Application: Information Technology in Public Health

  Public health surveillance and prevention efforts in the U.S. reflect the involvement of numerous health care providers and organizations. Government agencies such as the CDC often function as a hub for the collection, coordination, and communication of public health-related data. Common applications of public health IT to promote and improve the health of populations […]


MARKETING MANAGEMENT PROMOTIONAL MIX “GO FOR 2&5” Social marketing campaigns aim to change the behaviour of the population regarding a specific topic. The “Go for 2&5” campaign in Australia pursues creating healthy eating-habits among the Australian population. Visit a campaign review. Check out the campaigns in QLD and SA. You will find TV commercials, radio […]

remove Hydrogen sulfide

I am working with group to write essay this essay has been divided for three parts, SO my part is Remediation (remove Hydrogen sulfide from environment and reduce the effect on environment and humans) by using the recent methods and Technique. also it should be include result of using this methods and ability to remove […]

wide range of communication situations

Essay question: Being in business requires competence in a wide range of communication situations. Identify five competences and explain why you selected these competences. Due date: 8/11/15 Word limit: 750 words References number: 4 Written work must be presented in either Arial or Times New Roman Font (12pt) and double spaced. */ Essay Instructions   […]


PSY 205: Study Guide: 1. A psychologist focuses mainly on ways in which psychology can help people correct personal problems and cope with stress. This psychologist is using the ______. 2. True/False: Today, men earn most of the undergraduate degrees and doctorates in psychology 3. What is a hypothesis? 4. What is the Barnum effect? […]


Homework 2 – Macroeconomics Prof. Tafoya Problem 1 (each part is worth 5 points) : Suppose the government’s national income and product accounts revealed the following information: Personal consumption expenditures 525 Gross private domestic investment 110 Consumption of fixed capital (depreciation) 31 Government purchases 72 Net exports -15 Compensation of employees 462 Proprietors’ income 59 […]

Prince George's County Maryland Fire Department

Can you have these done for me in 2 hours?? 200 words each…Please let me know asap!  Thanks   1)Prince George’s County Maryland Fire Department (PGFD) study determined�the�motives that are most often given by arrested and incarcerated arsonists.� List and briefly explain your thoughts on each motive given.� Which do you think is the most […]

Computer Arithmetic DQ

    Responses should be complete and thorough in reflecting your position or justifying your information. Must be original with references. Do not copy from sources or internet. At least 1 1/2 page per question. 1. Binary Arithmetic and Hardware: What are the advantages and disadvantage of integers and floating numbers? Give two different applications […]

Nash Equilibrium

  1) Consider the following game between players One and Two. First, One decides whether to wear a swimsuit or regular clothes, and Two observes this. Next, the players simultaneously decide whether to go the Beach or to the Opera. If One is wearing regular clothes, the payoffs are as in the standard Battle of […]

Mobile Devices in the Workplace

Due Week 3 and worth 110 points Write a two to four (2-4) page paper in which you: Explain what you believe are the three (3) most important concerns when it comes to mobile devices in the workplace. Justify your response. Determine whether or not you believe organizations should have strict policies regarding the use […]

Web-Based Attacks

  The Web and internet are critical components to just about any business, large or small. However, having a website presence can also increase the security risks and threats to which an organization might be subjected. Consider the questions below and respond to at least two of them. •Identify a well-known Saudi Arabian company with […]

human resource management

Walmart is the largest retailer in the US (and other parts of the world) employing 1.2 million in the USA. In February 2015 Doug McMillon announced a series of employment changes, among other things raising minimum starting pay to $9/hr. with plans to further increase it to $ within one year.   He also […]

societal pressures

Describe a situation in which a choice you made was influenced by societal pressures. Please make this no less than 300 words   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery guarantee • PhD-level writers • Automatic plagiarism check • 100% money-back guarantee • 100% […]

