NUCOR Corporation in 2012

NUCOR Corporation in 2012 (20 Points) Up to 3 pages 12 Point Single Space please! 1. List and elaborate some strategic issues facing NUCOR? 2. What are the key elements of NUCOR’s low cost strategy? What factors have helped Nucor achieve a low cost position? 3. Please apply Porter’s Five Forces model to the steel […]

International Economics

International Economics Chapter 13: Problem 3a,b,c,d,f (p.339 of textbook) (International Economics: Theory and Policy, 10th edition by Krugman, Obstfeld, and Melitz) This is the Textbook. ————————————————— Explain how each of the following transactions generates two entries – a credit and a debit – in the American Balance of Payments Accounts, and describe how each entry […]

Programming Assignment

Programming Assignment For this assignment, to earn full credit you must complete the following within MS SQL Server 2014: (Completion of creating the Sample Database and couple ADDITIONAL steps) 1) Create a new database (such as COM340Database1) 2) Create a webUser account and grant it access. 3) Create a Product table. 4) Create a Stored […]


INSTRUCTIONS FOR MGT 205’s TERM PAPER (12 PTS) R15/4 Chapter 15 is entitled Effective Groups and Teams. The Term Paper will focus on the ‘real world’ application and value of two of Chapter 15’s Learning Objectives. The Learning Objectives appear at the beginning of the chapter. Chapter 15’s basic premise, a premise this instructor endorses, […]

Health Legislation/Policy

Health Legislation/Policy Health Legislation/Policy Proposal (40 points) Students will be required to identify a national, state or local healthcare issue which as an ethical or political component. Students will be asked to draft a model piece of legislation or policy de- signed to deal with this problem. Guidelines for how to write the Health Legislation […]

Term Paper

Term Paper Instructions: Students should choose one of the topics below—either the one on Hobbes with all of its sub-items (1, 2, 3 and 4) or the one on Singer with all of its sub-items (1, 2, 3 and 4). The relevant questions need to be answered in an essay format (introduction, exposition, conclusion). Standard […]

Explain the cultural dimensions proposed by Hofstede and critically evaluate their relevance and contribution to managing across cultures

Explain the cultural dimensions proposed by Hofstede and critically evaluate their relevance and contribution to managing across cultures Please do not use websites in references unless they are government sources. It is expected to draw on peer reviewed journal papers and academic texts in order to critically review what is known about the topic, based […]

The Yellow Wallpaper . Examine one of Play It as It Lays, “The Yellow Wallpaper,” “Miss Brill,” or “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” and consider how the depiction of setting contributes to one or more of the story’s key goals. Some questions to consider to spark your thinking on this topic: In what way is the setting itself a kind of character in the story? What role does this character play? How does the setting affect the characters in the story and how do the depictions of and responses to the setting reflect the characters’ perspectives, desires, struggles, etc.? Basically this question is about the world represented in the story: what is this world like, what does the story have to “say” about it, and how does it accomplish this commentary? ). Please give your essay a descriptive title, one that relates to your specific focus and argument.

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohns Disease

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohns Disease Select 2 diseases Ulcerative Colitis and Crohns Disease Compare and contrast these disorders– similarities AND differences. In your answer please include: incidence, prevalence, etiologies, prognosis, manifestations and diagnostics that will differentiate between the two disorders. Also, please compare and contrast current evidence on treatments of the diseases. For full credit, […]

The Bank of England, the way to independent

The Bank of England, the way to independent This is part of law research focus on the banking supervision, so write 2200 word with fully advanced level of academic research. focus on legal aspects and law area. Please answer these questions: – Clarify the relationship between the Bank of England, and the Prudential Regulation Authority […]

Technical Writing

Technical Writing Please read the following article about technical writing typesetting called “Real Estate: Variables” and then prepare to use it to analyze the page of an Oster toaster oven user manual: Now, use what you’ve learned from the article to analyze the design of the following Oster toaster oven manual:[2]%20Final%202%2014%2012.pdf According to […]

Strategic analysis and choice for selected organisation

Strategic analysis and choice for selected organisation (Strategic Management) Introduction This assignment requires you to choose one organisation and then undertake an analysis of the strategic capability and the environment faced by that organisation, identify the best strategic option for that organisation, and to identify the strategy formation process that the organisation utilises. The organisations […]

Technical Writing

Technical Writing It is for a forum discussion. It is not an essay. Using one or more of the research techniques listed in the textbook, discuss how you that would help you write a manual for the use of a portable X-ray machine. What information would you have to gather to determine what to write? […]

The GM Culture Crisis.

