Volume and surface area of a double torus

Volume and surface area of a double torus Paper details: The volume and surface area of a torus can be found using a general formula derived through calculus washer method. If two torus of the same size and dimension is merged partially as shown in the link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genus-2_surface , what is the general formula that […]

abaxis company compare CFO and Net Income for 2011-2014. Calculate the growth rate and correlation between these two items.

abaxis company compare CFO and Net Income for 2011-2014. Calculate the growth rate and correlation between these two items. Calculate the intrinsic value of abaxis company’s share price using a DCF model (Free Cash Flow to Firm). Compare the market price of the stock with your model’s price. Discuss. Calculate the LTM (2015) financial ratios […]

Care plan Lead Poisoning

Care plan Lead Poisoning Order Description Develop a Care plan on a Pediatric patient (5 years old) with lead poisoning. The instructor wants us to start the work with the topic definition, sings and symptoms, available diagnostic test and treatment. Following by a case study scenario where applying the previous data and with the outcome […]

Final essay – a case study of best buy

Final essay – a case study of best buy Order Description Relates to Learning Outcomes: ? Appreciate the nature of business research and the research process. ? Evaluate, critically, the quality of secondary data and published business research. ? Determine the appropriateness of qualitative and quantitative methods to meet business research objectives. ? Design and […]

Criticle book review

Criticle book review Order Description The instructions are as following. For the paper, I would like you to critically review the book titled: “The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History” by Elizabeth Kolbert . For a reference as to what a critical review might be, please go to the New York Times Book Review section in […]

Cause Study

Cause Study Order Description EASC3300 Global Solutions for Sustainability Homework 2 1. Read the Case in Point on Hurricane Katrina on page 79 of your textbook as well as from external resources. Then, use Google Maps to investigate the region and try to identify hills/mountains nearby, if any are present (you may benefit from the […]

Japan ; virtual sex or physical?

Japan ; virtual sex or physical? Order Description discuss the issues : New Media, Sex, and Culture in the 21st Century, In Japan ( How does it effect the new generation .. [ a lot of teenagers spend a lot of time playing games and on internet , they prefer the virual life , where […]

M3: Assignment 2: Picture of Middle Age Development

M3: Assignment 2: Picture of Middle Age Development In M2: Assignment 2, you met Jeff at age 23. Jeff is now 50 years old. He is still overweight and has developed both high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. At the same time, Jeff has some accomplishments. He is the CEO of a midsize company […]

Teaching Project Written Teaching Plan Directions:

Teaching Project Written Teaching Plan Directions: Students will develop a teaching plan for a select target audience on a relevant health issue from m Health People 2020. • The topic must be focused on health PREVENTION OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE AMONG NURSES • Content: 1. APA format 2. Needs Abstract 3. Determination of audience for COMMUNITY […]

Teaching Strategies Table Assignment

Teaching Strategies Table Assignment Instructions • Develop a Teaching Strategy Table that identifies key teaching strategies, the purpose of each strategy, examples of appropriate utilization of each strategy, (how and when to use) and how technology might enhance or hinder the identified strategy (a table is provided below as an example, but you are not […]


healthcare Order Description Case Study: Motivating Employees Imagine that you have been appointed the Director of Health at the Kaluyu Memorial Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya ? a for-profit hospital. The facility is also a referral hospital and receives severe cases of accidents, chronicle / communicable diseases and houses an HIV / AIDS ward. As you […]

Dream Foreclosed Laura Gottesdiener

Dream Foreclosed Laura Gottesdiener Order Description In her book A Dream Foreclosed Laura Gottesdiener quotes lawyer/professor Anita Hill, who wrote, “nothing better represents the twisted path to racial and gender equality in America than the search for home.” (p. 9) In your essay, discuss how homeownership has related to the American Dream for many Americans. […]

react to different videos

react to different videos Order Description first go to youtube.com website and write : ignite show watch 5 different samples of presentations list them on the paper and critique each presentation and write what you like about it with 100 words (each) (so for each sample 100 words)

react to different videos

react to different videos Order Description first go to youtube.com website and write : ignite show watch 5 different samples of presentations list them on the paper and critique each presentation and write what you like about it with 100 words (each) (so for each sample 100 words)

