Part 1

Part 1
The case study simulates a teacher’s experience of working with diverse gifted students in a regular classroom. It is written as a sequence of events and information over a period of time to simulate the way a teacher is acquainted with their class and gradually finds out about their students over time and with thoughtful purpose.
You, as the teacher Mrs Lipman, in collaboration with your topic colleagues, will consider the questions arising in the case notes and discuss your responses. This will document your ideas about the students and the teacher’s response. There are opportunities here for you to read the literature about the issues raised to help inform your ideas and responses.

Readings review & critical reflection (approximately 1500 words)
There will be a discussion thread on for each student.  (willSign up to research one student) and use the thread for that student to discuss, share research findings and critically reflect on the behaviours, needs and provisions for this student.
There are 3 aspects to this assignment
•    Discussing your student, their needs and possible provisions with your collaborators in a Internet discussion forum. There will be a sign-up sheet on Internet for you to select one of the 8 gifted students in the case study for further investigation. You and a partner will take on the role of Mrs Lipman, and discuss on Internet that student’s characteristics, behaviours and consider their learning needs.
•    Completing a review of 2 readings that explore the theories and implications for teaching that relate to your student’s specific needs. Use the 3 column critical reflection format and post this on Internet Each person who is researching a particular student will read 2 (different) papers that help to inform knowledge about the issue, student needs and appropriate provisions. The review will be posted to the discussion forum for their student (approximately 500 words, NGP).
•    Writing an individual critical reflection to submit on internet (approx. 1000 words) Using all the information from the case notes, the discussions, and the literature review, critically reflect on what you have learned. Your critical reflection will address the following questions:
* What is this student’s affective issue of most concern and how is it defined or explained in the literature and evidenced in the case study?
* Why might this student experience difficulties at school and in general?
* How might you (as Mrs Lipman) address this student’s needs within the regular classroom?
In conclusion, you may wish to reflect on what this PBL assignment has taught you about yourself, your beliefs and your approach to teaching.

Explanation of the 3 column approach to reviewing the readings:
Eliciting important ideas and impressions from reading the literature involves more than simply summarising what was written (particularly at Postgraduate level). Much of our knowledge is acquired through reading, so it is important to get the most out of the readings as possible by focusing on a range of different questions.
By writing these ideas in this way,
– you are more likely to learn and remember the content of what you have read
– you will build a useful ‘library’ of reference notes that you may well come back to in other contexts
– your reactions to what you are reading are captured in the moment
– the process will provide useful insights when it comes to writing your assignments
You may need to read the article a few times – once for meaning and general impressions and secondly for deeper interpretation of ideas, meaning, perspective…
Reference details: (include full details, APA referencing style)
For a journal article for example: Author, Initial. (date). Title of article. Journal. Volume(Issue), page numbers.
Step 1: What do I notice?    Step 2: What do I think about this?    Step 3: So what does this mean for me or for relevant others?
Key ideas
Significant quote (include page number)
Author’s perspective
Contentious issues raised    Elaborations
Ideas generated
Comparisons to other literature    Personal significance – impact on your values, understandings and beliefs
Implications for your purpose – in this context how does this information inform your practices?
Implications for:
•    Teachers
•    Students
•    Parents
•    School
•    Society

Text: (Neihart, M., Reis, S., Robinson, N. & Moon, S. (Editors). (2002). The social and emotional development of gifted children: What do we know? Waco, Texas: Prufrock Press.)

Hmelo Silver 2004

Hebert soc em environments
Overlooked gems conference proceedings
Perfectionism The Crucible of Giftedness-SILVERMAN
relocation article 1999
– Social learning environment for gifted
– Biggs_-_What_the_Student_Does
– Social-Emotional develop 2004 Reis and Renzulli
– supporting gifted students affective needs

– abrriginal-Perspectives-On-Gifted-Children 190910
–    2005 Interventions for gifted indigenous underachievers.pdf
– The role of school counsellors in fostering giftedness_ The Austr.pdf
Meet some gifted children in a short NAGC videoURL
•     Video – gifted individualsURL
This short film conveys a patchwork of diverse gifted individuals
Daniel Goleman talking about social intelligenceURL
•     Daniel Goleman talking about emotional intelligenceURL

•     Danah Zahar talking about spiritual IntelligenceURL
Danah is talking about a leadership course that includes attention to developing spiritual intelligence. Consider
•     Csikszentmihalyi: What makes a life worth living?

