Correlation Coefficients. Briefly describe a situation in which you would analyze data using either a Pearson or Spearman Correlation. Please write a 300 word response to the following discussion question. I […]

Remaking Family Ties

After watching the movies “Eat Drink Man Woman” and “Tortilla Soup” answer each one of these questions in that same order. 1. Watch the magnificent opening scene from Eat Drink Man Woman by Ang Lee. How is food framed? Describe the mise en scène. Use the glossary of film terms if necessary. Answer the question […]

The Influence of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on the Auditing Profession

You must submit a 10-12 page research paper on the Influence of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on the auditing profession. You must submit a quality academic research paper discussing your findings. You are expected to use electronic means available online and through the TAMUC library to research this issue. You will submit the paper properly formatted […]

Federalist Form of Government

Write a paper of 1,000-1,400 words, explaining the major philosophical issues around the development of the federalist form of government. Your paper should include the following: 1. Highlight the division of power and the judicial role. 2. Address whether the founders would approve or disapprove of the way federalism has evolved in the United States […]

Prevention of premature birth in adolescentv

Note : Utilizing the triple aim pillar and business case/cost analysis or business plan framework identified in assignment #1 (Six Sigma ), develop a business plan/analysis for your identified project ( Prevention of premature birth in adolescents ). This proposal should include: introduction with project description; overview of framework ( six sigma ); rationale; evidence-based […]

Stakeholder Relationship Management

Complete a stakeholder relationship analysis, using the stakeholder case analysis provided in the link attached. please complete all the requirements that are asked for. thank you   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.


Answer the questions in the pdf file posted just before this problem. Entries should be about 400 words, including any headings. Look up the structures and boiling points of methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, n-heptane, n-hexane, and n-heptane. Describe the structures of these molecules, and discuss the boiling point trend. Explain the trend using intermolecular forces. […]

PSY Article Critique

Overview Articles are written to inform, misinform, influence, or misdirect, among other reasons. Sometimes they serve as nothing more than a vehicle for an author to achieve fame, notoriety, and wealth. You should never take at face value the elements of any article you read, but you should be able to:   Differentiate between fact […]

Application: Leadership Style & Addressing Conflict

Application: Leadership Style and Addressing Conflict Addressing conflict takes strategy and skill. In Week 6, you completed the “Types of Leadership and Patterns of Management” interactive graphic in order to get a sense of your leadership style. Your leadership style influences the way you make decisions and use strategies to address conflict. For example, if […]

Modernizing US Army Supply Chains

PURPOSE: Write a solution-oriented EA report. Choose from either the “Industry Architecture” or “Organization-Specific” architecture problem spaces of what TOGAF names the “Enterprise Continuum”.  Analyze the problem space in terms of “ identified issues” (see #4 and #5 below) and then provide some recommendations and planning based on your analysis of the problems/issues . Topic: […]

Restorative Justice

The research exercise (1200 words MAX.) is an opportunity for students to undertake independent research with a focus on a particular area of law or correctional practice or penal setting. Students will develop and enhance their writing and analytical skills while gaining an appreciation of how social and political factors influence laws and practices around […]

Just Mercy

Just Mercy PAPER ASSIGNMENT Please answer one of the following four essay questions that focus on Just Mercy. Your paper should be 6-8 pages long, double-spaced and typed. It should include a bibliography. In your essay, make sure you introduce your arguments with a clear thesis statement in theintroduction. Your essay grades will also reflect:• […]

Board Granted Freedom

State professional boards are lobbying for freedoms for health care professionals. As a health care administrator, how do you ethically balance board-granted freedom with quality of care concerns to create a sustainable model for your organization? Support your position. No title page needed. make sure to address every part of this question-they are rejecting and […]

evidence gathering process

What is the relationship between a fraud theory and the steps in the evidence-gathering process? Please explain at what point in the investigation process is it important to develop a fraud theory? Obe Reference from : Hopwood, W., Young, G., & Leiner, J. (2015). Forensic accounting (Custom edition). McGraw-Hill.   Click Order now to have […]

Video Analysis

Here is the link to the video that I need you to analyze : https://youtu.be/YUgnsW9Fw8A ( if you have trouble locating, go to youtube and type Funniest Law Firm Commercial – Pasha Law PC – Nasir Pasha) Here are the following questions that I need to answer: DESCRIPTION OF AD: (Under this section, describe the […]


Discuss the effects of nutrition on the prevention of infection   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.

reflection, feedback, content posting, summative report

Reflection#2: Describe what the Organization’s assessment attitude is in your present position. (3 pages minimum) Be sure to include support from readings/research.   Read: Stiggins (2008) Chapters 6-12 Read: Wiggins (1998) Chapters 6-8   Feedback: Written Assignment 4: Prepare a brief article for your professional newsletter discussing the issues relevant to providing feedback to students. […]

Organizational Theory

In the part A you need to explain the meaning and also relate it back to the case study and choose one most relevant organizational theory perspectives and briefly explained. In part B you need to answer like a short essay. I already gave example on some questions   Click Order now to have a […]

PHY 321 – extracredit

the problem is about physics, which need you to use python to write a program to solve this physic problem. might need some background of the physics   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.