The GM Culture Crisis: What Leaders Must Learn from This Culture Case Study Instructions:- The GM culture crisisOL 342 Milestone One Guidelines and RubricThis milestone is designed to introduce the case study and begin a critical analysis applying knowledge gained within the course. This short paper assignment is the first step in your final project […]

Children (inequality in education)

Children (inequality in education) Overview you will be required to focus the discussion to include the causes of poverty specifically as it affects the United States. In this term paper you will need to select ONE population and select a topic related to that group that would be found under the poverty umbrella. Possible populations […]

Waste management

Waste management Research Paper: You work for a brokerage firm and your client is interested in investing in a specific industry and has asked you to identify an appropriate company. Their decision to invest will be based on the ethical practices of the organization. Research the given industry as it relates to ethical challenges and […]

Based on the Epic of Gilgamesh, A

Based on the Epic of Gilgamesh, A Based on the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Last Days of Socrates, and The Song of Roland, write an essay on how these works mirror the social values of their respective societies. How do the works discuss issues of right and wrong, strong and weak? What do they tell […]


Introduction It is easy to think about the present without considering the future. Consumers want more goods and services to improve their standard of living. The problem is they make choices about goods and services that have long-term consequences for the environment. In our modern world, organisations need to show responsibility. This means that they […]

2015/11/17 CS 5200 Introduction to Database Management Fall 2015 1/3 CS 5200 Introduction to Database Management Assignment #5

2015/11/17 CS 5200 Introduction to Database Management Fall 2015 1/3 CS 5200 Introduction to Database Management Assignment #5 1. For each schedule: a. Determine whether the schedule is view-serializable, conflict-serializable, recoverable, cascadeless and/or strict. Note: you must state separately whether each one of these holds. b. For each of the 5 answers in the […]

Introduction to Courts

Introduction to Courts 1. Case Summary: Use your text and the internet to research the case of Payne v. Tennessee. In a narrative format of 500 or more words, outline the case. Give the facts, issue, and court holding. 2. Case Analysis 1: In a minimum of 200 words, discuss and explain mitigating evidence, including […]


TRAILER DOOR MECHANISM ABSTRACT In 200 words (minimum) or 300 words (maximum) describe what the project is about, what you did to solve it, and the results you obtained. Also give your opinion on numerical values obtained. DESIGN OBJECTIVES Address what you are trying to design and what are the possible applications (minimum 50 words, […]

Statistics for the Social and Management Sciences

Statistics for the Social and Management Sciences Please prepare the answers to the following questions as neatly as you can. Do the work manually (no computers) and show your complete work. Of the total employees of an organization only 30% are covered for life insurance. Five employees from this organization are randomly selected. Find the […]

Retaining talent is one of the key HR issues for many organizations. Analyze possible reasons for labour turnover. Identify and explain the Advantages and Disadvantages of labour turnover for an organization.

Retaining talent is one of the key HR issues for many organizations. Analyze possible reasons for labour turnover. Identify and explain the Advantages and Disadvantages of labour turnover for an organization. Order Description Retaining talent is one of the key HR issues for many organizations. Analyze possible reasons for labour turnover. Identify and explain the […]

Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour Qualification/Programme: International Year 1 and MFP Module Name: Organisational Behaviour Start Date: International Year 1 05.10.2015 Term 1 13.6.2016 Term 4. MFP depends on centre timetable Deadline Date: w/c 23rdNovember Term 1 Presentations organise in centre w/c 1st August 2016 Term 4 Presentations organise in centre MFP when not running alongside IY1 refer […]

Global Trade Strategy for Nike and Adidas

Global Trade Strategy for Nike and Adidas Order Description Using two companies to compare and contrast, propose objectives and strategies for the companies to improve their global trade distribution activities, along with marketing mix for ONE of each company’s products or services. Place some emphasis on module topics and ensure that your work brings out […]

The Cultural context of Advertising

The Cultural context of Advertising Order Description 1. Choosing two advertisements from different epochs could be the 1950s, the 1980s, the 1940s or 1960s; the choice is yours. Whichever you decide, you might find it useful to pick advertisements which evidence a distinct contrast in terms of ideologies, ideas and social attitudes. Here, and using […]

Customer service and lead generation

Customer service and lead generation Order Description This weeks assignment will require you to think about Jim’s Gyms current customers and its potential future customers (either new or poached from the competitors). Develop a customer service plan that will help Jim’s Gyms maintain their current base of existing customers. What are some tactics you can […]

Business operations and logistics

Business operations and logistics Order Description Individual Report Compare and Contrast Two Business Operations* of your choice, identify their similarities and differences with reference to the Operations Management and Logistics theories. Need to use Microsoft Visio to produce process maps, and apply measurement tools such as the 5 operations performance objectives to support your discussion. […]