Part 1
Any question by red font should be answering

This about a hypothetical teacher at a hypothetical school.

The case study simulates a teacher’s experience of working with diverse gifted students in a regular classroom. It is written as a sequence of events and information over a period of time to simulate the way a teacher is acquainted with their class and gradually finds out about their students over time and with thoughtful purpose. You, as the teacher Mrs Lipman, in collaboration with your topic colleagues, will consider the questions arising in the case notes and discuss your responses. This will document your ideas about the students and the teacher’s response. There are opportunities here for you to read the literature about the issues raised to help inform your ideas and responses.

The focus of this Problem Based Learning (PBL) Case Study is on what the teacher can do to
positively influence the social and emotional development of a diverse group of gifted students in a
heterogeneous classroom. For the purposes of this topic we are focusing only on students who are
gifted, and acknowledge that in reality teachers have to consider the needs of every student in their
class, not just a selected few, as we have done in this case study. We also acknowledge that Mrs
Lipman’s class may not be a ‘typical’ class. However, each student profile, whilst hypothetical, has
been written based on real students with whom we have worked. Perhaps you will be able to recognise
some of your own students in this hypothetical classroom!
This method of inquiry is called ‘problem-based’ so it is important to be clear about the nature
of the problem. In this case study, the ‘problem’ is how the teacher will manage and make appropriate
provision for the gifted children in her class, while meeting the needs of all students. The problem is the
teacher’s problem and you will assume the teacher’s role in this hypothetical but authentic scenario. I
am emphasising this because I want to ensure that the students in Mrs Lipman’s class are not seen to
be the problem! So often in the regular classroom gifted students, particularly those from special
populations, are isolated or marginalised and their behaviours and needs are problematized or ignored.
Remember, the student is not the problem, the problem is the problem! By collaboratively researching
and discussing the needs of gifted students in this PBL case and the possible provisions the teacher
may make to accommodate them, we hope that you will better understand the challenges of teaching
diverse gifted students and the rewards to be gained from making a difference for a group of students
who the Senate Inquiry Committee (Collins, 2001) described as some of the most disadvantaged
students in our education system.
In this PBL case study, students in this topic will be introduced to Mrs Lipman, who is the new
Year 7 teacher at Flinders Heights R-12 School. Students will be asked to shadow Mrs Lipman as she
finds out more about who is in her class, in particular a group of students whose affective needs seem
to warrant some special considerations. These students’ behaviours will suggest a range of issues
which can impede a gifted child’s social and emotional development and this case study will lead into
the first assignment for this topic, in which you, taking on the persona of Mrs Lipman, put forward your
justified recommendations for what she can do to optimise her students’ affective development.
PBL would normally be conducted in the classroom over an extended period of time, with the
learning groups forming periodically to share and discuss information, receive some new information,
discuss, generate hypotheses, identify learning issues, engage in individual research and then return to
the group with new knowledge for group discussion.
Tutorial 1:

