Administrative Law and Business

Regulation and the Greater Good After viewing The Credit Crisis Visualized at, answer each of the following parts of this question: How could government regulations have prevented or mitigated the credit crisis of 2008? 2. Discuss whether too much governmental regulation of business or too little governmental regulation of business presents the greater danger to: the […]

CIPD diploma

CIPD diploma Write a report which should: ? A description of 2 purposes of performance management and their relationships to business objectives ? An explanation of 3 components of performance management processes ? An explanation of the relationship between motivation and performance management, referring to 2 motivational theories ? An explanation of the purposes of […]

Elements of a Contract

    Suppose that the Fabulous Hotel hires you as head chef under a two-year employment contract. After two years, another hotel wants to hire you. However, in the original employment contract you signed with the Fabulous Hotel, the following paragraph appears: “The below-signed agrees not to work as a chef for another hotel in […]

Death Penalty: Retributivist v. Utilitarian Theories

Unit 6 Assignment: Death Penalty: Retributivist v. Utilitarian Theories In this assignment, imagine that your state legislature is considering repealing its death penalty and the legislators wish to hear the opinions of the top legal philosophers on both sides of the death penalty debate – imagine yourself as a modern day Jeremy Bentham and present […]


What are the 3 principles for why Whistleblowing is permitted, and the 2 principles for when it is required?  NO MORE than 1 page.   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery guarantee • PhD-level writers • Automatic plagiarism check • 100% money-back guarantee […]

Difference a criminal offense from a civil wrong

Discussion Assignment 1   What characteristics differentiate a criminal offense from a civil wrong? In other words, suppose state X is considering adopting a law making conduct Y a crime. What abstract characteristics should this conduct have to justify the criminalization of the behavior?? Locate information on the Lawrence v Texas, a Supreme Court case […]

Homogeneous Systems

Introduction to Combustion Fall 2015 Assignment #7 Assigned 26 October 2015 Due 4 November 2015 Homogeneous Systems – Constant Pressure/Constant Volume Reactors In this assignment, you will use CHEMKIN to explore homogeneous constant-pressure and constant-volume adiabatic combustion processes. You are to use the same chemical mechanism and thermodynamic data that you used for Assignment #6 […]

pre-trial process

Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper in which you describe the pre-trial process for a fictional character named Daniel Mayfruit. Mayfruit has been arrested for the crime of homicide in your home state. Include the following components in your paper: Discuss steps that must take place in the criminal justice process between Mayfruit’s arrest and […]

factors that make policing and adjudicating transnational crime so difficult

Identify the key factors that make policing and adjudicating transnational crime so difficult. Suggest one (1) strategy that a policing organization could utilize to address at least one (1) of these factors. Provide a rationale for your response. From the e-Activity, imagine you are the police chief being questioned in the video. Determine the degree […]

Environmental Protection Agency

Mary works at Acme, Inc.  The company is heavily regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and it has an audit scheduled for next week.  Mary’s boss approached her and requested that she not tell anyone about the recent toxic waste spill that happened on the company’s property.   She later witnessed her boss destroying key […]

Argument essay

Argue that students who do poorly in their academic courses should/should not be allowed to participate in athletic programs. you should take a side for this topic. make sure you answer “why” they should or should not be allowed to participate. please use MLA format. i need it 4 to 5 pages. i need it […]

Cyber Law

Cyber Law his paper involves an analysis of two pieces of legislation from 2012, that dealt with cybersecurity, neither of which was enacted into law. To write this paper, review the summaries of the proposed legislation, prepared by the Library of Congress. Given the specific topics considered in this course, answer the following questions: 1. […]

CIPD diploma

CIPD diploma Produce a briefing guide to Line Managers who are new to your company which, using best practice guidelines: ? Explains the frequency, purpose and process of performance reviews/appraisals ? Identifies and explains how a manager should deal with both good and poor performance ? Describes what information is available to both the Manager […]

criminology research

1. Discuss optical issues that are important in criminology research   2. Why are the crime rates increasing around the world Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team of experts to guarantee you A Results Why Choose US 6+ years experience on custom writing 80% Return […]

