Assignment 2: Responding to Technology Discussion

Assignment 2: Responding to Technology Discussion To those who transported goods with arms and legs, the wheel appeared to be high technology at one point in time. Today, technology is all around us—and we need to learn how to use the new technologies in ways that make our tasks easier. For this class, we will […]

personal experience of management and organisations

personal experience of management and organisations Order Description Throughout the module, and from your previous educational and work experiences, you will be exposed to various activities associated with Organisations and People, such as being recruited, managing employees, training and development, dealing with work-place relationships etc. Think about how management and organisation behaviour relates to you: […]


DEVELOPMENT IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Order Description The impact on home and host economies: an appraisal (cont) Question: Can we make generalisations about the impact of multinationals on host economies? What are historically the factors which have played a role in this impact?

contemporary issues and research

contemporary issues and research Order Description Formative Assessment Task You need to write 1500 – 1700 words research. MUST BE CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS RELATED ISSUE. Your work should include: 1. Woking title. : Provisional title for your project 2. Research Topic with Brief Background/Context of the Research (approx 150 words) 3. Identified Issues in your research […]

Please provide enough detail so your concepts and project are clear (5 points). A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an infection that affects any part of your urinary system such as your ureters, kidney, urethra, and bladder. UTI’s are commonly known to affect every five out of ten elderly women in America. However, any one can have UTI regardless of their age, sex or ethnicity. With the help of my preceptor Rita and based on my clinical observations I chose to write on Urinary Tract Infections. The teaching will be personalized to help the elderly female patient understand the meaning of Urinary Tract Infection and its symptoms, causes, complication, tests and diagnosis, preventions/good proper hygiene, treatments and drugs use for UTI. I have taken care of many elderly patients with UTI’s, and it causes confusion and leads to a loss of balance. Most patients do not seem well-informed on the issue such as treatments, which usually leads to more complications later on. My objective is to enhance the patient’s education which will allow them to apply their knowledge while allowing them to take action in self-care. How are you going to teach this? What is your tool? Pamphlet? Powerpoint? etc

Please provide enough detail so your concepts and project are clear (5 points). A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an infection that affects any part of your urinary system such as your ureters, kidney, urethra, and bladder. UTI’s are commonly known to affect every five out of ten elderly women in America. However, any one […]

I need to critically analyse and reflectively discuss the concept of expert clinical leadership and its association with organisational performance in health care

I need to critically analyse and reflectively discuss the concept of expert clinical leadership and its association with organisational performance in health care. I have written my essay paper on this topic, however, I’m facing a problem in analyzing and start a discussion (it’s a requirement in the essay). I clearly had stated my point […]


GLOBAL CHALLENGES IMPACTING sme’s Order Description Critically evaluate the factors impacting the growth and development of SME’S as they engage in international activities.

Long Term Care

Long Term Care Order Description Chosen Issue: Long Term Care The purpose of this assignment is for you to identify an issue of concern for your role as an advanced practice nurse and to formulate a potential policy change to address that issue. Submit a Power Point presentation. This will include the notes pages to […]

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Paper details: Terrorist surveillance techniques IS the topic…APA style and formatted Reaction Papers of no less than 800 words (12-pitch), excluding the wording in the Cover page, Abstract page, and Reference page. Your Reaction Paper must be in full APA style and format including the cover/title page, a separate abstract page with keywords, […]

Geology (and other Earth Sciences)

Geology (and other Earth Sciences) Paper details: Do a sensitivity analysis to determine the relative role of the following parameters in slope stability analyses using an infinite plane model for shallow landslides in unconsolidated sediments. This model would be applicable to construction sites in the developed area of the Wasatch Front where construction may cut […]


Self-Analysis Order Description Identify one ethnic-white and one cultural religion non-denominational important identities about yourself. Conduct scholarly research to learn about the values and assumptions that accompany each identity and to learn about how each identity can influence human services in a multicultural and diverse setting. In a 5- to 6-page paper, analyze and present […]

business plan

business plan Order Description after thorough environmental scanning in uae develop your proposed business plan (A written summary of an entrepreneur’s proposed business venture its operational and financial details its marketing opportunites and strategy , and its manager skills and abilities report format * title page and contents * executive summary *briefing about new venture […]

