efffect of learner beliefs

efffect of learner beliefs Order Description Part 1: Choose a topic discussed briefly in the unit. The topic can be in the area of psycholinguistics, first language acquisition or second language acquisition/learning. You should not choose a topic you have already covered in Assignment 1. You should indicate how research in the area has changed […]

Consumer Behavior Paper

Consumer Behavior Paper Order Description Read Chapters 4-6 of your text by Kotler and Keller. Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). A framework for marketing management (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Write a two-page paper concerning consumer behavior and decision-making. To achieve maximum points for content and analysis, the following elements […]

Fraud Management: Risk and Compliance

Fraud Management: Risk and Compliance Part One: Cross Border Compliance Investigation Business Plan (DUE NOV 14, 2015 BY 11:55PM ET) Globalization and international business activities have wrought many cross border issues some of which involve bribery, corruption, conflict of interest, money laundering, insider trading, environmental crimes, data breaches, and industry specific regulatory problems to name […]

Exploring Health Education Discussion week 11 (last week)

Exploring Health Education Discussion week 11 (last week) Order Description Skills for the Future Health Educator Throughout this course, you examined attributes of health educators that contribute to effective health education practice. You also examined NCHEC’s Seven Areas of Responsibility for Health Educators and identified opportunities to develop those skills that you may not possess […]

Journal entry on Difficult Conversations

Journal entry on Difficult Conversations Order Description This is the instructions for this essay: “write a 4 page paper double- spaced in the form of a journal entry in response to the book. Be insightful, explain what you liked and didn’t liked about the book, and pick one key area that spoke to you, stood […]

M4 Discussion Topic Order Description Listed below are possible discussion topics for this module, but if you have personal experiences or examples that relate to the topics presented in the assigned readings, please feel free to add those to this discussion as well. In developing your thoughts and opinions here, please look to incorporate citations and statistics both from the textbook and other outside sources. Lastly, let's always remember to keep these discussions civilized and respectful, even when we disagree on certain topics. Module 4: 1.Time for an honest moment here, stop and think about how much advertising influences your consumption decisions. When is the last time you can remember choosing one product over another because of advertising? 2.What role does advertising play in influencing consumption in monopolistic competition? Does the impact of advertising allow for some price leverage by firms in this market structure? Why or why not? 3.Is the United States truly an economy that promotes competition? Think about the markets where major oligopolies exist, for instance soft drinks/fast foods and automobile manufacturing, is there really a free market place or do oligopolies/major corporations dominate our economy? 4.Why is the government so quick to regulate monopolies and potential monopolies? What are the major concerns that arise from this market structure?

M4 Discussion Topic Order Description Listed below are possible discussion topics for this module, but if you have personal experiences or examples that relate to the topics presented in the assigned readings, please feel free to add those to this discussion as well. In developing your thoughts and opinions here, please look to incorporate citations […]

Impact of Globalization on Africa

Impact of Globalization on Africa Order Description Please write a research paper on the impact of globalization on Africa. Please spend a session to tie neoliberalism into the paper. In addition, please spend a session on a case study on a particular sub-saharan Africa country relating to the topic.

Eco 336Research Paper

Eco 336Research Paper Dr. Donna Anderson Fall 2015 DUE:Sunday Nov 22, 2015, 11:59pm (PLACE IN D2L Dropbox) The research paper will concern the percent female in the labor force by country. The statistical analysis for the paper will be done in a computer lab using secondary data from The World Bank (http://databank.worldbank.org/).You will test whether […]

Work Importsnce Locator

Work Importsnce Locator Order Description Work Importance Locator Paper Step One: Complete the Work Importance Locator yourself and with a colleague or a student. There are three different sites that host a good profiler The assessment can be found 1. Texas – https://www.texascaresonline.com/wil/wilmenu.asp (Links to an external site.) 2. New Mexico – https://www.dws.state.nm.us/careersolutions/CSS-workimport.html (Links to […]


HEALTH CARE AND CONSTITUITION Order Description Answer all of the questions below. (1) What are the three main constitutional questions resolved in the Affordable Care Act case, NFIB v. Sebelius? List them concisely. For the remainder of this essay, consider Chief Justice Roberts’s opinion for the Court. (2) How does Roberts answer these three questions? […]

