Argumentative Essay Draft

Argumentative Essay Draft Order Description Resources scoring guide icon Argumentative Essay Draft Scoring Guide. Website iconWriting Feedback Tool. By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria: •Competency 1: Apply specific rhetorical and analytical strategies to works of writing that incorporate an appropriate use of source […]

Overview/Description Nurse Practitioners

Overview/Description Nurse Practitioners Order Description Core Competencies Each advanced care provider role has specific core competencies specific to the specialization. Following are links to websites describing core competencies that are relevant to the South University College of Nursing and Public Health advanced practice role specializations: • Indirect Care Provider Roles: o Nurse Administrator o Nurse […]


Communications Title: Answer questions As you read Section IV of the Thesis/Practicum Guide and Berg ch. 1, prepare to address the following questions in next week’s class discussion: How are quantitative and qualitative research methods different, yet complementary? Which type has generally received more respect in the social sciences? Why use qualitative methods? Why do […]

response to students coursework

response to students coursework Order Description please make a response to the following classmates essay…… I think that using IQ as a predictor of academic and economic success is mildly fair based on the fact that it gives a very generic idea of the possible intellect and thinking comprehension of a person and where they […]

Individual Leadership Assessment and Reflection

Individual Leadership Assessment and Reflection Order Description 1) Individual Leadership Assessment and Reflection (Who I am as a leader) o What: Using the Skills Inventory (in Northouse) as a jumping off point, write a 3 – 4 page reflection paper that clearly describes your strengths and challenges as a leader, and where you would like […]


Sociology real-life examples of social psychologist John Gottman’s Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, along with the fifth principle that he added to his typology: belligerence (do a little online research regarding this one). I’d suggest that if applicable, you provide examples from real life situations you’ve witnessed between married couples in your life (parents, siblings, […]

: LASA 1—Gregory’s Treatment Order Description People that abuse substances have individual reasons for what first drove them to begin using these substances in the first place. Some clients started using them through experimentation, peer pressure, or curiosity. However, many users began using substances as a way of dealing with other issues in their lives, such as depression, anxiety, weight loss, or other physical or mental disorders. In still other cases, mental and physical disorders may result in response to chronic substance abuse. In these cases, it is important to determine what the co-occurring disorder is, as well as the substance abuse problem, in order to determine the best course of treatment. Read the following scenario and then respond to the questions that follow: You are a substance abuse counselor. Gregory, your new client, has come to you for help with his alcohol use problem. Gregory is married with three children and works as a sales representative for a large corporation in the city. In your first meeting with Gregory, you discover that his drinking began as a way to alleviate the anxiety he felt in social situations. Over time, Gregory began using alcohol more often. He found that every time he used alcohol, his anxiety lifted and he was able to be more at ease during work, out with colleagues, and at other such public events. Over time, Gregory realized he needed more alcohol than before to get the same anxiety relieving effects. Two weeks ago, one of Gregory’s coworkers became suspicious that Gregory was drinking at work. That same day, while Gregory was driving home from work, he was pulled over by the police. He passed the field sobriety test and the officer let him off with a warning. These two events served as a wake-up call for Gregory as he realized his alcohol use may be beyond his control. Gregory has made an appointment with you because he sincerely wants to curtail his alcohol use. To help Gregory achieve his goals, write a paper that analyzes the components of his scenario. In your paper, ensure that you include the following information: Summarize the history and usefulness of the four major contemporary treatment modalities (crisis intervention, individual counseling, group counseling, and family counseling). Evaluate Gregory’s dual diagnosis (also referred to as “co-occurring disorders”) and the implications for counseling. Keep the following questions in mind: Describe the meaning of dual diagnosis and how it impacts counseling. Classify Gregory’s primary and secondary diagnoses. Analyze the implications in treating a secondary diagnosis. Evaluate the limitations for an alcohol and drug counselor when treating diagnoses other than those related to substance abuse. Describe the circumstances where the four treatment modalities might be useful in a dual diagnosis. Recommend at least one treatment modality for Gregory and explain your recommendation using at least two scholarly references. Write a 4–5-page paper in Word format. Use scholarly resources, including your textbook, to support your ideas. Your paper must be in Word format and include a title page and reference page in addition to the 4-5-pages of content. Apply APA 6th edition standards to the format of the paper, and the citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc. By Wednesday, November 11, 2015, deliver your assignment to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Summarize the history and usefulness of the four major contemporary treatment modalities (crisis intervention, individual counseling, group counseling, and family counseling). 24 Evaluate dual diagnosis and the implications for counseling. Include a description of what dual diagnosis means and how it impacts counseling. 28 Classify Gregory’s primary and secondary diagnoses. 16 Analyze the implications in treating a secondary diagnosis. 20 Evaluate the limitations for an alcohol and drug counselor treating diagnoses other than those related to substance abuse. 28 Describe in what different circumstances (related to dual diagnosis), the four treatment modalities might be useful. 24 Recommend at least one treatment modality for Gregory and explain the recommendation. 16 Presentation Components: Organization (12) Style (4) Usage and Mechanics (12) APA Elements (16) 44 Total: 200 Click here to view the rubric for this assignment.

