Psychological Effects of Cyberbullying on Adolescents ages 13-16

Psychological Effects of Cyberbullying on Adolescents ages 13-16 Paper details: Requirements of the Professor 1- Comprehensive review of empirical findings relevant to hypotheses 2- Summarize at least 20 academic journal articles 3-Do not and should not give elaborate findings for each article individually 4-Cluster them in a logical order and summarize the important issues such […]

Thornton's Case Study

Thornton’s Case Study Paper details: Assume you are an independent management consultant. You have been asked to write a business report of 1,200 words (see guidelines below for the structure of your business report) on: Thorntons • Using Porter’s five-Force model analyse Thorntons’ competitive situation in its core market. • Discuss Thorntons’ sources of competitive […]

Sport Organization Strategy Discussion

Sport Organization Strategy Discussion You have just been appointed Director of Athletics at a mid-major university. The university has a highly respected academic tradition, but there are some influential elements within and outside the university who would like to see the university expand its athletic prowess while maintaining its academic tradition. In the interview process […]

Increasing Patient Satisfaction on Emergency Department

Increasing Patient Satisfaction on Emergency Department Paper details: Plan describes 2 changes required for improvement of situation; Provides rationale for each change for why these changes are necessary ?Strategies which can be used to support followership and empowerment ?A model of change for recommendation implementation ?Describe which change theories align to your recommendations. ?Explain how […]

Public Economics Taxation

Public Economics Taxation If the utility function is: Consumption Function: U(c, `) = c ? ` 1-? . Y = (l + k) ah 1-a , Labor Supply: Demand for a commodity x is D(q) with a decreases in q = p + t Supply for commodity x is S(p) with an increases in p […]

Traumatic injury or Spinal cord stem cell research

Traumatic injury or Spinal cord stem cell research Paper details: 1. Include All types of stem cell research(adult,embryonic, blood cord, etc. ). 2. What are the advances that are being made?. 3. Where is the research being done?. 4. The paper must be a minimum of 4 pages and 1 reference page. 5. Include a […]

a) Identify an organisation; prepare and assess the blueprint of its service delivery process to highlight identifiable strengths and weaknesses.

a) Identify an organisation; prepare and assess the blueprint of its service delivery process to highlight identifiable strengths and weaknesses. Order Description The assignment is: a) Identify an organisation; prepare and assess the blueprint of its service delivery process to highlight identifiable strengths and weaknesses. b) Assess the extent that an organisation’s current “process” enables […]

Please use your own words to answer these following questions, and try to expand your explanation detailed. Chapter Discussion Questions #5 – Chapters 6, 7 & 8

Please use your own words to answer these following questions, and try to expand your explanation detailed. Chapter Discussion Questions #5 – Chapters 6, 7 & 8 1. (Ch. 6) Howard Becker’s labeling theory argues that no act is deviant until a society labels it as deviant. Explain why Becker and other sociologists, like David […]

Eco380: Problem Set 2

Eco380: Problem Set 2 Required Questions (due Nov 12, 2015) 1. Please brie y evaluate the following arguments: true or false? Please explain why? (a) A foreign rm that competes in prices with a domestic rm in the domestic market su ers from facing a quota. (b) Suppose that two rms, producing substitute but di erentiated products, […]

Write a letter to the owner of the coffee shop, encouraging her to set up a printing service to complement the free wireless access. Propose that the service run at break-even prices, just enough to pay for paper, ink cartridges, and the cost of the print

Write a letter to the owner of the coffee shop, encouraging her to set up a printing service to complement the free wireless access. Propose that the service run at break-even prices, just enough to pay for paper, ink cartridges, and the cost of the print Order Description The coffee shop across the street from […]

What would be the reaction of the GCC if the National companies shifted their investments to Iran ? Order Description , I. Problem statement ( the current situation in the GCC and Iran economically, shifting to Iran from the GCC) II. Theoretical framework III. Delimitation of the study and main variables IIII. The research questions V. Hypotheses ( this is the main part of the assignment 50% of the grade) VI. sources

What would be the reaction of the GCC if the National companies shifted their investments to Iran ? Order Description , I. Problem statement ( the current situation in the GCC and Iran economically, shifting to Iran from the GCC) II. Theoretical framework III. Delimitation of the study and main variables IIII. The research questions […]

Wi-Fi analysis programs listen to nearby access points (and sometimes wireless hosts) to determine such things as how strong their signals are, what types of security they use, what their SSIDs are, and sometimes the directions of the individual access points.

