learning experience

learning experience Paper details: Learning Experience 4 (Units 12-16) Please choose one question from below to answer for this Learning Experience and indicate which question you are answering. Take your blood pressure and the blood pressure of someone else. List both the systole and diastole. Define systole, diastole and list the ranges of excellent, good, […]

Wetted Wall Column

Wetted Wall Column I would like to have a report about the wetted wall column. I have attached the procedures, the instruction of writing the report and the excel file that all the calculations and the graphs are available there. *the summery must be in a page *the introduction must be a page *the other […]

Principles Of Finance

Principles Of Finance FIN200 – Principles of Finance Assignment I Dear Students, Please find bellow the questions for the first assignment. This is an individual assignment and although I encourage you to discuss it with classmates, you are expected to submit your works individually before the deadline. This file will be updated as we proceed […]

Twelfth Night Reaction Reports

Twelfth Night Reaction Reports These reaction reports require you to express your opinion on various situations. There are no right or wrong answers, just opinions which need to be substantiated. Each paper should be approximately 250 words in length. Be sure to refer to the text in each response, to prove your understanding of the […]

Part I – Paying for Hospital Services – Overview

Part I – Paying for Hospital Services – Overview Mr. Scott is a 69-year-old hospitalized for a Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker procedure. Hillcrest Hospital is a large urban hospital in Cleveland (Wage Index .9127 per http://www.chanet.org/thecenterforhealthaffairs/mediacenter/newsreleases/2015/june/fy-2016-wage-index-results ) that incurred $150,000 in Medicare-approved charges for treating Mr. Scott. Use the information provided in this module as well […]

My employability skills assessment Entrepreneurship ULMS252

My employability skills assessment Entrepreneurship ULMS252 Employability skills refer to those types of skills and attributes that are required in virtually any form of employment. These include: • Communication skills • Team work • Problem solving • Self management • Planning and organising • Use of technology • Learning ability • Initiative and enterprise Instructions […]


ECOM401 Project This individual project: integrating the design principles and technical skills presented in the course into a fully designed website. You will design an original 3- to 4-pages, your website project will include the following: • at least 3 webpages (all with content) • at least 2 graphics or images • at least 1 […]

Case study proposal: Dyslexia

Case study proposal: Dyslexia Order Description The first thing you need to do is to construct and submit a Proposal. This will need to outline in around 1000 words what you intend to do for your final Case Study. This will include: a) An overview of your intervention; b) An overview of the school context […]

The assignment information:

The assignment information: Assessment 3: Individual Case Study Worth: 30%. A detailed marking scale will be provided in class. General Instruction for the assignment: Word Count: 1,500 to 2,000 words. The emphasis is on application of the humanperformance system and models to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the worksituation. All managers are required to […]

Introduction Section Overview – Psy330 – Dr. Kristin Davies

Introduction Section Overview – Psy330 – Dr. Kristin Davies Paragraph One: A brief overview of the whole intro section 1) Get the reader’s attention using… A) A statistic: Ex. “#,### children are diagnosed with Autism each year (Source, 20XX).” B) OR a brief overview: Ex. “Autism is a disorder that makes social interactions challenging…(Source, 20XX)” […]

identification and affect

identification and affect Order Description For this project you will analyze a website/ recorded speech/ short film clip of your choice, applying some of the rhetorical concepts we’ve discussed in our class (e.g. pathos/ affect, pathemata, ethos, identification, habit). The final product for this project will be a rhetorical analysis paper in which you present […]

analysing artical

analysing artical Order Description A 1000 word critical review of an article from a politics journal. Your review should consider such issues as the content of the article, the empirical and/or theoretical basis of the research presented in the article, the methodology employed and article’s place within the wider intellectual debate. The review must be […]

Property Law 2015-16

Property Law 2015-16 Assessment 1 Two brothers, Tony and George, decide that, in the face of current property prices, they should pool their resources to buy a house together. They find a suitable property, and Tony pays for a surveyor’s report on it. As this is satisfactory, the sale goes ahead. George has enough money […]


SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Briefly define emotional contagion. Think about situations in which you have experienced or observed the phenomenon of emotional contagion. How might this phenomenon affect individuals in their work or careers, both positively or negatively? What suggestions might help individuals who work closely with others to avoid initiating or being affected negatively by emotional […]

The popular press bombards us with comments about a "national obesity epidemic". Since eating and exercise are related to the chapter on motivation, please address the following questions :

The popular press bombards us with comments about a “national obesity epidemic”. Since eating and exercise are related to the chapter on motivation, please address the following questions : 1. According to research, is obesity really a national problem? Defend your position based on the information you gathered from your text and additional resources. 2. […]

