‘Research indicates that electoral systems based on proportionality are more likely to return a greater number of female Members of Parliament than the present first past the post used in the UK. Why is this?’

‘Research indicates that electoral systems based on proportionality are more likely to return a greater number of female Members of Parliament than the present first past the post used in the UK. Why is this?’ Order Description DATA PROCESSING AND SHORT ESSAY. The aim of this exercise is to gain practice in the use of […]

Art Movements

Art Movements Order Description Write a short summary for each reading I am attaching. by the name of “koolhass-Coney Island.pdf”, “white cube reading.pdf”, “Krauss – Sculpture in the Expanded Field.pdf”, “Senie Baboons Pet Rocks and Bomb Threats.pdf”, “Senie_Richard-Serra-Tilted-Arc.pdf” and “One_Place_After-MKwon-October.pdf”.Take maximum one page for each.

Mini CA Analysis

Mini CA Analysis Project description An analysis of Data A (or Data A and transcript) using CA concepts. The goal of this essay is to demonstrate an intensive, micro-focused, conversational approach to the structures of interaction. Requirements 2-3 pages (double spaced, not counting transcript excerpts or reference page) Using Data A (or Data A and […]

Tracking Tectonic Plates

Tracking Tectonic Plates Project Introduction and Pre-lab Assignment Introduction to the project The theory of plate tectonic posits that the earth’s lithospheric plates are moving. How do we know plates are moving, how can we track their positions in the past, and how can we predict their positions in the future? For this lab, you […]


FLUIDS AND SEPARATION – LABORATORY STUDIES – 2015 – 2016 The assessment will be based on the following key points, which must therefore be covered in your reports. a Summary : must include brief statements on the following: i. Topic investigated and its significance in chemical engineering. ii. Objectives of the lab study. iii Equipment […]

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management Order Description Human Resource Management, there are three following questions: 1. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the approach to downsizing at John Crane Flexibox. (800 words, at least 6 references) 2. To what extent is Christine Williamson making an effective contribution to the strategic management of HRM at the company? (850 […]


BUSINESS AND FEASABILITY STUDY Order Description Business Overview 1.1 Executive summary Market Research 2.1 Industry awareness 2.2 Market segmentation – customers 2.3 Evidence of customer demand 2.4 Competitors analysis. 2.5 SWOT analysis Market Plan 3.1 Price 3.2 Promotion Legal Matters 4.1 Intellectual Property 4.2 Other Financial Plan 5.1 Start up costs 5.2 Copyrights 5.3 Break-even […]

HR Managing the Employment Cycle

Title:HR Managing the Employment Cycle Order Description Question Concerned about the human resource issues within the company, Michael and Peter have hired an external HR Consultant (You) to prepare a report for presentation to the board. Your task is to write a report in which you analyse the case study and offer suggestions on how […]

Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour Order Description Critically analyse whether organizational culture can be managed and consider the advantages and disadvantages associated with building strong cultures. Your answer should include discussion of theory and examples covered in weeks 1-5 of this module.

Layoff/Severance Scenario

Layoff/Severance Scenario After eight years as a marketing assistant for the New York office of a large French bank, Sarah Schiffler was told that her job, in a non-revenue producing department was being eliminated. Her choices: She could either be laid off (with eight months severance pay) or stay on and train for the position […]

Strategies for People Management

Strategies for People Management Order Description The asignment should answer the following clearly with the use of harvad referencing/ theories/ differenct concepts with critical thinking responses. -As organisations employ people on different types of contracts, are there implications for the psychological contract of workers? What should organisations be doing to ensure they have sustainable, engaged […]

Sustainable human resources management

Sustainable human resources management Order Description ASSESSMENT ONE – INDIVIDUAL ESSAY LO2 Identify and explain the concepts of leading and managing others in respect of current and key theories of leadership and management. Yes LO4 Analyse complex situations through the synthesis of ideas taken from a range of sources and to diagnose problems,& devise solutions […]

Pop culture is a reflection of social change, not a cause of social change:John Podhoretz. Discuss this question, using one of the following time periods as a case study to demonstrate your argument:1920s,1950s, 2000s (up to 2010)

Pop culture is a reflection of social change, not a cause of social change:John Podhoretz. Discuss this question, using one of the following time periods as a case study to demonstrate your argument:1920s,1950s, 2000s (up to 2010) Order Description A reference list must be provided and must include at least 10 references.At least 6 of […]

health promotion

health promotion Order Description Each week students need to construct a 2-3 paragraph (or 200-250 word) response to the question on the basis of the lecture content (do not reference the lecture but you may cite references used in the lecture), readings from your readings list and wider readings. Hence each week students should have […]

