Development from the 16th-18th Centuries.

Pick 1 event, topic, person, or development from the 16th-18th Centuries. Then pick 1 event, topic, person, or development from the 19th-21st Centuries. Compare and contrast these 2 items. What impact did it have on the development of the world? Which would you argue had more influence on the development of the world or region? […]

the positive and negative effects that peace and war ln Nigeria

  Assess the positive and negative effects that peace and war, respectively, have on the distribution of foreign aid in the developing country that you have selected. Support your response with concrete examples of each of the results that you have cited. Analyze the specific actions that the leadership of the selected country has taken, […]

the major economic changes that would transform the United States from small, agricultural, rural society into an industrialized, urbanized power

This chapter highlights the major economic changes that would transform the United States from small, agricultural, rural society into an industrialized, urbanized power. The 1820s to the 1850s were the beginnings of an industrial revolution. The industrial revolution was caused by an increase in population, advances in transportation and communication, and technological development. Note how […]

Early Days of Baseball

  In Chapter One, you learned about the early days of baseball. In a minimum of 500 words, please answer the following questions. Per Grantham Guidelines, your assignment must be submitted properly in APA format and in a word document. Be sure you cite all of your sources, and you must show direct evidence of […]

Western Civilization

Question 1 1 pts Which of these factors did NOT contribute to the fall of the Roman Empire? agricultural decline loss of loyalty strong economy divided east from west rise of Christianity Question 21 pts Charlemagne came to power after he warred against and overthrew the Merovingians. True False Question 31 pts Compurgation in Germanic […]

Bifurcate kinship System

Bifurcate kinship System Instructions:- 1. Photographs are an important source of data because they:a. accurately capture cultural belief systems.b. capture unique events and behavior that can be used as analytical tools.c. allow the anthropologist to capture images during forbidden rituals.d. prevent ethical issues from becoming a problem for the researcher. 2. The Ju/’hoansi are best […]

The fall of the Western Roman Empire

How did the fall of the Western Roman Empire affect the future development of Europe? What were the Dark Ages and how did Europe emerge from them? Defend your answer citing several examples and how they support your thesis. Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team […]

10 cartoons on American Politics

Select 10 cartoons on American Politics (and include them in your report). Answer all the following questions (in at least two sentences) in regard each of the cartoons.  1.Describe what you see 2. What did you notice first? 3. What issue the cartoon is about? 4. What is the cartoonist’s opinion on the issue? 5. What […]

sampling strategy

For this Application, build upon the sampling strategy you described in your Discussion Assignment. You will compute the sample size and run a power analysis on your sampling strategy for your research proposal. To prepare for this Application: Review Chapter 8 in the Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias book. Review the sampling strategy for your research proposal […]

Speech Recognition Systems

Speech Recognition Systems In the context of speech recognition systems, research about the difference between speaker dependent/speaker independent systems and at least three examples of each. Write your investigation and reflection on these systems in an essay.

Forecasting and variables assessment of hydrological model based on remotely sensed evaporation algorithms in arid environments

Forecasting and variables assessment of hydrological model based on remotely sensed evaporation algorithms in arid environments Order Description Evaporation, Evapotranspiration, Climate change, Spatial variation, Water Management, Arid Lands, Trends Climate change and variability is receiving much attention recently. Changes in the world temperature and other natural phenomenon such as rainfall variability are being considered as […]

Ante-Nicene versus Current Christian Worship

Order Description The paper will have 5- sections 1.) Introduction, 2.) Description of Ante-Nicene Worship, 3.)Comparison of Ante-Nicene Worship to Current Worship Practices.4.)Suggested Changes to Worship practices, and 5.) Conclusion Must use Turabian Style with a 12 – point Font double-spaced. in own words, use quotation and footnotes sparingly, must have a Cover Page and […]

Changing for Success Order Description The planning for the community building session is almost complete. The last details are how to conduct the plenary sessions for sharing information across groups to develop key priorities and themes that will need to be addressed. There are 2 sessions that need to be planned. One is to review […]