Wi-Fi analysis programs listen to nearby access points (and sometimes wireless hosts) to determine such things as how strong their signals are, what types of security they use, what their SSIDs are, and sometimes the directions of the individual access points. There are many Wi-Fi analysis programs for mobile devices. Many have “stumbler” in their […]

Statement of Rights

Statement of Rights Order Description Please review the thesis and outline you provided for order 81518534. I think there was a bit of misunderstanding on that order. Below are the instructions for the paper, and please the references from order 8158534 and more if need be. The major project here is based on the development […]

Decision Support A

Decision Support A Order Description This subject is related to Operations Management and require some formulations,which is the most important part of the assignment . it require using some software like Excel, and appendix. Also, some graphs and table

grangetown Order Description The Community Gateway project is one of the five flagship engagement projects identified in the University's The Way Forward document. The project aims to pilot initiatives and interventions through community projects linked to existing research and teaching at X University. The initial pilot is set up in Grangetown, one of the most culturally diverse and largest electoral districts in Cardiff. Context: There are a number of diverse independent shops in Grangetown that have been in the area for years. Being so close to the City Centre, and with more and more chain stores being established, there is greater risk that these shops will not stand the test of time. In light of the Council’s recent regeneration of a key shopping junction in Grangetown, in which businesses are having their shop-fronts replenished, local resident, Steve Duffy, would like to develop an online and ‘in person’ Business Forum to encourage businesses to collaborate, cross-promote and showcase the best of Grangetown. Steve is a member of local Residents’ Association, Grangetown Community Action (GCA) which has a website with the potential to feature local businesses. This already has an online directory with a list of shops and businesses and some web links. GCA can also promote local business through their Twitter account and a Facebook page/group, which has been set up but currently has no-one actively running it. Steve hopes that once a Business Forum is developed, this could lead into a ‘Shop Local’ scheme. Together the Business Forum and Shop Local Campaign will aim to: * Promote the diversity and friendliness of Grangetown as a community * Make local business owners and the wider community aware that many shop owners live locally and therefore supporting local business is supporting your local community * Showcase the broad range of shops on offer in Grangetown to new shoppers * Encourage cross promotion between local businesses * Develop new forms of promotion through the GCA website and social media Assignment Brief Challenge: Step 1: Research successful, community-led Business Forums and ‘shop local’ brands and evidence some market research on what may appeal to shoppers. Step 2: Start designing a shop local brand strategy for Grangetown to highlight the benefits to businesses of getting engaged in the forum. Step 3: Propose a marketing strategy to encourage Grangetown businesses to take part in and sign up to the Shop Local Campaign. Step 4: Propose a strategy to market the Shop Local campaign to Cardiff Shoppers. Format: Innovative professional report Length: 2,000 Comments: A very wide range of sources is expected for this essay (such as news and magazine articles, market reports, journal articles as well as text books). STEP 1 Research successful, community-led Business Forums and shop local brands and evidence some market research on what may appeal to shoppers. • What are business forums? (examples; showcase poster once in a month, set up website for a specific town to know all the businesses around, business owners meet up once a year and help each other with difficulties or bring guest speaker.) • What is a shop local scheme? • Find examples of each to help explain how each one works. STEP 2 Start designing a shop local brand for Grangetown and develop a pitch which highlights the benefits of getting engaged in the forum. • Based on your research, what do you think would work in Grangetown and explain why? • What benefits could Grangetown get from implementing your ideas? STEP 3 Propose a strategy to encourage Grangetown businesses to take part in and sign up to the Shop Local Campaign. • How would you go about persuading Grangetown businesses to take part? • What marketing techniques would you use? • Could marketing metrics help? ( how will I measure the success on my statergy). STEP 4 Propose a strategy to market the Shop Local campaign to Cardiff Shoppers. • How would you persuade shoppers to take part in the shop local scheme? • What marketing techniques could you use here? • What will be your marketing strategy? Assignment Structure • Format: Innovative professional REPORT. – 3rd person – Contains images/logos – Written for managers – Not necessarily word document? • • Length: 2,000 words (+/- 10%) • • Citing and Referencing: Strictly Harvard throughout (no footnotes) • a very wide range of sources is expected for this essay (such as news and magazine articles, market reports, journal articles as well as text books) Assignment Format • • Introduction to the problems facing retail high streets, the Community Gateway and the specific Grangetown issues you are addressing. ( further information about community can be found here: Website: Facebook: • • Market research on business forums and shop local schemes in general. ( giving real life examples) • • Your strategy: ( this is the main part of the report ) – Your business forum and shop local idea for Grangetown – How you will market this idea to Grangetown businesses – How you will market this idea to shoppers • • Conclusion, explaining how your ideas fulfil the brief. THIS IS A REPORT NOT ESSAY , INNOVATIVE REPORT.

