Process Designs and Supply Chains, Pt 2

Create an MS PowerPoint Presentationin which you evaluate the current state of the process you selected in Week Two and summarize the proposed future state.  Required Elements: Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the process selected in Week Two using the data collected. Determine areas for improvement Design an improved process flow chart using an appropriate tool. […]

Supply Chain Design Paper

Write a paper of no more than 1,400-words that includes the following: Determine Riordan’s manufacturing strategy (chase, level, or combination) and explain its benefits Create a process flow diagram for the electric fan supply chain Select two metrics to evaluate performance of the electric fan supply chain Describe the supplier relationship and the effects on the supply chain.  As part […]

Project Management Recommendation

Review the Project Management email.  Write an email response in which you address the following points: Determine which project might be implemented and why (e.g. feasibility study, breakeven analysis, etc). Describe the five phases of a project Describe the key deliverables associated with the selected project(s).     Click Order now to have a similar paper completed […]

Process Improvement Presentation

Create an 8-10 slide MS PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes. Include the following: Identify which ISO standards apply to Riordan Manufacturing Using the Six Sigma DMAIC process, develop a new process design for the production of the Riordan electric fans. Be sure to take advantage of any global opportunities available to Riordan, such as lower […]

Mackie’s argument against what he calls the 3rd fallacious solution

Assignment1: Tease out Mackie’s argument against what he calls the 3rd fallacious solution, “The Universe is Better with Some Evil in It Than It Could Be if There Were No Evil” in paragraph 8 of the section on pp. 293-4. Try to identify first his conclusion there, and then the premises he gives for it, and […]

should a company hire for diversity or the best qualified individual?

Please respond to the following: Choose whether or not you believe a company should hire for diversity or the best qualified individual. What does your organization do to address diversity?   Real World Application: Do you endorse a compensation system that is based on performance and merit OR a compensation system that based on seniority? […]

Head-to-Toe Assessment

Head-to-Toe Assessment For this assignment, perform a complete head-to-toe assessment on one of your chosen participants. Your analysis should include the following: Topical headings to delineate systems. For any system for which you do not have equipment, explain how you would do the assessment. Detailed review of each system with normal and abnormal findings, along […]

We The People Worksheet

Complete the “We the People Worksheet.” Utilize the required readings, academic websites, and the GCU Library as resources for this assignment.   While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in […]

Absorption Costs

If fixed manufacturing overhead costs are released from inventory under absorption costing, what does this tell you about the level of production in relation to the level of sales?

The Schools of Buddhism

•Summarize the history of Buddhism and the life of Buddha.     Discuss the branches of Buddhism.   Share resources and record the differences between the schools.   Decide, individually, which school you will focus on for this assignment.           •Explain the basic teachings of Buddhism. •Explain what makes the school […]

Logic Design and Computer Technology

List three different logic gates. Describe the functionality of each one. Give a real life example where each can be used. What are the advantages and disadvantage of logic gates compared to switches? There are many computing systems beside the personal computer (PC). The embedded system is a very important computing system especially in industry. […]

job Analysis

Choose a job you would be interested in pursuing to prepare for this assignment. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following: Conduct a job analysis for your selected job using one of the job analysis methods and discuss how it could be used within an organization. Evaluate the reliability and […]

The reason for seasons on Earth.

Write a word summary that explains the reason for seasons on Earth. •Begin with an explanation of the common misconceptions that students have regarding the reason for seasons. •Identify other planets in our solar system that may or may not have seasons and provide an explanation. •Include an explanation of apogee and perigee in your […]

Marketing Research

In preparation for developing an instrument for conducting primary research, this discussion involves a conceptual analysis of primary research methods, both electronic and traditional. In this discussion, be sure to cover the following topics: Identify, define, and describe the various primary research methods, including both quantitative and qualitative research instruments. Discuss the relative advantages and […]

indigenous religions

What is the definition of religion? •What are common practices and experiences across various world religions? Include indigenous religions in your discussion. •What are some critical issues to the academic study of religion? Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team of experts to guarantee you A […]

