Listening skills assessment

Chapter four teaches us about listening and responding. Most people don’t realize that listening is a skill that can be developed. In this assignment, you’re going to do a true and honest evaluation of yourself as a listener and submit it as a journal entry (only you and the instructor will read it). In 400-600 words, answer the following:

Do you agree with the listening skills assessment? What did it say? Did your online results correspond to the chapter assessment results? How would you rate yourself as a listener? Be honest and explain.
What do you need to improve on as a listener?
How do you plan to focus on this improvement?
What have you learned about listening beyond the interpersonal context?
Sometimes students take these reflection assignments at face value and don’t really take the opportunity to truly better themselves. A listening evaluation is your first step in becoming a better listener. If you become a more effective listener, who knows what you might comprehend and where it will take you! Spend some time honestly reflecting and analyzing (there is no right or wrong answer here). Reference the online materials in your answers and explanations.

This will read as a reflection essay, but if you feel bullet points or other formatting will allow you to more effectively communicate, feel free to use them.

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