Research project

Research project Order Description Prepare: As you prepare to write your response to this discussion assignment, it will be in your best interest to review the following resources: Develop a Research Topic Incorporate Sources into Your Research Paper And in the Ashford University Library, search tutorials titled Picking Your Topic IS Research and Database Search […]

Yr3 Sem.1 – Employment Law MOD004665

Yr3 Sem.1 – Employment Law MOD004665 3000 WORD ESSAY BASED ON 2 RELEVANT CASE STUDY SCENARIOS AND PRACTICE WITHIN AREA OF EMPLOYMENT LAW You must use appropriate case law in order to support your answers. Background Information Magley Custom Kitchens (MCK) is a company designing and manufacturing fitted and custom-made kitchen furniture operating from a […]

Branding Strategies Presentation Rubric

Branding Strategies Presentation Rubric Presentation Rubric (60 points total) Content (20 points) 20-17 points 16-11 points 12-9 points 8-0 points Pleaseapply the checklist for presentation points. Adapted from The Bedford Guide for Writing Tutors PowerPoint PresentationRelevant content with analysis is developed. Relevant content exists, but needs more analysis. Content is somewhat relevant, but lacks analysis. […]

Research Paper For your research paper, you are to select an automobile manufacturer. You will write each of the three sections about the same manufacturer. Please see the assignment for an outline of my expectations. Recall, that your document is to be written in APA format with appropriate citations. Please use one inch margins, 12 point font, and Times New Roman Research Paper Submission and Guidelines 1. Industry Analysis Remember, this is an industry analysis not a company analysis. Therefore, limit the amount of specific company (organizational) information. A. Basis description of the industry. Will include, as a minimum: 1. The nature of the product or service 2. Information about customers and channels of distribution 3. Size of the industry (sales) 4. Geographic location of the industry 5. Profit trends 6. Competitive nature of the industry B. Factors that influence demand. These factors may cause demand to increase or decrease. For each factor that you discuss, indicate whether it will cause demand to increase or decrease. You should demonstrate an understanding of why customers buy the product or service (e.g., customer service, quality, cost to name only a few). Also include: 1. The functions served by the product/Why customers buy the products or services 2. Stage of the product life cycle 3. Economic trends 4. Demographic trends 5. Social/cultural trends 6. Political trends 7. Technological trends 8. Programs developed by companies in the industry (new marketing programs, new distribution channels, etc.) 9. Pricing actions/trends (how do competitors us price as a competitive weapon, etc.) C. Factors that influence cost structures and profitability 1. Stage of the product life cycle. (Stage of the product life cycle affects pattern of investment, cash flows, and profitability.) 2. Competitive environment. Thoroughly analyze and discuss Porter’s Five Forces of Industry Competition. Explain effects on costs and profitability. 3. Cost drivers. Describe the major cost drivers or identify what contributes to the price a company must charge for its product or service (e.g., labor, material, manufacturing). Give percentages or other data if available. Also, discuss the value chain as it relates to cost. D. Opportunities in the industry. Using your analysis of the industry, prepare a thorough list of opportunities in the industry. For example, weak competitive rivalry would be an opportunity in the industry. Be sure to explain why each is an opportunity for the industry. Examples may include: 1. Serving additional customer groups/expanding into new markets 2. Expanding the product line 3. Integrating forward or backward 4. Complacency among rival firms 5. Strong increase in market demand 6. Favorable demographic, social, cultural, technological trends E. Threats in the industry. Using the industry analysis completed to this point, prepare a thorough list of threats in the industry. For example, a strong competitive rivalry would be a threat in the industry. Be sure to explain why each is a treat to the industry. May include: 1. Entry of lower-cost foreign competitors 2. Rising sales of substitute products 3. Slower market growth 4. Adverse shifts in foreign exchange rates or trade policies 5. Adoption of new governmental regulations affecting the industry 6. Strong bargaining power of customers or suppliers 7. Changing buyer needs or tastes 8. Adverse demographic, social, cultural, technological trends 2. Organizational analysis A. Basic description of the company. Include in your discussion the following: 1. The company’s mission. How has the mission evolved over time? 2. Characteristics of the company – culture, size in sales, number of employees, total assets, geographical locations, age 3. The company’s pattern of past objectives and strategies. How successful has the company been with its chosen strategies? B. Financial analysis will include: 1. Financial ratios will be calculated in this section. Other financial analysis may also be appropriate. Include financial trends. 2. Ratios must be compared to industry averages. 3. Don’t just list the ratios, explain what they mean. 4. Financial analysis may help you to identify strengths or weaknesses, which may be discussed in this section or the next. C. Strengths. A thorough review of company strengths should be developed. May include (examples): 1. Adequate financial resources 2. A good reputation 3. Being the recognized market leader 4. Economies of scale 5. Proprietary technology 6. Product innovation and development skills 7. Proven management D. Weaknesses. A thorough list of company weaknesses should be developed. May include (examples): 1. Lack of strategic direction 2. Obsolete facilities 3. Poor profitability because of 4. Lack of managerial talent 5. Too narrow a product line 6. Inadequate product innovation and development 7. Poor financial resources 3. Recommendations Recommendations must reflect your industry and organizational analysis. Provide a set of recommendations based on your analysis, especially the SWOT analysis. Your recommendations must address the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of your analysis. Prioritize the opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses that you identified. Address them in descending order in this section, addressing the most important first and in the greatest detail. Recommendations should capitalize on opportunities and strengths and minimize threats and weaknesses. Provide a justification for each recommendation. In some cases, you may choose not to take advantage of an industry opportunity. If this is the case, defend your decision. Be certain your recommendations are reasonable (that the company could do them) and make sense. Discuss how your recommendations should be financed. You may want to give a schedule (time frame) for implementation of your recommendations. You are expected to utilize a minimum of 10 external references, 5 of which must be non-internet references. This report should be no less than 6 pages.

