
Psychology Read the following article and answer the questions about the article below. Brunye, T.T., Ditman, T., Mahoney, C.R., Augustyn, J.S., & Taylor, H.A. (2009). When you and I share perspectives. Pronouns modulate perspective taking during narrative comprehension. Psychological Science, 20, 27-32. You can access the article from the library by clicking on the following […]

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice What is the direct impact on ethical issues in the field of criminal justice? After reading the material, you are to develop an overview of the article, a critical response to your feelings on what happened and to what extent, and how this could be prevented in the future Please make sure you […]

vocal health

vocal health In this week’s lecture, we discussed several aspects of vocal health. Topics included the function of the vocal cords, how they can become damaged, and rates of injuries for certain occupations. 1. Earlier in the semester, we discussed causal factors for musculoskeletal injuries, particularly the role of force, posture, and repetition. We learned […]

LAB3-Data Coding and Digital Transmission (used in GSM and UMTS)

LAB3-Data Coding and Digital Transmission (used in GSM and UMTS) I-Study of Line Coding and Decoding. 1. Signal element versus Data element 2. Effect of lack synchronization. 3. Different Line Coding Schemes. 4. Draw the schemes for Data 10110010 a. Case NRZ-I, b. Case Manchester. 5. Write the report part 1 of the previous study. […]


Philosophy Your analysis of how the Quine-Duhem Thesis applies to your case study should be expanded in a 3-4 page word document and double-spaced. Submit the word document in the assignment folder along with the presentation. Here, the necessary conditions are the same as in Part 6 above. The only difference is that you will […]

Human Resources Management (HRM)

Human Resources Management (HRM) summarize the differences between the three different games , use a table to show the differences (be sure to talk about each of the Rounds and compare them) and also state the outcomes for each of the assessments.

Homework 4

Homework 4 The task is: A) to finish reading your resources, and B) to organize your thoughts for the research paper by CONSTRUCTING AN OUTLINE FOR THE PAPER. Outline is a map for your final paper and is a key for having a successful research experience and achieving an A paper. When you make an […]

ANT 211H5F(2015): Sex, Evolution and Behavior

ANT 211H5F(2015): Sex, Evolution and Behavior Term Assignment: Worth 25% of the final grade Sociobiology interprets social behaviors within a Darwinian framework of reproductive success, and therefore modern human behaviors are explained in terms of their adaptive value. In the scholarly literature, there is much criticism of sociobiology because the sexual behaviors of modern humans […]


ART HISTORY 305 FALL 2015 MUSEUM PAPER REQUIREMENTS ALL PAPERS ARE DUE IN CLASS THURSDAY, NOV. 19 (LATE PAPERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED) Please read the instructions very carefully Visit the Getty Center, the Norton Simon, MOCA or LACMA. YOU MUST GO TO ONE OF THESE MUSEUMS IN PERSON. You will want to bring this […]

Caps workers

Caps workers questions about bullying. 1- How do you treat bullying on campus ? Dr. Nancy answered : She would recommend students consulting with the Dean of students of campus. 2- Where should students go to deal with bullying on campus ? Dr. Nancy answered : We provide them emotional support to help them better […]


films Outlining exercise. I. Introduction, including Thesis + Trajectory line II. Defining the genre and the History of the Genre. III. Pivot/Transition to consider two films IV. History and Reception of Film 1 V. History and Reception of Film 2 VI. Scene reading/shot by shot analysis from Film 1 VII. Scene reading shot by shot […]


Leadership The leadership paper should be 3-5 pages, double-spaced, APA (sixth edition) format. The paper is based on the following: 1. Schmidt, A. (Producer), Wallace, R. (Director). (2002). We Were Soldiers [Motion Picture]. United States: Paramount. Paper Content A. After viewing the movie or TV show, select one of the supervisors (leaders). B. Discuss THREE […]

KFC organisations:

KFC organisations: a) Using appropriate analytical frameworks, undertake an environmental and situational analyses highlighting issues of major importance to the organisation. b) Based on your analyses, identify and justify TWO challenges which may be positive or negative for the organisation. Discuss the implications of these challenges for the organisation and how they might be addressed […]

Provide a critical account of the explanations for the increasing fragmentation of policing and the rise of the private security industry.