Game Theory 2

1) Consider the following game between players One and Two. First, One decides whether to wear a swimsuit or regular clothes, and Two observes this. Next, the players simultaneously decide whether to go the Beach or to the Opera. If One is wearing regular clothes, the payoffs are as in the standard Battle of the […]

information technologies

Part I: Work/Life Balance Is it ethical for employers to use information technologies to extend work into employees’ home lives? What are the most ethically responsible employee responses to these pressures? (~800 words) Part II: IT Impact on Social Structures Is it ethical for IT vendors such as Google to promote the use of their […]

Time and speed

molly runs 1/5 of a mile in 8 minutes. If Molly contunies at the same speed, how long will it take her to run 1 m For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery guarantee • PhD-level writers • Automatic plagiarism check • 100% money-back […]

Space Age Furniture Company

Read “Space Age Furniture Company” in Chapter 9 of your text. Respond to the following and include any Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) calculations: Develop an MRP for Space Age Furniture Company using the information in the case including the production of sub-assemblies in lot sizes of 1,000. The lot size of 1,000 for sub-assemblies has […]

Marketing Research

Company Scenario: The following scenario will be used throughout the course for your Key Assignment. You have been hired by Acme Wholesaling, Inc. to provide research to determine the likely success of a new product that it plans to market. Acme Wholesaling, Inc. wholesales various garments and accessories through street vendors in New York City. […]

sources of conflict often experienced in teams

1. Since violated expectations often lead to conflict for individual and team relationships, explain some of the most common expectations that leaders and subordinates often violate. Share personal work-related examples to solidify your understanding of the concept. In addition, discuss how these types of problems were handled in your workplace. Were the methods used correct […]


Walmart is the largest retailer in the US (and other parts of the world) employing 1.2 million in the USA. In February 2015 Doug McMillon announced a series of employment changes, among other things raising minimum starting pay to $9/hr. with plans to further increase it to $ within one year. He also announced […]

The role of emotion in negotiation process

Conduct a light research on the role of emotion in negotiation process, and the effect it has on the outcome of the negotiation.  In your essay, try to answer the following questions: 1. Does emotion delay the negotiation process, or prevents parties from reaching an agreement?  Why or why not? 2. As a negotiator, what […]

Administration Health Work

Read the pictures from your email, and use the link below:   Then answer the folowing questions:   A.  Name the five (5) duties of local boards of health.  B.  Choose one (1) of the five (5) duties and discuss it. Fallon states that “Maintaining a relationship with the board is among the […]

Preparing to conduct job analysis

Carefully reviewing the Chapter 4 discussion on Job Analysis and using the information given there to complete the project will be critical. Use the “Critical Incident Approach” and the “Competency-Based Approach” to Job Analysis. Here is how you should approach the writing, organizing, and structuring of your Job Analysis Assignment. Having a cover page is […]

Cultural and Ethical Challenges for Multinational Organizations

In order to succeed or to remain successful, companies need to have a good synchrony with their external environment. As companies expand their operations to different countries and in order to be accepted in a different culture, they have to adapt by changing some of their ways of doing business. Globalization may bring an intensification […]

Describing change management.

Describe change management. What is the ultimate goal of change management? Pick an example of a company that has dealt successfully with change management. Here are some examples: ( What did they do well? What could they have done better? How do they compare to their competitors?   Place your order now for a similar […]


This is supposed to be a review of the assignment ‘paragraph composition’ which was done by another writer. The assignment itself is to review the paragraph using an appropriate feedback method and a style that is appropriate for peer reviewing. In the discussion please: -defend the method used to provide feedback for the paragraph -Explain […]

business research

  This is what my profesor requires on the paper (In italic) ….I just want the final paper. I honestly didn’t do all the steps from second week to the end of 4th weekend. just do the final research paper (which encapsules all the steps) 10-15 pages MLA format.   An individual research paper with […]

International Workforce and Its Impact on Strategy Formulation

The workforce management is far more complicated in companies with operations in multiple countries than their domestic counterparts. There are political, economic, social-cultural, technological, and legal issues that add substantial challenges to this naturally complicated task. Leadership styles and management practices vary from country to country, creating difficulties for people in units located in different […]