Project Management Plan

Project Management Plan Pick a project like building a house,building a coffee shop or building a squash court. In addition to a scan of relevant external forces which impact upon the project, you should include an analysis of the project’s scope, quality, time and costs as well as considering the management of communications, human resources, […]


Instructions: This exercise is designed to help you study how knowledge management or performance support technologies can be used in real-world situations. Activity Steps: 1. Select either a knowledge management or performance support technology. 2. From what you have learned and experienced so far, develop a list of criteria for effective design and use of […]

LAB:CDMA Simulation Using MATLAB

LAB:CDMA Simulation Using MATLAB This program models a simple implementation of CDMA technology. It considers 20 bit data streams sent by 3 senders across a common channel. Each sender uses a unique code word, given by the Walsh set, to encode its data, send it across the channel, and then perfectly reconstruct the data at […]

Design4Practice (D4P) Program

Design4Practice (D4P) Program To: EGR 186 Students From: Jennifer Wade Re: HW 11 Histograms – Button Experiment This assignment is due in 1 week by the beginning of class. PART I: Collect Experimental Data • Measure the diameter of the provided 30 buttons (use mm). o Follow the instructions presented in class on how to […]

Final Project Submission: Personal Financial Plan

7-4 Final Project Submission: Personal Financial Plan Your final project is a completed personal financial plan that integrates your previous financial plan submissions from Modules Three and Five, as well as retirement planning and funding of your needs through investments in mutual funds or equities. This last assignment requires you to once again revise your […]

Reading Questions V, Module B

Reading Questions V, Module B Student Name: Lab Section (Wednesday/2pm/Sophie Dewitt) Honor Code Pledge: “The following answers represent my own, personal work and thought. I have neither received nor given other classmates assistance beyond clarifying my understanding of what the questions are asking for.” Signature: Directions: These RQ’s are due at the beginning of lecture […]

Psychology- Design

Psychology- Design A 2000 word document (not including references) Task Description For this assignment you are required to answer four short essay questions on general design and methodological issues. This assignment is to not be plagiarised in any way, shape or form. Under no circumstances should any single answer be more than 500 words long […]

Essay Questions by Section of the Course:

Essay Questions by Section of the Course: Section 2: Self, Society and Belonging 1. What is the relationship between thinking conceptually and developing a sociological imagination? Discuss with reference to TWO of the following: identity; community; emotional labour; impression management. 2. How did the sociologist Stanley Cohen define the concept moral panics? What, if any, […]

Safe and Healthy Home Based Childcare Environment for children.

Safe and Healthy Home Based Childcare Environment for Children Understand how to establish a safe and healthy home based childcare environment for children – explain why it is important to take a balanced approach to risk management. – explain the principles of safe supervision in the home based setting and off site. – describe procedures […]

California's role in the gay rights movement

California’s role in the gay rights movement TOPIC: How important has California been in the gay rights movement from the 1970s to today? Describe our state’s role in this movement and conclude that the movement as a whole would or would not have been possible if California had played no role in it. Please make […]

Guidance for Fluorescence Lab Report

Guidance for Fluorescence Lab Report 1. Water: Described the spectra to the reader in terms of the types of scattering that can be observed. 2. Spectra of Phenanthrene (without quencher): Described the emission and excitation spectra, note the wavelengths of highest signal intensity. Determine the Stokes shift.Compare the Excitation spectrum with the UVvis absorption spectrum […]

Museum Website Scavenger Hunt Worksheet

Museum Website Scavenger Hunt Worksheet *NOTE: Please use the “List of Recommended Websites for Art Museums” as a resource to complete Part A. ? PART A: Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Eras 1) Choose ONE of the following visual arts media: o Painting o Sculpture o Architecture 2) Browse the University of Phoenix Material: List of […]

Business & Management Year 1

Business & Management Year 1 Module: Organisations and Behaviour Case study: UNISON Word count: Minimum 2475 Submission date:27th November 2015 Outcome 1: Explore organisational structure and culture Outcome 2: Examine different approaches to management and leadership And theories of organisation You are required to write a report using 1 ½ or double line spacing and […]

finance of business-OM

finance of business-OM Order Description You are required to: 1- Discuss and evaluate the factors that influence exchange rates. 2- Explain how each of the following conditions will affect the value of the krank, holding other things equal. a) UK inflation has suddenly increased substantially, while country K’s inflation remains low. b) UK interest rates […]

George Orwell's body of work

George Orwell’s body of work Order Description Please write 2-3 pages in which you characterize your primary author’s body of work as a whole by looking to at least 3 individual essays (strategically chosen of course) and using 2 of the 3 devices we discussed today in class: framing metaphor, fine print, and/or outliers. Please […]

Once Upon a Revolution

Once Upon a Revolution Reading Response 2: Chapters 6 – 8 What was the “deep state” and what was it doing? (Ch 6) From Ch 7, what religious group receives attention in this chapter? What was their experience at this time? Ch 8: How were the various coalitions evolving? To what degree was their violence […]

Assess the claim that religion can be a force for social change, OR identify and assess the sociological reasons why members of minority ethnic groups may seem to be more religious than members of the majority population.

