Case Study #8 The Persuaders/(PBS' Frontline)

Case Study #8 The Persuaders/(PBS’ Frontline) These are videos you need to watch then answers the 5 questions : 1 2 1. What does the phrase Madison & Vine mean to promotional strategy? 2. What is Kevin Roberts referring to with the term Lovemarks? Give an example of one from our discussions in class. 3. […]

intimacy, work, community and spirituality are entwined

intimacy, work, community and spirituality are entwined Order Description In South Africa, as elsewhere, people lives in which intimacy, work, community and spirituality are entwined. In the case of South Africa, they are entwined against a background of a society seeking a new sense of direction and purpose. Using materials from the book(Zoe Wicomb “You […]

Students will be given a profile of ZION REVIVAL CHURCH – including information about the congregational

Students will be given a profile of ZION REVIVAL CHURCH – including information about the congregational demographics, local area, leadership structure and financial information. Students will analyse the data provided, identify potential problem areas and suggest at least three modifications to ensure the ongoing health of the congregation, its staff and its members, as well […]


Employability Order Description what feedback can you report on from students who have successfully completed internships/placements

Strategic Human Resource Management (Reporting writing by analyising case study)

Strategic Human Resource Management (Reporting writing by analyising case study) Order Description Structure of report of MetalEx that should be written 1)Introduction 2) STEEPLED (External Environment)(Note: Very deep analysis STEEPLED/PESTEL is needed. Not in one or two sentences but in a paragraph or more with strong academic references) 3)Opportunity and threats of MetalEx 4)Business Strategy […]

Business Applications and IT Management

Business Applications and IT Management ? Create a proposal for an Information Systems consulting service ? Submit your group report by 13th November, 2015; 2pm (hardcopy); midnight (softcopy) ? One only submission per group for the hardcopy and softcopy of group report. ? Group report worth 70 marks ? Maximum 10 pages in length; 12 […]

crime rate in saskachwean comapred to alberta canada

crime rate in saskachwean comapred to alberta canada Order Description this is a research paper (The key things you must do are: • Articulate clearly and precisely your thesis • Apply critical thinking • Ensure a full review of the literature • Elaborate and defend • Conclude • Keep it simple) the paper is about […]

Nassau County Prosecutor Gun Ban

Nassau County Prosecutor Gun Ban Issue: Whether the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office has violated the 2nd amendment constitutional rights of county prosecutors by forbidding them, as a condition of employment, from possessing handguns, even in their homes. Rule: The 2nd amendment of the US Constitution grants individuals the personal freedom to keep and bear […]

English research and writing

English research and writing Order Description Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 1: Research Topics with Explanation Due Week 2 and worth 100 points Read through the list of research topics (located in the Appendix), or […]

Final Summary- Innovations

Final Summary- Innovations Order Description In Weeks 2 and 3, you examined three sources of innovation: open, lead user and disruptive. By Wednesday (Day 7), post a maximum 250-word Individual Summary, in which you consider innovation from a strategic perspective to discuss how changes in the external environment can impact on these innovation sources. In […]

McDonalds Sources of Innovation Assignment

McDonalds Sources of Innovation Assignment Order Description In this week, you will consider how you might apply the concepts of sources of innovation and service innovation to the company you selected ( McDonalds) Submit an analysis of McDonalds in approximately 1000 words by answering and exploring the following questions: What sources of innovation can McDonalds […]

Strategy of International BUSINESS

Strategy of International BUSINESS Order Description Coursework Assignment Brief Semester: E15 Module Code: PM107 Module Title: Strategy of International Business Programme: MBA Programme Level: Level 7 Awarding Body: Plymouth Module Leader: TBC Format: Report Presentation: No Any special requirements: All written work should be submitted on the Student Portal along with aTurnitin Report Word Limit: […]

Strategy of International BUSINESS

Strategy of International BUSINESS Order Description Coursework Assignment Brief Semester: E15 Module Code: PM107 Module Title: Strategy of International Business Programme: MBA Programme Level: Level 7 Awarding Body: Plymouth Module Leader: TBC Format: Report Presentation: No Any special requirements: All written work should be submitted on the Student Portal along with aTurnitin Report Word Limit: […]

