Radio and War of the Worlds

Post a clearly written and compelling reflection on the week’s readings. In three to four paragraphs, answer one of the questions below. Be specific, use evidence to support your claims, and make appropriate citations (and add links if you wish) to develop an argument or interpretation from your materials. •How did radio change the way […]

Management Discussion Boards

Part 1: Think about your personal and professional experiences, and share an example of someone influencing others. Describe how this example illustrates both sources of leadership power and influence tactics, citing the text and external resources. Discuss your group’s answers and decide on one or two examples to share with the rest of the class, […]

Advertising Technique

  Find a print ad that reflects one of the techniques the book discusses. Write TWO paragraphs: In #1: Define the technique (i..e, summarize in your own words what the textbook says about that technique) and explain how the ad you picked uses that technique (be sure to describe the ad while explaining this). In […]

‘Performance management: theory in practice

  Read the article. Nankervis, R. A., & Compton, R. L. (2006) ‘Performance management: theory in practice?’, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 44 (1), pp. 83–101. Evaluate the findings of the authors in regards to changes in the design, implementation, and effectiveness of performance management systems since earlier studies were conducted. Analyse the claims […]

Global strategy

Discuss a company of your choice(Nokia) that has recently undergone a change of strategy. Consider the reasons for this change and explain how and to what extent this has also brought about change to its strategic capabilities and to its organisational culture. TASK 1 Choose a global company that has undergone a major change of […]

Auditing a Website For Cultural Diversity

Auditing a Website For Cultural Diversity Overview and GuidelinesFrom Understanding and Managing Diversity by Harvey and Allard.An important part of our course is researching information on diversity and multiculturalism and its social, cultural, and ethical impact upon individual citizens, groups of people, and society at large. In the twenty-first century, Web sites are an important […]

Balance of Payments & International Investment Position

The ratio of the net international investment position to GDP evolves according to the dynamic equation: !! − ! !! − !! Δ! =! −!!! =! + 1+! !!! + 1+! !!! +! In the questions that follow, assume ! = 0. a) State algebraically the condition under which a country can run a trade […]

Surveillance and Big Data

Identify the strategies and tactics that artists use to critique data surveillance Discuss whether data is neutral or has a bias Consider how concerns about surveillance and privacy might change network cultures Discuss whether data is a medium Reading: 1. Crawford K 2014 The Anxieties of Big Data
boyd, danah, and Kate Crawford. 2012. ‘CRITICAL […]

New developments for maleic anhydride production

  Task 1 : Review the past and current production processes and new developments for maleic anhydride production, describe the raw materials, separation and purification steps ,expected yield . Task 2 : Review the industrial use of maleic anhydride as intermediate or product in order to define the target product specifications that should be complied […]

Leadership and the Graduate Nursing Role

  The graduate nurse evidences leadership as seen in the four domains: the profession of nursing, clinical practice arena, health policy arena, and systems level. In order to complete this assignment, complete the short eighteen-question quiz (this takes approximately five minutes) about your leadership style at Psychology. (n.d.). Quiz – What’s your leadership style? […]

Hotel industry should place yourself into shoes of customers and write a complaint letter to a chosen service firm 3.The complaint letter written to the chosen service firm should request a response from the organization and should provide appropriate contact information including a mailing address, e-mail address, phone number (if appropriate), and any other relevant information, […]

Why some people are violent than others

  TOPIC: Do you think people are prone to violence because of inborn qualities or because of learned behavior? Why are some people violent while others are not? Where, in your opinion does this difference come from—- argue for NATURE OR NURTURE.    Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then […]

Remaking Family Ties

  After watching the movies “Eat Drink Man Woman” and “Tortilla Soup” answer each one of these questions in that same order. 1. Watch the magnificent opening scene from Eat Drink Man Woman by Ang Lee. How is food framed? Describe the mise en scène. Use the glossary of film terms if necessary. Answer the […]

Nanny states

  In the last few years there has been debate in Australia (and other parts of the world) about whether society is becoming over-regulated in terms of people’s personal decisions about lifestyle and other issues. In this debate, Western societies, Australia and Great Britain for example, have been accused by some citizens and also some […]