Flinders Heights R-12 School is located in the southern suburbs of Adelaide.  It is close to Flinders University, Flinders Medical Centre, the Warradale Army Barracks, new housing developments and existing housing ranging from assisted accommodation and student flats to up-market mansions.  The school was established in the 1960’s. There are about 850 students currently enrolled, with a teaching staff of 37, including a school counsellor.
There are 2 Year 7 classes, one taught by Mrs Lipman who is new to the school and the other by Mr Galton, who is close to retirement age and has been at the school longer than almost every other teacher there. This is Mrs Lipman’s first permanent placement after a few years of contract teaching in a range of schools.  Mrs Lipman has a special interest in students with gifts and talents and is currently studying Gifted Education in her Master of Education studies at Flinders University.
In the week prior to the commencement of the new school year, Mrs Lipman meets the other staff during professional development (PD) sessions where the principal, Ms Gillard, announces that this year the school will be focusing on raising their students’ achievement scores on the standardised national Literacy and Numeracy tests.  Discussions centre on possible strategies that might improve students’ test performances.
Over lunch, Mrs Lipman talks to Mr Galton about the possibility of collaborating to plan some work across the 2 year 7 classes. She is thinking about the first week’s program and how she plans to get to know the students and settle them into the new class.  Mr Galton tells her that he always starts with some tests on day one – that way he can immediately ‘sort out the wheat from the chaff’.  Looking at the lists of names of students in their 2 classes, he smiles and says, “You’ll have your work cut out for you there! You’ve got some students who you’ll definitely have to keep a lid on! You must make sure that you show them who’s boss right from day one.”
Overhearing this, Mr Sage, who is the Resource teacher, makes a point of introducing himself to Mrs Lipman. He offers his help if she wants someone to share ideas with, or perhaps to collaborate on some classroom activities. He is particularly interested that she is enrolled in her MEd and would like to know more about her course of study.
Tutorial 2: Planning for the first week
Mrs Lipman looks at her list of Year 7 students who she will be teaching this year.  Each name presents an interesting set of possibilitiesand Mrs Lipman believes that it is essential for her to get to know each student and establish a relationship with each in order to understand their needs and plan accordingly.  She views students holistically and believes that cognitive, affective, physical, and spiritual aspects of development all impact on a student’s ability to learn and relate to others.  Somewhere amongst her study she can remember some readings supporting her philosophy – or maybe they helped to shape her ideas?
She has also taught long enough to know that she should expect to have a diverse group of students – she can see from their names that there will be some differences in cultural background for a start.  And she will be looking to identify the gifted students, as she has just finished an assignment on identification at university.  She is disappointed that there is no school policy for gifted students to help her, and it seems that the focus of the principal and her colleagues is on the struggling students rather than the gifted students. Mrs Lipman is convinced that all students’ achievement is important, but firstly she wants to make sure that she establishes a learning environment where every student feels valued and safe as a springboard for their learning.
She is looking forward for the first time in her teaching career to having her own class for the whole year, and she wants to establish a community of learners where each child feels a sense of belonging.  With this in mind, she starts to think of what she might do in the first week to get to know her students and establish a positive learning environment in her classroom.
Mrs Lipman has no intention of taking Mr Galton’s advice about the barrage of tests on day one, nor does she agree with his philosophy of establishing ‘who’s boss’!

Tutorial 3: Identifying students’ affective needs.
Mrs Lipman opens the file that the Year 6 teachers compiled at the end of the previous year with some background information on each student. (See the information sheet below).  Whilst she intends to make her own observations on each student, this background information she hopes will alert her to any possible affective issues that she needs to be aware of in order to make the first week a positive experience for each student.  She has recently read Damasio’s (1999) book on brain research and agrees with the position that affect precedes cognition.  Her school has been considering taking part in the KidsMatter program and there have been staff meetings recently sharing information about the importance of Social and Emotional development for students’ learning and well-being. She wants to address students’ affective needs as well as, and in preparation for, addressing their cognitive needs.  Of the 25 diverse students in her class, eight students in particular alert her as possibly having specific social and emotional characteristics and needs that may be related to giftedness.
•    Review the information given about the 8 students identified by Mrs Lipman.
•    Consider what their characteristics, behaviours and needs might be.
•    What information do you have about each student, and what information do you need to find out
•    Are you starting to formulate hypotheses about each student? Share your ideas on the… discussion forum.
•    Discuss your ideas, comments, insights, questions about these students in the Tutorial 3 discussion forum. You need to complete at least 2 postings to this forum.
Lewis Galway exhibits both positive and negative traits associated with giftedness. He is a complex think…..Etc. Lewis has heightened sensitivities and as a male this poses a number of issues regarding giftedness (Hebert, 2002). Evidence, such as his temperamental nature, feelings of hurt, family problems….Etc. Set tasks in class are probably lacking challenge or the opportunities to probe deeply into a topic. Lack of interest…Etc. Mrs Lipman will need to address more than just the cognitive level of challenge for Lewis. Careful blending of affective content needs to be included so that his probing mind….Etc.
File notes from Year 6 teacher (previous year)choose one student and write about 500 word for analyses and some point for solution
Any student by green font not available
You should give me before write for any student the name because I will choose it on online with group.

Achievement    Background information    Special interests/ Extracurricular

Michael Faraday
-Reading and writing mechanics scores three years below grade level
-Maths scores above grade level
-Grade book shows uneven pattern of some outstanding and some failing marks    -Poor organizational skills. Scraped through some subjects last year after failing to hand in multiple assignments. Found these (completed) at the bottom of his bag at the end of term.
-Has been in disciplinary trouble several times following behavioural outbursts, including pushing another student during class on one occasion and storming out of class several times.
-Strong family support from parents. Younger brother also has reading difficulties.    -Very strong interest in science and history. Awarded first prize at a state science competition last year. Often reads science magazines in break times and, according to parents, watches History channel and National Geographic channel regularly at home.

