Reflective Account OHS Level 5 Diploma Learner Name:
Unit 506: Develop and implement health and safety emergency response systems and procedures
Reflective Account Assessment CriteriaLearner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria and list the number of the piece(s) of evidence supplied to demonstrate this. You must provide answers to each
question that allow your assessor to properly assess what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per question. The
more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification.
You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
For this unit please also supply a witness testimony to confirm you develop and implement emergency response systems and procedures. This can be used as part of your evidence to support the
statements below. Please also provide sample signatures on the form provided in section 7 of the guidebook.
Learning Outcome 1 – Develop health and safety emergency response procedures.Sources could be work practices, explosives, chemicals, fire, radiation, environmental.
Assessment could involve consultation, health and safety policies and procedures, health and safety records, inspections, access to emergency services, reference to legislation etc. Could involve
recruitment and training of additional personnel, developing or refining procedures, simulated activities.
Managers could include line managers, senior management, technical experts, safety committees, health and safety representatives, trade union representatives.
Procedures could include reference to legislative requirements, likelihood, roles and responsibilities, lines of communication, evacuation procedures, isolation of affected areas, segregation of
people and plant, general public, fire fighting and first aid, emergency services.
Records could include response procedures, risk assessments, hazard and risks, who may be affected, to what extent, control measures, review dates training records, hazard data information minutes,
inspection reports etc.
Preparations could include policies and procedures, maintenance of accurate records, roles and responsibilities, lines of communication, availability of relevant people in the organisation etc.
Plans could include roles and responsibilities, lines of communication, evacuation procedures, isolation of affected areas, segregation of people and plant, general public, fire fighting and first
aid, emergency services. Could also involve regular training updates and simulated emergency training.
(1.1) Identify the potential sources of an emergency in the organizationDescribe the type and sizes of emergencies that may happen in your workplace / line of work? Consider all forms of emergency including fire, explosion, first aid, major incident, toxic release etc.
(1.2 & 2.1) Assess and confirm that the organization has the ability and facilities to provide the required:• first aid provision• adequate medical provision• firefighting provision, on-site and off-site.• Communication equipment Describe the process of assessment you carry out to ensure you have adequate provision for first aid/medical emergencies and adequate provision for fire fighting. How do determine what is required
and how do you ensure you have sufficient facilities, equipment and communication devices available to deal with all possible emergencies.
(1.3 & 2.2) Ensure that there are the necessary competencies in first aid and firefighting in the organization. Provide detail in the procedures of the competenciesDescribe what the requirements are for your organization and how you ensure it has sufficient and competent first aiders and fire fighters. Explain what training and qualifications are required for
your personnel.
(1.4) Involve managers, employee representatives and employees in the production of emergency proceduresExplain how you involve all levels of the workforce when producing emergency procedures.
(1.5) Develop health and safety emergency response procedures for the organisation, taking into account:• health and safety statutory requirements with respect to the control of an emergency• methods of effective communication both on-site and offsite• dealing with both on-site and off-site emergencies• dealing with the ongoing consequences of fatalities• injury accidents• dangerous occurrences• fires and explosions• toxic releases• major disasters• environmental impact• rescue and security alertsDescribe how you have developed your company or site emergency procedures, involving all the above aspects into your consideration. Statutory requirements will include the management of heath and
safety regulations and other specific areas. e.g. first aid and fire.
(1.6 & 2.7) Keep and maintain adequate records of the health and safety emergency response procedures of the organizationWhat records do you keep and how do you store records of emergency procedures for the control of a health and safety emergency in your organisation? Who has access to them?
(1.7) Prepare to respond to the requests of the regulatory and local authorities, the emergency services, other authorities, the media and other interested parties regarding an emergency in the
organizationHow would you deal with the authorities, colleagues and the media? Describe the communication structure when dealing with fatalities and other major emergencies.
(1.8) Devise a plan to implement the emergency response procedures.Describe how you plan to implement the emergency response procedures, what considerations have to be made in terms of resources, equipment, training etc.
