We can work on Organizational Behavior Name Institution Tutor Date   MEMO To: All employee From: Social Services Department Date: Subject: Teamwork at the Workplace After careful deliberation, the organization management has determined it is necessary to embrace teamwork among the employees. Working together will enhance morale, solve problems, be supportive of each other, enhance creativity, and bring new ideas to the organization. This will go all the way to increasing performance and job satisfaction among the employees. To achieve effective teamwork, there is a need to have a shared purpose. The shared purpose will increase motivation and performance. Therefore the management will put in place the following techniques to achieve team effectiveness; 1. Effective communication 2. Effective conflict management 3. Set the organizational shared purpose 4. Change management To enhance the success of the above strategies, the management will cultivate the culture of effective feedback and encourage team norms for behavior change among the employees. The suggested norms for the teamwork will be effective communication and empathy. The norms will be made explicit by developing the team charter. Team chatter will clarify more on the purpose of the teams and set forth the expected behavior. Please understand that the management is taking these steps to enhance organization performance, job satisfaction among employees, and create incentives for the employees. Thank you for your cooperation, should you have any question, channel it to the social services offices. Part two To From Date Subject: Communication process Dear all, Am glad to share several aspects of effective communication that are essential in public organizations. Some of the aspects I would like to share are communication process, possible threat to the communication process, communication networks, and internal communication. The communication process has four key elements. They include sender, encoding, channel, and decoding. The sender is the source of information; the information might consist of both verbal and nonverbal messages. Encoding is transforming the information to signals for it to be sent via a communication channel. The channel is the medium of information transfer to the recipient, while decoding is the process where the recipient translates the information that is either seen or heard to a concrete meaning that can be internalized. The receiver is the person whom the information was directed to. There are various threats to the communication process. Noise, uncomfortable communication, language barrier, and less active listening are major threats that can affect the communication process. However, a good communication network can solve them. There is three common communication network for an organization. Communication networks play a crucial role in providing information on job opportunities for job applicants. The wheel network illustrates the centralized communication. The communication flow is from one person. The circle communication network is a communication flow from one person to two or three other recipients who are next to them. The star network allows decentralized communication flow among all recipients, while the chain network provides communication flow to all recipients who are at the end of the chain. Lastly, the Y-network is a communication flow among two recipients who are at the center of the network. Regardless of the communication network used in an organization, the communication flow is important to managers as they are supposed to create a positive impression on various stakeholders in the organization. This should be done to reduce the negative effects of poor internal communication Internal communication in an organization involves the communication flow between individuals or groups of people at a different level. The aim of internal communication is to communicate information on design, implementation of designs, and to coordinate the daily activities in the organization. It is vital in business performance since it enhances information sharing on the organization vision, and also it enables the employees to cope with changes that occur in the organization. Therefore poor internal communication has negative impacts on the organization. Some of the effects are poor morale, lower employee performance and productivity, low organization performance, and high employee turnover. Best regards Part three Conflicts and performance In several organizations, conflicts are common occurrences. Often, people in an organization can block the action or decision of another person. According to the study done in the US, employees spent at least 2.1 hours in every week on conflicts. The authors of consulting psychologist found out that conflicts had a huge financial impact on an organization as they, in most cases, disrupted the smooth flow of activities. However, according to organizational behavior research, conflicts can have both positive and negative impacts on the performance of an organization. Functional conflicts align the organizational goals and improve their performance while the dysfunctional conflicts that hurt the workplace relationship, thus affecting the performance. If an organization has low conflict cases, indifferences and lack of discussions on important issues might be the reasons, thus hampering the performance, this is contrary to conflicts that are aligned to the objectives and are less personal. They boost performance. Therefore, conflicts are not all that bad. Performance of an organization can begin to suffer only if the conflicts are too much and begin to be disruptive. Third-party interventions Often leaders are expected to intervene to solve conflicts among the workforce. They are expected to understand individual employee grievances, identify their needs, understand the source of conflict, and give an equal chance to all involved in the conflict to express their feeling about the issue in question. There are several approaches that can be used by leaders to resolve conflicts. Involving a neutral third party can restore a damaged relationship and bring reconciliation through mediation. Mediation is effective as it enhances fairness and satisfaction to both parties. It improves relationships, performance, and workforce morale and reduces the stress among the employees. Therefore leaders should use mediators to solve conflicts as they help the parties reach a consensus through participation, reparation, forgiveness, and reintegration, unlike other conflict resolution techniques. Cross-cultural conflict resolution In situations where there are cultural differences, conflict resolution techniques also differ. Different culture and norms can mold an individual’s personality to either love harmony over discord, be more competitive or even individualistic, be facts oriented, or use emotion appeals for persuasions. The leaders are expected to consider the effect of both local and national cultures on an individual, in terms of their perception about the conflict and how to solve them. They are expected to adapt to changes and always adjust the conflict styles when needed to. Both private and public sector is governed and defined by different organizational cultures. Hence cross-cultural conflict resolution techniques are used. Therefore, leaders should incorporate several skills in resolving cross cultural conflicts. Some of the skills include good listening skills, sensitive to individual needs, be participative, compassionate, and be a mentor, and avoid competition. Bargaining in conflict resolution Often bargaining in conflict resolution begins with building relationships. Creating a good rapport with a partner reduces the chances of the other party getting angry during negotiations. There are two types of bargaining in conflict resolution, distributive and integrative bargaining. Distributive bargaining involves the win-lose strategy while the integrative win-win strategy. Both the approaches are efficient as they enhance economic outcomes and emotional integration among the employees. Also, the techniques are efficient in the public sector as they create mutual relationship among the employees. They can be used in both big and small ways and bring appealing results.

Organizational Behavior Name Institution Tutor Date   MEMO To: All employee From: Social Services Department Date: Subject: Teamwork at the Workplace After careful deliberation, the organization management has determined it is necessary to embrace teamwork among the employees. Working together will enhance morale, solve problems, be supportive of each other, enhance creativity, and bring new […]

Outcomes Planning Wheel

Outcomes Planning Wheel Refer to page 56 in the book The Four Questions of the Outcomes Planning Wheel as well as the template linked below, and apply the case study in the lecture to the wheel and answer each question. Refer to the question list in the lecture as well for additional help when answering […]