Brett Hahn
-Identified gifted in grade 2 after he was referred for assessment by the art teacher
-Maths and reading scores on grade level, but achievement is inconsistent    -Both parents are doctors and expect Brett to follow in their footsteps. Parents have inquired about acceleration in maths, although his performance in this area does not warrant extension work
-Brett has a tendency to appear withdrawn; has found it difficult at times to fit in with the other boys, whose interests and activities often centre around sport    -Spends most of his break times in the art room working on original projects or doodling in his sketch book.

Ellen Donald
No records forwarded from previous school    -Daughter of an army officer. Enrolment sent at end of year, but Ellen will commence at start of year 7. Records show many transitions to different schools and towns throughout school career.

Sally McLeod

-Identified as gifted in early primary school
-Reading and writing scores well above grade level. Reading much more advanced texts than her classmates
-Maths scores at grade level      -Family of low socioeconomic status with five children. Father working part-time as labourer and mother retrenched from her job last year. Sally has already mentioned that she will leave school as soon as she is old enough to get work and support her parents and four younger siblings. Parents don’t want her to be “singled out” for extension work or to aim for university as “real work has been good enough for everyone else in our family.”
-Sally is quiet, but has two close friends in her class who she does everything with.      -Sally was recently awarded an honourable mention in a writing competition open to secondary school students. She has had essays and poems published in the school newsletter.

Lewis Galway

Wrote a brilliant project on WW2 demonstrating complex political insights & depth of knowledge. Has great memory & general knowledge, but lacks focus on set tasks. Most class work disappointing. Often doesn’t hand in work on time.
Often restless or bored. Lacks persistence in most activities, except when it involves anything to do with WW2. Excitable, sensitive, can be impulsive. Can speak very rapidly when excited. Power struggles with authorities at times – questions rules. Asks lots of probing questions. Often feels hurt by other people’s words or actions. Temperamental.

Outstanding results in all academic competitions and Literacy /Numeracy tests.
Parents separated when Lewis was 7 & his younger sister was a baby. Often spends weekends with his grandparents. Father lives interstate.
Student    Achievement    Background information    Special interests/ Extracurricular

Susan Chan
Outstanding maths ability. Quick to learn new tasks & strong memory. Struggles with written language but quite strong verbally. Very quiet in class.    Only child of Korean parents who migrated to Australia 6 years ago. Korean spoken at home.  Tends to be overlooked in class and she often seems shy and withdrawn.

Attends Saturday morning Korean classes.
Works in parents’ restaurant most evenings. Doesn’t seem to socialise with her classmates.

Gavin Weetra
Highly articulate with good ideas, popular student. Very capable but achievement is patchy – capable of brilliance, but work doesn’t always reflect his ability.    Aboriginal father works at Flinders University – at Yunggorendi (indigenous studies centre). Mother a lawyer. Strong extended family relations.
Great sense of humour – a real storyteller. Recommended for the Public Speaking competition, but declined to participate.
Practical ideas – full of common sense.
Associates with peers who have been in trouble with the authorities.    Plays football for school, club and district teams, represented school at SAPSASA (state primary schools sports carnival) football, athletics & swimming. (Named after his uncle who was a great Australian Rules (AFL) footballer.)


Achieving at high level in all areas. Speaks several languages. In advanced Maths group. Performed exceptionally well at school end-of-year concert.

Works very hard, but can become anxious and is easily stressed when she can’t achieve her goals. Doesn’t cope with failure.  Can be intolerant of and impatient with peers, hates working in groups.  Not well liked.    Learns piano. Has a classical ballet lesson on Saturday mornings.
Competes in Friday night & holiday chess competitions. Language classes. Enjoys Japanese floral arrangement & origami in her spare time.