Reasoning about a Contemporary Ethical Issue Assignment Details

Reasoning about a Contemporary Ethical Issue Assignment Details Order Description Due: November 7, 2015 by 11:59pm to Turn-It-In in BB. Length: 1000-1200 words Format: double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font. Use either APA or MLA. Sources: at least three academic sources from ethicists and moral philosophers beyond the course textbook (though this should […]

research paper

research paper Order Description ENGL 102 Dr. R. Buckton-Tucker Writing and Information Literacy Fall Semester 2015 RESEARCH PROPOSAL (15%) The purpose of a research proposal is to help you narrow your topic, choose a research question or questions and formulate a working thesis. It shows what you know and have learnt about the topic so […]

Reaction paper #4 Due Nov. 5

Reaction paper #4 Due Nov. 5 Go to a mall or shopping area and look for any two advertisements you see and take a picture of them. Please label the time, location and brand of these advertisements and submit these images in a Word document to your instructor. Then, write 200-250 words to share with […]

HumanResourses Management

HumanResourses Management Order Description Identify how the issues of due process and just cause are linked to employer disciplinary actions. (1 page minimum) (1 source from a peer reviewed journal)

Management Organization

Management Organization Order Description Discuss and analyze THREE (3) management challenges in managing organizations. You may discuss challenges from any area or topic of managing organizations. You may base you discussion on theoretical concepts of management or based on your actual experiences of managing or working in organizations.

Marketing and Brand Consolidation Strategy

Marketing and Brand Consolidation Strategy Order Description All the biggest product brands in the world have a customer driven strategy and a branding strategy to capture market share. Food, cleaning products, banks, airlines, cars, media companies… everything has a strategy. The following graphics are depictions of the the consumer drivin marketing strategy and the branding […]

conduct a strategic analysis of an international company

conduct a strategic analysis of an international company Order Description You should aim to evaluate the viability of the firm’s current strategy. You should examine the corporate strategy of your chosen organisation and conduct and internal and external analysis. You should then evaluate your organisation’s strategy and make any recommendations for changes to the strategy […]

E-Marketing plan

E-Marketing plan Order Description The subject is E-Marketing. our product is “Smart Furniture and we would like to be establish in Dubai we have to decide a business model example either brokers, retailers or advertising only about smart furniture. and in respect for the subject we have ti create later on a blog to advertise […]

Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management Order Description 1. How would you oversee the design (or redesign) of a benefits program in a large organization? 2. What issues would you consider? (1 page minimum) (1 source from a peer reviewed journal)

Critic's Memo

Critic’s Memo Order Description Analyze the connection between food, gender, class and ethnicity in the movies “Babette’s Feast”, “Like Water for Chocolate”, “Julie and Julia”, “Mostly Martha”, “Fried Green Tomatoes”, Dinner Rush”, “Pulp Fiction”, “Eat Drink Man Woman”, “Chocolat” and “One Hundred Foot Journey”.

Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management Order Description 1. How would you oversee the design (or redesign) of a benefits program in a large organization? 2. What issues would you consider? (1 page minimum) (1 source from a peer reviewed journal)

Crime and Criminal Behavior (Formal Outline)

Crime and Criminal Behavior (Formal Outline) Order Description Assignment 2: Formal Outline Due Week 4 and worth 150 points The purpose of the Formal Outline is for students to organize their research and show the topical areas that they will cover throughout the Research Project. By breaking down the literature into various sections, topics, sub-topics, […]

Principle of Supervision

Principle of Supervision Order Description Part 1 (1 page) You are Bob Felker, the area supervisor in the chapter’s You Make the Call. 1. Using your imagination and motivation theories, recommend three ideas that Bob can use to make the associates or Sandwich Artists a little bit better. 2. How does commitment to being the […]

Curriculum Based Assessment

Curriculum Based Assessment Order Description Authentic Assessment Curriculum Based Assessment (150 total points) Students will develop and describe Curriculum Based assessments. These are all student-centered and developed for the individual student in order to link the IEP to daily instruction targeting individual needs. Authentic assessments allow for frequent individual monitoring for progress to determine needs […]

Animal Luxury Resort

Animal Luxury Resort Paper details: The project in hand is a solution-based project that requires you as a group to be involved in organizational activities in order to come up with a genuine business idea that will solve customers’ needs. As a group, you are supposed to use the knowledge and the concepts gained throughout […]