: LASA 1—Gregory’s Treatment Order Description People that abuse substances have individual reasons for what first drove them to begin using these substances in the first place. Some clients started using them through experimentation, peer pressure, or curiosity. However, many users began using substances as a way of dealing with other issues in their lives, […]

Royal Mail

Royal Mail Order Description The format of the report is to be: • Cover sheet including name of students, seminar tutor, date of submission, and word count – 5% will be deducted from the report mark for any omission of this information • Executive summary • Contents page • Introduction • Findings (main body of […]


communication Order Description Students submit a 200-word progress report. The goal here is two-fold: to give your TA a brief chance to provide very brief input on the direction of your project; and to push you to find ways to seek support and guidance that doesn’t undercut your professional credibility. Your progress report, in the […]


Discussion Order Description NR- 500 Foundational Concepts & Apps Readings are as follows: Cleary, M., Hunt, G., & Horsfall, J. (2009). Conducting efficient literature searches. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 47(11), 34–41. doi:10.3928/02793695-20090930-03 Below are the Course outcomes and how they relate to the program outcomes. Underneath each outcome are the key […]

Film Essay

Film Essay Order Description 2. Her is a film about our vulnerability in front of technology. Write an essay that explores the extent of this vulnerability.


Literature Order Description Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening p.1240 Fire & Ice p.910 Birches p.187 The Road Not Taken p.187. What is the most important for each pomes and for each pomes I need paragraph Langston Hughes Harlem/Dream Deferred p 443 Mother to Son p.215 I, Too p.996. What is the […]

Academic and Career Skills (Team working role in the Business Project)

Academic and Career Skills (Team working role in the Business Project) Order Description Please follow the instructions below: 1. Please use the wide range of references minimum 20 references (primarily from the book) 2. please make sure that this coursework will written by the top 10 writers as I’ve chosen the VIP Package for this […]

Supply chain management

: Supply chain management Order Description You are required to conduct a mini project about on-shelf availability in supermarkets, and to write up your findings in a report not exceeding 2000 words. What to do: 1. Go to a supermarket of your choice and make notes on any items that are out of stock 2. […]


Sociology According to Lindbloom (R18) the citizens of democratic societies with market economies are caught in a vice of sorts. If they wish to expand their rights as citizens, they must often constrain their property rights (and vice versa). So, for instance, a “right to breath clean air” may involve constraining the rights of power […]


Marketing Windsor Hampers is a British hamper that i made for market segmented for international students ( mainly Chinese students) at liverpool University Q))Steps to implementing steady sales stream – Various sales techniques we could adopt mention a variety of them sources should be from Business or Academic journals only!!

Nella Larsen's critique of Harlem Renaissance in Passing

Nella Larsen’s critique of Harlem Renaissance in Passing Order Description How Nella Larsen criticizes Harlem Renaissance in her novel Passing. Use the resources i attached. You can also refer to the sources used in the articles attached. Use quotations properly precisely to support your analysis. Transing: Resistance to Eugenic Ideology in Nella Larsen’s Passing Sami […]

Income Based on Number of Children

Income Based on Number of Children Order Description 1. Give a brief, clear description of your chosen outcome variable (Ideal number of children). This description must include a verbatim quote of the question as it was asked on the General Social Survey, a description of how people answered it (what answers were possible?) and what […]

Compare and contrast the Africa-American experience of the segregated South and the Vietnam War. Try to keep in mind the relatively different time periods, settings, and the fact that protagonists are of different ages.