Tutorial 4(2b): Student interactions in the first week of school term.
Mrs Lipman asks her students to draw, or make, or write about something that is particularly important to them.  She tells the students that they have 20 minutes to complete this activity and then they will each present it to the whole class.
Lewis appears to be disgruntled & demands to know why they have to do this. She can see that a few of the students are similarly reluctant to comply.  She’s sure that this will be an important ‘ice-breaker’ activity and a very useful way for her to find out something about each student’s interests, learning preference and confidence. She reassures the class that she is very interested in learning about them and hearing from each of them, but that they can choose to pass if they don’t want to present what they have chosen to do for this task.
Lewis still seems unhappy, but after a quiet word with him, he settles down to write something. Mrs Lipman notices the title: “Why Grandpa went to war”.
Leta, her brow creased in concentration, is busily writing as fast as she can, unlike Lewis who, having written the title, seems to be lost in a daydream.
Ellen is rummaging around in the art cupboard and gathers together some cardboard, scissors, string and a stick. Brett has also gone to the art cupboard, but he is pulling out some crayons and a large sheet of paper. The two smile shyly at each other, but quickly resume their seats and are soon focused on their creations.
Mrs Lipman moves to the back of the class where there seems to be more talking than work happening – why do students think they can hide from the teacher’s attention at the back of the class? She imagines hearing Mr Galton from next door saying “They may as well put up a sign there saying ‘trouble sits here!’” Mrs Lipman smiles to herself at the thought. Are these the boys he warned her about – the lads who had been caught scribbling graffiti on the bike shed? Gavin and another aboriginal boy see her coming and their smiles disappear as their heads bob down.  By the time she stands next to their table, Gavin is writing what looks to be the script for a football commentator reporting on the final five minutes of an exciting game.
Michael, sitting in the other corner at the back of the room, seems to be enjoying this task she has asked them to do. Mrs Lipman looks at his work, and smiles as she watches the comic strip characters taking shape as Michael sketches.
Glancing across at Susan, she is fascinated to watch her writing in carefully constructed Korean script. The girls at Susan’s table seem to ignore her as they conspiratorially discuss their shared passion for fashion – “No surprise what they’re writing about”, thinks Mrs Lipman. She bobs down to talk to Susan and asks her if she could re-write what she has written into English for homework tonight. Was she imagining it, or did Susan’s shoulders droop a little when she asked her that?
Mrs Lipman looks to see what Sally is doing. The 3 girls at that table all seem to be working quietly and well together. Sally is writing a poem.
As Mrs Lipman finishes making some observational notes about each of her students, she tells the class that they have 5 minutes to finish off what they are doing and get ready for their talk.  Leta squeals and asks for more time to finish. She can see some students fidgeting nervously, while others appear to be quite relaxed – she thinks Gavin even looks eager to get up and talk!
Gavin is happy to be the first to present, and delivers an animated and entertaining rendition of a very excited football commentator effusing about the exploits of the football hero, Gavin Weetra, in the final premiership game of the season. When he finishes, the class erupts in cheers and Gavin glances at the boys at the back of the class, breaking out in a big smile as he sees their enthusiastic approval of his presentation.
Leta stands up next to present. She has written about Japanese art and architecture and explains how perfectly and mathematically the Japanese sense of proportion dominates their approach to design. Clearly her talk does not enthral her classmates judging by the way they are fidgeting, although Leta is oblivious to this until there is a murmur of discontent and even a few giggles from her audience when she starts to speak in Japanese. She stops mid-sentence and scathingly accuses her classmates of being too stupid to understand what she’s talking about before she flounces back to her seat. Lewis only adds to her frustration when he enigmatically calls out “Remember the war!”  Mrs Lipman asks Lewis if he is ready to give his talk, but he sinks back into his chair and mumbles something that Mrs Lipman interprets to be a ‘no’.
“Who’s defeated now?” Leta mutters under her breath.
Susan offers to go next, and quietly but confidently tells the class about the Korean tea ceremony and for the entire time she is speaking, they listen, fascinated by what she has to say. She glances at Leta as she goes to sit down, but Leta’s face is a mask of frustration.
When Michael shows the class the comic strip he has drawn and tells them about “Mightymatter” the superhero with the huge brain who saves the world from destruction using his advanced scientific knowledge, Leta can’t help but point out that he has spelt most of the captions incorrectly. Michael’s smile fades as he returns to his seat.
Brett’s face seems as dark as his picture as he tells the class about the alien landscape he has drawn where he would like to live so that he can do whatever he wants.  Michael starts to challenge him about the possibility of life being able to exist on such a dead-looking planet.
Ellen, seeing Brett’s pride in his picture starting to falter, stands up to show the class the mobile she has made. On the stick she had found she has hung a cardboard cut-out of something that represents each place she has lived.
“Why the empty strings?” asks Peter.
“They’re all the places I haven’t lived in yet,” Ellen replies.
“I think you’re so lucky to have travelled to so many places and seen all those exciting things,” pipes up Sally.
Sally shares with the class her poem. In it she imagines that she has won the lottery and what her life would be like if she could do whatever she wanted.
Just before the bell goes for recess, Sally reads the final verse of her poem:
“Money gives me choices
And breath to different voices
In my head.
But then,
Noises wake me roughly
And tell me that I’m, toughly,
Just in bed.”
300 word for all qusiton
Discussion: just for one student
What new information does Mrs Lipman have for each of the eight students?
(add this to the student records sheet Mrs Lipman received from the Year 6 teacher.)  You might consider:
o    What does each of the 8 choose to do for this task?
o    How successful are they in completing the task?
o    How well do they cope with the presentation?
o    What reaction do they get from the other students?
o    How might Mrs Lipman respond to each student?
o    What does Ellen choose to do for this task?
Example for answering
Ellen opts to go to the art cupboard and gather supplies to make something creative. It turns out that she made a mobile with a cardboard cut out showing each place that she has lived so far. There are empty strings left on the mobile to add the future places that she might live.

