Cost accounting

Part 1. ABC Problem (100 Points) (Use the Excel template provided) Royal Financial Services (RFS) provides front end loan origination services for a number of banks who process and maintain loan portfolios. RFS accepts applications from customers and processes them through closing of the loan agreement before turning the loan over to customer banks. RFS […]

new product development process

Trace a real or hypothetical new product through the steps in the new product development process, including idea generation, concept verification and testing, actual development, and test marketing. Discuss the establishment of “go/kill” points, meaning the criteria used to determine whether to proceed with the new product idea or abandon it at various stages in […]


I.   20 POINTS Select 10 cartoons on American Politics (and include them in your report). Answer all the following questions (in at least two sentences) in regard each of the cartoons. 1.Describe what you see 2. What did you notice first? 3. What issue the cartoon is about? 4. What is the cartoonist’s opinion on […]

Multiple Alignment

Pabio 536 Lab session and Homework Week 8 Multiple Alignment 1. Perform a multiple alignment using the ACBP liver forms and the ACBP brain forms from this week’s sequence file and show the alignment (ALN file) you obtained (10 points). 2. Compare the pattern of identical residue s conserved within the liver forms to those […]

The need for a greater effort to incorporate innovation and entrepreneurship into organizational strategy

The president of your company has recently announced the need for a greater effort to incorporate innovation and entrepreneurship into organizational strategy, and has asked you to list the requirements necessary for this to happen. You list the following requirements: Ongoing environmental monitoring An entrepreneurial climate Encouragement of entrepreneurial behavior A strong customer/stakeholder focus Explain […]

Quality function deployment (QFD)

I. Introduction Quality function deployment (QFD) is a methodology for incorporating the Voice of the Customer (VOC) into the design of products and services. It aims to capture and prioritise customer requirements and translate them into design requirements through the use of management and planning tools such as affinity diagrams, tree (hierarchy) diagrams, relations diagrams, […]

creating an individualized professional development plan

    1: Identify a specific cultural group with which you will likely work with at least one of the following common characteristics: age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status.   2: Read at least two scholarly resources that match the specific cultural group you […]

Social Control and Criminal Deviance: Bullying

  Bullying is a difficult concept to understand and reconcile the consequences. This assignment focuses on the critical thinking skills that are needed to analyze an emotionally charged topic. Student Success Tips Review the Student’s Guide to Research section of the textbook (Chapter 2) Take notes as you watch the video below. Watch the video […]

competitive market analysis

Write a two detailing the competitive market analysis for your Property Management Plan. In the competitive market analysis, you must compare the rents and occupancies of similar competing properties with your selected property. The competitive market analysis must also include a regional analysis and neighborhood analysis in which you outline the economic base of the […]

Dramatic Writing

  When an author writes a dramatic piece, he or she does so with the expectation that it will result in a performance. Complete the following for this assignment: Access The Stronger, a one-act play by August Strindberg, through You can read the play, or you can listen to it on Note: The […]

team decision pitfall.

  Q: Describe a time a team you were on fell victim to a team decision pitfall. What went wrong? were you aware of the poor decision? what would you do differently next time? For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery guarantee • PhD-level […]

ubgenres of Nonfiction

Narrative devices, tone, and content determine the classification of the various literary genres. Complete the following for this assignment: Conduct a search using or to find examples of memoirs, biographies, or autobiographies, and choose 1 to use for this assignment. Read the first few pages. Use the provided template(attached) to create a PowerPoint […]

analysis of Egg white proteins

METHOD Use third person, past tense. Do not copy the prac book word for word, just include the important information. No dot points. All important values must be present, including composition of buffers. Tables may be presented as long as they include relevant UNITS. Include the method for preparation of the egg white protein (section […]

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

In literary fiction, these elements are sometimes subtle; other times, they are very obvious. In this assignment, you will explore The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (accessible through ). Read the first eight paragraphs of Chapter 1 of the story. Then, use the provided template (attached) to create a PowerPoint presentation of […]

Human resource management

PTeams have different needs, and people in organizations should be selected for a team to ensure diversity and expertise to fill various roles.       Study the nine team roles and choose three to write more on. For each of these three roles, give an example of experiences you have had working with people […]

