Evaluating Web-Based Health Communication Tools

To prepare for this Discussion:
• Locate a public health communication website, blog, or podcast and evaluate it according to the “Five Criteria for Evaluating Web-Based Content” (FYI 13.7) in Chapter 13 of the Doyle, Ward, and Oomen-Early course text. Review the examples provided in the Optional Resources.
• Consider how the website, blog, or podcast could be adapted for use in a different region, state, and country. Think about how the cultural and literacy differences between the locations may impact the adaptation process. Review the “Designing Health Materials for Those with Lower Literacy Skills” checklist (FYI 11.15) in Chapter 11 of the Doyle et al. course text for tips on designing for lower literacy populations.
Post the following:

Describe the public health communication website, blog, or podcast you selected. Include the URL in your posting.

Evaluate the accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, and coverage of the health information presented.

• Provide a detailed explanation of the tool you selected and describe how it could be adapted for another population or group.
Explain how this adaptation addresses cultural as well as literacy differences.
Support your posting with information from the Learning Resources.

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