grangetown Order Description The Community Gateway project is one of the five flagship engagement projects identified in the University’s The Way Forward document. The project aims to pilot initiatives and interventions through community projects linked to existing research and teaching at X University. The initial pilot is set up in Grangetown, one of the most […]

Blog Writing (COMPUTER MEDIATED COMMUNICATION COURSE) * The assignment is to create a blog online on… * Here's the username and password you will use ************************************************************************************************************************************** 1- Your blog will have to include a name, a theme/focus, at least 10 entries (3 of which have to be at least 350 words of original content), information about the author (((feel free to create things up, no problem)))), a functioning RSS link, links to/from other social media and social networks, effective visuals or audio/video to accompany posts, internal links, relevant outbound links, a Blogroll with at least 10 other blogs and a number of widgets. I will be following your blogs throughout the semester. The work you have put over time and the efforts you have made in building your audience will be reflected on your grades. 2- The assignment instructions ATTACHED, please follow it CAREFULLY. 3- Your topic will be on "Health and Fitness"…you have 10 entries to post…so you can expand your topic for ex: ( you can talk about nutrients, supplements, good diet, advices….you will find alot of ideas when it comes to gym health fitness…feel free to talk about any as long as you're focusing on your main topic!

Blog Writing (COMPUTER MEDIATED COMMUNICATION COURSE) * The assignment is to create a blog online on… * Here’s the username and password you will use ************************************************************************************************************************************** 1- Your blog will have to include a name, a theme/focus, at least 10 entries (3 of which have to be at least 350 words of original content), […]

‘Given the importance of determining employment status for employment rights one would think that there would be a clear and precise test; however, this is not the case, which causes great difficulties in atypical working arrangements ’ Discuss.

‘Given the importance of determining employment status for employment rights one would think that there would be a clear and precise test; however, this is not the case, which causes great difficulties in atypical working arrangements ’ Discuss. Order Description Word limit: 2,500 words Deadline: 4 pm on Friday 15 January 2016 Note: Footnotes should […]

Fall 2015CMGT 547Managerial Engineering Economics

Fall 2015CMGT 547Managerial Engineering Economics 1. What are the common types of Engineering Economic Decisions? Give an example of each. Briefly describe the fundamental principles of Engineering Economics. 2. What report is used to describe a company’s financial position at the end of a reporting period? Briefly describe its contents. 3. You have just purchased […]


Immunology Paper details: The paper should be 5 – 7 pages, text will be formatted double space, font Calibri, size 12. The content of the paper will on the Immune system and its applications on health-related efforts. This assignment will be on immunological procedures you will be performing in the near future as medical staff. […]

IT Presentation

IT Presentation Order Description Choose a local organization ( Armani Hotel ) and discuss their use of technology . You may choose the particular system such as ERP, CRM, SCM, Cloud Computing, Mobile computing, ect. in the presentation you must present the it strategy and how it helped improve the business.

