Film and Social Justice

Film and Social Justice Order Description Try to use some of the phrases in the last page (course outline).One of the requirement for the project is to use phrases we use it in our reading or class.Basically, in that class every week we watch movie and discuss it. The project is to pick two movie, […]

Civil and Criminal Forfeitures: Federal and State Practices

Civil and Criminal Forfeitures: Federal and State Practices Order Description This paper is to be typed, double-spaced and 3-5 pages in length of text. References and citations will be in APA format that can be found on the TU Library homepage. Proper grammar and spelling is required. *NOTE: the APA guide addresses on-line materials Research […]

Strategic Management on (SOLAR AC)

Strategic Management on (SOLAR AC) Order Description (Our company that we’ve created- SOLAR AC) will be attached on the order and ACCORDING to it you should apply and do the requirements Business-Level Strategy 1. Show the analysis leading to the formulation of the business strategy for the company that we created and in an attached […]

Analytical Essay

Analytical Essay Order Description What is the meaning of “enlightenment” in the Buddhist tradition, and how does one achieve it? Find two texts within this tradition which describe a journey. Use a comparison of these texts as a basis for your discussion of the spiritual journey within the context of this tradition. (One books that […]

Dangers of Technology

Dangers of Technology Order Description Answer the following questions: 1. Find a case involving social engineering. Be sure to explain the case. In this day and age do you believe people still become a victim of social engineering? 2. Identify and describe four types of countermeasures that can be used to enhance computer security. 3. […]

Developing Innovations Assignments

Developing Innovations Assignments This assessment in this unit consists of 4 different assignments. The overall aim is to prepare a business concept plan that can build the basis to develop and implement an innovation. In the first assignment you need to describe your concept.You should also include a discussion about different business planning competitions. The […]

Sacco and Vanzetti

Sacco and Vanzetti Film review: Sacco and Vanzetti IMPORTANT: Please do not include any quotes directly from any resources. This paper is going to submit to Turnitin website so please no direct quotes. The detailed guidelines, requirement, sample film review and resources regarding this paper are uploaded. Please be sure to look on those files […]

Teen Suicide Rate/Addiction as a Disability/Childhood Depression/Childhood immunizations (Are they safe?)/Childhood Obesity Critical Thinking Assignment Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to allow the student to apply the concepts of critical thinking. APA Guidelines: 1. Use the 6th edition, either from a text or from the OWL Purdue website 2. The paper must be 4-6 pages in length 3. You must have a title page, Running head, correct margins (with one inch margins on all sides), double spacing (remember to take the extra spaces out between paragraphs), and page numbers 4. Use a Times New Roman 12 point font 5. You my use first and second degree level of headings within the paper 6. You will need an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph 7. A minimum of three (3) reference articles are required 7. You must have in-text citations and a reference page Writing Conventions: Writing conventions are the mechanics of your sentence structure (punctuation, run on sentences, short choppy sentences), spelling, grammar, and clarity of writing. Steps to follow to be successful with your paper. 1. Select one of the following topics or choose a topic and obtain instructor approval: • Teen Bullying • Teen Suicide Rate • Addiction as a Disability • Childhood Depression • Childhood immunizations (Are they safe?) • Childhood Obesity Use Paul and Elder’s Guide to Analytical Thinking to evaluate your critical thinking. 2. Use the questions below to guide the body of your paper. Be sure and include an introductory paragraph that introduces your audience to your topic. Include a concluding paragraph that sums up your paper. Body of the Paper: 1. Purpose: What is the goal or objective that you want to achieve in writing your paper? Who is your audience? 2. Question at Issue: What is the information that you have heard in the media or community related to your topic? 3. Based on this information only, what is the point of view that you most identify with and why? 4. Information/Interpretation: Look in the research data bases a. How your topic is defined? b. Specifically, what are the causes (environment, social, person, etc.) c. Who does this problem effect? d. What are the consequences of the problem to the person, family, and society? e. Include differing points of view from the articles you have researched. 5. Interpretation and Inferences: What is your interpretation of the data provided in research? a. Identify and describe 3 solutions for this problem that you found in the research that you gathered. b. Choose 1 that you identify as the most effective and explain your rationales including possible implications and consequences 6. Assumptions: What assumptions did you make about the problem before you researched the issue? Compare and contrast your assumptions with what you found in the research. How has this affected your original point of view?

