An essay is a genre of writing built on argument.

An essay is a genre of writing built on argument. In this essay, you must frame an original argument, engaging materials in the unit from your particular point of view. Also, the idea of originality in essay writing does not refer to ideas that have never been considered. Rather ,essays provide you with an opportunity […]

Assessment one: purchasing goods

Assessment one: purchasing goods Element covered in this assessment Unit of competency; Determine purchasing requirements. 1. access and interpret information and discuss the end product requirements with relevant personnel to ascertain goods to be purchased. 2. check and assess quality and suitability of stock on hand before proceeding with new purchases. 3. maximize use of […]

online Quiz

online Quiz 1.What information about the influences of gonadal hormones on human brain and behaviour is presently able to inform the debate about the medical treatment of individuals with ambiguous genitalia, according to Melissa Hines in “Engendering the Brain” from her book Brain gender? Select one: a. In cases where chromosomal and hormonal information conflict, […]

Assignment brief Unit number and title Unit 3

Assignment brief Unit number and title Unit 3: Strategic Change Management Qualification BTEC – LEVEL 7 – Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership Start date 7th September 2015 End Date 28th September 2015 Assessor Pierre Arman Assignment Due Date 25th Oct 2015 Assignment title Understanding the need for and aspects of Strategic Change Management […]

Empowerment of Falling in Love and Breaking Up

Empowerment of Falling in Love and Breaking Up Paper details: The essay will five-page essay the empowerment of a falling in love song and a breaking up love affected my life. Break up Song is Anthony Hamilton- Can’t Let Her Go Love Song is K-CI & JoJo – All My Life

Power of Persuasion Matrix

Power of Persuasion Matrix Paper details: Learning Objective: To recognize the influences of on Consumer Behavior and evaluate the Models of Communications Effects. Instructions: Use Excel to create your own diagram duplicating the Persuasion Matrix shown in Chapter 6. Choose a TV commercial or print ad and use the matrix to evaluate how it might […]

ECON 5402

ECON 5402 Public Economics: Taxation Problem Set 2 Carleton University, 2015 Fall Till Gross For this problem set, you can work with your classmates, but everybody should hand in their own copy. Please indicate on your copy who you are working with. I recommend to start working on it on your own and then compare […]

Create A small bakery business – bread, cakes & pastries

Create A small bakery business – bread, cakes & pastries Paper details: 1. Vision/Mission: Follow the model outlined in Chapter 3 of the Essentials of Entrepreneurships Scarborough (2014) text to develop a clear vision and translate it into a meaningful mission statement. Your paper should include a concise Vision/Mission statement plus a 200 to 400 […]


“Lomba,” In “Lomba,” the reader is introduced to a journalist who’s been imprisoned for what they say is anti-government activity. Like the journalist in the article, he’s cut off from family and friends and at the mercy of his imprisoners. Interestingly,it’s his writing that gets him into trouble while in prison, but it’s also what […]

International Business Issues and Ethics

International Business Issues and Ethics Paper details: 1. Identify two firms with similar problems but from different countries. 2. Conduct a comparative analysis of the firms. 3. Analyze political, social,ethical, and legal differences facing both organizations and determine the impact these differences have on management decision making. 4. provide substantive conclusion and recommendations. 5. Support […]

Capital Punishment.

Capital Punishment. Paper details: Write an essay (minimum of 1 ½ – 2 pages; typed, double-spaced) Capital Punishment. To write the essay, follow these instructions: 1. Briefly summarize the argument of two of the writers (Stephan Nathanson and Jeffry Reiman) . As you describe the premises of their argument, cite the source in the body […]

the law to the facts.

the law to the facts. THIS IS THE ASSIGNMENT: decide which facts are relevant and which are merely verbiage, decide which legal information is relevant to the issues; then state the relevant legal issues, state the relevant law, and apply the law to the facts. Written Assignment #2: Kyle is looking to move Alabama Sunshine […]

