Satire in Moliere’s Tartuffe and Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal

Satire in Moliere’s Tartuffe and Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal Moliere’s Tartuffe, and Swift’s a Modest Proposal are very different types of writings, covering different subjects. Indeed, Moliere succeeds in making us laugh, while Swift’s project in political economy makes us recoil in horror. Yet both works are satiric. Write an essay on why Swift’s […]

Critically discuss how collaborative working can impact on service user experiences. (1250 words)

Critically discuss how collaborative working can impact on service user experiences. (1250 words) Answers may include the following points: – Increased knowledge of other professional roles – ability to relate them to own role – understanding of gaps and overlaps in service provision – increased ability to relate across professional boundaries . – Service user […]

“Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of Wind Farms in Ireland”

“Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of Wind Farms in Ireland” “Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of Wind Farms in Ireland” Scope : ?Include ?Effects on the environment ?Effects of construction on the landscape ?Effects of Property Prices in close proximity to wind farms ?Wild Life Disturbance ?Noise ?Employment Opportunities ?Estimated Output Power from a Wind farm ?Your own thoughts […]

Satire in Moliere’s Tartuffe and Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal

Satire in Moliere’s Tartuffe and Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal Moliere’s Tartuffe, and Swift’s a Modest Proposal are very different types of writings, covering different subjects. Indeed, Moliere succeeds in making us laugh, while Swift’s project in political economy makes us recoil in horror. Yet both works are satiric. Write an essay on why Swift’s […]

Corporate Law & Practice

Corporate Law & Practice Q (Members’ Remedies) Problem Question Colour Paints Ltd (“Paints”) is a public company of which Black, White and Brown are the directors. Each of these directors controls a 10% shareholding in Paints. No other single shareholder holds more than a 5% shareholding in the company. Paints was established some time ago […]

How can students be motivated? article critique

How can students be motivated? article critique Paper details: Article Critique Guidelines and Rubric Overview Articles are written to inform, misinform, influence, or misdirect, among other reasons. Sometimes they serve as nothing more than a vehicle for an author to achieve fame, notoriety, and wealth. You should never take at face value the elements of […]


1984 PERFORMANCE TREATMENT You are required to write one (1) performance treatment paper. This paper is to be based on the viewing of the Department of Theatre’s production of 1984. The performance treatment assignment is meant to apply things we’ve been learning in class directly to a theatrical production created by the Department of Theatre. […]

Week 9 Assignments

Week 9 Assignments 1. D2L Online Quiz 6 – Chapters 10 & 11 The quiz is an individual assignment. Students are highly encouraged to discuss concepts from the text with others, but then complete the quizzes individually. The quiz has 3 short answer questions. The quiz is timed, with 45 minutes to complete the quiz. […]

Films impact on our perception of emotional issues such as love

Films impact on our perception of emotional issues such as love souress from summon search their or u can get it from here all of the sources must be scholarly sources in the annotted in need for each source cation + summry + evalution + reflect (my opinion) please note that my essay […]

pest analysis

pest analysis Paper details: Chosen business Native American Culture Center External Factors 1. PEST Analysis: Complete a PEST analysis on the external factors that affect the company’s readiness to compete. What are the political, economic, social, and technological factors that affect the company? 2. Prioritized List: Based on the PEST analysis, create a prioritized list […]

Sustaining Employee Performance Paper

Sustaining Employee Performance Paper Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper addressing the following: – Identify two jobs within the company of your choice. – Describe the general function of performance management systems. If your assigned company does not use a performance management system, would you recommend it use one? Why or why not? – Suggest […]

Assignment 5: Scholarly Paper – Strategies for Community Health Promotion | Value 30% Due Date: Negotiable, however, it is recommended that you work through both Sections I and II, prior to completing work on this assignment.

