Writing Program Objectives

In chapter 5 of Royse, D., Thyer, B.A., & Padget, D.K. (2010). Program evaluation: An Introduction. (5th. ed). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. We are introduced to a model for writing specific program objectives. Describe the basic components of that model. Then rewrite each of the following 5 objectives to improve them:

1. The free Clinic will facilitate early initiation of prenatal care by maintaining relations with local physicians and other agencies to facilitate referrals to the clinic.

2. The free Clinic will distribute brochures and posters describing the need for early prenatal care and the location of these services.

3. For high-risk patients, the free Clinic will perform follow-up counseling as needed.

4. The chronically mental ill population will be served by a new “clubhouse” aftercare program to reduce inpatient hospitalization.

5. By the end of 8 weeks, all group members will have developed tools to help with panic attacks and flashbacks.

The book is : Royse, D., Thyer, B.A., & Padget, D.K. (2010). Program evaluation: An introduction. (5th ed). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

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