Practicum B

Practicum B Paper details: Assignment 3: Social Network Analysis (20%) – 1,800 words One important component of a person’s social life is his/her ‘social network’. A social network is defined as (i) all the people with whom an individual does activities with, and/or (ii) all the people who are important to an individual (regardless of […]


BUS599 QUESTION#1Due Week 7 and worth 80 points Important Notes • This exercise is considered an academic writing exercise. Quality of response, grammar, and punctuation are considered in your overall grade. • This exercise does not require the use of APA format or a cover page. • This exercise uses the “Business Plan Financials” MS […]

Discuss the main ways in which psychologist explain attitude change

Discuss the main ways in which psychologist explain attitude change Order Description APA system References list required Two of the references book that if possible I would like you to add on your research: – social psychology 13th Ed Baron and Branscombe (different edition will be fine too) – social psychology 7th Ed Hogg and […]

M4D2: Listening Techniques

M4D2: Listening Techniques Upon completion of this discussion, you will be able to: Promote a listening climate at your workplace. As a manager, you need to go beyond hearing and begin listening to your employees. This may mean listening for more than just words. Imagine that there is very low morale in your department and […]

consumer health

consumer health Order Description The purpose of this assignment is for you to estimate how you are spending your health care dollars and how you can be a wise health consumer. Please provide your answers to the 6 prompts below. Your response should not exceed two double-spaced typed pages. Prepare a list of the health […]


Nursing Post your assessment of the nurse’s role in improving the health literacy of patients. Then, identify the resource you would recommend to patients for evaluating online health information and why it would be beneficial. Describe additional strategies for assisting patients in becoming informed consumers of online health information.

Transdev Procurement & Contract Management Current & Future State

Transdev Procurement & Contract Management Current & Future State Paper details: The subject is Supply Chain & Logistics. – I do not want that the percentage of plagiarism for more than 7% “if needed to plagiarism.” – All these sources and what we have done from the presentation and Search. – Any Confused before writing […]

gun control

gun control Paper details: A title An introduction that includes – research question- Gun control and the constitution: should “The right to keep and bear arms” be updated to regulate modern firearms? Organized body paragraphs(at least for body paragraphs) follows the format of an English 100/101 class. Six internal citations from (EBSCO complete) one source […]

Practicum B

Practicum B Paper details: Assignment 3: Social Network Analysis (20%) – 1,800 words One important component of a person’s social life is his/her ‘social network’. A social network is defined as (i) all the people with whom an individual does activities with, and/or (ii) all the people who are important to an individual (regardless of […]

Research Essay Source List

Research Essay Source List Research Essay Source List By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: •Competency 5: Apply appropriate methods of summary, paraphrase, and quotation. ?Select sources that appropriately support the topic of the research essay. ?Summarize sources identifying the applicable information. •Competency 6: […]

State V Federal Laws

State V Federal Laws Order Description 1 STATE and 1 FEDERAL Law other than the Affordable Care Act. Need power point slides with summary notes and references given. 10-12 slides I believe are stated. Grading rubric and assignment instructions sent earlier today

Paper Format

Paper Format (Begin Cover Page) Running head: TITLE OF YOUR PAPER 1 Title of Paper Author’s Name PSYC 4323-Section # – History & Systems of Psychology Year and Semester Date (Page Break-go to a new page) Running head: TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (Page Number Here) (Introduction –The Heading here is the Title of Your Paper […]