Organizational Analysis presentation

Organizational Analysis presentation This presentation must be an analysis of the relationships between key elements of organizational strategies and the determination of organization development priorities. Address the organizational design initiatives resulting from those relationships. “Zappos” as its organization to complete the assignment. Zappos is known for its zany corporate culture. Zappos’ traditional organizational structure is […]

ME1720 Software Advanced Excel, Lesson 1 – Advanced Functions

ME1720 Software Advanced Excel, Lesson 1 – Advanced Functions Document URL: Developer: [email protected], 8/2015 update by [email protected] Copyright 2010, Missouri S&T 1 Advanced Excel Lesson 1 – Advanced Functions Pre-reqs/Technical Skills • Office for Engineers Module • Basic computer use Expectations • Read lesson material • Implement steps in software while reading through lesson […]

Annotated Bibliography Assignment…

Annotated Bibliography Assignment… Order Description You will complete this assignment using the attached template and grading rubric provided. This assignment will be used as a spring board in the research for a final Research Project. Topic: Biblical Qualifications for Local Church Leadership: “husband of one wife.” The paper will biblically prove what a particular qualification […]

Holistic Nursing care

Holistic Nursing care Order Description Discuss the principles of holistic care and the four principles of the holistic caring process Discuss the differences in patient needs when developing a holistic plan of care Discuss the similarities and differences between complementary and alternative medicine and western medicine Describe the role of nutrition, exercise, humor and music […]

International Political Economy

International Political Economy Order Description Students are to complete a typed as well double spaced book appraisal pick one book to write about in your book appraisal and also pick two other books from the list to compare and contrast with the first book you chose to write about in your book appraisal. Book Appraisal […]

environment management

environment management Question and Requirement: use equations, explain variables (units) – What is the energy balance – What surface (radiative and aerodynamic) and sand properties (thermal and hydraulic properties) are important? MUST read:

Monograph Paper

Monograph Paper Order Description Should be 3-5 pages in length, double-spaced, with a 12 font size, and one inch margins on all sides. Please include a cover sheet and a bibliography (works cited page) with your assignment. Furthermore, these do not count in the page count of your paper. You must have at least 3 […]

clean power plan

clean power plan Order Description Essentially a cost benefit analysis of the Clean Power Plan. In reference to cost-benefit analysis, Peters states the following. “Cost-benefit analysis has been referred to as ‘nonsense on stilts.’ This rather rude description implies that there are so many assumptions involved in the calculations, and so many imponderables […]


Comedy Order Description * Topic can be a comedy movie or comedy TV show. examples: The wedding ringer, Let’s be Cop and so on; or one episode from south park, the big bang theory and so on. Read/view a play, sitcom, or feature film of your choice related to comedy. Once you have concluded your […]

Theory, Risk, and Quality Management Presentation

Theory, Risk, and Quality Management Presentation Week 6 Create a 14- to 16-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® or Prezi® presentation with detailed speaker notes that address the following questions: • What is your role in risk and quality management? • What is your role in developing and implementing your change management project? • Explain the relationship between […]


health Explanation of supplements and how they regulated; then pick 1 herbal supplements and explain what it is, how it is used, potential side effects, who should use it, and potential herb-drug interactions.

Explain why it is bad that pollution often becomes someone else’s problem and critically describe the various options for tackling this serious issue

Explain why it is bad that pollution often becomes someone else’s problem and critically describe the various options for tackling this serious issue Conformity to what is generally regarded as a good essay structure (i.e. an introduction, a middle, and an end) • A plausible attempt to outline what is understood by the term ‘polution’ […]

Juvenile Mental Illness



Aims: This module introduces students to a range of themes in and various dimensions of media and creative Industries spanning the press, radio, film, television, gaming, books, museums, libraries, dance, and “new” media industries. By drawing from social and political theory, cultural studies, political economy, anthropology and cultural policy studies, this module aims to offer […]

MGT 3730 (11353-FMWA)

MGT 3730 (11353-FMWA) Analysis of Management Processes Benedetto C. Valenti Fall 2015 Assignment 1 Due Wednesday, November 11 in class or by email. This is an individual assignment. You may discuss it with others, but never in front of a piece of paper, board, or screen. No spreadsheet is needed to be submitted. Each Roman […]