Assignment 5: Scholarly Paper – Strategies for Community Health Promotion | Value 30% Due Date: Negotiable, however, it is recommended that you work through both Sections I and II, prior to completing work on this assignment. Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student with an opportunity to develop a health promotion […]


Islam The essay is based on readings we’ve done in class and it’s on Legal thinking in Islam. We have read selections from several legal texts: e.g. Malik’s Muwatta including “The Oath of Qasama”; Nawawi’s manual of Islam, and Sarkhasi on Zakat. Do these texts take similar or distinct approaches to deciding legal questions (i.e […]

Promotional email

Promotional email Instruction: Please we would like to know if you can develop 2 promotional emails to write about specific things. Both emails have to be 100 words each. Both have to be creative and persuasive. In the email try to attract/convince the readers to buy the product and the service. The product: Popcorn gourmet […]

Concept analysis

Concept analysis Assignment 3: Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy Overview You are required to submit a scholarly paper in which you will identify, describe, research, and apply the concepts that underlie your personal philosophy for professional nursing practice. This will help you identify your own values and beliefs about the established metaparadigms and […]

The Impact of tNursing on the 2010Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report on the Future of Nursing

The Impact of tNursing on the 2010Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report on the Future of Nursing 750-1000 words APA Format Follow rubric Review the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report: “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” focusing on the following sections: Transforming Practice, Transforming Education, and Transforming Leadership. Write a paper of 750-1,000 words […]

managing projects and programmes

managing projects and programmes conduct a literature review that critically evaluates the key approaches/methodologies and tools for organising, planning and monitoring project-based programmes in a project based-organisation or environment. Please provide relevant examples to support your arguments in your review.( You must be do you use graphics formats in clarifying some examples and also dont […]

own chilhood

own chilhood Assessment 1-(2000 words) (40%) Students will work in small groups to reflect on their own childhood and one (1) other childhood that is very different from their own. Students may choose one of the childhood case studies (available on Moodle) or they may choose to discuss the childhood of another student in their […]

Decision making process

Decision making process 1)Please Justify the ENGEL BLACKWELL MINIARD 2001 Consumer decision making process: Explain all of the stages! a)Need recognition b)Search for information (please explain what means search for information) in the context of study? my topic is emotion, consumer behavior specifically this model and traditional retaling areas and shopping center. To my teacher […]

film censorship and military war films as propaganda.

film censorship and military war films as propaganda. Utilizing only the material from the Class Reader, Part 3, the 10/22/15 class lecture, and the film, This Film Is Not Yet Rated, discuss the historical and contemporary forms of film censorship and military war films as propaganda. Synthesize and connect the information from all three aforementioned […]

Annotated Bibliography and Outline

Annotated Bibliography and Outline Order Description Details: Synthesis is the process of creating a new idea by analyzing multiple disparate concepts or notions to discern the common thematic or connecting principles among them. Synthesis of research is not a single innate skill. Rather, it is a process learned through time and practice. In this assignment, […]


buddhism Paper details: 1) Write one paragraph using the Buddhist terms anatta, anicca, dukkha, tanha, and Nirvana that explains these basic principles of Buddhism while using each term at least once. 2) FIRST, compare and contrast Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism. THEN imagine that you were born somewhere in the Buddhist world, i.e., you have no […]

Response Paper on the novel, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

Response Paper on the novel, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë Paper details: To create a response paper about the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. Norton Critical 3rd Edition PLS…… The prompt: are you satisfied with the way Jane Eyre ends? Using textual evidence, explain your position. This paper should be at least 500 words. […]

The History of The Study of Intercultural Communication

The History of The Study of Intercultural Communication (The History of The Study of Intercultural Communication) from the Book Intercultural Communication in Contexts by Judith Martin, Thomas Nakayama. (Ebook link below). Please strictly follow the steps below as a report format

Teach-back Method, Pain & HCAHPS

Teach-back Method, Pain & HCAHPS Topic of Paper: Can the implementation of a multifaceted, 4 week (28 day) pain management protocol pilot improve Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) pain scores in adult patients hospitalized in the Progressive Care Unit (PCU) at ******* Hospital compared to no pain management protocol usage? Paper […]