William K Estes Order Description Students will write a paper on a prominent figure in the history of psychology. Figures will be limited to those on a list provided by your Instructor. The paper assignment is divided into three parts: selection of the historical figure; the preliminary reference list; and the final draft of the paper. General Description of the Assignment The major objectives of the assignment are to tell a coherent story about the historical figure’s life and career, and to draw specific conclusions about several issues. Genetic Influence One of the first sections of the paper requires you to draw conclusions about if (and in what ways) the person’s genetics seemed to have influenced his or her success in the discipline of psychology. (Your knowledge about your subject’s genetics will be limited to accounts about his or her relatives [e.g., educational level, occupation], and socio-economic status.) If, after you’ve done a thorough search of the literature, you can find no evidence for a genetic influence (and no compelling evidence to the contrary), simply explain that. Social Influence The second conclusion students will make is if, and how much and in what ways, their subject’s social environment (in their childhood and later) appear to have contributed to the professional achievements (i.e., educational achievement, successful areas of research, and family life) of the historical figure they have chosen. The assumption here is that the figure’s interest in a particular area of research (e.g., Does Conrad Lorenz’ work on imprinting appear to be tied to his childhood experiences?). Historical Significance Lastly, the student will argue whether or not the historical figure they wrote about deserves to be considered a major figure in the history of psychology. That is, in general, should the figure be considered noteworthy, not really noteworthy (they deserve little or no attention in the history of psychology), or somewhere in between? These things said, it is possible that the student’s library research will not support some (or all) of the possible connections between the factors described above and their subject’s success and major lines of research. In that case, the student will present their rationale for drawing each of their conclusions. Use of Quotes Avoid the overuse of quotations, especially block quotes. Almost all of the information used from your references should be paraphrased (put into your own words [and of course include a citation of the source of the information]). Only include quotations when the statement is of great importance and said extremely well (i.e., if you were writing about Abraham Lincoln including at least several quotes would likely be essential). almost all of the information used from your references should be paraphrased (and of course include a citation of the source of the information). Papers may be submitted to (via Blackboard) up to five times to help students improve their ability to paraphrase. Requirements The paper will be written in American Psychological Association (APA) style (see links below for helpful information on APA style). As noted above, the overall paper assignment will consist of three parts. The first part is the submission (and approval) of a subject/historical figure. The second part is submission of a Preliminary Reference List. The list must include at least 12 sources. Acceptable sources are published books, book chapters, refereed journal articles, and/ or legitimate websites (see Appendix B for details). The second part of the assignment is the paper itself. The paper will be double-spaced and in 12 point type. Papers should consist of 7 to 10 pages of text (running over a few pages is acceptable, as long as the paper is not “padded” with information that is not particularly important. See Appendix C for more details. Sources of Information Different sections of the paper will require information from different types of sources (see Appendix B). For instance, some sections will require historical information about the life of the person (most likely written by others). Other sections require the student to gather information from the person’s published research (e.g., journal articles, books, book chapters). Most of the sources used for the paper should be refereed journals, books and book chapters; however, biographies and autobiographies are also acceptable sources. Information used for the paper must be from reliable sources. As you know there is much questionable information on the internet (e.g., you or I could set-up a website and publish very authoritative information about nuclear physics [regardless of how much we actually know about the subject]). The point is, be very careful when choosing sources of information on the internet. Our Librarians (and your instructor) can be very helpful in assisting students in separating out reliable from questionable on-line sources of information. On-line APA Style Resources; Approved On-line Resources The American Psychological Association (APA) The Association for Psychological Science (APS) PBS-Science Odyssey/Human Behavior History of Psychology Archives Classics in the History of Psychology Archives of the History of American Psychology Refereed Journals that may be Particularly Helpful Writing the Assignment History of Psychology Journal of the History of the Social and Behavioral Sciences

William K Estes Order Description Students will write a paper on a prominent figure in the history of psychology. Figures will be limited to those on a list provided by your Instructor. The paper assignment is divided into three parts: selection of the historical figure; the preliminary reference list; and the final draft of the […]


Chemistry Scientific American: print copy: T 1.S5 (1959 to present) online: Academic Search Premier database For the articles, present the thesis (objective), arguments (ideas presented), summary conclusion. Photocopy the article and include a copy with your typewritten


Finance abaxis company compare CFO and Net Income for 2011-2014. Calculate the growth rate and correlation between these two items. Calculate the intrinsic value of abaxis company’s share price using a DCF model (Free Cash Flow to Firm). Compare the market price of the stock with your model’s price. Discuss. Calculate the LTM (2015) financial […]


Lean Operations and Just In Time The lean philosophy was originated by the Toyota Company in the 1950s. It was implemented based on prior ideologies at the same company such as total quality management and just-in-time production (JIT), which aimed at facilitating the production of high quality goods and services at relatively lower prices (Chen […]