Mathematics The purpose of this group project is to solve a small real-world question using algebra. Group projects can also help students develop a host of skills that are increasingly important in the professional world (Caruso & Woolley, 2008; Mannix & Neale, 2005) Please form a group of 2-6 students and work together on this. Individual work is not accepted. You only need to turn in one group work (remember to put every group member’s name on it). Show all steps, reasonings, and computations. You may use a calculator or computer software (e.g. MS Excel) in your work. IMPORTANT Use any math skills you’ve learned so far from this class or from your previous algebra classes. Algebraic work with an approximated answer will receive higher score than advanced calculus work* with an exact answer. The purpose is not to learn any new techniques but to explore concepts we’re learning using what’s already available. If you ask an instructor or an engineer friend for help, be sure to tell them to explain using algebra or “Calculus up to our Ch 4.8 in our text”.(* By “advanced calculus work” we mean any calculus techniques that have not been discussed in our MATH 150, even if you have taken Calculus before.) Can you ask a tutor? Yes. Can you google this? Yes. But in the end every group member should be able to explain your work by themselves. Grading How many points you earn depends on the quality of your work and how close your solution is. Try to state the magnitude of the complexity of this problem (i.e. why can’t we find the exact solution with just a few lines of work?) Draw your conclusion based on the assumptions made. Some General Grading Criteria Let p be your percentage error rounded to the 10th decimal. Let gbe your grade for this project. If p4.187%, then g5/10 If p[0.286%, 4.187%): g will be around 6/10, depending on your work. If you do not carefully justify your steps you may get a 5/10 or lower. If p(0.0287%,0.286%]: g will be around 7/10, depending on your work. If p(0.00287%,0.0287%]: g will be around 8/10, depending on your work. If p0.00287%and you fully explain how you arrive at your approximation, you will get g9. If you use anything that we have not learned yet (and even you have learned it before coming to this class) you will likely earn a much lower grade than you expect! Fuel Economy and Weight Since fuel economy depends on a lot of factors, for simplicity we will only consider the factors of distance and the weight the car carries. Our goal is to calculate or estimate how far a car can travel with a fixed amount of fuel. Taking distance, fuel quantity, and weight as the only variables, we assume everything else held constant (including the moving velocity at all times, road condition, tire condition, weather condition, speed limit, etc.) and we assume that the quantity of fuel consumed is directly proportional to the distance traveled and the weight the car carries (e.g. the longer the distance traveled, the more fuel consumed; the heavier weight the car carries, the more fuel consumed.) We further assume the density of fuel is 6 lb/gallon, and at any positive speed and any given moment, the car can travel 25 miles per gallon of fuel for every 1000 lb it carries. Suppose a driverless car (total weight of the car without fuel: 1000 lb) has just been filled with 15 gallons of fuel, find the maximum distance this car can travel. If you think the above description has too much information, just think about this question: How far can a car travel with 15 gallons of fuel given its fuel economy is 25 miles per gallon taking weight into consideration? For this question you then find you need more information. And you can challenge one by asking this simpler (harder?) question: How far can a car travel with 15 gallons of fuel? Objectives: Ratio, Proportion, Unit Analysis, Linear Modeling, Mathematical Modeling, …, etc.

Mathematics The purpose of this group project is to solve a small real-world question using algebra. Group projects can also help students develop a host of skills that are increasingly important in the professional world (Caruso & Woolley, 2008; Mannix & Neale, 2005) Please form a group of 2-6 students and work together on this. […]

Personal statement

Personal statement It is a personal statement. it is divided by two part. First part the question is What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field — such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities […]

"Nanotechnology in the medical field"

“Nanotechnology in the medical field” The course introduces students to the scale of nanotechnology, materials used in nanotechnology, forces acting in nanomaterials, electronic and mechanical behaviors on the nanometer scale, and applications in industries and life sciences. Nano-versus micro-technology in the evaluation of potential risks and benefits will be covered with emphasis on their impact […]


Economics From this aspect, therefore, the whole of economics can be reduced to a single lesson, and that lesson can be reduced to a single sentence. The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of […]

“Ethical Challenge”

