Personas – Internal Factors, Part 2 (elderly) (Barnes & Noble)

Personas – Internal Factors, Part 2 (elderly) (Barnes & Noble) please read the Most Important requirement bellow apply the key terms to the “elderly” and associate them with Barnes & Noble Company Key terms choose three key terms from chapter8 and three key terms from chapter 2 Chapter 8 1- ABC model of attitude 2- […]

Factors In Favor of and Against

Factors In Favor of and Against Finding “factors for” and “factors against” a position is a versatile tool for critical thinkers. In this assignment, you will practice this technique more formally by examining one of several contemporary issues. Using your readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research methods for creating arguments […]

Conflict Theory on Homelessness in Australia

Conflict Theory on Homelessness in Australia The essay is about homelessness being a social problem in Australia. Conflict theory is one of the theoretical perspectives used to explain the phenomenon. The essay needs to demonstrate an understanding of the nature and extent of the problem (being homelessness) before applying the chosen sociological theory (being conflict […]

Inductive and Deductive Arguments

Inductive and Deductive Arguments In this assignment, You will identify the component parts of arguments and differentiate between various types of arguments such as inductive and deductive. You will then construct specific, original arguments. There are two parts to the assignment. Complete both parts. The following is a summary of the assignment tasks. Part 1 […]


Loneliness Use APA style subheadings, double spaced, 12 point font, one inch margins, page numbering, logical flow from topic to topic, information/quotes should be relevent, can be from textbooks, the web or scientific journals and thoughtfully placed. I believe the department intentionally set up this assignment to be broad. As a student, you should consider […]

Relationships type of conflict

Relationships type of conflict When you are choosing an interaction, pick one in which you have a relationship with the person. A situation where you were in conflict with someone on the bus will not work. Avoid picking scenarios in which the situation is resolved and ones that are outrageous or uncommon situations. Avoid interactions […]

Personal rights of the shareholder (Company Law)

Personal rights of the shareholder (Company Law) Not unnaturally given the complexity of the area the CLRSG gave considerable time to the issue of rights in the articles over the course of its deliberations. In Developing the Framework (March 2000) they considered that the present position does nothing to resolve the critical question of what […]

Entrepreneurship Theory and History

Entrepreneurship Theory and History Critically examine Chinese entrepreneurship since its late imperial period. Explore political, economic and moral institutions of entrepreneurship of the time. Core reading to start with: Chapter 16 by Chan (2010) in the text-book

Philip Larkin Biographies and "The Girl in Winter"

Philip Larkin Biographies and “The Girl in Winter” *A Biography of Philip Larkin (Background, A picture of him, his Novels and works … etc) *and a Good and Brief review of his novel “The Girl in the Winter” (Explain the Plot, and give a good analysis conclusion to his novel) Use at least 4 sources […]


Economics Write a 4-5 page paper in which you: Develop a theory based on the first assignment that could be estimated with multiple regression. State the model in mathematical terms. Estimate the model and interpret the meaning of the coefficient estimates. Compare the results from the regression in Assignment 1 with the results from the […]

CVP and the Airline Industry

CVP and the Airline Industry We’ve all experienced (or heard about) the challenges that the airlines have been facing. Read the Zacks Investment Research article, “Airline Industry Stock Outlook – August 2012.” Identify three factors that are affecting airline company’s ability to break even. For each of your factors, discuss how these have an impact […]

Mini Research Project

Mini Research Project In this assignment, you are required to conduct a mini research project in applying the translation theories introduced in this unit into a case study on a piece of Chinese/English translation work. The translation work could be either into or from Chinese. In this project, you are urged to employ other theories […]

Negative stereotype

Negative stereotype “Please argue what you think is the most negative or damaging stereotype that exists today and support it with specific, relevant examples. Why do you think people have this stereotype? Why do people stereotype or ‘profile’ others at all?” Must be at least 1000 words, include examples, and a works cited page. Please […]


SSCI 1000U PAPER ASSIGNMENT The Assignment: Students submit ONE 5 page (minimum) paper, double-spaced. All papers should be in Times New Roman 12pt, with standard default margins. Page count DOES NOT include cover page or bibliography Value: The paper is worth 30% of the total course mark The Topic: Students will watch the documentary Consuming […]

examine the concepts between sustainability and sustainable development within the context of heritage tourism

examine the concepts between sustainability and sustainable development within the context of heritage tourism The length should be around 3000 words, excluding appendix and bibliography. The deadline is 11th November 2015. Late submission will be penalized. Please hand in your essay during the lecture. Please write the essay on A4 paper,using Times or Arial,on both […]