Research Analyses of Site Contexts and Political Patronage of Borobudur Temple, Indonesia Directions: Three pages total: Page 1: Your written analyses of the site contexts and political patronage. Remember to cite your sources in your writing whenever you use them, whether you quote them or not. Pages 2: Images. Research and include relevant empire maps, portraits of leaders/patrons, depictions of events, site maps, illustrations of the building in its context, figure-ground diagrams, etc. Page 3: Works Cited. A list of the sources used for this assignment in MLA style. This means the sources accessed for both your writing and images. Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to explore site relationships and the political, social, and cultural context of the building chosen for the Research Project. How does your building reflect the politics and culture of its time and place? Historical Context: During which historical period was the building/site built? What political or social events, movements, or conditions characterized this period? How did the historical context shape architecture at the time? Cultural Ideas: What were the cultural ideas that were circulating at the time? How did cultural or philosophical ideas affect the design? Did the design reflect a particular national or local cultural condition? Political Power: What individuals or institutions possessed power in the society? (for example, the church, lords, kings, merchant families, elected leaders, etc.). How did the requirements of powerful individuals or institutions shape the design? How did the building represent political figures or events? (visual depictions of leaders.) Patronage: Who paid for the building, and who used the building? How did the social position of the patron shape the site? How did the building represent the identity of patron? (class, nation, religion, etc.) How does the building relate to its site? Location: Is your site in a city, a small village settlement, or isolated in a rural area? Is the building at the center of the settlement, near an entrance, or on the edge? Is it on a main axis or pathway? Is it distinguished by walls, plazas, etc.? Hierarchy: Does your building appear more monumental than others? Is it distinguished by placement, scale (height or width), shape, material, details? How does the building relate to its surrounding? Does its size, material, detail blend in? Does it have a grand façade marking the entrance? Is it hidden away? Orientation: Is the building oriented horizontally or laterally along streets or landscape? How does it align with cardinal directions, landscape features, other monuments? Are the entrances aligned with streets, or indirect in their access? Environment: Does the building utilize sun paths, water, or other natural features? How does the building rest in the topography? Is it placed on a hill, or down in a valley? Is the architecture constructed or revealed (additive or subtractive)? How does the building fit into the landscape? Do the materials blend in or contrast?

Research Analyses of Site Contexts and Political Patronage of Borobudur Temple, Indonesia Directions: Three pages total: Page 1: Your written analyses of the site contexts and political patronage. Remember to cite your sources in your writing whenever you use them, whether you quote them or not. Pages 2: Images. Research and include relevant empire maps, […]

Third place

Third place In contrast to third places that are typically “informal public gathering places” (p. 98), Glover & Parry argue that Gilda’s Club is a third place although it has a membership limited to those living with cancer and their families. How are public and “membership-based” third places different? What are some third places that […]


Swoon Order Description Explore the visual arts within contemporary contexts by identifying examples of Swoon the artist and show the the relationship between those artworks and the historical events and trends that shaped them. Through the research paper, also explore and understand the principles of artistic expression and creative process .

Age Related Hearing Loss

Age Related Hearing Loss Order Description 1. Abstract: Describe the content of your paper in 5-10 sentences 2. Introduction: a. State the question you are examining and why it is worth studying b. List the subtopics into which your paper is organized. 3. Description of Research. Describe the methods investigators have used to study each […]

Identify and analyse an individually chosen topic of Employee Relations introduced throughout the module.

Identify and analyse an individually chosen topic of Employee Relations introduced throughout the module. Order Description Order description: Assignment Brief You are required to identify a specific focus (topic) from the programme and critically analyse the employee relations issue as they are manifest in your topic of choice. You should identify and evaluate the ways […]

Reseach-based essay

Reseach-based essay Paper details: *The essay is worth 50 points. *A summary and notes from a personal interview is worth 20 points. *An additional 25 points will be given for following the MLA format. *Copies of all your sources, including the personal interview notes, must be in your folder: you will not receive a grade […]

The movie/musical: Jesus Christ Superstar

The movie/musical: Jesus Christ Superstar Paper details: Make an ARGUMENT about this Jesus Object, musical ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’, in terms of the goals and effects this movie/musical might have. In doing so, they must make clear the similarities and differences between this movie/musical and the representations of Jesus found in the Gospels. (Gospel of John, […]