The role of mass media in crisis resolution

The first is the cover 2nd introduction by answering what  the is  research about Why it is important to conduct a research Hypothesis The methodology body The conclusion The references or indexes Very strong introduction A strong significant what information you give Why do they  do How does it effect us What are the causes […]

Risk Event: General Motors

General Motors (GM) is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, that designs, manufactures, markets, distributes vehicles and vehicle parts, and sells financial services. In February 2014, it was discovered that several of General Motors’ automobile models were manufactured with faulty ignition switches that could shut off the engine during driving, disable power steering […]

Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign

  To prepare for this final portion of your paper: •Review provisions 7, 8, and 9 of the ANA Code of Ethics in relation to advocacy for population health. •Reflect on the ethical considerations you may need to take into account in your advocacy campaign. •Research the ethical considerations, laws, and reporting requirements (with respect […]

Health Policy and Politics:

  To prepare: •Review Chapter 3 of Health Policy and Politics: A Nurse’s Guide (3rd ed.) to determine methods of influencing the political process. •Reflect on whether the policy you would like to promote could best be achieved through the development of new legislation, or a change in an existing law or regulation. •Contemplate in […]

Balance of Payments & International Investment Position

The ratio of the net international investment position to GDP evolves according to the dynamic equation: !! − ! !! − !! Δ! =! −!!! =! + 1+! !!! + 1+! !!! +! In the questions that follow, assume ! = 0. a) State algebraically the condition under which a country can run a trade […]

Implications for marketing strategy and the achievement of competitive advantage

  1. Question 1: A brief description of the main ideas covered by the article 2. Question 2: Points of agreement/disagreement with the article- a critique 3. Question 3: Key learning/take-outs from the reading 4. Question 4: Implications for marketing strategy and the achievement of competitive advantage -supported by at least 3 academic journal articles […]

Aspects of purchasing:

  1. You work for an international defense organisation that also manufactures products for the non-defence sector. You have just won a contract in the Far East, which requires you to purchase 30 per cent of components/assembles in the local market. Your engineering director has asked that a research study be done on suppliers in […]

categories of capital equipment

  1. (a) Give an example of each of the following categories (i-iv) of capital equipment: i. Strategic new equipment ii. Replacement equipment iii. Vehicles and transportation iv. Administrative equipment, such as PCs. (b) How many acquisition policies and procedures differ in each case? (c) At what management level may decisions be taken for each […]

Planning for Negotiations

  1. A supplier refuses to provide a ‘fixed price’ for a piece of equipment. They insist on an ‘ROM’ (Rough Order of Magnitude) price that will be finalised when the equipment has been manufactured. How would you plan this negotiation? 2. In a negotiation, each party knows that the other has some power to […]

Annotated Bibliography & Literature Review

  Part 1. Annotated Bibliography. Identify at least eight (8) scholarly/academic readings/texts that will form part of the final review of the literature relating to it.For each text, write an 80-100 word paragraph that explains how the reading relates to your work. Questions you might address include: What is the text’s main focus? What argument […]

systematic approach for a synthesis of law and fact.

  Analyze the following cases in preparation for a systematic approach for a synthesis of law and fact. Review each of the follow cases: • Katz v. United States, 389 US 347 (1967), located at • Miranda v. Arizona (1966) located at Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you: […]

Natural biopolymers

  Natural biopolymers are fundamentally important biological macromolecules that are essential to all life forms. Compare and contrast the structures of nucleic acids, proteins and carbohydrate molecules, from the atomic level to the higher order assemblies found in the living organisms. Describe, in detail, the structures of several examples of biopolymers and relate the current […]

The relationship between film and other arts

• You must answer both questions in Part I, and one question in Part II. Part I. 1-2 pages. Briefly answer both questions (200-300 words each), being careful to avoid generalizations and define your terminology. You will want to go back to the texts and (briefly) cite or paraphrase specific instances that support your point. […]