Week 8 Assignment

Week 8 Assignment Order Description Week 8 Assignment – Appeal Case Study Directions: Select one of the following three scenarios and draft a letter that is appropriate to the situation: Unusual Circumstance: Andrew applies for admissions to 5 colleges. He made sure that all the schools received the applications by the due date. In January […]

case study questions for Computers and Society

case study questions for Computers and Society Order Description Read the instructions and the chapter provided and answer the following questions. Instructions: 1- Each question should be answered in a short paragraph. 2- Note that I am particularly picky in how you use sources for your answers to case studies. I want YOUR words. You […]


RESEARCH PROJECT GUIDE LINES:- Topic Selection Hydraulics Parameters. Whatever your chosen topic, the most important aspect of your work will be to provide a critical analysis of an engineering question or problem. This should include technical aspects, but may also involve other criteria, such as economics, policies and regulations, health and environmental impacts, climate and […]

Discussion Argument

Discussion Argument Looking into other arguments -¬ A College Education: What is its Purpose? • Andrew Delbanco “3 Reasons College Still Matters” p. 505-¬509. • Carlo Rotella “No, It Doesn’t Matter What you Majored In” p. 516-¬517. • Marty Nemko “America’s Most Overrated Product: The Bachelor’s Degree p. 523-¬527 Below is a list of questions, […]

BSC3100 Renewable Energy

BSC3100 Renewable Energy Project #2 GSHP system design report Assignment: You were approached by the building owner of a high-rise apartment in Toronto regarding the feasibility of retrofitting the GSHP technology into the existing apartment building’s heating system. The building is about 20 years old. It has a set of conventional natural gas boilers to […]

Course Work 1

Course Work 1 Course Work 1 Submit a report which provides answers to Questions 1 to 7. Scenario You are nearing the end of the first year of an engineering apprenticeship and have been moved into the Quality control department of your company to gain further experience. Part of your new job will involve assisting […]

Research of " Water Margin"

Research of ” Water Margin” Order Description The research paper is based on the Asian novel “Water Margin” (it is also called ” Shui Hu Chuan” or “Shui Hu Zhuan”). You can choose your research topic and area you are interest in (you can also compare “Water Margin” with other novels), but it should have […]

Select Optimal surrogate server in CDNs to push MPEG-DASH.

Select Optimal surrogate server in CDNs to push MPEG-DASH. Paper details: MPEG-DASH is adaptive bitrate streaming has become the standard for delivering video content online to multiple devices. This type of delivery is a combination of server and client software that detects a client’s bandwidth capacity and adjusts the quality of the video stream between […]

Longer Guide to the Field Study

Longer Guide to the Field Study Field Study Handbook Explanation of Study The field study requires you to study a religious congregation, social religious phenomenon, or religiously based service organization. The method of investigation is participant observation and should include interviews with selected members and clergy of the group you are studying. Although you may […]

sociological theory- George Simmel

sociological theory- George Simmel Please read it carefully, 5X8’ERS. They must be written on a standard 5’ x 8’ notecard (you may use both sides) and consist of the following: (a) your name; (b) the title of the excerpt you are reading, the name of the author (all spelled accurately and correctly punctuated) and the […]

Concept Analysis

Concept Analysis Order Description Purpose: This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to conduct a formal concept analysis of one concept found in a nursing theory using an identified framework. Requirements: Description of the Assignment The purpose of this 6-8 page paper (not including the title page or reference page in the page count) […]


CITADEL OF NAMUR (BELGIUM) CON 101 – CONSTRUCTION & CULTURE FINAL RESEARCH PAPER 1. A link to the LIST of topics for the Final Research Paper can be found in an announcement on BlackBoard. Remember your password in case you decide to change your topic later! 2. Summarize the project by reporting such things as […]

Video – Johnny Cupcakes: Entrepreneurship

Video – Johnny Cupcakes: Entrepreneurship Video – Johnny Cupcakes: Entrepreneurship watch the video and answer the following questions. 1 – How did the Johnny Cupcakes brand originate? 2 – According to the information in the video, what does Earle say is an essential part of being an entrepreneur? Summarize all of your answers in a […]

Literary comparison

Literary comparison 1500 word comparison essay, Times New Roman, Font 12 Here are the 2 options: Fences by August Wilson compared to Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison or Yellow Wallpaper http://www.charlotteperkinsgilman.com/2008/04/yellow-wallpaper-novella.html compared to Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne

On the Legendary Sage Kings

On the Legendary Sage Kings In the document On the Legendary Sage Kings (Pomeranz, pages 29-31), Mencius describes how Yao, Shun, and Yu paved the way for China’s first dynasty, the Xia. According to Mencius, how do the great rulers benefit the people? What qualities mark them as capable and virtuous? How and why are […]