Deviance and Crime

Deviance and Crime Order Description MAKE SURE THAT THE PAPER IS ABOUT THE CASE STUDY LINK This is the link which this assignment should be about: 1. 1 CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT Sociology 100 – Fall 2015 Explanation: This assignment is meant to help you reflect on class readings/concepts/theories. You will apply these concepts to […]

Managing the Internet of Things: Is it a strategic tool?

Managing the Internet of Things: Is it a strategic tool? Order Description The coursework brief will explain all the information. Project/ Courseworkfor: Business ProjectsInvolvingIS/IT Coursework (Project)Title: Managingthe InternetofThings:Isit a strategic tool? Wordlimit:1400–1600words. ProjectBrief: HarvardBusinessReview inNovember 2014(Volume 92,issue 11)publication hasinitiated a debateintheSpotlight sectionabout “ManagingtheInternet of Things”. Thecontributorsto the debateand theirarticlesare: 1. MichaelE.PorterandJamesE.Heppelmann,‘How Smart,Connected ProductsAre TransformingCompetition’(Start from […]

Critical evaluate the patient path way from eatiology through classification , treatment and prognosis in one haematological malignancy of your choice .

Critical evaluate the patient path way from eatiology through classification , treatment and prognosis in one haematological malignancy of your choice . Order Description 1500 words only Using 5 figures Using up to 30 recent scientific papers , avoid using books. The haematological malignancy I would like you to speak about it is multiply myeloma. […]

Advanced Pharmacology

Advanced Pharmacology This paper addresses a pharmacological management plan for Mr. NX, including consideration of possible contraindications for CAMs, prescriptive, and non-prescriptive recommendations for management of acute pain and other ongoing disease processes, followed by evaluation strategies. Pharmacological Management Plan CAMs Contraindicated with Current Prescriptions CAMs Contraindicated with Diagnoses Prescription for Back Pain Changes in […]

Pharmacogenomics in Primary Care

Pharmacogenomics in Primary Care Explain one of the following statements in your own words. Give an example of implications for you as the prescribing primary care provider. 1. Carbamazepine has a black box warning recommending testing for the HLA-B*1502 allele in patients with Asian ancestry prior to starting therapy. 2. Testing for CYP2D6 variants prior […]

Intelligence Leaders

Intelligence Leaders The IC Leader Research Paper will be graded in accordance with the following guidelines: Substance (15pts): ? 5pts – Discussed the key leadership challenges and context surrounding the individual’s tenure and how he/she viewed his/her role; ? 5pts – Described the individual’s leadership approach, style and/or techniques to overcome obstacles, build trust, manage […]


epidemiology Order Description Disease: LYME DISEASE STATE: MARYLAND please follow instruction This paper should clearly and comprehensively identify the disease or population health problem chosen. The problem must be an issue in your geographic area and a concern for the population you will serve upon graduation with your degree. The paper should be organized into […]

Transnational Crime -Understanding Security

Transnational Crime -Understanding Security Order Description The country is Mexico. What are the key issues/threats? What is the likelihood and impact of the threat(s)? How do they link with other security issues? What is the state & international response? Is the threat characterised at the individual, societal, state & international system level, and what is […]

Global Business /Why do governments protect their domestic firms? Describe the main reasons for trade protection and assess whether any of these enhance economic welfare.

Global Business /Why do governments protect their domestic firms? Describe the main reasons for trade protection and assess whether any of these enhance economic welfare. Individual Essay Question:Why do governments protect their domestic firms? Describe the main reasons for trade protection and assess whether any of these enhance economic welfare. See the Extended Reading List […]

Theology: Paul's Letter to the Romans 1-15

Theology: Paul’s Letter to the Romans 1-15 Order Description Paul clearly believes that something is wrong with humankind. What does he believe is wrong with them? Be specific. Where, according to Paul, does humankind go wrong? Secondly, how does God attempt to make things better? To phrase in another way, what is the mess in […]

Sustainable Strategy

Sustainable Strategy Individual Management report(MUST write like report structure,see page 3) Name of Company Corporate Website Business Sector 1 TUI Group Leisure Travel Hotels 2 Hewlett -Packard Global information technology 3 Next(write this) Fashion Retailer and e-tailer 4 Nike Athletic Apparel and Equipment 5 Occidental Petroleum Oil and gas exploration […]