Compare and contrast the Africa-American experience of the segregated South and the Vietnam War. Try to keep in mind the relatively different time periods, settings, and the fact that protagonists are of different ages. Order Description Compare and contrast the Africa-American experience of the segregated South and the Vietnam War. Try to keep in mind […]

A Poet and a Police Chief on the Language of Race"

A Poet and a Police Chief on the Language of Race” Order Description One-page response. Due in hard copy by Thanksgiving Break. •Listen to Claudia Rankine interviewed on MPR with former police chief and now professor. Radio broadcast here: “A Poet and a Police Chief on the Language of Race”

Corruption In Nigeria Order Description This is a research paper so it needs to be well written, you have to write in active voice and use plain English the analysis ( so 3 strong arguments with lots of evidence )should have lots of data and information tables, graphs figures would be fine , please this paper should flow, a hook statement would be fine , this paper should be interesting to read and the paper should have some room to breath , please this paper is worth a lot and following the instruction would be nice, make this paper capture the reader, and i would repeat once more follow instructions and make the paper flow and enjoyable and please lots of data and evidence would be needed also a cost and benefit analysis would be fine i believe this should be in the paper and also talk about the alternatives what are other people saying, the format of the paper is below, and also i have attach or rather uploaded the outline to be used in the paper, please follow the comments made by the professor on the thesis statement and also there are 5 bibliography you can add 2 more and it should be academic reference( journals, justice website , stat canada). AT the end of the paper you need 3 recommendation on what can be done to solve the issue and choose one of out the three that you think would be good Please i repeat once more follow the instructions giving , am looking forward to seeing the good work you going to put on this paper, AND also i would need a 4 pages draft to this paper to be ready in 5 days , so on the 10TH of November 2015, the draft should include the background, analysis and one page bibliography please the idea of the draft is important so i can see the flow and organization of the paper the draft does not really need to have the graph so just the introduction topic and thesis statement , background and analysis please i repeat lots of evidence .

Corruption In Nigeria Order Description This is a research paper so it needs to be well written, you have to write in active voice and use plain English the analysis ( so 3 strong arguments with lots of evidence )should have lots of data and information tables, graphs figures would be fine , please this […]

middle range theory

middle range theory Order Description Choose a middle-range theory or grand theory that, in your opinion, can be applied to practice. What are the assumptions underpinning this theory? Discuss how this theory finds application in your area of practice. cite and reference less than 5 years old APA sixth edition

Capstone: Master’s Project

Capstone: Master’s Project Required Texts: Greenlaw, Steven A. 2006. Doing Economics. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. Course Requirements: Grading will be based upon: Research Paper (75%): Five parts (15% each): Description of Issue and its Importance; Annotated Bibliography/Literature Review; Research Proposal; Final Paper; Executive Summary and Implementation Plan; Weekly Discussion Board Participation (25%). Class Method and […]

Obtain an output with a simple linear regression and a scatterplot graph

Obtain an output with a simple linear regression and a scatterplot graph Details: Statistics also play an important part in the tools and techniques of change management. Therefore, in this assignment, you will continuing to explore SPSS. General Requirements: Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: • Review “SPSS Access Instructions” […]

“Can Public Health And Medicine Partner In The Public Interest?”

“Can Public Health And Medicine Partner In The Public Interest?” Read the article “Can Public Health And Medicine Partner In The Public Interest?” and answer the following questions: a. What are the main differences between the public health model and the medical model? b. Discuss the historical divide between public health and medicine. Why are […]

Lab 8: Matrix Art

Lab 8: Matrix Art Objectives • Practice with Matrix operations • Practice with Loops • Practice file I/O (reading/writing) in MATLAB Overview Pictures made from characters are commonly found on the internet and in many applications. Things from detailed faces to simple shapes can be made with just computer characters. Some examples are shown below. […]