
Reinforcement Order Description “Reinforcement is the process in which a behavior is strengthened by the immediate consequence that reliably follows its occurrence” (Miltenberger, 2012, p. 61). Reinforcers can include food, blessings, attention, protection, and many other things. Compare an instance of reinforcement that you find in the Bible with the description of reinforcement in your […]

A3 individual case analysis

A3 individual case analysis Order Description A3 : Individual case analysis – INT and EXT The Virgin Group in 2012 Case 19 in Grant’s Contemporary Strategy Analysis (8th ed.) By 2012, Richard Branson’s Virgin group of companies extended from airlines and railways to financial services, telecommunications, and music publishing. Despite the advancing maturity of Branson […]

The Origin And The Development Of Art In Latin America

The Origin And The Development Of Art In Latin America Order Description Your papers will be argumentative (i.e. essays) and analytical (i.e. historiographic, addressing the strengths and weakness—and reason there of—for the viewpoints of authors whose texts you are considering), and can address a theme of your choice (as per the prospectus).

Week 2 Finance/current trends in your community with revenues and expenditures. Compare budgets for the past 3 years and the percentage of total budget for public safety, public works, education and administration. Identify any trends you detect.

Week 2 Finance/current trends in your community with revenues and expenditures. Compare budgets for the past 3 years and the percentage of total budget for public safety, public works, education and administration. Identify any trends you detect. Project description Write a brief paper on the current trends in your community with revenues and expenditures. Compare […]


Education Project description Using PowerPoint design a lesson that would be appropriate for Physical Education students grades 9th and10th. In a separate paper, describe the audience ( Grades 9th & 10th ) for the presentation and the context in which the Preresentation will be used. Also list the learning outcomes for the lesson and how […]

article critque

article critque Project description 1.Name the statistical test(s) that are used in this article. 2.Describe how the data is presented (tables, graphs, charts etc) and state whether you found the data was readily understood based on the presentation. 3.Describe the studys conclusions. Are they clearly stated and substantiated by the evidence presented and are the […]

Compare and Contrast essay

Compare and Contrast essay Paper details: Choose ONE of the following topics: 1.Cash vs. Credit Cards 2. Physical beauty vs. inner beauty. 3. A big college campus vs. a small college campus. Requirements: NO Plagiarism(Professor uses NO run-ons or fragments 650 words RUBRICK FOR ENGLISH 1101 ESSAYS 1. All Essays must be at least […]

Great Awakening

Great Awakening Paper details: Examine the Importance of the Great Awakening and Its Impact in the Church. use “Turning Points” (3th Edition) Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity by Mark A. Noll and the book “Church History in Plain Language” by Bruce L. Shelley Great Awakening Essay Details: Write a 750-1,000 word essay in […]

SWOT analysis for Lufthansa case

SWOT analysis for Lufthansa case Paper details: Need to do a SWOT analysis for Lufthansa (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats and so on). Lastly, I need write a recommendation for Lufthansa on how they can perform better. In this writing, I will need to focus more on the SWOT analysis, therefore, half to one page for […]

World Religion/Understanding World Religions by Irvine Hexham

World Religion/Understanding World Religions by Irvine Hexham Essays should be stapled neat and professional. Ensure your essay is 1200-1500words (4-6 pages), typed, double-spaced, 12 –point font Times New Roman, 1” margins, pages numbered. Ensure that you proofread for grammar/spelling errors. When citing your textbook, do so per MLA Style for quotes and paraphrases. Do not […]

Physiology – MEasure the MEtabolic rate of inverterbrate

Physiology – MEasure the MEtabolic rate of inverterbrate Yabby at 20 degrees Length (mm) Height(mm) Width (mm) Oxygen intake Weigh (g) Length (mm) Height (mm) Width (mm) Oxygen intake Weigh (g) 86 21 184 3.83 19.26 Yabby @ 20 21.66666667 45.83333333 4.781833333 19.954 89 20 19 10.524 20.27 Mussels @ 22 40.5 39.33333333 4.559333333 75.422 […]

Diversity in Contemporary Families

Diversity in Contemporary Families “Asian Interviews” Interview with Ms. Georgia Yuan Instructor: Georgia can you start off by telling us why you wanted to do this video tape? Georgia: I’ve lived in Pullman a long time, about 18 years, and it’s a small community, not very racially diverse and I think I’ve always felt a […]

Intimacy and Sexuality– Self Directed learning module

Intimacy and Sexuality– Self Directed learning module For this lesson, you will engage in self-directed critical thinking, and will submit a 2-3 page paper with a title page, and reference list. The purpose of this assignment is to supplement what you are learning from your textbook, and also to practice academic writing in APA format. […]

Evaluating and Selecting Assessments

Evaluating and Selecting Assessments Order Description Attaching Table 1and the reference for it. Table 1 in the Smith article describes concepts, principles, and checklist items that can be used to evaluate assessments. Select two of the checklist items you think are important when evaluating assessments for ELL students. In a 500-word essay describe those items […]

SPE 351: Week 6 Resource Directory

SPE 351: Week 6 Resource Directory Order Description Must be Washington State agencies. Compose a list of at least 7-10 public agencies that you would recommend to parents to help them teach social, living, transitional, and vocational skills to their child with ID. For each agency you recommend, provide at least three strategies or activities […]