Teen Suicide Rate/Addiction as a Disability/Childhood Depression/Childhood immunizations (Are they safe?)/Childhood Obesity Critical Thinking Assignment Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to allow the student to apply the concepts of critical thinking. APA Guidelines: 1. Use the 6th edition, either from a text or from the OWL Purdue website 2. The paper must […]

Steelcase Inc. Case Study

Steelcase Inc. Case Study Question: Steelcase, Inc. Please see the Steelcase Inc. case study (uploaded). The casestudye begins on page 215. The name of the textbook is below. As part of creating the full-time IR position, Steelcase had to decide where to place Grueber in the company hierarchy. Given the issues facing Steelcase when Grueber […]

Strategic Planning and Budgeting and 2.Committees and Teams

Strategic Planning and Budgeting and 2.Committees and Teams Order Description This assignment is for two different discussions, discussion 1 goes on one page and discussion 2 goes on another, one reference foe each discussion, please do a separate reference page for each discussion as well as site the refernces within the discussion in brackets with […]

Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing:

Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing: Order Description The paper is to be based on current literature, standards of practice, core competencies, and certification bodies for your chosen role (family nurse practitioner). The paper should be 10–12 pages excluding the title and reference, and APA format is required. Criteria: Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing: Compare and […]

EPSS Final Redesign Order Description EPSS Final Redesign : This assignment continues for assignment 1,2,3 and 4 that did before For Please make sure there is Executive summary ( 3 lines). Instructor: This is the final step of your redesign. As you have probably realized, instructional designers are always iterating based on feedback. The best instructional designers can weave theory and user feedback into a single design. For this last project, please take the feedback from assignment 4 (Product Evaluation- ATTACHED) and once again iterate your design. Please include: • (a) The user concerns: • (b) Your rationale for the design (ie – simplified the user experience by…) • (c) How the redesign aligns with any multimedia principles. Its very important I need you to cover this section in really good. EPSS Final Redesign: Please cover all the instructor points This assignment continues for assignment 1,2,3 and 4 that did before For Please make sure there is Executive summary( 3 lines). Instructor: This is the final step of your redesign. As you have probably realized, instructional designers are always iterating based on feedback. The best instructional designers can weave theory and user feedback into a single design. For this last project, please take the feedback from assignment 4 (Product Evaluation- ATTACHED) and once again iterate your design. Please include: • (a) The user concerns: • (b) Your rationale for the design (ie – simplified the user experience by…) • (c) How the redesign aligns with any multimedia principles. Its very important I need you to cover this section in really good. EPSS Final Redesign Executive Summary: The user concerns: Rationale for the design: How the redesign aligns with any multimedia principle:

EPSS Final Redesign Order Description EPSS Final Redesign : This assignment continues for assignment 1,2,3 and 4 that did before For Please make sure there is Executive summary ( 3 lines). Instructor: This is the final step of your redesign. As you have probably realized, instructional designers are always iterating based on feedback. The […]

Healthcare Economics

Healthcare Economics Section 1 CHAPTER 13 (Santerre and Neun, 2006) Please optionally answer only to 3 questions. 1. Explain how the relevant product market is typically defined for community hospitals. Why? How is the relevant geographical market defined? Why? 2. Assume there are ten equally sized hospitals in a market area. Calculate the Herfindahl-Hirschman index. […]


OLD TESTAMENT EXEGESIS Introduction Chapter 1. Guide for Full Exegesis 5 1.1. Text 5 1.1.1. Confirm the limits of the passage. 5 Please note that your passage division is open to question. Note any changes you believe ought to be made. If none exist simply say “No differences.” 1.1.2. Compare the versions. If you know […]

An analysis of the industry

An analysis of the industry Order Description Complete your individual assessment of your chosen industry/sector for your future career. Produce a report that addresses: · – An analysis of the industry/sector and its key features · – Profiles of 3 companies who operate in this industry/sector – 1 industry leader, 1 emerging company, 1 company […]

The Sicilian Expedition

The Sicilian Expedition Order Description You do not need to cite lecture, but you must cite all other sources you use. Use only the readings outlined in the questions. Use footnotes. Do not use in-text citations. Cite Thucydides as in note 2 below. ex:::: Thuc. 1.140. The first time you use the textbook, cite it […]

Staffing Challenges

Staffing Challenges Order Description Unit 1 Strategic Staffing (due by November 22) • Read Chapters 1 -3 • Write a 2-3 page reflection paper describing the staffing process that led to your getting hired for your current job. o Use the questions from the attached handout as the basis of your paper • Determine the […]

Bistro Detailed Operational Cost

Bistro Detailed Operational Cost Order Description Write a 1 page Detailed operational cost sheet using the attached example and instructions. The information for this work is also attached on the excel spread sheet title Weekly Sales under the tab Pro Forma P& L ounce you scroll over to the right ounce opened. This Detailed operational […]