The other Place By Mary Gaitskill

The other Place By Mary Gaitskill Order Description this paper must use one secondary source. That means you’ll need to locate one scholarly article about this story from the Citrus databases (where someone analyzed the story and published the analysis), and find one solid quote from that article that you can use in support for […]

Interview Project with Multiple Intelligences Product

Interview Project with Multiple Intelligences Product Interview Project with Multiple Intelligences Product Student Interview (100 points) Identify one student with a disability. This student should be at-risk in terms of academics, behaviorally, or socially (e.g., below grade level). Review documents in the student’s file (e.g., IEP, previous report cards, evaluations). Schedule a time to interview […]

Accounting Assignment 7

Accounting Assignment 7 For this assessment, complete Problems 1, 2, and 3. You may use Word or Excel to complete the assessments throughout this course, but you will find Excel to be most helpful for creating spreadsheets. Tutorials for using Excel are provided in the Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu. If you use […]

Narcissistic leaders may affect business world

Narcissistic leaders may affect business world Paper details: How narcissistic is prevalent in the business world, and it occurs in the workplace. How narcissistic leaders may affect business within an organization. Write a thoughtful, well-organized argumentative research essay, carefully supported by scholarly sources, in which you argue for a particular position or for a particular […]


Divicends Consider dividend policy, stock repurchases, and stock splits. Discuss how investors may react differently if their company issues dividends or announces a stock split or stock repurchase. Feel free to include examples to illustrate your point. Minimum of 125 words, no more than 175.

Physiotherapy management of vestibular disorders in patients following traumatic brain injury.

Physiotherapy management of vestibular disorders in patients following traumatic brain injury. The applicant should be able to offer information which adequately demonstrates that he – can show how he uses research findings and clinical reasoning to determine appropriate actions and plan and prioritise a range of physiotherapy interventions ( this can include examples of where […]

Character Sketch for Gospel of Matthew

Character Sketch for Gospel of Matthew Paper details: character sketch relating to study of the Infancy narratives of Matthew You should have already read the introduction to Brown’s An Adult Christ at Christmas (pp.1-14) As I mentioned in class on Tuesday, for tomorrow’s class (Thursday), please read the assigned pages in Brown (pp. 15-50) and […]

comparative politics

comparative politics the effect of resource scarcity and political conflicts in african countries. (focus your analysis on congo, liberia, somalia and nigeria)

Field Practicum

Field Practicum During this course period, learners will be given the opportunity to have hands-on training and tackling of health issues through a comprehensive departmental orientation program and participate in the day to day opera. Learners will be required to present and defend the assignments specified during the practicum. I will do my field practicum […]

Homework 3 – MAE 215 – Introduction to Programming

Homework 3 – MAE 215 – Introduction to Programming In the early 17th century Johannes Kepler developed the equation, now often referred to as kepler’s equation for the solution of the mean anomaly (M) of a planet in an elliptical orbit as a function of it’s eccentricity (e) and it’s eccentric anomaly (E). E – […]

Homework 3 – MAE 215 – Introduction to Programming

Homework 3 – MAE 215 – Introduction to Programming In the early 17th century Johannes Kepler developed the equation, now often referred to as kepler’s equation for the solution of the mean anomaly (M) of a planet in an elliptical orbit as a function of it’s eccentricity (e) and it’s eccentric anomaly (E). E – […]

Character analyze – Willy Loman

Character analyze – Willy Loman Paper details: The essay is a character analysis, so you should be focusing on a lone character’s actions (what he does and how his actions affect the other characters–directly or indirectly), words (what he says to other characters or in monologues and what they in turn say to him), and […]

legal and ethical issues

legal and ethical issues Paper details: Week 10 Assignment: To demonstrate achievement of these outcome, please submit both a self-reflection (1-2 pages on what you found most interesting and most related to your current/future career and why) and an artifact (sample selection of PD assignments 1-9 that you feel was the most well-written/referenced) for ONE […]

Risk Management and Governance in the Public Sector

Risk Management and Governance in the Public Sector Preliminary Data on assigned entity STUDENT NAME and ID: Group or Corporation Name: Date of most recent Annual Report: Stock Exchange symbol: Data from latest Annual Report: 1. Annual revenue: [See the Income statement] 2. Operating Profit before INTEREST and TAX: (Interest charges sometimes referred to as […]