Five Market Concepts Paper

Five Market Concepts Paper Order Description Marketing is a relatively new discipline. The study of marketing emerged in the early 1900s. Since this time, four fundamental concepts have developed: production, product, selling, and marketing. Philip Kotler has developed the holistic market concept to add to this list. Each concept has a historical context but is […]

Teacher Made Test Order Description Students will develop and describe teacher made test assessments. These are all student-centered and developed for the individual student in order to link the IEP to daily instruction targeting individual needs. Authentic assessments allow for frequent individual monitoring for progress to determine needs for instruction. Utilizing the collaborative approach to determine assessment needs increases parent, teacher and student participation in the assessment process. Use the area of focus for the student to be behavioral and social skills. Then write a one paragraph analysis of the teacher made test assessment administered. The focus student can be made upless

Teacher Made Test Order Description Students will develop and describe teacher made test assessments. These are all student-centered and developed for the individual student in order to link the IEP to daily instruction targeting individual needs. Authentic assessments allow for frequent individual monitoring for progress to determine needs for instruction. Utilizing the collaborative approach to […]

Observation Assessment

Observation Assessment Order Description . Students will develop and describe Observation assessments. These are all student-centered and developed for the individual student in order to link the IEP to daily instruction targeting individual needs. Authentic assessments allow for frequent individual monitoring for progress to determine needs for instruction. Utilizing the collaborative approach to determine assessment […]

This CEO Used to Have an Office

This CEO Used to Have an Office Order Description : This CEO Used to Have an Office Answer the following questions. 1. How would you describe Bob Flexon’s personal leadership style? 2. What sources of power does Flexon possess? 3. What leader behaviors does he appear to engage in? 4. In what ways is Flexon […]

early American

early American Order Description In the journal you will write on section IV in Connecting California and/or chapters 6-10 in Reading the American Past. Choose two articles that relate and write about your interests, fascinations, views, opinions, and if you like you may compare and contrast Ramona the film to the article in Connecting California. […]

Leadership of a 21st Century Leader of an Organisation

Leadership of a 21st Century Leader of an Organisation Order Description Using relevant theories and models critically evaluate and analyse the leadership of a 21st century leader of a (business, government or not-for-profit) organisation. If you were in the position of the leader, what could you do to be a better leader and make a […]

BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and financial plans/Alternative Financial Management Assessment

BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and financial plans/Alternative Financial Management Assessment 1. Prepare a checklist for team members that’s suitable for giving at an induction that defines the following basic accounting terms and principles, and explains their importance in the financial process in respect of your organisation. Use the following table or produce your own. caShflow 2. […]

Describe a major challenge that you have experienced that has helped prepare you in some way to be a professional provider of health care. How did you deal with that challenge?

Describe a major challenge that you have experienced that has helped prepare you in some way to be a professional provider of health care. How did you deal with that challenge? Order Description Describe a major challenge that you have experienced that has helped prepare you in some way to be a professional provider of […]

Leadership of a 21st Century Leader of an Organisation

Leadership of a 21st Century Leader of an Organisation Order Description Using relevant theories and models critically evaluate and analyse the leadership of a 21st century leader of a (business, government or not-for-profit) organisation. If you were in the position of the leader, what could you do to be a better leader and make a […]

Instructor Interview

Instructor Interview Order Description Instructor is Art Powers. Answer the 7 questions in a 750 word essay. Will attach the specific APA guide she wants. The rest should be good. Perfect current APA for this professor as you have been doing please. Interview an ELL instructor from a Title I school about how assessment is […]

Analyse the strategy of a company of your choice from the perspective of any ONE model or concepts introduced in lectures.

Analyse the strategy of a company of your choice from the perspective of any ONE model or concepts introduced in lectures. Model:henry mintzberg 5ps Proper and full Harvard referencing is essential. Question-specific advice This is an opportunity to examine a real company of your choice and research their strategy with specific reference to your chosen […]

Which theory do you think offers a better explanation of manufacturing FDI from developed country firms to developing countries: Dunning’s OLI paradigm or Vernon’s Product Life Cycle theory? Explain your answer fully.

Which theory do you think offers a better explanation of manufacturing FDI from developed country firms to developing countries: Dunning’s OLI paradigm or Vernon’s Product Life Cycle theory? Explain your answer fully. Global Business Environment Question:Which theory do you think offers a better explanation of manufacturing FDI from developed country firms to developing countries: Dunning’s […]

Comparative Analysis – Detective Genre TV Series

Comparative Analysis – Detective Genre TV Series Order Description In this assignment, you will compare two works of detective story genre either literary or visual, examining similarities and differences that point out to differences in cultural assumptions that guided their creations (the comparison may be either historical–in which case the two representative works will reflect […]

Marketing Analysis

Marketing Analysis Each complete marketing analysis will contain the following about Crayola LLC: 1. Company’s corporate name 2. Company’s corporate headquarters 3. Parent company 4. Subsidiaries 5. Mission Statement 6. Core competency 7. Identify major product (s) 8. Identify target market (s) 9. Complete a SWOT analysis 10. Discuss the company’s marketing mix in reference […]