Quality and Supply Management

Put together a PowerPoint presentation with 12–15 slides that can be used for both internal purposes and when you meet with all of your vendors to kick off a vendor certification program. To earn full credit on the PowerPoint, you must use colored slides, clip art or charts, or photos on each slide to make them eye-appealing, […]

electric fan supply chain

This is a group assignment so i only need my parts answered in about 200 no more than 300words each part:  APA style with references. Company that we have to write about is Riordan’s my part are listed below: Select two metrics to evaluate performance of the electric fan supply chain Select a business forecasting technique (qualitative or quantitative) […]

Clinical Information Systems

– APA format (winthin text and reference page) – 1.5 pages (cover page and reference not included Specific IT system applications in health services delivery fall into four main areas: 1. Clinical information systems 2. Administrative information systems 3. Decision support systems 4. Internet and eHealth Choose one of the above and discuss at least […]


Discussion post!! Needs to be 2-3 paragraphs using APA format!! Globalization may have considerable beneficial and detrimental effects on various countries. Share your thoughts on the economic and political impact of globalization on the Russian economy.   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery […]

critical literacy

In an essay of 500-750 words, provide a usable definition for critical literacy and discuss the significance of critical literacy to adolescents. Support all of your ideas with citations from your readings. Use the GCU eLibrary for additional peer-reviewed articles that can be used in support of your content. Cite a minimum of three academic […]

technological developments

What impact should technological developments have on the evolution of the equitable doctrine of breach of confidence in Australia? Critically discuss this question in relation to the development of case law in Australia AND the ALRC’s Report on Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era. <—- this is the topic i would like the […]

I need each question answered in a clear and organized paragraph no more than 200 words for each question. Q1. Since most developers are not clinicians, and most clinicians are not developers, what measures are necessary to ensure the development of an effective health information system?

I need each question answered in a clear and organized paragraph no more than 200 words for each question. Q1. Since most developers are not clinicians, and most clinicians are not developers, what measures are necessary to ensure the development of an effective health information system? Q2. Why is the continuous improvement of clinical information […]

REL 160 – World Religion/Understanding World Religions by Irvine Hexham

REL 160 – World Religion/Understanding World Religions by Irvine Hexham Essays should be stapled neat and professional. Ensure your essay is 1200-1500words (4-6 pages), typed, double-spaced, 12 –point font Times New Roman, 1” margins, pages numbered. Ensure that you proofread for grammar/spelling errors. When citing your textbook, do so per MLA Style for quotes and […]

Competency and Credentialing

Competency and Credentialing Order Description Readings: The two pages I have uploaded for you to read. 1. What are the three types of professional credentialing discussed in the text? Briefly describe the distinctions among them. 2. What are some of the arguments for and against professional credentialing? 3. In your first job after graduating […]

Please write a 300-word response to the following discussion question. I expect your response to reflect critical thought based on information from the textbook and from one additional source. Be sure to appropriately cite and list your references.

Statistics and data Analysis Order Description Please write a 300-word response to the following discussion question. I expect your response to reflect critical thought based on information from the textbook and from one additional source. Be sure to appropriately cite and list your references. Discussion Question: Describe the methods you plan to use to analyze […]

Improving Obstetric Patient Outcomes

Improving Obstetric Patient Outcomes Order Description Maternal morbidity and mortality is a national health problem. Preventing complications of pregnancy is included in the 2020 National Health Goals. The purpose of this written assignment is to describe how evidenced based findings can improve patient outcomes related to obstetrical care. Tanya Kim, 36, G4 P4, was in […]

Module 5 Graying of America PPT Axtivity

Module 5 Graying of America PPT Axtivity Order Description An Introduction to Community Health by James F. Mckenzie and Robert r. Pinger- The Graying of America Activity/Assignment Instructions America is rapidly graying. But, what does that mean in terms of the health and wellbeing of our nation, our states, and our communities? For this assignment, […]

Lewin’s change model

Lewin’s change model Paper details: Review the following nursing scenario from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: A 60-year-old female is admitted to the ward with a 2-day history of severe left lower abdominal pain and leukocytosis. Her white count is 13,000, and she has WBCs in her urinalysis. Two hours after admission, she […]

Literary Analysis Essay

Literary Analysis Essay Order Description Reading “Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I would like you to consider a character analysis and discover the motivating forces behind the behavior of the narrator in Poe’s story. For the tips: Do not summarize the story and then give your opinion of it. Support a […]