Research Paper For your research paper, you are to select an automobile manufacturer. You will write each of the three sections about the same manufacturer. Please see the assignment for an outline of my expectations. Recall, that your document is to be written in APA format with appropriate citations. Please use one inch margins, 12 […]

Smells Like Clean Spirit: Discussion Questions

Smells Like Clean Spirit: Discussion Questions Experimental Psychology (PSYC/CHLD 3404) Study 1 What was the main hypothesis? What were the IV and DV, and how was each operationally defined? What research method was used (e.g., experiment, survey/correlational, quasi-experimental, case study, observation)? Was it a between-participants or within-participants design? Were there any issues related to internal […]

Concept Analysis

Concept Analysis Order Description Description of the Assignment The purpose of this 6-8 page paper (not including the title page or reference page in the page count) is a formal concept analysis of one concept found in a nursing theory, adapting the methodology of Walker and Avant (2010, pp. 157 – 179). The book by […]

Was Velasquez a follower of Caravaggio?

Was Velasquez a follower of Caravaggio? Order Description Directions: Please answer each of the following questions in essay format. (Please number each answer.) Your answers should be both specific and concise, and should use formal language and structure. Please use relevant terms from the book and lectures in your explanations.Questions: 1. Was Velasquez a follower […]

The family role in contributing to and managing youth violence Order Description UK Harvard referencing. A secondary research proposal which is an integral of my independent project The first part consists of: (a) a write up of the research proposal which sets out the aims and objectives of the study; the areas of literature consulted/to be consulted; the methodology adopted and a discussion of the ethical and feasibility issues involved where appropriate; and (b) an action plan in the form of a timetable. (500 words). Guidance: You should describe: • what it is you intend to research • how your proposal contributes to the existing knowledge base • how you intend to conduct the research (methodology) • what are the ethical issues of your research • an action plan in the form of a timetable setting out the stages of your research. Be realistic, and factor in your other assignment commitments and when you have space to focus on your project. And stick to it! The second part is a reflective exercise which requires you: (a) to demonstrate awareness of the key characteristics of the different theoretical perspective(s) which you might adopt for your chosen topic; (b) to select the most suitable perspective(s), in relation both to the topic and to your personal values; and (c) to identify the research method(s) – the data collecting instruments – most appropriate to the selected perspective(s). (1,000 words) Guidance: Research is driven by a range of theories and an understanding of how this will help you to research, write-up and deliver the written dissertation. Much of the secondary material you will be researching contains a theoretical base and having an understanding of what has guided the writer will help you to analyse the material. Thus, you are asked to describe the theoretical perspective(s) that underpin research and how that knowledge might help you to formulate your research question and carry out your research. From this stage we can move into research methods and how they combine with the perspective(s) to provide a logical framework. Thus, the second part of the assignment asks you to: • Offer a brief overview of the key theories in social research in your topic area • Choose 1 theoretical perspective(s) appropriate for your research & values, and • Demonstrate how your choice of research methods is compatible with your selected perspective(s). Materials-UK able to asses, Peer-reviewed academic text and journals, e.g Keith Punch's(2006) book. Developing Effective Research Proposals. Page numbered, double spaced, word processed and word count.

The family role in contributing to and managing youth violence Order Description UK Harvard referencing. A secondary research proposal which is an integral of my independent project The first part consists of: (a) a write up of the research proposal which sets out the aims and objectives of the study; the areas of literature consulted/to […]

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey Overall: Your objective is to determine the level of quality of service in an organization you choose. You will need to have access to the customers in order to apply a structured survey. Some students use an organization where they work. Other students choose organizations where they have access to the customers. […]

Prove the proposition that the elasticity of demand at point A (with a price of P and quantity of C) is the length of the line segment 0P divided by the length of the line segment BP. (Hint, use the segments PA and OC and note that the length of PA and OC are equal

1. Prove the proposition that the elasticity of demand at point A (with a price of P and quantity of C) is the length of the line segment 0P divided by the length of the line segment BP. (Hint, use the segments PA and OC and note that the length of PA and OC are […]

Business Administration

Business Administration The Task: As discussed in class time, in this assignment you are going to choose an idea for a project after taking approval from your instructor. For example, one project idea could be based on community services, whether internal or external to JUC. You could also look at the JUC or the environment […]

Synthesis Essay

Synthesis Essay Readings: “The Cost of Relativism,” David Brooks Doing the Best I Can: Fatherhood in the Inner City, Kathryn Edin & Timothy Nelson Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood Before Marriage, Kathryn Edin & Maria Kefalas Assignment Overview One of the most controversial subjects debated today is the idea of “moral […]

Death of a salesman

Death of a salesman Paper details: After reading ACT 1 of death of a salesman, construct a 500 word response comparing and contrasting Jesus’ temptation in the desert and Willy’s memories.

