Research paper

Research paper Research critical analysis on your chosen story and incorporate 1-2 sources into your analysis of the short story using MLA style documentation. You may write it as a review of how others interpret the story or you may use the sources to support your own theory about the story. chose the story from […]


Homework This is Homework Assignment #3. It is a citation from our textbook, CaseBYP5-7, page 197. You are expected to prepare answers for the questions. You are expected to write short 2-3 paragraphs, providing your answer and supporting it with your arguments. Scott Bestor is an accountant for Westfield Company. Early this year, Scott made […]


staffing Choosing a Delivery Care Model and Staffing Pattern You have been hired as the unit supervisor of the new rehabilitation unit at Memorial Hospital, The hospital decentralizes the responsibility for staffing, but you must adhere to the following constraints: 1. All staff must be licensed. 2. The ratio of LVNs/LPNs to RN is 1:1 […]

A reflection for the topic Trends in Technology for Information Services

A reflection for the topic Trends in Technology for Information Services This is a reflection paper about the topic Trends in Technology for Information Services in the file (Topic 6 Notes -Trends in Technology for Information Services). use the following headings for writing the reflection paper : 1. Contextualisation in the profession 2. Recent scholarly […]

persuasive research essay

persuasive research essay writer a persuasive essay on banning cell phones while driving in Canada. The essay needs to include intro, 1st paragraph on other distractions during driving such as drinking coffee and eating. paragraph 2, 3 and 4 should be supporting banning cell phones when driving. and finally a conclusion. Please have a strong […]


Literature Write a paper focusing on African American, Native American, Latin@ American and/or Asian American multicultural children’s literature. You may choose more than one culture to strengthen your thesis. Consider some of these themes: the pros/cons of cultural authenticity, insider/outsider perspectives, the evolution of better representation of said culture in children’s books, the overriding “arch” […]

Conflict and disruption

Conflict and disruption For this assignment, you have a choice of several options to gain a better understanding of how dating and family violence is viewed within our community, and how the officials of our community deal with issues of violence. Part 1: Please select one option from Category A and two options from Category […]

Created Equal; Myth of the melting pot

Created Equal; Myth of the melting pot -Underlined thesis statement -argue disadvantages american minorities face in attending college and obtaining wealth and success -argue how race plays a role in opportunity, not everyone is created equal – must contain 3 sources with works cited page

Ethics and Budgetary Performance / Rewards Paper details: Read the following scenario, and then answer the required questions: Scenario: Linda Ellis, division manager, is evaluated and rewarded on the basis of budgetary performance. Linda, her assistants, and the plant managers are all eligible to receive a bonus if actual divisional pro?ts are between budgeted pro?ts […]

Water use and availability

Water use and availability Consider all of the details presented regarding water use and availability. Did anything particularly stand out to you in your readings? For the forum this week, we will revisit the concept of assessing the quality of aquatic systems. Review the readings specific to habitat quality and then conduct some research in […]

A paper on AT&T Ince a telecommunications company

A paper on AT&T Ince a telecommunications company A Paper on AT&T Inc (S&P 500 company) 5-page paper MLA format double spaced (4 pages of writing, 1 page of tables and or graphs) Paper guidelines: 1. Provide 1–3 paragraphs discussing AT&T Inc – what is it’s business, it’s history, its plans for the future, etc. […]

Water Science- Case Study 2

Water Science- Case Study 2 A survey was recently completed on the Chopawamsic Creek, and the data are provided as part of this assignment. Included is a map of the area and a photo of the sampling team in the creek. This photo shows the depth of the creek and how the macroinvertebrate community was […]

Introduction to Computing

Introduction to Computing Assignment Tasks Your assignment consists of one task (worth 100% of the total marks for the assignment). Assignment Task 1: Essay “An actant in modern computing does not act in isolation.” Discuss. To achieve this: Select TWO computing news stories of your choice, published anytime between 01/09/2015 and 01/02/2016. Analyse these using […]