Performance Management HIA 3

Performance Management HIA 3 Tapinos, E., Dyson, R. G., & Meadows, M. (2005) ‘The impact of performance measurement in strategic planning’, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 54 (5), pp. 370–384. (Attached as HIA 3 reading materials) Evaluate the finding that PM is one of the key success factors in strategic planning. What effect […]

English 1A

English 1A Fall 2015—Carrie Jean Schroeder Essay #2 Assignment: Profile (17.5% of course grade + 2.5% for portfolio) For your second essay, you will be writing a profile of an intriguing person or an activity an interesting person performs (like a hobby, job, or volunteering position), following the general guidelines established in Chapter 3 of […]

Instructions: Each group must submit the assignment to the instructor at the beginning of class on the date the assignment is due. When completing your assignment, please observe the following rules and guidelines:

Instructions: Each group must submit the assignment to the instructor at the beginning of class on the date the assignment is due. When completing your assignment, please observe the following rules and guidelines: 1. Textual portions must be typed and double-spaced. This does not include variables, labels and brief notes of explanation. Use at least […]

Finance assignment

Finance assignment Instructions: Each group must submit the assignment to the instructor at the beginning of class on the date the assignment is due. When completing your assignment, please observe the following rules and guidelines: 1. Textual portions must be typed and double-spaced. This does not include variables, labels and brief notes of explanation. Use […]

CS 1181

CS 1181 Assignment 10 Reading Liang Chapter 8 Java Application – MinFinder Create a Java application named to take a given 2 dimensional array and find the minimum value for each row, column, and the whole array. A text file named Array.txt contains a 10×10 grid of value for the array: 8.63,1.45,5.56,2.19,9.60,3.79,2.19,2.44,3.25,9.86 4.30,4.53,2.81,8.58,7.09,8.79,1.66,3.18,8.81,1.21 1.99,8.24,7.97,6.30,3.28,8.56,5.14,7.82,8.94,3.33 […]


FOX RELOCATION MANAGEMENT CORP Students will engage in analyzing a case study. CASE & CASE QUESTIONS: ‘FOX RELOCATION MANAGEMENT CORP.’ INCLUDED: CASE STAR MODEL Located in COURSE DOCUMENTS/BLACKBOARD When analyzing a case study, students will have an opportunity to learn about the types of problems that many companies and industries encounter. Students will also have […]

Find and write about five examples of phoniness in Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. At most two can be from class. One of them should be about Holden Caulfield’s own phoniness.

Find and write about five examples of phoniness in Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. At most two can be from class. One of them should be about Holden Caulfield’s own phoniness. SECTION 3… In a paragraph or two, explain what the Catcher the Rye is literally and figuratively. SECTION 4… “She had a big […]

Would You Advise a Friend to Invest in this Company?

Would You Advise a Friend to Invest in this Company? Activity 108 from Interpreting and Analyzing Financial Statements: A Project-Based Approach; Schoenebeck and Holtzman, 6th Edition hope you have the book, I have the hard copy only! Company Analysis/Capstone Project (3M) In this project, you will use your understanding of financial accounting to analyze a […]

WSJ corporate finance

WSJ corporate finance eview any article in the WSJ about corporate finance. read a substantial article in the WSJ about CORPORATE FINANCE (and/or corporate valuation); cite the article, and briefly report on the content of the article using up to one (typewritten) page – be sure that you relate the article to a subject that […]

Deep-Ocean Circulation Lab Activity

Deep-Ocean Circulation Lab Activity In this activity, you will experiment with the salinity and temperature of water to observe the effect they have on water density Part A: Introduction Before completing the lab, please read over Chapter 15 of the textbook. Ocean circulation has two primary components: surface ocean currents and deep-ocean circulation. While surface […]


POLITICAL SCIENCE You are to attend a city council meeting (or a community organization meeting) and at this meeting take notes on what is being discussed. By the due date, you will turn in these notes, a city council agenda, and a 4 page report discussing: 1) What meeting you attended, where and when it […]

Text Book:

Text Book: Karr, S., Houtman, A. & Interlandi, J. (2015). Environmental Science for a Changing World Second Edition. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman & Company. ISBN-13: 978-1-4641-6220-6 Read the rubric below to earn maximum points possible! Each of your textbook chapters has a “Bring It Home” conclusion naming personal choices you can make to help […]