BSc Business Law UG5001

BSc Business Law UG5001 One Italian firm COTONI PREGIATI SRL and one US firm (New Jersey Inc.) are separate and independent corporate entities. They conclude a distribution contract, where the US Company is granted the exclusive right to distribute the Italian knitwear produced with the Italian high quality cotton, in the US, Spain and parts […]

Liberalism and Culture

Liberalism and Culture Paper details: Paper should be about the Topic in which the books that should be used “Turning Points” Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity” by Mark A. Noll and “Church History in plain Language” by Bruce L. Shelly. Liberalism and Culture Essay Due Date: Nov 14, 2015 23:59:59 Max Points: 90 […]

1 EDU30014 Health and Physical Education Teaching Period 1, 2015 EDU30014 Health and Physical Education Assessment 1: Health and physical education folio – part A Word limit: 1500 words (+/- 10%) Weighting: 30% Due date: 9am AEDT Monday 30 November (Week 5) Assessment overview The purpose of this folio assessment is to produce a collection of information, resources and reflections from Module A (weeks 2-4) which will help you develop your skills in teaching health and physical education. This assessment constitutes the first part of your assessment folio; Assessment 2 (Part B) will cover Module B material (weeks 5-7). By gathering information into a folio, you are demonstrating an ability to identify, evaluate and transmit ideas about effective principles, policies and practices for developing health and physical education within a primary school setting. This assessment allows you to add a reflective dialogue and track your reasons for including specific evidence. Your folio should not just be a collection of resources. If academic underpinning is not evident, then you will not pass this assessment. Utilise the expertise of your eLA to question whether the evidence you have chosen to include meets the assessment criteria. Assessment details Your folio will contain three separate items which will relate to each of the topic areas within Module A (as specified in the table below). Each item should be clearly labelled for marking purposes with the name and description, and must include: ? evidence of the resource, such as a photograph, document (e.g. MS Word) or URL (if from an external source) ? a descriptive rationale and reflection on the resource. This must include: 1. a brief description of the resource 2. an explanation of how it would be used in health and physical education, providing evidence of knowledge and understanding of pedagogy, tools, methods and resources. Consider different teaching strategies you may use, any links to practice you have, and reflections from placement experiences or discussion board communications. 3. an analysis of the benefits and limitations of the resource, linked to academic literature and curricula documentation (i.e. the Australian Curriculum), demonstrating evidence connecting academic literature to practice. Item Theme Item 1 Food and nutrition An online resource (i.e. one already available online) relating to the teaching of food and nutrition. 2 EDU30014 Health and Physical Education 2 Movement skills An online video (i.e. one already available online) you can use to highlight correct technique of a movement skill. Your descriptive rationale must include an outline for a program or plan to develop the skill presented in the video. This plan must incorporate ability and inclusion concerns. 3 Rhythmic and expressive movement A resource you have found (e.g. piece of music, image, story, object) that can be used as a prompt for expressive movement. Your descriptive rationale must include an explanation of how you could apply a teaching style to underpin your use of this resource. This must incorporate one of the teaching styles covered in your eText (Meldrum & Peters, 2012) pp. 296-298. Each of your folio items must be fully referenced in APA style. Note that references are not included within the word limit. Folio format Your folio should be submitted as a Word document. Within this document: ? each item must be clearly labelled with the name and description ? include all relevant information within the item, e.g. links to online resources, embedded images. The word limit of 1500 (+/-10%) applies to the descriptive rationale and reflection, but not the resources themselves. While this will allow some level of flexibility in terms of how much you write for each individual item, you are strongly advised to split the word count as evenly as possible between all three items. Submission details Please submit your assignment through Turnitin. More detailed information is available in the Assessment 1 folder in Blackboard. Assessment criteria 1. Knowledge and understanding of subject (30%). 2. Quality of resources, including analysis (20%). 3. Evidence of personal and professional reflection and evaluation (20%). 3 EDU30014 Health and Physical Education 4. Evidence of connecting academic literature to practice (20%). 5. Presentation: structure and format (10%). Standards statement (Marking guide) Grade Descriptor Pass [P 50-59%] All aspects of the task have been completed (three items of evidence included in the folio), and the requirements of all criteria have been met at a satisfactory level. ? Your folio shows a satisfactory understanding of health and physical education through the items you have selected to include and the brief description of what the items are. ? Each item of evidence has a descriptive rationale which discusses how each resource can be related to health and physical education. ? The rationale indicates some understanding of health and physical education. ? Attempts have been made to reflect however the rationale is over-reliant upon personal opinion and anecdote. ? You have adhered to relevant conventions of English and have maintained an appropriate degree of structure and formality. Your folio is proofread so that most typographical and spelling errors are eliminated, and any errors that are present do not detract substantially from the communication of ideas. ? While there are some errors in your APA referencing, you do provide evidence to support your ideas, although this evidence may be drawn from a limited range of sources. Credit [C 60-69%] To be awarded a Credit, you must fulfil all of the requirements of the P level, but with more sophistication. ? Your folio shows a comprehensive understanding of health and physical education through the items you have selected to include and the succinct description of what the items are. ? Each item of evidence has a descriptive and comprehensive rationale which discusses how each resource can be related to health and physical education. ? The rationale indicates consistent understanding of health and physical education. ? The reflection and evaluation has a clear balance between anecdote and meaningful reflection. ? Your writing is concise, and word choice is deliberate. You communicate meaning effectively and efficiently, without superfluous words, phrase and sentences. ? Apart from minor issues in text and/ or in the reference list, you adhere to APA referencing conventions and use evidence from an appropriate range of sources. Distinction [D 70-79%] To be awarded a Distinction; you must fulfil all of the requirements of the ? Your folio demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of health and physical education through the items you have selected to include and the focused description of what the items are. ? Each item of evidence has a synthesised and carefully integrated (quotes/ paraphrasing/ supporting evidence) rationale which discusses how each 4 EDU30014 Health and Physical Education Grade Descriptor C level, but with a higher degree of insight into the topic, and competence in written communication. resource can be related to health and physical education. ? The rationale indicates consistent and comprehensive understanding of health and physical education, with clear links to theory and contemporary perspectives. ? The reflection and evaluation identifies meaningful points and offers implications for personal and professional practice. ? You draw on evidence for a wide range of appropriate sources, and all statements are supported as required. APA conventions are accurate and successfully integrated. ? Effective language use is a feature of the folio. Errors in spelling, punctuation and grammatical construction have been addressed through careful proofreading. You write with sensitivity for your audience and consider the impact of your choices in terms of language and tone. High Distinction [HD 80-100%] To be awarded a HD; you must fulfil all of the requirements of the D level, and show higher levels of sophistication and insight. ? Your folio demonstrates a detailed and insightful understanding of health and physical education through the items you have selected to include and the clear and comprehensive description of what the items are. ? Each item of evidence has a synthesised and carefully integrated (quotes/ paraphrasing/ supporting evidence) rationale which discusses how each resource can be related to health and physical education. ? The rationale indicates fluent understanding of health and physical education with sophisticated links to theory, contemporary perspectives and curricula documentation. ? Evidence of sophisticated reflection on personal and professional practice. ? Across all sections, your writing is concise and logical, with richly integrated ideas that convey meaning and purpose. ? Your use of literature across all sections of the folio demonstrates familiarity with the current field of research and your statements are consistently supported with relevant and recent references. Flawless use of APA referencing style is evident and there are no errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation. If this assignment fails to reach a Pass [P] standard, then it must be awarded a Fail [N].