Computer science

Computer science Paper details: http://courses.cs.purdue.edu/cs17700:fall15:labs:lab11. please use python 3.4.2 to finish this. and this might be helpful:http://courses.cs.purdue.edu/cs17700:fall15:prelab:prelab11

Business Communication

Business Communication Order Description Case Study: “The Third Battle of Bull Run: The Disney’s America Theme Park (B)” Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to read a case study and identify the most significant business problem the company faced while assessing the various types of organizational communications used to manage the problem. Assignment: Your […]

Course major: Public Policy – Public Administration

Course major: Public Policy – Public Administration Course Title: Emergency Planning and Preparedness COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to examine: 1) the nature of hazards, 2) human behavior in disasters; 3) various warning systems, 4) the principles of effectively planning and preparing for disasters, 5) protective action strategies, and 6) response management practices. COURSE […]

Academic argument essay :Why is second language acquisition fundamentally different from first language acquisition?

Topic: Academic argument essay :Why is second language acquisition fundamentally different from first language acquisition? Order Description Why is second language acquisition fundamentally different from first language acquisition? the purpose of this assignment : to draw your knowledge and understanding of teaching principles and their implications for classroom practice. the essay should be ACADEMIC ARGUMENT […]

Take-Home Examination

Take-Home Examination This exam is being distributed electronically and in class by September 21, and is due in class on Monday, November 2. Articles to be used in the examination are being distributed electronically with the exam. Please answer all questions, type your essays in no smaller than 10 point font, check spelling and grammar, […]

conduct a multicultural interview into a paper

conduct a multicultural interview into a paper Order Description 2 page paper on interview, The person whom i was interviewing was a gay male, but he then went away and now I’m very overwhelmed. Where it says ‘please be sure to reference chapter 3 twice” the teacher is referring to in textbook on areas about […]

Branded media?

Branded media? How has branding changed media, in terms of both audiences’ experience and industry practices? A case study would draw on a detailed examination of the use of a specific medium in promotion and market research (for example, looking at a case of consumer surveillance in the new media). Branding is often associated with […]

treatment plan

treatment plan Order Description For the Treatment Plan II, complete the following steps: 1) Review the handout in this folder to familiarize yourself with the general format of DAP notes. 2) Open Treatment Plan II and save a copy to your computer so that you will have a working document. Remember, you may need to […]


essay Order Description you need to answer the last two bullet point questions , first two are scenario Following review by a business consultant, the APN is told that the position is “too expensive” for the practice budget. (The owners of the group have been told to decrease fixed costs, such as YOUR payroll). •An […]

Tutorial 5

Tutorial 5 Preparation Task Shopping, Buying, Evaluating PREP TASK 5 OF 7: Student Learning Objectives: • Familiarise students with conceptual bases of situational decision-making (SDM) in marketing. • Facilitate a critical, reflective understanding of SDM within a marketing context. • Encourage a critical appreciation of marketing issues related to SDM & the ‘shopping process’. • […]

Capstone Project Milestone #1:

Capstone Project Milestone #1: PICO and Evidence Appraisal Worksheets PICO WORKSHEET Your Name: Date: Your Instructor’s Name: Purpose: To identify a problem or concern that nursing can change and develop a PICO question to guide the change project. Directions: Use the form below to complete the PICO assignment in Milestone #1. This includes filling in […]

Practice and Innovation Manuscript

Practice and Innovation Manuscript Order Description This assessment has 2 parts. I don’t mind if I receive part one early before the due date and I can get part 2 later if that is not an issue for the writer. I will prefer to used current reference within the last 5 years from 2010 to […]

Progressive IMC Marketing Plan

Progressive IMC Marketing Plan Order Description PLEASE USE ACTUAL ” ” WHEN QUOTING! I NEED TO SEE THE QUOTES. MY NAME IS AMBER, THE PARTS WITH MY NAME NEXT TO IT ARE THE PARTS I NEED WRITTEN OUT. III. Positioning and Campaign Theme/Big Idea Creative Strategy- Amber, Megan, Alyssa Copy Platform- Amber, Megan, Alyssa We […]

critical analysis of the implications of changes in a country's visa requirements for international trade or tourism or higher education.

critical analysis of the implications of changes in a country’s visa requirements for international trade or tourism or higher education. Order Description Introduction Setting the scene and rationale: why is your chosen topic relevant, interesting and/or important? Aim and objectives of your proposed study Literature review Identify key relevant sources (generally books or articles) which […]