Defining Topic, Angle, Purpose

Barb Collins Defining Topic, Angle, Purpose Order Description 1. What is your chosen topic? (For example: a profile of Barb Collins, a volunteer at the local homeless shelter; a profile of “Shipwreck Days,” a citywide flea market and festival; or a profile of Burdick’s Grocery, the oldest family-owned business in town.) My chosen topic is […]

21st Century Liquors

21st Century Liquors Order Description Assume that you are Janice Wilton and you have been asked to elaborate on the memo in Exhibit 1 to address the issues raised by Ted Radcliff in both of his conversations with you. Use the report form from the course website and please be certain to address all of […]

International tourism environment

International tourism environment Order Description Section B An internal and external assessment of tourism in Greece (2000 words) the report should include: A.The state of inbound tourism to Greece, including tourism demand/market analysis for the last ten years. B.An outline of Greece government’s commitment to tourism (e.g. tourism plan) C. A resource audit, providing a […]

Minority Rights in Myanmar (Rohingya Muslims)

Minority Rights in Myanmar (Rohingya Muslims) Order Description Minority Rights in Myanmar (Rohingya Muslims) 1) History of Myanmar Myanmar has been ruled by military juntas for over 50years until recently in 2011 when power was transferred to quasi-civilian government. The military juntas use to implement harsh policy of internal repression and international isolation. Myanmar has […]

Question about the recent VW scandal

Question about the recent VW scandal Order Description The aim of this written assignment, worth 20% of your final mark, is to initially identify and frame an organizational development and change problem, carry-out an investigation and plan and describe your findings, including possible or suggested solutions. The assignment provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate […]

Agile in the organization

Agile in the organization Order Description Consider agile programming in Information Technology and Agile Enterprises. How can you apply event techniques: SCRUM (research this on the Internet), and Governance? Hint-use practical example. Identify how these approaches can foster agility, promote innovation, and deliver the improvements that provide benefits to all stakeholders in an organization. Apply […]

A293DEL Advanced English: Academic Essay Writing

A293DEL Advanced English: Academic Essay Writing Coursework 2 assesses module learning outcomes 1 and 2. It is worth 60% of the total module mark. It is comprised of two parts: Week 9: present/submit an essay plan in class (25%) Week 11: submit final draft (75%) Choose ONE of the following questions and write an essay […]

Creating and Implementing An Agency Policy on Ethics

Creating and Implementing An Agency Policy on Ethics Instructions There are ethical challenges in every aspect of the criminal justice system. Administrators are responsible for setting the tone for ethical conduct in the administration and operation of their agency. You are to assume the role of the head (Chief, Director, Warden, etc.) of a fictitious […]


BERKSHIRE INDUSTRIES PLC The case study is from Management control systems: Performance measurement, evaluation and incentives. (3rd Edition) book. And the case study for this assignment is the Berkshire Industries PLC case on page 439. The questions for the assignment are: Use the data pertaining to the Snack Food Division, as shown in Exhibit TN-1, […]

Rights of a prisoner.

Rights of a prisoner. Chapter 8 Fill-in-the blanks. 1. Inmates have a right to ____ counsel and act as their own ____. 2. An inmate ____ (can or cannot) discuss legal issues with a fellow inmate. 3. The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed that one of the fundamental rights within the due process […]

Assessment 2 – Individual Reflective Report – Marketing Planning

Assessment 2 – Individual Reflective Report – Marketing Planning Description ::::The reflective report tests students integrated marketing understanding, creative problem solving and decision-making. A marketing plan is an essential tool for any marketer, providing direction for a brand, product or organization. A marketing plan describes the marketing environment, marketing objectives and marketing strategies. In Assignment […]

Clothing Poverty

Clothing Poverty Introduction (Linda) • Book explores how second-hand clothing supply chains cut across continents • Used-clothing networks: are intimate bonds of connectivity, they physically link consumers who wear new clothes in global N to poorest in global S who depend on buying & re-wearing the same garments ? reverse flow of commodities as it […]

Analyse and compare different complementary health modalities

Analyse and compare different complementary health modalities Please write each answer below each question. Please make sure it is relevant to Australia and keep in mind that this is for my Salon Management course. Thank you! 1. What kind of aspects does someone need to consider when deciding either a complementary health practitioner or a […]

Business 100W

Business 100W Assignment Four Three Hundred Points ASSIGNMENT IV. Applications of Machiavelli Due to SafeAssign by 11:59 p.m. Saturday, December 5th Scenario: Unlike Milton, you now have hope that Tahiti is within your reach (without the fiery conflagration Milton resorted to). You have learned from the master but avoided the cynicism. Surely the world is […]