British Literature II English

British Literature II English Order Description Nature is newly emphasized in much Romantic literature. Choose two writers, two poet, one prose write–to demonstrated how their emphases on nature differ from each other. Please use William Wordsworth poem “Nutting” and Thomas Hardy poem ” Convergence Of The Twain”. Please use these two poet for my essay. […]

Hookimaw-Witt, J. (1998). Any changes since residential school? Canadian Journal of Native Education. 22, 2, 159-170.

Hookimaw-Witt, J. (1998). Any changes since residential school? Canadian Journal of Native Education. 22, 2, 159-170. (2)Ladson-Billings, G. (2007). Pushing past the achievement gap: an essay on the language of deficit. The Journal of Negro Education. 76, 3, 316-323. (3)choose one of the follow (because I cannot find the article online): Lopez N. (2002). Rewriting […]

Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 1

Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 1 Order Description Identify two articles in the University Library: one in which the business problem is researched using a qualitative design and the other using a quantitative design. Summarize each of the research designs. Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you compare and contrast the […]

Government Accountability Office

Government Accountability Office Audience: Governor Situation: The Governor has asked you to review the two GAO reports you have studied in class this week. She wants to know how these reports impact critical infrastructure in the New York. Specified Tasks: In order to complete this information paper, you must answer the following questions: What are […]

A Health Education Plan on Alcohol Abuse in CollegesStudents

A Health Education Plan on Alcohol Abuse in CollegesStudents Order Description Health Education Plan utilizing the Health Planning Model and the Nursing Process. 1. Assessment – briefly describe the public health issue and population aggregate affected (alcohol abuse in college students) include evidence to support your description and include a problem statement. 2. Plan – […]

community’s current efforts to deter or prevent juvenile delinquency

community’s current efforts to deter or prevent juvenile delinquency through incarceration programs or other sanctions. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Identify at least two (2) juvenile delinquency reduction efforts / programs currently in operation in your community. Determine the main sociological theories that underlie these interventions that shape your […]

B. Literature Review

raits and behaviors needed to be a University/College President. Order Description *Order is for 15 pages of content. The cover page and reference page are not considered content. Paper will be a researched paper on the traits and behaviors needed to be a University/College President. PAPER FORMAT Title Page Chapter I. Executive Summary This is […]

Risk Management

Risk Management Order Description Risk Management – ACFI5018 Semester 1 2015/2016 Shareholders and lenders, whilst not being the only stakeholders, provide capital to companies because they seek a return commensurate with the level of risk that they are willing to take. This implies that they expect the executives of companies to demonstrate levels of entrepreneurship […]

Literary research paper of story of an hour

Literary research paper of story of an hour Order Description Primary source: story of an hour Kate Chopin Secondary sources: Secondary sources should come from (rated highest to lowest): 1. Scholarly journals 2. Specialized encyclopedias and reference works 3. Author biographies 4. Other sources (popular magazines, websites, etc.) Secondary sources can be found in: 5. […]

American Identity-Analyze the evolution of democracy in the United States using three of the readings from various time periods.

American Identity-Analyze the evolution of democracy in the United States using three of the readings from various time periods. Order Description Analyze the evolution of democracy in the United States using three of the readings from various time periods. – American Identity, -Democratic Society -Equality: Race and Gender Please use the following book: “Ideas Across […]

Write an assembler for the following instructions:

Write an assembler for the following instructions: add, lw, sw, li, move, beq, j Assume that: all registers are addressed by $register-name (like $s1; see your textbook for range of valid register names and numbers); the end of program is recognized by the .endinstruction, the program is loaded into memory at location 0; each label […]

Sweatshops/labor conditions in developing countries./ Financial markets: the crisis of 2007-8 and after./ Trends in modern consumerism and conspicuous consumption. /

Sweatshops/labor conditions in developing countries./ Financial markets: the crisis of 2007-8 and after./ Trends in modern consumerism and conspicuous consumption. / Should the minimum wage be increased? / Are Americans overworked? Topics: 1. Sweatshops/labor conditions in developing countries. 2. Financial markets: the crisis of 2007-8 and after. 3. Trends in modern consumerism and conspicuous consumption. […]

defense and foreign policy american government

defense and foreign policy american government Order Description describe the defense and foreign policy of the United States during the Cold War and the defense and foreign policy of the United States since September 11, 2001. Answer the below questions in your response: ? What was the U.S. defense and foreign policy in each of […]

Company profile and research

Company profile and research Order Description Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Describe economic concepts, terminology, and theories and their relationship to leadership roles 2. Explain how market forces, including supply and demand, influence price and quantity decisions 3. Evaluate strategic business decisions and their effect on business […]