Beyond the Anatomy of D. Gray’s Institution

Beyond the Anatomy of D. Gray’s Institution Create a proposal to present to the leadership team regarding the on boarding plan for new nurse managers. This project will include the creation of an orientation plan in a PowerPoint presentation. APA citations expected. Follow PowerPoint format guidelines. Your proposal should include: ? Introductory and concluding remarks […]

Evaluation of Corporate Performance

  . Evaluation of Corporate Performance The Final Project will involve applying the concepts learned in class to an analysis of a company using data from its annual report. Using the concepts from this course, you will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the company and write a report either recommending or not recommending purchase […]

Aspects of critical thinking

When looking for information about a particular issue, how often do you try to resist biases toward your own point of view? This assignment asks you to engage in this aspect of critical thinking.   The assignment is divided into two (2) parts. For Part I of the assignment (due Week 2), you read a […]

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Your Discussion Board has raised interest concerning the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with your new boss. She has requested an information paper that identifies the director and assistant director and that describes FEMA’s mission, goals, objectives, primary departments, and key activities. She has asked you to recommend priorities of the FEMA missions. 850 words […]

Physics lab report

 only need 4 paragraphs in this lab report! Also, all answer need to follow my procedure.   You must look my procedure before you stard work.   Plz follow the procedure to write a lab report of Physics coures. All paragraphs must be double spaced.    Plz follow the introuction to write the lab report. […]

Capital Asset Pricing

Capital Asset Pricing please watch the video BACKGROUND Provide a recap of the lesson’s topic. How does the topic fit into your development and knowledge of finance and economics OPINIONS & POINTS OF VIEW What key points were made by the speaker(s) or in the film? Describe at least 3 key points—be specific! NEW […]

Judicial Selection Process of State

  Each state within the United States has its own unique judicial selection process within its own court system.   Using the Internet or Strayer databases, research the judicial selection process for different court systems from different states within the U.S. Court System.   Write a five to eight (5-8) page paper in which you: […]

Urban planing history

The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs you need to buy the book. MLA style In this assignment you are tasked with two objectives. First, you are to read and summarize the key points and main arguments presented in the book “The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane […]

Cost/ Benefit of Citizen-based Capital Improvement Projects in public sectors.

Cost/ Benefit of Citizen-based Capital Improvement Projects in public sectors. For any puplic sector projects in UAE. Identify 3 view points ( Citizen of th City, City budget, Economic development) and classify the estimates (Cost – Benifit – Disbenifits) for each one. The conclusion should include a decision making in acceptance of the project based […]

The value of using abbreviations for commands

You have just finished reviewing a design project your team has submitted to you and noticed that the team members used a great deal of command abbreviations. Explain to your team the value of using abbreviations for commands and give them at least two advantages and disadvantages associated with using abbreviations. Support your answer. From […]

Reaction Times

THIS IS A STATISTICS CLASS: ESSAY 3 A researcher has recorded the reaction times of 20 individuals on a memory assessment. The following table indicates the individual times: 2.2 4.7 7.3 4.1 9.5 15.2 4.3 9.5 2.7 3.1 9.2 2.9 8.2 7.6 3.5 2.5 9.3 4.8 8.5 8.1 In this essay, demonstrate your ability to […]

Tutorial Section: Tutorial day & time: TA:

Tutorial Section: Tutorial day & time: TA: Name: Student #: LIN 102 – Homework exercise # 4 Due in tutorial November 3, 2015 1. Provide the Deep Structure and Surface Structure for each of the following sentences. a. Will the professor cancel the test? b. Should the student eat the cake? c. Could the driver […]


MICROECONOMICS Microeconomic analysis rests of the concepts of supply and demand. We’re all familiar with the terms as they are commonly used in everyday conversation, but often not in the precise way that economists understand the terms. The Khan Academy videos on supply, demand, and equilibrium in Activity 2.3 total 1:30, so this Online Activity […]

Wild Wood Apartments: database design

Wild Wood Apartments: Instructions:- You have completed the designs for the apartment management database. You reviewed it and all the business rules with the owners, and they are eager to proceed. Now you need to take your design and translate it into an actual database. Once you have done that, you know that you will […]

The American West Frontier

The American West Frontier Paper details: Exact instructions attached The topic of the paper is up to you. There is an example list to choose from provided. Cannot use the following books: The Middle Ground by Richard White The American West by Dee Brown The Last Gunfight by Jeff Guinn A Country of Vast Designs […]