* How successful are they in completing the task? How well do they cope with the presentation?
Ellen completed the creative task easily. She appeared to be quite secure in standing up and presenting her work to the class, even down to answering questions about why the empty strings were included on her mobile.
* What reaction do they get from the other students?
The other students are interested in her mobile as it has missing pieces. They asked her about it and she explained why they were there. Sally responds that Ellen is lucky to have lived in so many places and seen so many exciting things.
* How might Mrs Lipman respond to each student?
I think that Mrs Lipman would have praised Ellen’s presentation and the creativity that it demonstrated. She may have encouraged further questions from the class as she knows that Ellen is new to the school and needs to make connections with the other students, which could be based on the information she shares about the places that she’s lived as a group discussion.

I found Ellen’s interactions with Brett in this scenario to be interesting and it lets us know a bit more about her character. Whilst getting her supplies from the cupboard, she meets Brett there and they smile shyly at each other before returning to the task. This indicates that Ellen is open to making friends at her new school and isn’t too withdrawn to intentionally interact with the others. She also empathetically noticed that Brett started to struggle during his presentation of his work due to Michael’s negative comments and voluntarily stood up to give her presentation to take the class’s attention away from Brett. She appears to be quite emotionally aware of the needs of others.

•    Hypothesise about the issue(s) that each student might be dealing with.175 word

•    How might these issues impact on their affective development (you may consider if any theories of development might apply)?

•    What additional information would you need to gain in order to establish a clearer understanding of each student?

•    How might you obtain this information if you were Mrs Lipman?

•    Review all information and hypothesise what issue(s) are contributing to this student’s behaviours.

•    Clarify what evidence you have to formulate your hypothesis.

•    Clarify what assumptions you have made and your justification for making them.
Tutorial 5: Mrs Lipman’s response
The last thing Mrs Lipman wants to do is to define each student by their problem.  She has read about the negative impact a label can have on a student’s self-esteem.  She believes that if she can provide appropriate support for each child’s affective needs, then their academic achievement and personal well-being will benefit.  She also realises that she needs to do some research into the issues raised by her students’ behaviours, and seek some professional advice from the school counsellor. Prior to seeing the counsellor, Mrs Lipman wants to build a clearer profile of each student.  She seeks out Mr Sage for some advice and to ask if he might have some helpful resources.  They discuss possible approaches she could take, and he shows her a list of readings she might find useful. Mrs Lipman decides that she will select a couple of readings for each student to give her some ‘best evidence’ information to help her to understand the issues and to provide some ideas about provisions that she might be able to implement to try to enhance each student’s learning, achievement and well-being.She borrows some Gifted Education books from the Resource Centre and thanks Mr Sage for his help.
She reflects on the significance of this research for her MEd studies at Flinders and decides that she could use this case study as a possible research study. When she finishes her review of the readings she decides that she will write a critical reflection about this experience and what she has learnt about the affective needs of diverse students and how to make provisions for them in her mainstream classroom that enable them to thrive.

•    Explore the text book and the wider readings to find out as much as you can about the issue(s) for your student that you have identified in your hypotheses, and importantly what the literature suggests in terms of provision and support.
•    Consider the ideas that have been raised and discussed on …
•    Hypothesise what this student will need in order to support their positive affective development.  Consider their learning environment, people who might support them, resources and provisions that they might need.
•    What questions remain?100 word

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