As we move through the literature of the Middle Ages, we begin to see an increasing amount of female characters. What do you think about the representation of women in Gawain and the Green Knight? Has their reputation changed? For the better or the worse? Use specifics from the text to support your answer.

Sample Answer
The representation of women in Gawain and the Green Knight is complex and nuanced. On the one hand, there are some positive representations of women in the text. For example, Bertilak’s wife is portrayed as a strong and independent woman who is not afraid to challenge Gawain. She also plays a key role in helping Gawain to pass the Green Knight’s tests.
However, there are also some negative representations of women in the text. For example, the lady of the castle is portrayed as a temptress who tries to seduce Gawain. She is also associated with the forces of evil, as she is the one who gives Gawain the girdle that will protect him from the Green Knight’s blow.
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