Obligations the U.S. government has towards its citizens

Obligations the U.S. government has towards its citizens Instructions:- Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read chapters 8, 9, and 10 in American Government and watch the video, Episode II – It’s a Free Country. Reflect: Our political system is characterized by certain fundamental features to include a system of laws, rights, and […]

The Third Sector: Social enterprise, Not–for-profits, NGOs (stakeholder issues)

The Third Sector: Social enterprise, Not–for-profits, NGOs (stakeholder issues) • The third sector addressing social issues • The backdrop of poverty (global and national) • Stakeholder relations in the third sector…who are the stakeholders? • NGOs as forms of institutional transformation : potential advantages over the public sector? • NGOs as Micro-Finance Institutions What is […]

Identification Terms and Concepts

For each of the following concepts, provide a brief definition, a description of its historical development, a clarification of its contextual implementation, and, wherever appropriate, an explanation of the ramifications on the regional and international relations and on outcome of public policy. Irredentism Counterfactuals Balance of Power Balancing Bandwagoning 1. To ensure a favorable outcome […]

How the government has impacted public policy.

  Choose an example of how the government has impacted public policy. For example: Social Security Act, the Affordable Care Act, the 18th Amendment (the Volstead Act), No Child Left Behind, the US PATRIOT Act, the 16th Amendment (income tax), the 19th Amendment (right of women to vote), or a topic of your choice. Analyze […]


I. Select 10 cartoons on American Politics (and include them in your report). Answer all the following questions (in at least two sentences) in regard each of the cartoons.  1.Describe what you see 2. What did you notice first? 3. What issue the cartoon is about? 4. What is the cartoonist’s opinion on the issue? 5. What […]

Zodiac killer

Zodiac killer Order Description Write a Forensic Linguistic analysis of four letters that may/may not have been sent by the Zodiac killer. Background Between 1969 and 1974 at least seven people were murdered in California by an unknown killer who called himself ‘The Zodiac’. He claimed thirty-seven. His victims were young couples and single men […]

Conductivity test

Why must the electrodes on the conductivity apparatus, as well as all the beakers, be rinsed with distilled water after each conductivity test? Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of experienced writers are on standby to deliver to you a quality written paper as […]

Sustainable human resources management

  ASSESSMENT ONE – INDIVIDUAL ESSAY LO2 Identify and explain the concepts of leading and managing others in respect of current and key theories of leadership and management. Yes LO4 Analyse complex situations through the synthesis of ideas taken from a range of sources and to diagnose problems,& devise solutions to a range of contemporary […]

Components of a short story

Components of a short story Order Description Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper defining the literary genre of short story using John Updike’s “A&P” as an example. Address the following points: Explain how “A&P” is different from other genres of fiction you have read in the past. Describe which standard characteristics of a short story […]


Part I You are an action officer in your local jurisdiction’s Office of Homeland Security. This is a recently-created office. As a medium-size jurisdiction, the city manager’s office has dual responsibilities with many of the leadership and management positions. This is often referred to as being dual-hatted. The Chief of Police has been assigned as […]

Identify and describe the key components of the contingency model of leadership

Identify and describe the key components of the contingency model of leadership Order Description After you have read this week’s required journal article (Houghton and Yoho, 2005), complete the following: Identify and describe the key components of the contingency model of leadership as presented by the authors. Analyse the relationship between certain key contingency factors […]

The management information systems

Complete the following for this assignment: • Compare and contrast the management information systems (MIS) in place in 2 distinctly different organizations. • Compare each organization’s use of information systems to help manage internal operations and to make decisions. • Assess how these two organizations use information technology for competitive advantage. • Appraise the individual […]

Organizations in Crisis

Organizations in Crisis review the news looking for stories about companies or organizations in crisis. Discuss, the resulting impact on the organization’s reputation. Is the story mostly fact, or driven more by opinion? Consider the role of public relations in managing a crisis. What about advertising, marketing and managing the ‘brand?’

methane hydrate deposits

where methane hydrate deposits predominantly occur and discuss the key challenge(s) in locating and harvesting methane hydrate under each situation. For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery guarantee • PhD-level writers • Automatic plagiarism check • 100% money-back guarantee • 100% Privacy and Confidentiality […]

Statements and Messaging


Healthcare facility’s preparedness plan

According to the Department of Health and Human Services (2002), the nation’s capacity to respond to bioterrorism depends largely on the ability of clinicians and public health officials to detect, manage, and effectively communicate in advance of and during a bioterrorism event. Prepare a narrated presentation, using PowerPoint or other similar software, detailing a bioterrorism-related […]