Provide a critical account of the explanations for the increasing fragmentation of policing and the rise of the private security industry. Guidance You should carefully consider what is meant by ‘increasing fragmentation’ in this context and ensure that it remains central to your analysis, debating the extent to which it has occurred as appropriate. Explanations […]

essay answer

essay answer you can pick either one : Give an overview of what new technology might achieve in the delivery of health care. OR Describe the critical policy issues related to access to care, cost of care, and quality of care.

Images of Aging

Images of Aging How to Begin: For this assignment, you will analyze images of aging that surround us in popular culture. This can include images about aging seen in ads, programs, magazines, birthday cards, etc. Task: You will determine the message about aging that comes from these images. Using your images and readings (e.g., course […]

Excel Worksheet 6–Math 243–Fall 2015

Excel Worksheet 6–Math 243–Fall 2015 (Total: 22 points) Instructions: Read this very carefully. In one Excel file create two sheets. Label one sheet “Problem 1” and label the second sheet “Problem 2.” Your solutions to the two problems should be recorded on the corresponding sheet. Additionally, you should clearly label each part of the problems […]

Applying Promotional Techniques

Applying Promotional Techniques You have been asked to give a presentation on the role of promotion in achieving business objectives and the range of methods used. The audience will be a group of new students to your college who are thinking of taking a course in Applying Promotional Techniques. You will have to carry out […]

Business Environment

Business Environment You are employed by the British Chambers of Commerce and you work for both the London and Coventry offices. As part of BCC support for SMEs they wish to produce some guidance that will be helpful to members who are considering setting up and/or expanding their business. Your remit is to research the […]

Conflict resolution policies

Conflict resolution policies Literature Review of the following (12) articles: Cai, D. A., & Fink, E. L. (2002). Conflict style differences between individualists and collectivists. Communication Monographs, 69(1), 67. DiPaola, B., Roloff, M., & Peters, K. (2010). College students’ expectations of conflict intensity: A self-fulfilling prophecy. Communication Quarterly, 58(1), 59-76. Simon, V. (2010). Interparental conflict […]


Antigone Part 1: Explain the role of fate in Antigone. Part 2: Discuss the role of fate in Greek culture of the time. 2 pages MLA format. 3rd page for works cited, 4 sources including the work(Antigone) 4 citations

Mobile Health Information Security in U.S.A.

Mobile Health Information Security in U.S.A. Mobile Health Information Security in U.S.A. • The approved outline will be attached with several resources • The Article is 2000 words Max from beginning of introduction to the end of conclusion • The Document Structure is (Abstract, Table of Content, Introduction, The Essay, Conclusion, References) • The requested […]

Food Journal

Food Journal This assignment was locked Oct 5 at 6pm. Please see the iProfile/Diet Analysis Project File for a guide. There are 2 primary goals for the food journal assignment: Learn to use the iProfile Diet Analysis Program on WileyPlus Check for data entry errors before completing your major project The iProfile program is a […]

part 4 of group-project

part 4 of group-project provide the current market share(%), as well as a five-year sales history, of your top three competitors(BMW, Lexis and Audi) and your product(Mercedes-Benz C-class Sedan).(provide a cart or a graph for this)

Research project

Research project Prepare: As you prepare to write your response to this discussion assignment, it will be in your best interest to review the following resources: Develop a Research Topic Incorporate Sources into Your Research Paper And in the Ashford University Library, search tutorials titled Picking Your Topic IS Research and Database Search Tips. Reflect […]

Assignment 4.1: Assertiveness and Appropriate Confirmation Messages

Assignment 4.1: Assertiveness and Appropriate Confirmation Messages 2-page paper 12-point font APA style Read the Skill Development Exercises titled “Using Assertiveness Strategies” found on p. 75 in your textbook, and “Constructing Confirming, Rejecting, and Disconfirming Responses” found on p. 79 in your textbook. For each exercise, read the scenarios provided, and provide the information requested […]