Current Dominant Trends in Automotive Design Engineering

Current Dominant Trends in Automotive Design Engineering Title of Case Study #3: “The Current Dominant Trends in Automotive Design Engineering Related to the Development of Driverless (self-driving) Motor Vehicles” Assigned October 10, 2015 Due:November 4, 2015 (The full CS #3 related required paperwork submission is due in the beginning of the class.) Hint: Please perform […]

SOCIAL MOVEMENT IN DIGITAL SPACE: How Twitter Gives Individuals in Egypt the Social Power to Mobilise, Organise, Share Ideas and News during the Arab Spring

SOCIAL MOVEMENT IN DIGITAL SPACE: How Twitter Gives Individuals in Egypt the Social Power to Mobilise, Organise, Share Ideas and News during the Arab Spring Order Description What is the work ? • write a chapter of dissertation arond 4900 words. • Chapter should be fully referenced, preferably using the Harvard style, e.g. (Hall, 1992: […]

The older police workforce within the UK face growing challenges within the current policing environment. Discuss

The older police workforce within the UK face growing challenges within the current policing environment. Discuss Order Description This assessment will require the writer to examine and compare policing reforms and policy in order to identify key trends in relation to the structure, organisation, accountability and delivery of policing within Britain. The sources needed for […]

Public Relations (PR)

Public Relations (PR) What do you believe to be the most promising profession in the communication field today? Why? Make sure no plagiarism, i will upload the paper to turnitin to check.

Public Relations (PR)

Public Relations (PR) What do you believe to be the most promising profession in the communication field today? Why? Make sure no plagiarism, i will upload the paper to turnitin to check.


BUSINESS LAW The Pet Shop owner is planning to open a new store in Cupertino. However, he has become concerned about implied warranties under the Uniform Commercial Code (since liability is a major concern for businesses in California). The Shop owner has come to you for advice how to protect his store from implied warranty […]

Marketing Presentation

Marketing Presentation Your task For a brand of your choice but not Coca-Cola, Nissan Leaf, Red Bull or any coffee shops you are to give a ten minute presentation describing • The customer needs the product/service meets • How it is differentiated from its competitors • The market segments it targets • How it is […]

The Introduction to Psychology Project

The Introduction to Psychology Project For this assignment you will apply psychological principles or use psychological knowledge to make a change or to solve a problem. This could be a personal issue – improve your memory, stop procrastinating, lose weight, gain weight, overcome your fear of public speaking, improve your relationship with a sibling, etc., […]

American History

American History The only 2 books (sources) that must be used are: 1-Johnson, Reading the American Past: Volume 1: To 1877: Selected Historical Documents. ONLY CHAPTERS 6 – 10 2- Gastil and Harris, Connecting California: Selections in Early American History, Volume I. ONLY SECTION IV PROMPT: In the journal you will write observations and reflections […]

personal statement

personal statement The guidelines for the personal statement: Statement of Interest: Your statement of interest plays an important role in helping our faculty consider your application for graduate study. The following prompt is designed to help you but is not an exhaustive list of information you should include in your statement. ? Tell us why […]


THE MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENT 7BSP 1248 Assignment 1: Brief and guidance – the environment of an organisation As a team critically assess the environment of an organisation using a PEST analysis, presenting your findings to the class (20%); then write an individual critical reflection on your approach to Assertiveness within your presentation team (30%); fully integrating […]

which volatility measure performa well for intraday traders?

which volatility measure performa well for intraday traders? Paper details: the lecturer gave us question and she asked from us to narrow this question to create specific question , so we choose for our proposal this question ” which volatility measure Performa well for intraday traders?” but the original question which she gave us is […]


Instructions From Software Engineering Modern Approaches, answer the following questions: Complete Exercises 1 and 4 from Exercises 10.11 on page 244. Complete Exercises 1 and 2 from Exercises 11.15 on page 275. Complete Exercises 2 and 3 from Exercises 12.16 on page 329. From Introduction to the Design & Analysis of Algorithms, answer the following […]

Corporate Law & Practice

Corporate Law & Practice Q (Members’ Remedies) Problem Question Colour Paints Ltd (“Paints”) is a public company of which Black, White and Brown are the directors. Each of these directors controls a 10% shareholding in Paints. No other single shareholder holds more than a 5% shareholding in the company. Paints was established some time ago […]