Assess the claim that religion can be a force for social change, OR identify and assess the sociological reasons why members of minority ethnic groups may seem to be more religious than members of the majority population. Choose any of the two(this order must be done in the form of a power point presentation, and […]

Coursework Assignment Brief

Coursework Assignment Brief Semester: E15 Module Code: PM102 Module Title: Introduction to Computing Programme Computer Science/Computer Science with Business Informatics Level: Level 4 Awarding Body: Plymouth University Module Leader Ann Healey Format: Essay Presentation: No Any special Students should use the essay structure outlined on Page requirements: 3. Word Limit: Between 1350-1650 words. Deadline date […]

Decision Modeling

Decision Modeling Instruction This’s a project assignment for the course of Decision Modeling. Please develop and analyze a retirement planning model for your personal situation. First, the attached example11.11 can help you have a good understanding of the concepts in these problems, build and analyze a more realistic planning model for your personal situation. For […]

How the Learning Outcomes are assessed

. How the Learning Outcomes are assessed Module learning outcomes Assessment criteria The student can: 1 Demonstrate knowledge of theoretical, policy and practice issues relating to employment and accountability in youth and community work. • Offer an in-depth discussion and rationale of possible approaches to the development of youth work programmes • Make reference to […]

Assignment 2: Researching Social Media

Assignment 2: Researching Social Media We are all socially connected. Some of us like to be so more than others. Technology allows us to do this in a variety of ways. In this assignment, you will learn to use a new technology that helps you become socially connected. This technology can take the form of […]

Assignment 2: Discussion: What Have You Learned?

Assignment 2: Discussion: What Have You Learned? Your new software skills will not be of much use if you do not see a practical application for the skills in your workplace and personal life. Without practice, remembering how to use the tools will be difficult. In this assignment, you will discuss different ways to use […]

Assignment 2: Expenses Worksheet in Excel

Assignment 2: Expenses Worksheet in Excel Before beginning this assignment, you should thoroughly review Excel Worksheets, Charts, Formulas, Functions, and Tables from your course textbook, Go! All in one: Computer concepts and applications. For this assignment you will use Microsoft Excel to develop a worksheet that details your personal expenses in at least four categories […]

Professional capacity: Demonstrate the extent to which the National Occupational standards for Level 3, expressed in the learning agreement, were met by critically evaluating the management structu

Professional capacity: Demonstrate the extent to which the National Occupational standards for Level 3, expressed in the learning agreement, were met by critically evaluating the management structu This should address the following areas: Professional Capacity: Using the National Occupational Standards for level 3 youth work, • D1 Establish and prioritise requirements for youth work (YW23, […]

Marketing study about Infinity model QX80

Marketing study about Infinity model QX80 Order Description Questionnaire result to help you in writing the assignment Questionnaire outcomes of 50 persons ( 27 : male & 23 : female) 1- Majority of age above 35 years old 2- Majority of total family members in the sample are 5 and more. 3- Majority Monthly income […]

Project Management Plan Order Description Pick a project like building a house,building a coffee shop or building a squash court. In addition to a scan of relevant external forces which impact upon the project, you should include an analysis of the project’s scope, quality, time and costs as well as considering the management of communications, human resources, supply and risk within your project. Project Management structure: should be 2,250 words excluding appendices. The structure of the plan is as follows and must be used for your submission: 1)Title of Project Plan, Student No. and Date. 2)Signed Plagiarism Statement: “I declare that this is my own personal project management plan and reflective statement.” 3)Contents Page. 4)Summary of the Project: this is done last as it summarises the whole project. 5)Introduction: aims and objectives. 6)Project Plan Contents: based on your research of academic project management frameworks and your chosen project.It includes 1)Project Scope 2)Project Plan 3) Project execution. 7)Recommendations & Conclusions: Any recommendations you think would improve your project plan. Conclusions: Your analysis of the project plan contents that include your opinion of the facts. This, in effect, is your reflective statement. 8)Bibliography: Use Harvard referencing system – available from the UWL Library. 9)Appendices: Relevant supporting materials: i)Business case. (including financial appraisal) ii)Stakeholder register. iii)Work breakdown structure. iv)Responsibility matrix. v)Schedule (Gantt chart) vi)Cashflow (budget) statement. vii)Technical plan. viii)Communication & HR plan. ix)Quality & Supply management plan. x)Risk management plan. Appendices doesnt not include in 2250 words. I will be attaching the zip folder file 2 examples which shows how the project should be done please follow the same contents and subheadings 2 examples will help you in this project its similar what needs to be done. if you are unable to open please let me know through my email.Reference on include before appendices.

Project Management Plan Order Description Pick a project like building a house,building a coffee shop or building a squash court. In addition to a scan of relevant external forces which impact upon the project, you should include an analysis of the project’s scope, quality, time and costs as well as considering the management of communications, […]

Assertiveness and Appropriate Confirmation Messages

Assertiveness and Appropriate Confirmation Messages Order Description 2-page paper 12-point font APA style Read the Skill Development Exercises titled “Using Assertiveness Strategies” found on p. 75 in your textbook, and “Constructing Confirming, Rejecting, and Disconfirming Responses” found on p. 79 in your textbook. For each exercise, read the scenarios provided, and provide the information requested […]

Ethics and Moral Development

Ethics and Moral Development Order Description Prepare: In preparing for this discussion, you should first review the Week Two required resources that focus on ethics and morals. You will examine your own development of ethical and moral responsibilities. Reflect Icon Reflect: Take a deeper look at your own life and determine which experiences have inspired […]