Impromp 2

Impromp 2 Your replacement impromptu speech assignment consists of the following assignment: You are to choose one of the speeches from the list found here , , once you have selected your speech you are to write a 10 page response to the speech. Your response is to follow the prompts below in order […]

Review an Organization Close to You

Review an Organization Close to You Select a current or previous organization you are familiar with (e.g., professional, nonprofit, religious) to share, and discuss the following: 1.What is the organizational structure? 2.Does the culture promote diversity? Identify any best practices and behaviors to avoid. 3.How did behavior within the organization contribute to your answers to […]

Ethics and the Financial Manager

Ethics and the Financial Manager The article about whistleblowers should have advanced your knowledge of the ethical issues that financial managers confront. For this discussion, you will need to search the Shapiro Library or the internet for an article that describes a financial fraud case. •Define finance in your own words, what role finance has […]


I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DISCUSSION – ECON 2301 The purpose of the Discussion Board (DB) is for each person to be productively engaged with their fellow students in the learning process. Each semester the Discussion Board will relate to an economic problem or issue within the “real world” of Macroeconomics. Your contribution to the […]


ENTREPRENEURSHIP FALL 2015 CONCEPT STATEMENT AND FEASIBILITY STUDY CONCEPT STATEMENT ASSIGNMENT A. Concept Statement (4th Edition: pages 106-107, 5th Edition: pages 101-102) 1-1 ½ pages Write a single-spaced concept statement for your business. 1. Product or Service 2. Target Market 3. Benefits of the proposed product or service 4. How your product or service will […]


FINANCE Answer the following issue by exploring currency and liquidity risk of portfolio of currencies. Answer is the current diversification of the portfolio appropriate or necessary as only 10% of SBE’s production comes from foreign production. Also the company plans on going public in a year so answer if the current situation is ideal or […]

Service Activity Outline

Service Activity Outline Service Activity complete a 200-300 word outline format a scenario highlighting your service activity experience, examples provided by the cases in Ruggiero’s Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues, 9th edition. The case you construct based on your service activity should be similar in format to the many examples you can find in that […]

Pet Boarding Customer Database

Pet Boarding Customer Database Business Need: • Keep track of client and pet information and needs • Keep records of past history of pets/clients. (Have they been here before, was the pet groomed last time) • Integrate pet medical records to help keep pets need met. • Show insurance of client. (Client’s insurance info/ Pet […]


INSTRUCTIONS FOR MGT 205’s TERM PAPER (12 PTS) R15/4 Chapter 15 is entitled Effective Groups and Teams. The Term Paper will focus on the ‘real world’ application and value of two of Chapter 15’s Learning Objectives. The Learning Objectives appear at the beginning of the chapter. Chapter 15’s basic premise, a premise this instructor endorses, […]

international Economics

international Economics Chapter 13: Problem 3a,b,c,d,f (p.339 of textbook) (International Economics: Theory and Policy, 10th edition by Krugman, Obstfeld, and Melitz) This is the Textbook. ————————————————— Explain how each of the following transactions generates two entries – a credit and a debit – in the American Balance of Payments Accounts, and describe how each entry […]

Professor Ann Donar

1 of 5 Professor Ann Donar CCT204 Design Thinking Assignment 2 Due November 19, 2015 (Due at the beginning of your Lab) Theme: Reconsider an existing design issue or problem and propose a new solution, i.e. a new design. You will examine the crux of the issue or problem and propose an innovative solution, i.e. […]


ORGANIZING: STRUCTURES WORKBOOK This booklet contains guidance and activities required for the Management Principle of Organizing: Structures. You should allow a minimum of 3 hours for the completion of this work PMP 8264M271 /280 Organizing: Structures Workbook 2015-2016 Page 2 Organizing “Managers are responsible for arranging and structuring the work that employees do to accomplish […]