1 EDU30014 Health and Physical Education Teaching Period 1, 2015 EDU30014 Health and Physical Education Assessment 1: Health and physical education folio – part A Word limit: 1500 words (+/- 10%) Weighting: 30% Due date: 9am AEDT Monday 30 November (Week 5) Assessment overview The purpose of this folio assessment is to produce a collection […]

Ethical and Criminal Responsibility Paper

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Assignment #2: Planning for ELL Student Achievement Using Assessments

Assignment #2: Planning for ELL Student Achievement Using Assessments This assignment evaluates the candidate’s understanding and effective use of pre assessment to plan for instruction that has a positive effect on student learning as measured by the posttest. Candidates will research the cultural and language background and English language proficiency of a diverse group of […]

FINAL GROUP PROJECT Group Assignment 2 Specification A team will consist of a minimum of 2 and maximum of 5 members only. The team will set up a hypothetical new and small business to be established in Saudi Arabia. Target market, however, should not be limited to Saudi Arabia only. Each member is a founder […]

1 EDU30011 Discovering Science

1 EDU30011 Discovering Science Teaching Period 3, 2015 EDU30011 Discovering Science Assessment 1: Essay Word limit: 1500 (+/- 10%) Weighting: 40% Due date: 9am AEDT Monday 30 November (Week 5) Assessment overview This assessment task requires you to construct an argument in essay form, in response to the statement below. Assessment details Respond to the […]

