We can work on ‘Satyagraha for Conservation: A Hindu View’

Read ‘Satyagraha for Conservation: A Hindu View’ (written by O.P. Dwivedi) and answer the following questions:

Based on the information presented in the short chapter:
1) How do the peoples of India view the environment under Hinduism? To answer this question, make sure to address the following set of sub-questions:
a) What does life represent for the Hindu religion?
b) How do the Hindu religion view creation as a whole, particularly animals and plants?

2) How does the Hindu view of life and creation in India reflect their system of environmental ethics (codes of conduct and responsibilities towards the environment)

Sample Solution

cultural hybridity is clearly shown. The story talks about Mr Pirzada, a well-educated, upper-middle-class Muslim, settled in the US. Mr Pirzada is homesick and is suffering from the pain of separation from his wife, seven children and his homeland, Dacca. His homesickness is seen in his dinner with Lilia’s parents as he keeps his pocket watch, as the text describes; ‘set to the local time in Dacca, eleven hours ahead,’(Page 30, IoM), ‘on his folded paper napkin on the coffee table’ (Page 30, IoM). It is deftly demonstrated how Indians and Pakistanis stuck in the US are able to find “acceptance and solace beyond the barriers of nations, cultures, religions and generations. The story brings forth the aspect of departure into a personal world of memories These are the central sensations of diaspora. It explains the equivalent psychological conflict both the characters goes through”. Lahiri beautifully explains the experience of each character as unique when it comes to the dramatisation of the diaspora. “A Real Durwan” talks about a poor woman remaining in India, Boori Ma, a refugee. The story reflects that it is not only in America that the Indian migrants go through humiliation and discrimination, but the diasporas meet this kind of treatment in every dominant culture and nation. Her dilemma is that she can neither go back across the border, which was once her home nor is she given space in this new country, which was politically her home. The story, “A Temporary Matter,” talks about the bond of marriage considered holy in India which is breaking under the sheer pressure of demands faced by second-generation immigrants on an alien land. Shukumar and Shobha, a Bengali couple living in Boston are married for a while now. The “Temporary Matter,” in the story is that the electricity will be cut off an hour for the coming five days. For an instance, they keep on the games like telling one secret about each other in darkness. The darkness becomes the light of life. The darkness brought them nearer. T>

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