Learning Outcome 2 – Implement procedures for the control of a health and safety emergencyFire fighting equipment, fire marshals, PPE, first aid facilities, first aid room, contamination facilities, phones, signalling systems, klaxons, alarm systems etc. Detail could include specific
responsibilities for managing the incident, allocation of first-aiders, fire marshals, location of equipment and materials, calling emergency services etc.
Methods of communication could be meetings, consultation, training, instruction, notice boards, newsletters, intranet, staff inductions etc.
Appropriate services could include fire, ambulance, police, specialist authorities relevant to own organisation (e.g. airport or harbour authorities) regulatory authorities.
Requests could involve meetings, consultation, inspections, press release, media interviews, etc.
Confirmation could involve checklists, feedback, meetings, inspections etc.Records could include responses, procedures, risk assessments, hazard and risks, who may be e affected, to what extent, control measures, review dates training records, hazard data information minutes, inspection reports etc.
(2.3) Communicate the plan to all appropriate people in the organizationDescribe the process for communication and how you ensure all relevant parties are briefed and the methods used. Consider written, non-written, formal and informal methods.
(2.4) Establish effective liaison with the appropriate emergency services and the regulatory and local authoritiesDescribe how you have established effective working relationships with emergency services and the local authorities.
(2.5) Respond to the requests of the regulatory and local authorities and where necessary, the requests of the media and other interested partiesDescribe your experience with dealing with requests from the regulatory, local authorities and media. Explain the responsibilities of competent persons within the process.
(2.6) Confirm that the investigation procedure has been carried out.How do you ensure that a proper and full investigation has been carried out in line with your procedures. How do you capture this information?
Learning Outcome 3 – I understand how to develop and implement health and safety emergency response systems and proceduresCould involve communicating health and safety emergency response procedures, safety of people, plant and environment, setting and monitoring standards for emergency response, applying industry best
practice, meeting legislative requirements. Roles and responsibilities, procedures for fire, explosion, contamination, evacuation, emergency services, etc.
Media management could include media training, access to senior management, presenting facts, communication skills, body language, personal presentation.
External factors could include UK and EU legislation, requirements/expectations of professional bodies, regulatory authorities, others who may be affected, materials used in production process,
location, access to emergency services HASAW Act, Management of Health and Safety Regulations, Fire Regulations, Radioactive Substances Regulations, ADR Regulations, other regulations specific to
own organisation.
(3.1) Explain the nature and role of health and safety emergency response systems and procedures within the organizationExplain how you aim to keep people, equipment, plant and premises safe.
(3.2) Explain the organisation’s emergency response proceduresExplain levels of responsibilities and roles depending on the nature of the emergency. Consider your arrangement section from your health and safety policy.
(3.3) Explain the organisation’s simulated emergency response ProceduresExplain the types of drills carried out, who is responsible for ensuring they occur and the frequencies of them.
(3.4) Explain the principles of press releases and media management.Explain what may be considered as part of preparing to deal with media attention following an emergency. Consider access to senior management, media training, etc.
(3.5) Explain the external factors influencing health and safety emergency response systems and proceduresExplain how legislation, expectations of professional bodies and regulatory authorities impact on your emergency procedures.
(3.6) Explain the health and safety statutory requirements for:• emergency response procedures• first aid and medical service provision• fire precautions• major disasters• ionizing radiation incidents• environmental impact events.Explain the health and safety statutory requirements for all emergency procedures listed above and the specific statutory requirements for first aid and fire precautions. Also explain the
requirements for major disasters, ionizing radiation incidents and environmental impact events. (Refer to the individual legislation relevant to the above).
Referenced Evidence used in this Unit (List below)
I confirm that the evidence produced is as a result of my own work.
Learner Signature: ………………………………………… Date: ……………………….
The information within this Reflective Account is a true reflection of the Learner’s role, responsibilities competence and knowledge.
Line Manager/Competent Person Signature: ……………………………………. Date: …………………………
(Ensure Witness List is completed to reflect this for authentication purposes)
I confirm that the Learner has demonstrated competence by satisfying all of the criteria for this unit.
NVQ Assessor Signature: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………….
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