Managerial Communication: Strategies and Applications, 5th Edition

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Alternative Dispute Resolution Paper

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Managing Change Part II

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CON 101 – CONSTRUCTION & CULTURE FINAL RESEARCH PAPER 1. A link to the LIST of topics for the Final Research Paper can be found in an announcement on BlackBoard. Remember your password in case you decide to change your topic later! 2. Summarize the project by reporting such things as WHEN and WHERE it […]

BSC3100 Renewable Energy

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2. Creative Industries Presentation

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Case Studies PART A

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________________________________________ CRIMINOLOGY (CYPRUS)________________________________________ Assignment: LW 2013 ________________________________________ Distribution Date: 10.11.2015. Submission Date: 04.12.2015. Feedback Date: 21/12.2015. Word Limit: 1000 words ________________________________________ Crime has been defined as ‘behaviour which is prohibited by the criminal law and which can be punished by the criminal justice system.’ Why does the definition of ‘criminal behaviour’ vary over time, and […]

1. Comparative Discussion Paper

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7302ICT- Enterprise Architecture Applications

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International Law

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To which extent RIA has shown itself effective in critically assessing and evaluating the proposed and existing regulations in UK, Australia , Korea & USA.

To which extent RIA has shown itself effective in critically assessing and evaluating the proposed and existing regulations in UK, Australia , Korea & USA. Order Description The essay is about the using the Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) to assess the regulation in OECD countries. The key thing is to have a question (not just […]

The story of America from the end of the Civil War until today

The story of America from the end of the Civil War until today Order Description Write a 5-7 paragraph essay answering the following question. From the time of Reconstruction after the Civil War until the present, what progress have we made in the United States in terms of ALL three of our course themes?Liberty, Equality, […]

Developing an Implementation Plan

Developing an Implementation Plan Order Description Consider the population in which the solution is intended, the staff that will participate, and the key contributors that must provide approval and/or support for your project to be implemented. These stakeholders are considered your audience. Develop an implementation plan (1,500-2,000 words) using the “Topic 3: Checklist” resource (ATTACHED) […]

how social media tools can promote and expand aim mail center business

how social media tools can promote and expand aim mail center business EXPAND ON ALL THOSE ARGUMENTS AND EXPLAIN THEM DETAILY ON HOW SOCIAL MEDIA WILL HELP THE ORGANIZATION found in the section” How social media tools and online marketing can target the problems at The Huntington Beach California AIM mail center and “Advantages that […]

Analytical paper reviewing

Analytical paper reviewing Order Description I. Perform ALL of the following tasks: (1) Select one or two films from the course syllabus, and one or two films from the Supplemental Films List (see below), for a total of THREE films. The films may be from the same era or different eras, and they may be […]


business Order Description 1) Abercrombie and Fitch Case study a) What is the A&F Quarterly; and b) What is the controversy surrounding it; and c) Analyze the A&F Quarterly controversy in terms of all 3 of the following lenses: 1) The deontological lens; 2) The communitarian lens; AND 3) The principle of nonmaleficence 2) What’s […]

decision making

decision making Order Description View the scenario called “Critical Decision Making for Providers” found in the Allied Health Community media ( In a 750-1,200 word paper, describe the scenario involving Mike, the lab technician, and answer the following questions: 1.What were the consequences of a failure to report? 2.What impact did his decision have on […]

Norwegian Air Worksheet

Norwegian Air Worksheet Provide a 150- to 200-word response for each of the following. Include references where appropriate. 1. Explain the biggest challenges Norwegian Air experienced in trying to expand its airline across the globe. 2. Identify examples of ethnocentric, polycentric, or geocentric attitudes in this case. Explain why your selected examples illustrate these attitudes. […]

sustainibility in global business

sustainibility in global business Order Description Project Title: Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Business Submission date: Wednesday 25.11.2015 by 23:59 (No deadline extensions) Submission format: Written Report (2000 words) highlights of the project are to be briefly presented in class Submission method: Upload to Turn-it-in on Blackboard Aims and Objective This final individual project report […]

Presentation of Research

Presentation of Research Order Description Resources need to be dated between 2010-2015 Presentation of Research Evaluators should expand upon considerations of research rigor and also be mindful of the larger context in which they are working. Evaluators should be mindful of the effect evaluations have on policy making. To ensure that evaluation results are useful, […]