We can work on Relevant regulatory considerations impact a bank’s business strategy

Prepare an evidence-based business report (3-5 pages) that explains how relevant regulatory considerations impact a bank’s business strategy and supplies recommendations for navigating the current regulatory environment.

This assessment will give you the opportunity to serve as economic adviser to a bank seeking recommendations for navigating the current regulatory environment.

Banks face a number of costly mandatory regulations. For example, banks need to make sure they are in compliance with the Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III. In December 2011, the U.S. Federal Reserve announced that it would implement most of the Basel III rules. Under Basel III, banks need to meet certain leverage ratios and maintain minimum capital requirements. Specially, under Basel III compared to under Basel I and Basel II, the Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio increased from 4 percent to 4.5 percent, and the minimum Tier 1 capital jumped from 4 percent to 6 percent. The overall regulatory capital did not change at 8 percent. The leverage ratio (which is calculated as Tier 1 capital divided by the total of on- and off-balance assets minus intangible assets) can be no more than 3 percent. Under the Dodd-Frank Act, banks are required to conduct annual financial stress tests. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is of particular interest to publicly traded banks.

You are an economic analyst specializing in banking regulations at a consulting firm that advises a variety of client organizations, including investment firms, commercial banks, and policy advocates. Your immediate supervisor has approached you with two potential clients who need help understanding and navigating current regulatory considerations. Choose only one (not both) of the following clients to advise:

Midwest Global Investments Bank is currently private but interested in going public. They want to know the challenges posed by the current regulatory environment and recommendations for how to navigate them.
American Central Bank would like to change the capital requirements they are required to maintain. They want to know the challenges posed by the current regulatory environment and recommendations for how to navigate them.
Your Role
You are an economic analyst specializing in banking regulations at a consulting firm that advises a variety of client organizations, including investment firms, commercial banks, and policy advocates.

Address the following in an evidence-based business report for the client bank you selected above:

Analyze the impact of the Dodd-Frank Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and similar federal policies on the current regulatory environment.
Discuss conflicting evidence and/or multiple perspectives to provide richer context.
Analyze the economic implications of operating in a specific banking sector, such as commercial banking, investment banking, or others.
Explain the pros and cons of the economic implications for your client bank.
Explain how regulatory considerations impact a specific banking sector, such as commercial banking, investment banking, or others.
Explain the pros and cons of these regulatory considerations for different stakeholders.
Explain how legal, accounting, and other administrative costs that address regulation might impact a firm’s business strategy.
Explain how the bank’s business strategy may be evaluated and adjusted in the future.
Deliverable Format
Since you are preparing this report for a valuable new client, you want this report to be clear, well-organized, and readable. Your supervisor has requested that your report be 3–5 pages so you have enough space to develop your ideas and provide some scholarly context for the client. Your report is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (located in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs.

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hirdly, Vittola contends that war ought to be stayed away from (Begby et al (2006b), Page 332) and that we ought to continue conditions strategically. This is upheld by the “final hotel” position in Frowe, where war ought not be allowed except if all actions to look for discretion fizzles (Frowe (2011), Page 62). This implies war ought not be proclaimed until one party must choose the option to announce battle, to safeguard its domain and privileges, the point of war. Nonetheless, we can likewise contend that the conflict can never be the final hotel, considering there is consistently a method for attempting to stay away from it, similar to assents or settlement, showing Vittola’s hypothesis is defective. Fourthly, Vittola inquiries upon whose authority can request a formal statement of war, where he infers any district can do battle, yet more critically, “the sovereign” where he has “the regular request” as per Augustine, and all authority is given to him. This is additionally upheld by Aristotle’s Governmental issues ((1996), Page 28): ‘a lord is the normal unrivaled of his subjects.’ In any case, he really does later underscore to place all confidence in the ruler is off-base and has results; an exhaustive assessment of the reason for war is expected alongside the readiness to arrange rival party (Begby et al (2006b), Page 312& 318). This is upheld by the activities of Hitler are considered unfairly. Additionally, in this day and age, wars are not generally battled exclusively by states yet additionally non-state entertainers like Al-Queda and ISIS, showing Vittola’s standardizing guarantee on power is obsolete. This is additionally upheld by Frowe’s case that the pioneer needs to address individuals’ inclinations, under authentic power, which joins on to the fourth condition: Public statement of war. Concurred with many, there should be an authority declaration on a formal statement of war (Frowe (2011), Page 59-60&63). At last, the most disputable condition is that wars ought to have a sensible likelihood of coming out on top. As Vittola emphasized, the point of war is to lay out harmony and security; getting the public great. In the event that this can’t be accomplished, Frowe contends it would be smarter to give up to the foe. This can b>

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