Impact of literature on daily life

Impact of literature on daily life When the written form emerged, it provided a historical record that showed what life was like during a specific moment in time. The language and descriptions used in literature give insight into the human experience. As the literary canon continues to grow and change, new forms continue to appear. […]


You are speaking on the phone with Mike when he asks about what sort of cultural aspects you are considering in this plan. You think about this and say, “There may well be some considerable cultural differences that need addressing. I remember last year when there was a language mix-up with a doll. It was […]


Hello , Please answerer the below question with 800 words and 1) How did Siemens get itself into this situation? Don’t use any information outside this article and no other references only the case in analyzing the case u can analysis the case with any business aspect like economics , management , finance , global […]

Identity theft

In  case that involve identity theft, the criminal justice protects the people but respects the rights of the accused. Answer the following question.   1. If a person steals another person identity but does not cause any monetary damage, has a crime been        committed? Why or Why not? 2. How have these […]

Construction Law, Contracts and Dispute Resolution

Construction Law, Contracts and Dispute Resolution Objectives: 1. To impart a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the background to and working of the legal system in England and Wales and create a framework of the legal skills and legal discourse relevant to the practice of a quantity surveyor, with specific reference to construction contract law […]

Working with Human Service Organizations

Working with Human Service Organizations First and foremost, this topic revolves around the AUSTRALIAN society. So focus, examples and pointers should be within and related to the AUSTRALIAN context. This is also a paper for a Social Work degree course and is under a subject called ‘Working with Human Service Organizations’. Hence, the context and […]

world poverty and education

For this assignment, assume that you have been asked to present a PowerPoint presentation at your local community center about the topics of world poverty and education. You have decided to use Peter Singer’s article as the starting point of your presentation. As you craft your presentation you will need to: Present the major claims […]

Architectural History and Theory

1 ARCH1322 Architectural History and Theory 3 Session 2, 2015 Assignment 2 In the book New Directions in Australian Architecture, published in 2001, Philip Goad outlines three design traditions that have persisted within architecture in Australia. These he names as 1) the tectonic, 2) levels of abstraction and 3) the figurative.1 In describing these three […]

Contemporary Practice Approaches – Social Work Theories

Contemporary Practice Approaches – Social Work Theories First and foremost, this topic revolves around the AUSTRALIAN society. So focus, examples and pointers should be within and related to the AUSTRALIAN context. This is also a paper for a Social Work degree course and is under a subject called ‘Contemporary Practice Approaches’. Hence, the context and […]

.How does the form and sculptural content of sacred architecture in Southeast Asia relate to the meaning and ritual purposes of the monument? Discuss with reference to Angkor and the theme of ‘Local and Cosmopolitan.’

.How does the form and sculptural content of sacred architecture in Southeast Asia relate to the meaning and ritual purposes of the monument? Discuss with reference to Angkor and the theme of ‘Local and Cosmopolitan.’ The essays require students to assess one or more of the key course themes in a critical assessment of visual […]

Legal Aspects of U.S. Health Care System Administration

 Prevailing wisdom reinforces the fact that working in U.S. health care administration in the 21st Century requires knowledge of the various aspects of health laws as they apply to dealing with medical professionals. Further, because U.S. health care administrators have to potentially interact with many levels of professionals beyond the medical profession, it is prudent […]

Construction Contracts in Oil & Gas (middle east)

Please find below general guidance: 1- I would like the same writer who has completed the previous order (# 81505340) to continue writing below mentioned Chapters & conclusion in relation to the main Title (Construction Contracts in Oil and Gas – Middle East): – Chapter #3 (Change Orders) – Chapter #4 (Risks and Dispute Resolution) […]

Helping offenders reintegrate into the community

Read the document at the following link: BARJ GUIDEBOOOK.pdf ASSIGNMENT Of the programs discussed in chapter 9, which do you feel is the best for helping offenders reintegrate into the community? Your original post must be 250-300 words Programs discussed: Day Treatment Programs Drug Courts Group Homes Halfway Houses Group Residences Day Treatment Programs […]

Strategic Analysis – Market Strategy

Strategic Analysis – Market Strategy Instructions Examine the data you have collected about the organization you selected to analyze. In a report of approximately 800 words: Please use the company Buffalo Wild Wings. Give a short description, with examples, of their current business and marketing strategies. What is their target market? Is their marketing appropriate […]