In patients whom contracted Hepatitis C from sharing needles or other equipment to inject drugs via blood who use tripple antibiotic therapy when compared with standard mono therapy alone lead to less detected serologic tests of the more chronic form of t

In patients whom contracted Hepatitis C from sharing needles or other equipment to inject drugs via blood who use tripple antibiotic therapy when compared with standard mono therapy alone lead to less detected serologic tests of the more chronic form of t Order Description Step 3 ? Based on the articles in the annotated bibliography […]

Reflective report

Reflective report The clinical reflective report should be a report demonstrating consistent reflection on experiences and learning throughout the clinical placement. You are required to comment and reflect upon 1 experience or behaviour gained/observed during your clinical replacement. You are to describe the event and then reflect upon the behaviours of staff, along with your […]

Chinese/English translation work analysis essay

Chinese/English translation work analysis essay Order Description in this assignment, you are required to conduct a mini research project on applying the translation theories on a piece of Chinese/English translation work. They are: 1) Traditional Chinese translation theories 2) Equivalence and equivalent effect 3) Translation as product and process 4) Functional theories of translation 5) […]

Contract Law: Offer and Acceptance

Contract Law: Offer and Acceptance Order Description Assignment Brief: a) The Coffee Shop PLC (known as The Coffee Shop) was in need of facilities management services in their northwest cafes. They placed an advertisement in a regional newspaper, asking for facilities management service providers to get in touch with them. On the 1st February, The […]

[Oberlandesgericht Celle, Germany, 2 September 1998

[Oberlandesgericht Celle, Germany, 2 September 1998 Order Description USE this Reference. Please write a summary on how do arbitral tribunal has the authority to allocate legal costs under Article 74 CISG Digest on the case of [Oberlandesgericht Celle, Germany, 2 September 1998 http://cisgw3.law.pace.edu/cases/980902g1.html Also how under Article 74 CISG litigation legal fees shall be revocable […]

Supply chain case analysis

Supply chain case analysis Case write-ups: The write-up should not repeat case facts unless they are specifically used to support the arguments. It should provide convincing arguments in order to persuade the reader for your recommendations. Below points can be used to organize your thoughts about a case. As you perform your analysis remain open […]

Assignment 5

Assignment 5 Research Questions and Design Your paper should include your name and course title and should adhere to APA style. It should also be written in 12-font and double-spaced (see chapters in Creswell & Plano Clark, [2011] on Choosing a Mixed Method Design and Introducing a Mixed Methods Study and the chapter in Creswell, […]

Social Computing

Social Computing In this activity we want you to choose one of the social networks below and investigate the technologies that are needed to make it work. Then we want you to find software components that could be assembled together to build a similar service. These could be Open Source or commercial software. Finally we […]

Evaluate the historical significance of Postmodernism

Evaluate the historical significance of Postmodernism Consider the following 1. In what ways was the idea important for its time? (Remember – an idea does not have to have impacted the modern world directly for it to have been important.) 2. Did it challenge contemporary ideas or attitudes, and if so, how? 3. Has the […]

Public Economics Taxation

Public Economics Taxation If the utility function is: Consumption Function: U(c, `) = c ? ` 1-? . Y = (l + k) ah 1-a , Labor Supply: Demand for a commodity x is D(q) with a decreases in q = p + t Supply for commodity x is S(p) with an increases in p […]


essay you need to answer the last two bullet point questions , first two are scenario Following review by a business consultant, the APN is told that the position is “too expensive” for the practice budget. (The owners of the group have been told to decrease fixed costs, such as YOUR payroll). •An advanced practice […]

What is the major trauma incident and care in Saudi Arabia

What is the major trauma incident and care in Saudi Arabia do a Research method assignment in the topic of (Trauma Incident and Care in Saudi Arabia) The assignment should be 3000 words (plus or minus 300 words). Word length excludes references. You have to avoid any plagiarism The main assignment for this module is […]

BKEY501: Business Research and Professional Practice

BKEY501: Business Research and Professional Practice Coursework 1- Weight: 30% Researched Literature Review Word count: 1500 (max) words Submission: to Turnitin on Blackboard Thursday, 12 November 2015, no later than 1.00 p.m. This assignment requires you to research the current literature relating to the topic The impact of extra curricular activities on the employment opportunities […]

International Business Environment

International Business Environment You are required to write a report on the following: Cornbinia is an imaginary middle income developing country with a population of some 50 million. It has traditionally depended on primary exports and suffers from volatile commodity prices. The towns in Corbinia are growing fast and it is 55% urban but much […]

Age of Journalism

Age of Journalism Write two pages, double spaced without using any personal pronouns. Any personal pronoun used will count as two errors. The subject matter is to analyse and discuss why we are, or are not, in the golden age of journalism.