We can work on Collaboration And Teamwork In Health Care ….

Explain the concept of true collaboration in health care and describe the benefits of effective interdisciplinary collaboration. Then, describe the characteristics required for effective collaboration, describe barriers to collaboration, and offer evidence-based strategies to overcome those barriers.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:


Competency 1: Explain the principles and practices of highly effective interdisciplinary collaboration.       

Explain the concept of collaboration in health care.


Describe the characteristics and concepts required for effective interdisciplinary collaboration.


Describe barriers to effective interdisciplinary collaboration.


Identify evidence-based strategies to overcome barriers to effective interdisciplinary collaboration.


Competency 3: Explain the internal and external factors that can affect the health of individuals, families, communities, and populations.       

Describe the benefits of effective collaboration and teamwork in health care for patients, organizations, and team members.

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