Mac opening Store in Egypt

We are going to focus on a specific segment ( young women) and offer them a specific product line which is lipsticks line. Paper Comments Only do sections 1.1-1.3, 2.3-2.6

Criminological theory

Focus on any of the sociological theories of crime/criminal behavior. Sociological theories The largest number of criminological theories have been developed through sociological inquiry. These theories have generally asserted that criminal behaviour is a normal response of biologically and psychologically normal individuals to particular kinds of social circumstances. Examples of these approaches include the theory […]

Video case study

Chapter 11-Video Case: Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain (p.411) Read the case in your text and view the short video clip below. Write an essay using the “discussion questions” presented at the end of case. Video Case Chapter 11 – Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain Reference book: Title Edition Author Publisher ISBN Principles of Operations […]

CEO of your selected organization in which you discuss your findings from your ratio calculations

Virtual Organizations Click the Virtual Organization link to access the Virtual Organizations. Select one of the Virtual Organizations as the basis for this assignment. Obtain faculty approval of your selected organization before beginning the assignment. Access the information contained in your selected organization’s balance sheet and income statement to calculate the following: •Liquidity ratios ◦Current […]

Case study

Please use this book Brunner $ SUDDARTH’S TEXTBOOK OF Medical-Surgical Nursing 13th Edition Janice L. Hinkle Kerry H. Cheever Chapter, 43, 34. one page for each case Paper Comments Please use the book that I mentioned in the paper details.

Apple Inc.

I HAVE THE BODY OF THE PAPER DONE PLEASE JUST CHOOSE A DATE FROM JANUARY 2015 AS THE DATE AND UPDATE THE MATHEMATICAL WORK. THANKS! Evaluation of Corporate Performance The Final Project will involve applying the concepts learned in class to an analysis of a company using data from its annual report. Using the concepts […]

Application of research methodologies

How to apply research methodologies to real world business scenario. Paper requires a data set that comes from either a sample set from IBM SPSS software or data collected from real world scenarios. I can provide the detailed requirements of the paper.

Operations Management in Services

Video Case: Hard Rock Café: Operations Management in Services.Chapter 1-Video Case: Hard Rock Café: Operations Management in Services (p.24)Principles of Operations Management 8th Jay Heizer, Barry Render Prentice Hall ISBN–‐10: 0136114466 ISBN–‐13: 9780136114468 Chapter 1 – Operations Management at Hard Rock Video Case Chapter 2 – Hard Rock Café’s Global Strategy Chapter 2-Video Case: Hard […]

Research on interviews

Describe the eight-step selection process. What is meant by a “reliable and valid” selection process? Explain guidelines for developing effective interview questions that respect the legal rights of the applicant. What is a weighted application form? How does it work? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of searching social media as a screening tool for applicants. […]

Power Point

a 15- to 20-minute oral presentation accompanied by 7 PowerPoint® slides describing the social, cultural, religious, and economic developments of an African kingdom or empire discussed in this course. Online Campus students must submit a 7- -slide PowerPoint® presentation with presenter’s notes

Social psychology

From the time we are born until the day we die, we are constantly interacting with the people around us. Social psychology helps us to identify different aspects of ourselves, and the environment in which we live and work. It gives us insight as to why people judge others, and how the power of persuasion […]

Health communication

I am applying for an MS in Health Communication at Northwestern University ( The personal statement should be on why I want to apply to this program- how can I benefit from this program, what can I bring to the program, why I am a good fit, what do I want to learn/walk away with. […]

Comprehensive response

Instructions: Provide a comprehensive response to the question(s) below. Be sure to draft your response in your own words (do not quote verbatim from the textbook). Assignment Question(s) Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: Compare and contrast motivations and early settlement patterns of the Chesapeake colonies and those in New England. Submission […]

International biodiversity conservation policies

‘Paying communities to manage their natural resources can effectively conserve biodiversity and provide ecosystem services’, Using Resource 1 article, critically evaluate this statement in the context of community natural resource management.’ Notes: critically assess international biodiversity conservation policies in terms of interrelated natural and social factors critically assess the concept of ‘community natural resource management’ […]

Intelligence Fundamentalls

Week 3 reading: Keithly, David. “Intelligence Fundamentals.”  In Homeland security and intelligence, edited by Logan, Keith. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2010. Blair Testimony – Ten Years After 9/11: Is Intelligence Reform Working? Part II available at

Security and integillence

Week 4 Reading: The below readings from Homeland security and intelligence, edited by Logan, Keith. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2010 can all be found at: lum, Stephanie. “The Department of Homeland Security and Intelligence: Past, Present, and Future.”  In Homeland security and intelligence, edited by Logan, Keith. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security […]

Self-reflective, educational interests

write a reaction/reflection which includes 1-2 pages of notes containing various questions, comments, ideas that have been stimulated by the week’s readings, and how it does or may relate to you (whatever your educational interest is). Please complete these in a bullet point format rather than essay. As you record your thoughts and reactions each […]

The health care industry

An introduction and conclusion are required.  An introduction should identify the key points to be discussed in the paper.  Ex:  The author will discuss. . . . . or  The highlights of this paper will include.. .  A conclusion should summarize the major points that were discussed. Headings should be used to identify the required […]

Response paper

Instruction: Please write a two-page response paper summarizing the readings for Week II.  Also include at least two questions relating to the readings and/or questions that you would like to ask the guest lecturer for that week.  These questions are designed to promote Q&A during the scheduled lecture, and to promote greater curiosity and interaction […]

Family therapy

Strategic Family Therapy utilizes the idea of paradoxical interventions or approaches that appear to work opposite a desired goal for the client, thus reducing resistance An example would be directing a family to spend less time together when the goal is for them to spend more time together. Reflecting on this week’s scripture (Romans 7:15), […]


mind gym an athletes guide to inner excellence by garymack Need a reflection for each chapter 5-16 you can title each section with the chapters. No introduction or conclustion. Just a reflection on each chapter about half a page each

Research on Fiore-Silfvast

Write paragraphs and answer those questions: -Is Fiore-Silfvast using her title, “User-Generated Warfare,” literally or figuratively? What are the implications for the rest of her argument? -What does Fiore-Silfvast mean by a “sociotechnical ensemble” and how does YouTube fit in? Why does she focus on YouTube for this article? -Finally, how does Fiore-Silfvast’s article relate […]

Government works


The movie Juno

Please write a presentation about the film. 1. Description of the population. 2. Health risk or conditions. 3. Cultural aspect of the population. 4. Film that portray your population. 5 resources available in the community


I wont find correct solution,with less price Becase i have another paper I wont to help me Please

Statistics for Counseling and Program Evaluation

The idea of statistics may be daunting for you. It is important to recognize that statistics are simply another method of communication. As counselors-in-training, you know that communication is one of your critical skill sets. As you learned the basic elements of effective communication and had your first practice session as a counselor, you likely […]