The importance of non-technical skills in the management of the acutely deteriorating patient Order Description it is patient case: Mr Williams Case History (Acute) Mr Williams is a 61-year-old male who has been referred to the community physiotherapy service by his GP. The GP referral letter explains that Mr Williams has Multiple Sclerosis, and a […]

Analyzing trump’s proposal about reforming the personal income tax

Analyzing trump’s proposal about reforming the personal income tax 1.The optimal tax section should be particularly relevant for your tax reform papers. Analyze tax reform proposal 2.write about the plan for reforming the personal income tax, orhis plan for reforming business taxes tax system created by Trump’s proposals 3. Trump’s plan clearly reduces revenue. […]

The Daimler-Chrysler Merger

The Daimler-Chrysler Merger Order Description answer all four questions: 1) What were the main differences between the Mercedes and Chrysler business m?dels bef?re the merger? 2) What were the main differences between the Mercedes and Chrysler production processes and c?nfiguration of the supply chains, and how did these differences affect the strategic outc?mes of the […]

Homework: Hedonic Theory Assume that there is a baseline risk of death on the job of q0 percent annually. Firms can invest to reduce this risk, so that actual risk at a job is q(i)=q0 – i*ß. Here i is amount invested into reducing the risk a given employee faces. Of course mortality is bounded below by 0, so the maximum productive amount that can be invested in reducing mortality risk is iMax = q0/ß . All firms produce the same good c and this good has a price equal to 1. All workers are equally productive and produce an output of H of the consumption good. Question 1 Derive an expression of wages w(q) in this economy that has to be satisfied by wage – risk combinations that competitive firms would be willing to offer to workers in equilibrium. Question 2 Consider now individuals that have preferences over consumption and risk of death given by U c s ( , ), where 0 s ? q ? q is “job safety” relative to base-line risk 0 q . Write down the maximization problem that workers face and illustrate the choice problem in a graph in a two-dimensional graph with c and s on the axes. Assume that the parameter values are such that the solution is in the interior (ie 0 s q ? ) Question 3 Say consumers preferences are such that a both c and s are normal goods. Assume furthermore that individuals differ in the human capital H (but still everybody has 0 s q ? ). Consider two individuals of whom one has a higher level of H than the other. Who will earn higher wages and who will face greater risk? Will the two individuals differ in their Value of a Statistical Life (VSL)? Question 4 Use your answer to question 3 to explain why it might be difficult to empirically measure the VSL using the relation between wages and risk. SHORT, PRECISE, CLEAR, AND CORRECT ANSWERS RECEIVE FULL POINTS.

Homework: Hedonic Theory Assume that there is a baseline risk of death on the job of q0 percent annually. Firms can invest to reduce this risk, so that actual risk at a job is q(i)=q0 – i*ß. Here i is amount invested into reducing the risk a given employee faces. Of course mortality is bounded […]

Accounting Equation

Accounting Equation As you have learned in this week’s readings, the Accounting Equation is Assets = Liabilities + Owners’ Equity. Is the accounting equation true in all instances? Provide sample transactions from your own experiences to demonstrate the validity of the Accounting Equation.

brittany vsim

brittany vsim Brittany VSIM Brittany Long is a 5-year-old African American female with a history of sickle cell anemia (HbSS) treated with regular folic acid supplement who came in yesterday with an acute vaso-occlusive pain crisis. Her right lower leg pain is stable, but Brittany has had a sudden increase in left upper quadrant abdominal […]

Performance Motivation & Managing Change Paper

Performance Motivation & Managing Change Paper To successfully complete this assignment, you will research one of the following theories discussed in Chapter 8 of Covell and Walker (2013) -Goal theory -Reinforcement theory -Needs theory -Expectancy theory • You should read the explanation of each theory in Covell and Walker (2013) and • Decide which theory […]

Programming assignment

Programming assignment For this assignment, to earn full credit you must complete the following within MS SQL Server 2014: (Completion of creating the Sample Database and couple ADDITIONAL steps) 1) Create a new database (such as COM340Database1) 2) Create a webUser account and grant it access. 3) Create a Product table. 4) Create a Stored […]

Coca Cola Risk Management

Coca Cola Risk Management The information that has numbers should be properly cited, the background for Coca -Cola is useful but as a risk manager this report is meant for those internal to the company so make certain that those details are relevant to your risks. The use of captives- ? – is that in […]

Don Quixote Criticism

Don Quixote Criticism Class name: ENGL 2332 – Literature of the Western World: Ancient to Renaissance. I got zero on this assignment because I did plagiarism. He gave me one more chance to do again. It will be a bibliographic essay. I choose Don Quixote Criticism for my assignment. Assignment introductions under this paragraph. Please […]