“Ethical Challenge” Prepare a 2-page written response to two “Ethical Challenge” questions in the chapters covered in your assigned reading. You should select the ethical challenge questions (two separate challenges, 1 question each) and prepare your submission according to the requirements listed in the assignment overview. In the written assignment for each class, students will […]

Political science

Political science Instructions: You are to attend a city council meeting (or a community organization meeting) and at this meeting take notes on what is being discussed. By the due date, you will turn in these notes, a city council agenda, and a 4 page report discussing: 1) What meeting you attended, where and when […]

Case Study Assignment

Case Study Assignment 5.1 Web Application Vulnerability Detection As an experienced IT Security Professional, you have been given the project to develop a demonstration model to prove you are competent to be able to utilise a wide range of security and forensic tools and techniques to discover vulnerabilities in typical web applications that your clients […]

Reliable LAN Evaluation

Reliable LAN Evaluation Attached is the design of a small LAN and a description of the some of the user services that it supports. Please evaluate this LAN for reliability, robustness, and capacity. Write a brief report summarizing your analysis. Document and diagram any changes you would make that will improve the LAN’s reliability, robustness, […]

Page 1 of 4

Page 1 of 4 Beggar thy Neighbor (BTN)—20 Questions (or more) Write as Many Questions that You Have While Reading Name ___________________________________ Chapter for Assignment _______ 1st ½ ___ 2nd ½ ____ Email _____________________ SID ____________ Date ____________________ Motivation • This is an assignment designed to assist students in developing their critical thinking skills and […]

Human resource development

Human resource development please follow up with Analyze Assignment #1, Design Assignment #1 and Develop Assignment to do the Implement Assignment and I will give you Implement Assignment example and rubric.

Financial plan Consider the following situation: You and three of your very best friends have started a consulting firm called "We Guessed and You're Wrong!" WG & YW uses computing technology and data mining software to help people predict the future of their ventures. …………………………… You have established a monthly revenue stream of $48,000 per month for the first year from eight customers (two per partner) located in the southwestern US. Your headquarters is Las Cruces, NM but you spend a lot of time traveling. You actually make about 30 trips per partner a year at an average cost of $3,000 per trip to make sales and attend conferences besides consulting. Every year you each buy a new computer and update software at $5,000 per year per partner. You hope to expand to four customers per partner by year 3. Assume revenue per customer is $6,000 per month. ………………………….. Create a financial plan that governs a five-year planning horizon for WG & YW. The four of you consult, travel, market, make sales calls, attend professional conferences and use computers and Internet access to do your jobs. Do not consider inflation or interest in any part of this analysis. ……………………………. At the end of year five, a famous entrepreneurship professor who is impressed by your business offers to buy your firm. Name and justify your (the four partners) price. You may make reasonable assumptions to support your analysis. For example, your intellectual property cannot be worth $50 million since your cash flow is, at best, less than about $2 million.

Financial plan Consider the following situation: You and three of your very best friends have started a consulting firm called “We Guessed and You’re Wrong!” WG & YW uses computing technology and data mining software to help people predict the future of their ventures. …………………………… You have established a monthly revenue stream of $48,000 per […]


Philosophy 115FS_PHIL 1011.001, Midterm #2, Study Guide. Tuesday, 3 november, 2015 • Hurley – Chapters 6 & 7 • Total points = 200. Plus 20 bonus points. • There are Five (5) sections and one (1) bonus section. • Make sure that you have the following concepts committed to memory: o The truth-tables for the […]


FLUIDS AND SEPARATION –LABORATORY STUDIES – 2015-2016 The assessment will be based on the following key points, which must therefore be covered in your reports. a Summary: must include brief statements on the following: i. Topic investigated and its significance in chemical engineering. ii. Objectivesofthelabstudy. iii Equipment used iv Key results v Main conclusions vi […]

Design4Practice (D4P) Program

Design4Practice (D4P) Program Using Excel – Airplane Cargo Drop This assignment is due at the beginning of next class. Excel is available in many computer labs across campus. Using formulas, absolute addresses, and x-y plot: Supplies are dropped from an airplane to land at a certain point. The velocity of the package at release from […]